Project Eliora


A profound stillness settled upon the room, punctuating the absence of Reuben and Yazmin. Time seemed to stretch as I sat at the table, enveloped in silence. Our meeting had concluded long ago, and we had meticulously reviewed the plan, dissecting every detail. But the absurdity of it all continued to ring in my head and would not go away. It was undeniably dangerous, bordering on recklessness. But this was the path I had chosen, fully aware that nothing worthwhile comes without risks and challenges.

In this solitude, I found solace in contemplation. It provided me with the opportunity to refine my approach and strategize. Planning was essential, and our combined efforts would weigh heavily tomorrow. Glancing around, I tried to gauge the time. Though the ship resided within a dimly lit chamber, the gradual darkening of the surroundings hinted at the approaching nightfall. It could be around 8 or 9 o’clock, I surmised, though my estimation might be fallible.

As the Earth pirouetted on its axis, it imparted a wondrous rhythm to the passage of time. The angle at which the sun’s rays kissed the Earth’s surface varied with each celestial revolution, bestowing upon us the enchanting spectacle of sunrise and sunset. As the Earth orbited the sun along its elliptical path, the inclination of its axis brought forth a waltz of changing seasons.

I remembered this from one of our physics classes. Applying that knowledge in a practical setting made me feel strangely satisfied and made me change my opinion of the subject. Physics had never been my strong suit, and I often found myself disenchanted during class. Our stringent and demanding teacher, notorious for administering impromptu tests, exacerbated my aversion. As an ardent reader, I avoided engaging with the subject beyond what was necessary.

I would scramble to cram the material during exams, managing to secure average grades at best. Supernova—a term I vaguely recalled being taught—was now a reminder of the gaps in my knowledge. Perhaps it was time to pay closer attention during those classes to truly comprehend the wonders and mysteries of the universe.

But for now, thoughts of academic pursuits were cast aside. As I ran my hand through my hair, a surge of weariness beckoned me to rest. Tomorrow held significant weight, and there was no need to burden myself with such musings at this moment.


Reuben called out, his voice carrying a weight that immediately piqued my curiosity. He was standing behind me when I turned to face him, looking unusually solemn.

“What’s up?”

I asked, and his eyes showed a hint of melancholy as his silence persisted for a while.

“I need to talk to you alone.”

After an agonising silence, he mustered the strength to speak, his words dripping with a profound solemnity that echoed through the air. The gravity in his voice affirmed that this discussion held great significance, and a surge of curiosity coursed through me. Could it be related to the mission awaiting us tomorrow?

Naturally, my mind gravitated towards that assumption. After all, the impending operation carried risks that could not be taken lightly. As I contemplated the potential dangers that loomed ahead, I realised that being out of the loop made each step even more precarious. Any misstep could spell disaster not only for me but for Reuben and Yazmin as well, though their exceptional capabilities offered some solace.

“Okay, then.”

I responded. He turned without hesitation and started to walk, assuming I would follow. And I did, my steps quickening to match his pace as we ventured towards an uncertain destination. After a short walk, Reuben came to a halt at the closed hatch.

“We are going outside.”

He declared it, his voice carrying a sense of purpose. He reached to the side and took two masks from a nearby panel in one fluid motion. I accepted the mask from him, feeling its cool touch against my fingertips as I secured it to my face. Like before, it adhered firmly, ensuring a secure fit as it stuck to my face. There was a panel nearby, which Reuben used, and the hatch opened slightly.

The hatch swung open with a firm push, revealing a world completely enveloped in darkness. The little light there was made it difficult to discern the details of our surroundings. Reuben extended his hand towards me, and I reached out, our hands intertwining as he pulled me into the unknown. In that brief moment, with my face pressed against his chest, a surge of unexpected emotions coursed through me. It was a fleeting connection, yet it managed to catch me off guard, eliciting a flutter in my chest.

Reuben slowly ascended into the air while holding onto me, his body levitating with ease. His unwavering focus and intense gaze hinted at a goal that was beyond my comprehension. As I gazed up at his face, every line etched with determination, I couldn’t help but wonder what lay at the heart of this enigmatic endeavour. What was the purpose of this clandestine rendezvous amidst the ethereal darkness?

