Psychic Enchantress

Chapter 45. Xayla

Mason’s POV

“I’m sorry but we have no time for pleasantries. Long story short, we all miss you.” Gran hastily said. “Xayla, you have the power to defeat Davilla.”

Xayla turned her gaze away from me and unto her shell of a body in front of her.

“How Gran?” She inquired sadly. “I’m so tired.”

“I’m afraid you only have a couple hours left. If you don’t defeat her by midnight, i’m afraid we have no choice but to kill Davilla because by then, you will no longer exist. You’re almost into the spirit realm.” Gran quickly explained.

“How do I defeat her?” Xayla asked. “She’s so powerful.”

“You see Xayla, you’re just as powerful. Its just that you haven’t quite gotten the hang of your powers as yet.” Gran whispered.

Xayla seemed as though she was thinking about what her grandmother said.

“You’re just as strong as her Xayla. You just have to call upon your spirit guides to help you. Tell them what you need and they will give it to you.” Kalina finally spoke.

“Kalina?” Xayla sighed with a sad smile. “What do I need exactly?”

“First, you will ask them to put a barrier around your thoughts from Davilla, then you will ask them for strength.” Gran paused.

“Then?” Xayla pushed.

“Then, you will ask of them to bring forth the help of good witches all around and with their power and yours, you can defeat her. Seeing the state your in. You need help. If you succeed before Davilla wakes up from her sleep, she will flee from your body.” Gran further explained.

“How long until Davilla wakes?” Xayla inquired.

“Up until midnight.” Gran replied sadly.

“What-what happens if she doesn’t succeed?” I finally managed to speak.

Xayla turned to look at me with pure sadness in her eyes. I just wanted to reach over and comfort her.

“If she doesn’t succeed, i’m afraid that this is the last time we’re ever going to see her.” Gran sighed.

Xayla glided to the spot in front of me. Her face was inches away from mine.

Her ghostly appearance seemed to be fading before my eyes.

“What’s happening to her!” I panicked.

“The potion is wearing off.” Kalina replied.

“I love you Mason.” Xayla’s voice faded with each word and so did her body.

“I lov-!” I broke. She was already gone. And I never got the chance to tell her I loved her or even say much to her.

“Xayla.” My voice broke.

“Don’t worry Mason, she can do this.” Kalina rubbed my back in a comforting way.

I walked out the room and into Xayla’s room, leaving Kalina, Gran and Davilla in the basement.

Xayla’s POV

Its been hell being trapped inside my own body for months upon months. Not being in control of body is like you’re paralized beyond measure. You wanna move your leg but you can’t. I know physically, my body is moving around because I can see it but I can’t quite feel it. Davilla has been in control of it ever since that night.

I saw her kill those people with my hands. I witnessed the death of my best friend, Shira. I’m still in pain but its like i’m numb to it right now. I’m crying inside but its like the tears aren’t flowing perse. I feel the darkness that radiates of Davilla’s soul and its so bad, its like am suffocating in it. That darkness drew almost all of my energy. I just feel like going to sleep but I know if I do, I’ll never wake up again. So I’ve been keeping myself awake for those months. I don’t know how I did it but I did. While Davilla got her sleep, I stayed up trying to find a way to get out and usually she would come into my mind and warn me if I continue, she’ll kill my loved ones. That’s what happened. That’s why she killed Shira. Its all my fault.

Now she has Jake trapped in that god forsaken basement. He hasn’t eaten in a week since she kidnapped him. He looks so pale and tiresome. Its like he’s on the brink of death but I know he’s just really dehydrated and hungry.

Gran told me I have until midnight. Judging by how dark it is, I would say its probably around 6pm.

Okay I’ve got to give this a try.

All I have to do is contact my spirit guides.

You can do this Xayla. You’ve done it before and you can do it again.

Just remember what Maria taught you. Well its kind of different because i’m calling the witches for help, not psychics.

Okay let’s give it a try.

