Psychic Enchantress

Chapter 42. Plan

Kalina’s POV

“Where is Xayla?” I commanded an answer from Davilla.

I could sense that Xayla wasn’t herself anymore from the minute she tried to kill Mason. She’s been talking about him constantly and I knew for a fact that she loved him and she would never hurt him in any way possible. He was still laying on the ground, completely passed out. Gran had rush to his side to check his vitals to see if he was still alive. Her expression had a look of relief on it so I took it as a good sign. I could care less about Mikaela because she’s been a bitch to Xayla for quite some time. Gran checked her pulse as well and I guess she’s still alive too since Gran was now facing Davilla with a clear mind. I could tell because i’m Psychic. I figure Xayla mentioned that already. I’m surprised she even gave me an input in her story. I always figured she would ask Mason or Shira or one of her other friends from school.

Anyways, I regained my focus to matter at hand.

“Answer me.” I commanded once more.

Davilla looked at me with a devilish grin. She was definitely not Xayla anymore. Davilla may look like Xayla but Xayla’s soul is long gone. I was getting really scared because there is a possibility that Xayla will be gone forever. Well, its not a possibility. Its a sure fact. Gran had made it clear that if Davilla ever got the chance to get into Xayla’s body shell, she will be in control. Also, knowing that Xayla herself is still an amature to the whole witchcraft thing, there is no way in earth she could possibly save herself.

"Xayla is, well, dead." Davilla replied, her eyes glistening with joy. ”I’m in control of her body now."

Gran walked over to where Davilla stood and scrutinized her from head to toe.

“Xayla is still in there somewhere and we both know it.” Gran affirmed.

Davilla’s hard features soften for a fracture of a second and narrowed her eyes at Gran.

Gran rose from the ground, her feet on nothing but air. She started to claw at her throat as if trying to remove something from her neck. Its as if she couldn’t breathe.

“Let her go Davilla!” I screamed.

“Fine. I’ll let her go.” She replied boredly.

Gran’s body flew through the air and unto the front porch. She did her best in getting up and attacked Davilla but Davilla missed her attack by just disappearing in thin air. I looked around the yard frantically for her but no sign.

I heard a groan behind me and I looked to see Mason trying to get up.

“Hey there, I don’t think you should move as yet. You probably have a concussion.” I warned.

He ignored my words and got up anyways, looking around frantically.

“Xayla” he whispered.

“Let’s go inside.” I instructed.

Gran used her telekinetic energy to lift Mikaela off the ground and into the house.

“I’m going to erase her memory the minute she gets up. I can’t have her running around telling anyone about what just happened.” Gran told us.

“Where is Xayla?” Mason’s voice boomed.

I looked at him unsure of what to say. He seemed to have read my expression as bad news and he stormed out the room. Probably went into the kitchen.

“Gran what are we going to do about Davilla?” I asked the question that everyone had on their mind.

“We can’t do anything, i’m afraid. ” she said sadly. “The only thing left to do is kill her to prevent her from hurting anyone.”

“What!” Mason’s voice echoed. “You can’t be serious.” I could’ve sworn he was in the kitchen.

“I am serious, child.” Gran replied calmly.

“She’s your granddaughter!” Mason roared.

“My granddaughter is already dead!” Gran snapped. “Davilla is the one walking around in her body now. We can’t do anything but kill her.”

A number of expressions flashed across Mason’s face. He looked hurt, angry and determined.

“Xayla is somewhere in the there. Its like that time she was trapped in her own mind.” Mason prodded. “All she needs to do is find a way to get out and take control of her own body.”

Gran seemed as if she was relishing what he had just said. I was a bit surprised at how much what Mason said made sense.

“He’s right Gran.” I stated.

She looked up at me with a sad look on her face.

“You may have a point.” She begun. “Maybe she is trapped but Davilla is so powerful she can keep her locked in forever.”

“Didn’t you say Xayla and Davilla has the same power?” Mason inquired.

“Yes I did.” Gran answered. “What’s your point?”

“If Xayla has the same power as Davilla, there is a possibility that she’s able to defeat Davilla.” Mason concluded.

We all pondered on that thought for a while. Mason was right. If Xayla and Davilla carried the same amount of energy, there is a possibility that she will be able to save herself and banish Davilla from her body. If Xayla has the power like the amount Davilla has, she’s the only one able to kill her.

“Xayla can save herself but she’s still an amature to this whole witchcraft thing.” I pondered. “We have to find a way to help her.”

“We have to trap Davilla here, in the basement preferably.” Gran announced.

“So she won’t be able to hurt anyone.” I finished.

“And we can help her.” Mason added. “Wait, how are we going to help her?”

Gran thought over what he just asked for a while.

“I’m not sure but let’s focus on getting her here first.” She told us. “Before she decides to hurt anybody. Before she attacks anyone of us or Xayla’s loved ones. ”

“Wait, why would she hurt any of us?” Mason baffled.

“Davilla has to kill everyone and anyone who meant or means something to Xayla so she can have her vulnerable. With that, she will be able to get rid of her completely and take full control of her body.” Gran explained.

“The more Davilla gets closer at taking over Xayla’s body, Xayla’s body will change and start to resemble how Davilla looked. ” she added.

“How does Davilla look?” Mason asked.

“She has dark brooding black eyes and purple hair with pale skin. ” I answered quietly.

Mason just stared at me.

I could sense he was in a lot of pain. Partly because of the whole losing Xayla and partly because of the hit he got on his head earlier.

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