Psychic Enchantress

Chapter 40. Surprise

Gran came by as promised and taught me a bunch of stuff like casting spells. She also told me that I was very powerful because i’m part witch and part psychic. But during that time, I saw the purple haired lady again. She was standing right behind gran, glaring at me.

“Gran, Davilla.” I whispered to her.

“I know. I can sense her.” Gran replied calmly.

Gran turned around slowly to face Davilla. “What are you doing here Davilla?”

Davilla cocked her head to the right and looked at Gran then at me. Now seeing her up close, I realized that her eyes were jet black instead of purple. Her hair was the shade of purple instead, that fell to her waist. Even though she looked extremely creepy, she was still beautiful.

"I want her." Davilla gritted through her teeth. Her voice had this high pitch to it that made me shiver.

“You can’t have her.” Gran stood up to face her. Davilla was much taller than gran but gran had the power.

"I will have her soon enough. The minute she slips and gets upset...” She trailed. ”Bye bye to Xayla."

“That will never happen!” I screamed at her.

Davilla walked over, well more like glided over to where I stood so fast I had to take an immediate step back.

"We all get angry at one point Xayla.” She hissed. ”You don’t serve to have this power. It belongs to me!"

She stood there hovering over me. She was very much taller than me so I felt intimidated.

Then I remembered that she’s just a ghostly figure. She has no power, I do.

I smirked at her. “We’ll see about that Davilla." I said sweetly.

Her face then contorted with disgust and anger. She glided back over to where Gran stood and looked down at her before disappearing.

I breathed out letting the air that I never realize I was keeping in.

“Gran how do we get rid of her?” I questioned, getting panicky. “There must be a potion some where in this book.”

I picked up the book and flipped through the pages searching.

“There is no way. Not when she’s translucent like that.” Gran replied, sadly.

I looked up at her and shook my head. “There has to be a way.”

I got up and walked out the door. It was the last day of school today for winter break. We didn’t have any classes though. Well not important ones. Ever since I became an enchantress, its like my intelligence level went straight up the ladder. I started passing all my subjects. Well not that I wasn’t before but I started to do even better in Calculus. At first the teacher thought that I was cheating but I proved it to him that I wasn’t.

The gang and I decided to have a movie night at Jake’s house. Jake apologized to Mason but they weren’t on any speaking terms. Mason didn’t like the idea of even going to his house. He wanted to watch the movie at his house instead. That way, he could ban Jake from entering his house. I rolled my eyes at the thought. In the end, we decided to have it at Jake’s house.

I pulled up to his crib and I saw everyone’s car parked on the curb and in Jake’s driveway.

I knocked on the door and waited impatiently. I could hear the commotion going on inside.

Cynthia was the one who opened the door.

“Finally. I thought you bailed.” She grinned.

“How could I?” I smirked.

I walked in to see Chloe and Theo on the couch sucking face, while Evan looked at them with disgust.

“Finally. Elena’s here!” Evan exclaimed and got up to embrace me with a hug.

“Can you please tell them to stop. I can feel the bile rising in the throat.” He pleaded.

I giggled. “Chloe, Theo, go get a room.”

Chloe blushed, moving away from Theo’s side to hug me.

“Hey Chloebear.” I hugged her.

“Hey girlie. I love your shoes.” She squealed looking at my knee highed bootie.

“Hey where’s Mason and Jake?” I questioned, looking around the room.

Everyone looked at me and shrugged.

“Are you serious!” I screamed. “They’re probably ripping each other heads off by now.”

I walked away leaving everyone in the living room, in search for my boyfriend. I walked into the kitchen to find Jake pouring cheetos in a bowl.

He looked up and smile at me. “Oh you’re here.”

He walked over to hug me and I hugged back willingly.

“That’s enough. Let her go.” I heard a familiar voice say behind me.

I turned around to see Mason leaning against the door of the kitchen, glaring at Jake.

Feeling a smile creeping up my face, I look at the godly figure who I call my boyfriend. Damn, I was lucky.

“Hey there.” He smirked. I walked over to him and gave him a hug of his own.

“Hi” I smiled. He pressed his lips against mine and I felt all tingly inside. It happens every time his lips touch mine.

Jake cleared his throat behind me. “Okay, movie’s about to start so let’s go.”

I giggled and we went back in the living room where the rest of the gang was. Chloe cuddled up with Theo while Cynthia sat beside Evan.

Mason went ahead and sat down on the single chair and dragged me on his lap.

I then realize that everyone else was paired up except Jake. He didn’t seem to be bothered by it though.

“What are we watching?” I asked him.

“We all voted on That Awkward Moment.” Jake answered.

