Psychic Enchantress

Chapter 47. Surprise Surprise

Xayla’s POV

Its been two months since I awoken from that dreaded state.

All in that time, a lot has happened.

I did my finals and I felt pretty good about it. Since I now have a photographic memory, I quickly remembered all that I scanned through.

Mason and I both got into Harvard so that’s even better. He’s going to study biochemistry while I’ll be doing psychology.

Jake was hospitized for a few days. He was still traumatized by everything so Kalina and I decided to brainwash him. I also went ahead and brainwash my friends as well leaving out a few occurrences.

Knock knock.

I heard someone at my door.

“Come in!” I called to whoever. I was sitting on my bed, painting my toes soft pink.

“Why aren’t you ready?” The person asked me in a motherly tone.

I look up to see my best friend, Shira alive and well scowling at me.

Yes. You heard me right.

Shira Compton is alive.

Gran had her body in a large freezer and the reason for that was for me to bring her back.

"You can bring her back Xayla.” Gran said to me.

We were standing in the basement where we had Shira in the freezer. I didn’t even think I could see her lifeless body until now.

"Wh-what do you mean?” I stuttered.

"If someone is killed by a psychic enchantress, only a psychic enchantress can bring that person back to life.” Gran explained with a smile.

"Wait what?” I was a bit baffled by this. Excited as well but I don’t even know if I can bring Shira back to life. ”How do I do it?”

I mean its worth the try.

"I’ll teach you.” Gran consoled me.

"Okay.” I sighed.

“Can’t a girl do her nails in peace?” I complained to my best friend.

“Xayla, we’re suppose to meet everyone at school fifteen minutes ago.” She protested.

“Why are we meeting there anyway, its not like we have to be at school. We only have a couple days left until prom and graduation.” I complained.

“Xayla, we agreed on this already. And I told you I had to pick up Jake because his car is at the garage.” She explained.

“Why can’t he take the bus?” I replied, slipping on my sandals careful not to smudge my pedicure.

“Xayla.” Shira sighed.

“Okay sorry. I’m ready now.” I smiled and went over to give her a small hug. “Geez you’re so impatient.”

“Are you really wearing that?” Shira furrowed her eyebrows shooting arrowings at my outfit.

I was wearing a floral romper and my sandals.

“What, its pretty hot outside.” I whined.

“Its six in the evening. Its not hot, trust me.” She replied.

“Whatever, let’s go.” She dragged my hand.

“Woah there careful I just did my toes!” I alarmed her.

She scoffed at me and rolled her eyes.

Twenty minutes later, we pulled up in Jake’s driveway and his car was perfectly fine parked in his driveway.

“Shira you lied. His car is perfectly fine!” I grunted.

She didn’t reply to me but just got out her car and walked inside the house, leaving me outside in her car.


Two minutes. Three minutes. Four.

What’s taking them so long?

I bet they probably have each others tongue down their throat.

With a loud sigh, I got out the car and walked towards the front door.

I stepped inside and there was absolutely no sign of Jake or Shira. It was weirdly quiet as well.

“Shira!” I called out.

No answer.

I walk towards the kitchen but I didn’t see anyone there.

I walk to the back porch since the living and kitchen room were empty.

I opened the slide door and..


I flinched backwards nearly falling on my bum.

“Wh-what?” I asked my friends

I look around the yard and I saw Chloe, Evan, Cynthia, Theo, Jake and of course my gorgeous boyfriend, Mason. I also saw some other people from school who I knew. They decorated the back yard with Christmas lights, balloons, and in the far corner I saw a huge chocolate cake.

Mason walked up to me sporting a huge grin.

“Happy birthday Xayla.” He kissed my forehead before wiping my cheek. I didn’t even know I was crying.

“I thought you were in California.” I gazed up at him. He told me that he wouldn’t be even here for my birthday and he would make it up to me tomorrow.

“Do you really think I would miss seeing you on your birthday? Who does that?” He laughed.

“Happy birthday Xayla!” Chloe pushed Mason aside and hugged me. I could see his face twist in annoyance.

“Thanks Chloe.” I smiled at her.

“Happy birthday Xayla.” Chloe’s boyfriend, Theo gave me a small smile.

“Happy birthday Ellie.” Jake came around and gave me a hug.

“You know you don’t have to call me that again right?” I said in his ear.

“Yeah i know but I want to.” He smirked at me.

“Happy birthday Xayla.” Cynthia and Evan walked up to me and greeted me with a hug.

“Thanks guys. Thank you all for this. I really didn’t expect it at all. This was really a surprise.” I said to all of my friends.

