Psychic Enchantress

Chapter 41. Date Gone Wrong

Mason got my car repainted like he had promised to cover up the damage Mikaela had done. I haven’t seen her since and i’m getting suspicious by that by the minute.

Putting that aside for now, Mason and I had our first date tonight. I didn’t have a clue to where we were going so I just did my best to look good.

I wore a black dress with black heels. I curled my hair and did a smokey look for my face that made my eyes pop.

“Wow.” Mason breathed.

“How do I look?” I smiled.

“You look, gorgeous.” He kissed me.

“Thank you” I replied. “So where are we going?”

“I told you already that its a surprise.” He grinned.

“Yeah I know but its worth asking. I really hate surprises. It makes me too anxious.” I sighed.

“Let’s go, my lady.” He said with a fake accent.

I giggled in response and took his arm he had held out.

I couldn’t recognize the area where we were so I couldn’t even guess as to where he was taking me.

We drove up to this white building around twenty minutes later.

“Ummm who’s house is this?” I questioned, admiring the house.

“Its mine.” He stated.

“Wait, you own your own house?” I baffled.

“Is that hard to believe?” He giggled.

“Umm yes.” I replied.

“Well it was my grandparents but they left it for me as an eighteenth birthday present ” he explained.

“Its beautiful.” I replied, admiring the house.

He opened the door, allowing me to go in first.

I looked around the house in amazement. A chandelier was above me in the ceiling and I had a slight panic attack that it would fall on me.

“You coming?” Mason asked ahead of me.

I followed him to the back of the house where the patio was. Well it hardly looked like a patio because he had decorated it with Christmas lights and white petals roses on the ground that led to a table for two.

“Its beautiful Mason.” I grinned.

He gave me a smile in response.

Mason drew the chair and allowed me to sit before taking his own.

He removed cloche to reveal the food that was under it. I was greeted by the smell of roast beef with mashed potatoes.

“Mason did you cook?” I asked surprised.

“Yes.” He replied shyly. “Well, I wanted to impress you.”

“You don’t have to impress me Mason. You make me happy by just being here with me.” I said, gazing into his eyes.

He gave me a peck on the lips then allowed me to eat.

It surprisingly tasted real good. Not that I didn’t expect that it would but its Mason for crying out loud.

We ate in silence and when we were finished, he went and retrieve the dessert from the kitchen. It happened to be my favorite.

One word. Cheesecake.

The minute he placed it on the table, I dug in.

“Woah there tiger, take your time.” He laughed.

“You know how much I love cheesecake.” I grinned.

“Yes I do.” He smiled.

“Did you make it too?” I questioned.

“I can cook but I can’t bake.” He laughed, running his hand through his hair.

I had just put in a fork full cheesecake in my mouth when I realized Mason was staring at me.

“What?” I asked, with my mouth full. Bad manners Xayla.

“Nothing. You’re just, really beautiful.” He smiled.

“Okay creeper.” I laughed and mutter after I swallowed.

He and I quickly finished our dessert in peaceful silence.

Mason got up and went inside for something.

Music began to play, making the night even more peaceful. It was the composition I played for Mason.

My Love.

“May I have this dance?” He asked, holding his hand out.

I took it willingly and we began to sway with the music.

I rested my head against his chest and I heard the beating of his heart.

“Xayla.” He whispered.

I looked up at him, questionably. He seemed much taller when I stood so close to him so I had to crane my head backwards.

“What is it?” I asked. I was getting nervous by the minute. I could feel the rhythm of his heart increase under my hand.

“I’m trying to tell you something but I never thought it would be this hard.” He sighed. “Okay, listen.”

“You brought me sunshine when I only saw rain. You brought me laughter when I only felt pain.” He paused, holding my eyes with his.

“We both have scars and memories that cannot be erased. But together we are stronger. In your hands my heart has been placed.”

“You are an amazing person and without you i don’t know where I’d be. Having you in my life, completed and fulfills every part of me.”

“What i’m trying to say, what I’ve been trying to say is that Xayla...” He paused once more making antsy by the minute.

“I love you.” He breathed.

I felt a tear escape my eye.

Okay that’s a joke but it really touched me.

“I love you too Mason.” I confessed. I spoke to Shira about the feelings I had for Mason but I was confused to how I really felt. Now I know.

Mason pressed his lips against mine and we kissed slowly and passionately with the music still playing in the background.

He brought me home after we went inside and watched my favorite animated show. Minions. I know, not romantic.

We were saying goodbye on my front porch when an unexpected visitor drove up on my lawn.

“Mason, baby i’m here.” Mikaela stepped out her car.

“What the fu..” I heard Mason mutter beside me.

“I’m here Mason. I know we’ve been through our hard times but I forgive you for breaking up with me for that slut.” Mikaela cried, walking up to the porch.

“Leave Mikaela.” Mason told her, annoyed.

She was now standing in front of him while I stood behind watching what was going on. “Baby we can work this out. You know we can.”

She raised her hand to touch his face but he grabbed it before she could. “I don’t want you Mikaela. I actually despise you.” He told her.

She withdrew her hand from his hold and looked at me scowling.

“Its her isn’t it.” She hissed.

“Yes it is. Now leave before I throw you in your car myself.” He threatened.

She raised her again to touch his face again and that’s when I snapped.

"You have the nerve to show up at my house, drive your bitchmobile on my lawn and disrespect me by flaunting yourself on my boyfriend!” I snapped. ”Not to mention keying my car!”

She stood there staring at me with her mouth hanging open at my outburst.

The next thing that happened I was not expecting.

She slapped me. For the second time.

I held my cheek trying to soothe the stinging pain I felt.

I turned to look at her slowly.

She had most definitely crossed the line.

I raised my hand towards her and she flew backwards and hit the side of Mason’s car. I walked up to her feeble body as she got up.

"Mikaela Mikaela Mikaela.” I hissed. ”You shouldn’t have done that."

I raised my hand once more and she levitated in the air with her hands clawing at her throat, struggling to breathe.

“Xayla stop!” Mason shouted.

“What’s happeni...oh my God Xayla!” I heard Kalina screamed. “Gran!”

I was most definitely enjoyed seeing Mikaela weak and powerless. I’m never letting her go.

I twist my hand slightly in the attempt to strangle her more.

“Xayla let her go!” I heard Gran screamed.

I laughed out loud at them. They should be greatful i’m doing this. “Fine.”

I shift my hand to the right making Mikaela hit her car with a thud and with that she knocked right out.

I sensed someone behind me and I turned around and grabbed whoever by the neck.

“Xayla, its me.” Mason cried.

That made me laugh even more.

"My name is not Xayla." I hissed.

I lifted him off the ground by his neck and threw him against his car, knocking him out.

"My name is Davilla." I grinned.

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