Gradually, Reuben gently descended, lowering me back onto solid ground at the entrance of a tunnel. In that awe-inspiring moment, a realisation washed over me like a tidal wave crashing against the shore. The significance of our location became clear, and I was filled with a sense of awe and wonder, fully aware that we were suspended thousands of metres above the solid ground, enveloped by an otherworldly tapestry.

The outside world

The alien race’s architectural marvel, a celestial construct that defied imagination, stretched out before us. It was a symphony of intricate designs and luminescent lights, painting the night sky with vibrant hues. The clouds, which resembled fine cotton strands, danced around the celestial work, adding to its allure. A whispered exclamation escaped my lips as I marvelled at the breathtaking spectacle.


For a few precious seconds, I allowed myself to immerse myself in the sheer grandeur of the scene, absorbing every detail and every celestial brushstroke painted across the expanse. The magnitude of the moment settled within me, etching itself into my memory as a testament to the wonders that lay beyond the veil of the mundane.

Returning my gaze to Reuben, I observed him seated at the edge, his silhouette juxtaposed against the mesmerising backdrop. An unspoken invitation hung in the air, and I instinctively gravitated towards him, taking my place by his side. In the hushed stillness, I stole glances at Reuben, seeking solace in the familiarity of his presence. We sat shoulder to shoulder, a subtle tension emanating from the unspoken truths that lingered between us. With a quiet exhale, I gathered the courage to break through the stifling stillness.

“So what did you want to talk to me about?”

Reuben’s gaze shifted, his eyes distant, as memories surfaced within his mind.

“I mentioned my family before, didn’t I?”

He mused, his voice laced with a bittersweet undertone.

“We were an average family, with a mother, a father, and a younger sister. Imperfect, of course, but the bonds of love and care held us together. When Eliora’s onslaught ravaged our home, our people fought valiantly, but the odds were against us.”

His words struck a chord within me and conjured up an intense image of a world turned upside down by calamity.

“And your abilities?”

I interjected, my curiosity piqued.

“Are they commonplace among the people of your planet?”

Reuben nodded as a mixture of pride and nostalgia lit up his eyes.

“Yes, energy manipulation. We possess the ability to harness and manipulate ionic energy, allowing us to control the ions surrounding us. That’s how I conjure these energy orbs.”

He explained, demonstrating his power by conjuring a small, radiant sphere in the palm of his hand. The brilliance of the energy orb danced like a miniature star, captivating in its beauty and raw potential.

“My abilities encompass ionic energy in its various manifestations. It is through this manipulation that I forge my energy blade and even utilise it to create a protective barrier, preventing me from taking massive amounts of damage.”

“That’s so cool.”

I marvelled, admiration lacing my voice.

“But there are those whose mastery of energy manipulation surpasses my own. Among our people, they are regarded as true prodigies, wielding immense power beyond imagination.”

He admitted it, and his words were tinged with a mixture of reverence and acceptance. As I beheld the vast scope of their extraordinary abilities, my mind became burdened with a weighty mix of awe and wonder. To envision beings even more formidable than Reuben, capable of crazy feats with their energy manipulation, ignited a spark of curiosity within me.


I whispered.

“We did put up quite a fight against Eliora, but her army outnumbered us five to one. My parents forced me and my sister to leave and escape. They sacrificed themselves to make sure of it.”

The depth of his pain was palpable, etched into the furrows of his brow and the heaviness that settled upon his features.

“And your sister?”

I probed gently, my heart reaching out to him. A profound sadness cast a shadow over Reuben’s countenance as he gazed into the distance, his voice laden with a mixture of guilt and longing.

“Jaylin was spirited, a fighter to the core. It was that indomitable spirit that led her to slip away from my watchful eye and return to the battle.”

Reuben’s anguish resonated within me, my heart aching for the sister lost in the throes of an unrelenting conflict.

“It has been eleven years since then.”

He continued.

“I have searched, but I still don’t know if she’s alive or if she suffered the same fate as our parents.”