“Now let’s get you changed. You can wear your birthday present that I have for you.” Shira pulled me inside the house but not before I could see Mason blowing a kiss my way.

“Shira did you plan all this?” I asked Shira once we were inside.

“No actually. It was Mason’s idea and I did the planning.” She grinned.

I followed her upstairs in a room that I recognized to be Jake’s.

She let go of my hand and walked towards the dresser. In her hand was a bag.

“Happy birthday.” She grinned handing me the bag.

I took a whatever that was in the bag. First I took out black heels and then a red dress with the back cut deep.

“Its so revealing.” I whined.

“A thank you would be nice and you’re 19 years old. You’re the oldest out of us all. Act like it.” She scolded me.

“I’m the oldest by only a year. Not much of a deal.” I sighed before taking the dress in the en suit.

I stripped quickly and slipped on the dress. It hugged my body as if it were made for me. I hand combed my hair and let it rest lightly on my shoulders.

I walked out the room and was greeted with a holler from Shira.

“Hot damn. I doubt Mason’s gonna want to keep his hands off you tonight.” She grinned.

“Yeah.” I smiled shyly.

“Wait, don’t tell me you still haven’t had s-

“Don’t go there Shira.” I warned her.

“What are you waiting for?” She inquired.

“Nothing. I love him and I see myself with him for a long time but i’m just waiting for the perfect time.” I explained.

“Its going to be perfect because its with someone you love Xay.” She smiled.

I sighed and slipped on my new heels. I guess I wasted my time painting my nails. Now their ruined.

“Let me do your makeup.” Shira offered.

I didn’t complain with her because I knew she would stop debating on it.

Thirty minutes later I was standing at the entrance to the door of the back yard. I could see some people in the pool already. Guess they’re not wasting any time.

The music was very loud and everyone was having fun, no one saw me as yet. I took one step out and I immediately felt someone’s eyes on me.

I looked to my right and there I saw Mason gazing at me with lust in his eyes. I felt my body get heated under his gaze.

He walked over to me and immediately capture me with a passionate kiss. My tongue danced with his as I reached up and wrapped my hands around his neck. I felt his hands drift to my bare back as he caressed it. That sent shock waves right throughout my body.

I broke the kiss and held his eyes with mine.

“You are so beautiful.” His lips moved.

I gave him a shy smile. After seven months being with him, he still made my body weak to the bone with simple statements like that.

We went ahead and join the others. We danced and drank alcohol the entire night. I didn’t get drunk but Chloe and Cynthia did. Their boyfriends took them home and so did mine. I thanked everyone for their gifts before they left.

Mason took me to his place as he said my present was there.

His parents weren’t home and his siblings were at their grandparents.

“Come with me.” He said to me.

I followed him into his bedroom where I took my seat on the edge of his bed. He walked over to his dresser and took out a small black velvet box.

I took my shoes off and flexed them while he walked over to where I was.

Before I know it, he was on his knee in front of me.

“Wh-what are you doing?” I questioned him my heart starting to beat out of my chest.

“I’m not proposing Xayla, if that’s what you think.” He chuckled.

“Oh.” I sighed.

“At least not yet.” He whispered as he held out the box in front of me. He opened it and there was a ring with an amethyst diamond placed in the center. It looked extremely expensive.

“This is a promise from me to you that one day, I will be on this knee right here, asking you to be my wife. This is a symbol of the love I have for you Xayla.” He placed the ring on my left ring finger, while saying.

“Its beautiful Mason.” I cried happy tears. “But it looks expensive. I can’t take it.” I sighed.

“Xayla, I want to give you the world and this is me holding back. Please accept my gift.” He pouts.

He took the ring off my finger and before I could complain he said, “Look on the band.”

I look and right there engraved, is both our initials.

I took the ring from him and put it back on my finger.

“Thank you Mason.” I grinned before pulling him Into a kiss.

It started of soft yet passionate but intensified by the minute. I ran my hands on his chest and he let out a soft moan. He shift his lips from mine and unto my neck. That’s when I let out a moan of my own. My body felt so heated under his touch.

I wanted more.

I bring his face back up to mine where I put my lips on his.

Touch me Mason.

I sent those words into his mind.

He heard as I had expected and his hands drifted down to my leg and up to my thigh.


I begun to undu his button on his shirt and when I was through, I threw it over his head.

“Are you sure about this?” I heard him ask in his mind.

I’ve never been more sure about anything.

I replied.

He slipped off my red dress revealing my lace bra and undies, thanks to Shira again.

“Xayla, you are so sexy." Mason moans as he kisses my neck.

That night, I lost my purity to the boy I love.

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