Clear your mind Xayla.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

“Spirit guides. I ask of you for protection. I ask that high vibrational engergies be allowed through now or ever. I ask of you to put a barrier around my thoughts from all things evil.”

I felt a rush throughout my body. It surprised me because I haven’t felt anything ever since Davilla took my body over. Also, knowing that i’m doing all this in my mind, its equally surprising.

"Spirit guides I now ask of you for strength. Spiritual strength.”

I didn’t feel a thing so I tried again.

"Spirit guides, I ask of you for strength, for I have a task to complete. Please.”

I felt a wave of energy fill deep within me and I never felt more I alive than I do now.

"Thank you spirit guides!” I grinned.

"Okay so now I need your help. Bring all the spirits of good witches to me here in this place. Let them know its for good and only good.”

I waited for a change but I felt nothing.

"Hello, you called me?” A female voice called out.

I open my eyes to see a lady standing before me. Not one but more than five. More began appearing before my eyes. I even saw Gran.

I look at all the witches that stood before me.

"Thank you spirit guides.” I closed my eyes and whisper.

"What seems to be the issue young one why you called upon us?” A redheaded lady questioned, concern stretched across her face.

Gran came a bit closer so that she was now standing beside me.

"My granddaughter needs our help. Davilla has taken control of her body.” Gran explained briefly.

Responding gasps greeted us.

"Your granddaughter...” A black haired lady stepped forward. "She is a psyhic enchantress?” I recognized her accent to be russian.

"Yes I am.” I replied confidently. I felt this power flowing through my body. I didn’t feel so scared as before. I felt like I was in control and I had the power to defeat Davilla. The witches being here had some sort of impact on me.

The Russian lady gasped and so did a few of the other witches.

"We haven’t had one of those in decades!” The redheaded lady gasped.

"What’s this you say about Davilla taking over the young one’s body?” The Russian lady inquired.

"Davilla returned the minute she found out that Xayla is the new Psychic Enchantress. She has the motive to vanish Xayla, my granddaughter’s, spirit from her body. She has so far killed multiple innocent lives and she must be stopped.” Gran explained, looking at each and every one of them in their eyes.

"Davilla must be stopped at once!” The Russian lady exclaimed.

The witches all shouted their opinions about Davilla and trust me, there was not a single positive note in any of them.

"Quiet!” Gran shouted and the banter died down. “We must find a way to help Xayla stop Davilla.”

"We take orders from you Ms Xayla. Whatever you ask of, we shall grant.” The redheaded bowed her head and so did the other witches. Even Gran.

I was a bit confused as to why they were bowing their heads at me.

Gran seemed to have heard my thoughts. "You are the most powerful witch alive. We are at your service whenever you need our help.”


I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. The witches raised there head at the sound and looked at me questionably.

"Davilla has taken control of my body and I need your help to defeat her. For I am still an amateur if you may call it so.” I gave giggle at the end.

Some of the witches chuckled a bit while others gave a kind smile.

"What are your orders?” Gran asked of me.

"I want Davilla banished from my body and killed immediately!” I announce.

"We shall do just that.” The Russian lady smiled with determination in her eyes.

The witches began to form a circle, joining hands. I took Gran’s hands and the redheaded lady’s own.

"Spirit guides, we call upon you!” Gran called out, with her head positioned heavenward.

"May the power be unleashed in Xayla’s body and soul!” The Russian lady belted.

"May she be overwhelmed with the power that was given to her by you!” Another witch belted. She sounded a bit italian.

"May she have that power and confidence to banish Davilla from her body!” The redheaded hollered.

"May she...may she...may she....!” The witches chanted aloud.

I felt a wave of power come within me. Not like the one before but this one was very much stronger.

I looked down at my ghostly figure and saw that I was glowing the brightest shade of purple.

I turned my gaze to the witches and they were all looking at me with awe.

"Its up you now young one. We have unleashed the power that was given to you. You may use it.” The Russian lady smiled.

"Come back to me soon Xayla. The clock is ticking.” Gran squeezed my hand and with that she and the other witches faded away.

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