If this all took place eleven years ago, that would mean his planet was the one Eliora previously invaded before coming to Earth.

“Do you blame yourself for what happened to her?”

I asked the question that had been weighing on my mind as I met his gaze, hoping to catch his reaction. The atmosphere grew heavy with a mixture of sadness and regret, reflected in the subtle nuances of his expression.

“Of course I do; if I were stronger, I could have stopped her, but what I wish the most is that I went to fight with her; at least she wouldn’t have been alone.”

His words hung in the air, tinged with an unwavering resolve that defied reason. I couldn’t help but question his reasoning.

“Even though you knew that you both did not stand a chance?”

“That is even more of a reason for me to be there”

Reuben replied, and his response, delivered with conviction, left me momentarily perplexed.

“She knew that there was no way for us to win, but she still went on. If I was there with her, she wouldn’t have felt alone; she would have found hope.”

There were two options: to embrace hope in the face of danger or succumb to despair and face our demise alone. Ultimately, she chose to cling to hope, even if it meant sacrificing herself. Was it better to face the unknown with optimism than to surrender to the darkness without a fight? As his gaze met mine, I witnessed a warmth in his eyes and a bittersweet smile forming on his lips.

“It is the same thing with you.”

He continued, his voice gentle and filled with sincerity. The unexpected parallel he drew between Jaylin’s bravery and my own determination caught me off guard, stirring conflicting emotions within me.

“I don’t think so.”

I stammered, struggling to reconcile the idea that our situations could be comparable. Reuben’s unwavering gaze pierced through my doubts.

“You don’t?”

He gently challenged me with a hint of reassurance in his voice.

“I am not too sure about that.”

At that moment, a glimmer of realisation flickered within me. Amidst the daunting obstacles that loomed before me, casting long shadows of doubt and uncertainty, I found the strength to forge ahead. Nothing could deter me from my mission, for the stakes were high, and the lives of everyone I held dear hung in the balance.

“You want to stop Eliora, even though you know the path is treacherous and riddled with uncertainty. I could have abandoned you or even tried to stop you. But I haven’t. And there are two reasons for that.”

He explained. I felt a spark of curiosity that compelled me to find out more.

“Two reasons?”

Reuben inhaled deeply while maintaining constant eye contact with me.

“Firstly, I want the same thing as you.”

He declared it with unwavering conviction.

“The desire to see Eliora’s reign crumble and to reclaim what has been lost burns within me just as fiercely.”

That was clear. Everything we did was to stop Eliora.

“And secondly.”

He continued, his voice softening with emotion.

“I see her in you.”

“Do you mean your sister?”

I asked just to be sure.

“Exactly. I see the same determination, the same spirit that resided within her, shining brightly in your eyes.”

Stunned silence enveloped us as the realisation settled upon my soul. The parallel he drew between his sister and me, the reflection he saw in our shared pursuit, unveiled a connection I had not anticipated. In his eyes, I became a vessel through which the legacy of his beloved sibling endured—a symbol of resilience, hope, and unwavering courage.

“I don’t know what to say.”

I finally managed to utter, in my voice, a mere whisper laced with awe and vulnerability.

“What do you think of Yazmin?”

Reuben’s sudden shift in topic startled me, diverting my thoughts from the weighty revelation. I hesitated, my mind wrestling with conflicting thoughts and emotions.


I echoed, buying myself a moment to gather my thoughts. Did he still not trust her?

“She is good, I think we can trust her if that is what you are worried about”

“I do trust her, but have you noticed it?”

Was there something I had missed? His words hinted at an underlying observation that had escaped my notice, and I yearned to unravel the mystery he alluded to.

“What do you mean? Notice what?”

I asked, trying to understand the elusive puzzle he presented.

“There were more people on the ship before. At least three to five more individuals.”

His revelation struck me with surprise. I always assumed Yazmin did all this by herself. Questions swirled within my mind, entwined with a sense of curiosity and a hint of apprehension.

“How did you figure it out?”

I asked him.

“It was really simple.”

He spoke in a measured, calm voice.

“You just have to observe the ship closely, and the signs will become apparent.”