I felt a vibration coming from my jeans pocket. Looking at the caller ID first, I realized it was my sister.

“Its my sister.” I muttered to Mason.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Xayla where are you!” I heard a familiar voice said. “I wanted to surprise you but you’re not home.”

I jumped out of Mason’s lap.

“Shira!” I screamed.

“Yes hunny its me. I’m at your house, where are you?” My best friend questioned

“Its Shira.” I whispered with a grin to Mason.

“I’m at a friends house. You should come.” I told her.

“You coming for me?” She asked. I looked at Mason and Jake.

“Gimmi a minute.” I told her.

“Could you call one of your drivers to pick up Shira from my house?” I asked Mason.

He nodded in response and dialed a number on his phone.

“Shira, someone’s gonna pick you up and carry you here. ” I told her.

“Okay no problem.” She hung up.

“Guys, my best friend is here!” I screamed.

My friends grinned in response except for Theo. He looked at Chloe confused and she whispered something in his ear. He nodded in response to whatever she said.

“Finally we get to meet this person you’ve been talking about so often.” Cynthia smiled.

Tonight is gonna be so much fun with her here. She’s usually the more fun one compared to me. I’m more chill and just go with the flow.

I got the munchies so I looked at the table at the snacks Jake had, looking for one specific item.

“Uh Jake, where are the Pringles?” I folded my arms. “Don’t tell me you forgot the Pringles.”

He looked at me guilty.

“I brought some with me. I think I left it in the car.” Mason alerted me.

“Yes, my hero!” I smiled, kissing him. “Its the cheese one right?”

“Yes, its the cheese one” he giggled before getting up.

We sat there for at least half an hour waiting on Shira to arrive before we started the movie. I heard the door knock and I ran to it like a puppy who missed it’s owner.

I opened the door to see Shira grinning her face off.

“Shira!” I squealed, embracing her in a tight hug. “I missed you so much.”

“Of course you did.” She giggled.

“C’mon let me introduce you to my friends.” I said, dragging her in the living room.

“Guys, this is Shira.” I smiled.

“Shira this is Chloe, Cynthia, Evan and Theo. I said pointing at my friends. They waved at her and she waved back

“So this is Shira.” Chloe said, getting up.

“Hi, nice to meet you.“Chloe said holding out her hand.

Shira looked at her hand unsure of what to do.

“Okay I am definitely not much of a hand shaker. ” she laughed and hugged Chloe instead.

“I like her.” Chloe whispered to me over Shira’s shoulder.

“Shira, this is Mason.” I told her turning her to face Mason.

“Hey.” Mason said in a monotone voice.

“So you’re Mason.” Shira said looking at him from head to toe. Mason looked at her not affected by her scrutiny.

“So you’re Shira.” He finally smiled. Thank you God.

“Look Mason, if you ever hurt my Xayla here, you and I are gonna have a problem.” She threatened.

Mason giggled in response. “I’ll never hurt her.”

“What did she call you?” Cynthia asked. “Xayla?”

Oh boy. I totally forgot to tell Shira that I don’t go by that name here. I could’ve changed it back to Xayla since no one’s after me except Davilla, but I forgot about it.

“Oh right, you guys should know that Xayla is my first name and Elena is actually my middle name.” I told them, embarrassed that I had lied.

They looked at me blankly in response.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Chloe asked.

“Well I guess I got use to y’all calling me by my middle name.” I replied. “Sorry.”

“Its okay. It doesn’t matter anyways.” Cynthia said smiling.

“Yeah you’re still the same person.” Evan added.

“Hey where’s Jake?” I questioned looking around the room. I didn’t even realize that he wasn’t there.

Jake came walking in holding a bottle of Pepsi and red cups. He froze on the way when he saw the new addition in the room.

“Shira, this is the one and only Jake.” I told her.

Shira looked at Jake with a familiar smirk I know. She always does it when she likes what she sees.

I looked at Jake, staring at Shira with his mouth partially hanging open.

“Don’t drool.” Evan hollered.

Jake blinked and blushed. “Oh, hi, i’m Jake.” He said walking up to shake her hand.

He put the the bottle of Pepsi under his arm awkwardly and had the cups in one hand. He used the other to shake Shira’s hand. The minute he did, the bottle fell to the ground, dropping on his foot.

“Ow ow!” I screamed.

We all laughed at his awkwardness.

“He’s really cute.” Shira whispered. “You’re over him right?”

“Yeah.” I whispered back.

“So Its okay if I...” She trailed.

I giggled a little. “You have my blessing.”

She smirked at that while looking at Jake.

Tonight is gonna be eventful. Extremely eventful.

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