His words resonated with a hint of wisdom, urging me to delve deeper into the details that had escaped my notice. It slowly made sense as I began questioning some things, like why there were five sleeping capsules and the owner of that book I had found before.

“So you believe something happened to them?”

I ventured, my voice tinged with a blend of curiosity and concern.

“There are many possibilities.”

He began.

“They could have met a tragic fate, falling victim to the perils that surround us. Alternatively, they might have reached a point of disillusionment, abandoning their cause and venturing into the unknown. Yet Yazmin remains steadfast and resilient in her unwavering commitment. I find that commendable.”

His words emphasise the strength and determination embodied by Yazmin. It was a testament to her character—her refusal to succumb to despair in the face of uncertainty and potential loss.

“So, will you soften your attitude towards her now?”

Reuben let out a hearty chuckle, his amusement visible in the twinkle in his eyes.

“I’m afraid I won’t be doing that”

He responded with a mischievous glint in his gaze.

“And I believe you won’t tell her what I’ve said”

So he wanted to keep his appreciation for her a secret. Nicely done, Reuben. A palpable silence enveloped us, creating a hushed atmosphere that accentuated the weight of our thoughts and emotions.

“You are nervous, aren’t you?”

Reuben broke the stillness; his voice was tinged with perceptiveness that cut through the quietude. Though I endeavoured to conceal my unease, a fleeting moment of surprise betrayed me, causing a flash of astonishment to dance across my countenance. Had my apprehension been so transparent? I turned to face him, finding solace in the earnest gaze that met mine.


I admitted it, and my voice was soft but sincere.

“I am as well.”

Reuben’s response was comforting and reassuring, and his words soothed my frayed nerves. It was as if he sought to buoy my spirits and imbue me with a sense of steadfast determination.

“I am sure even Yazmin is nervous. But we will pull through, no matter what.”

Gratitude welled up within me, an unspoken acknowledgement of his support.

“Thank you, Reuben.”

The depth of our conversation, delving into personal histories and vulnerabilities, had brought us closer, forging a bond that transcended mere acquaintanceship. I knew him better after this.

“Elisa, I want you to know this.”

Reuben began, his voice steady.

“Regardless of what lies ahead, I am with you until the very end.”

They were a declaration and a pledge that reached far beyond the confines of our current circumstances. As he extended his fist towards me, I couldn’t help but chuckle, my laughter bubbling up from deep within, a release of tension intermingled with genuine affection. With a quick understanding, I reciprocated his gesture, extending my own fist to meet his halfway, our knuckles gently connecting.


I replied, a note of playful determination underscoring my words.

“I’ll hold you to that, Reuben.”

With a groan escaping my lips, I mustered the strength to rouse myself from the depths of unconsciousness. An unfamiliar weight burdened my legs, causing a subtle discomfort to permeate my senses. With a herculean effort, I pushed through the weariness, gradually elevating myself into an upright position, supported by quivering arms. My muscles protested vehemently, throbbing with every movement.

As my gaze swept across the cavern, which had succumbed to chaos, transforming into a treacherous landscape of scattered rubble and disarray. With a tender touch, I gingerly probed the top of my head, feeling a pulsating ache that resonated through my fingertips. I winced, feeling the sticky warmth of blood coating my skin. A head injury and the steady trickle of crimson confirmed its severity. How long was I out for?

I wondered if any remnants of Lumen’s healing abilities remained nearby, a lifeline to mend my wounded scalp. I looked around my surroundings, and then my gaze shifted downward, landing upon the source of the weight upon my legs. It was Reuben, lying motionless. Summoning every ounce of strength and resolve, I stretched my trembling limbs and extended my hand towards him, shaking his shoulder with a mixture of urgency and desperation.

“Hey, Reuben, get up.”

Silence lingered in the air, the absence of his response sending shivers down my spine. I was on the verge of suffocating from fear as panic tightened my chest. I refused to believe the worst, clinging to the flicker of hope that Reuben was merely unconscious, awaiting my desperate attempts to rouse him.

“Reuben, Reuben, come on!”

I implored, my voice trembling and echoing through the cavern’s oppressive stillness as I shook him more violently this time. His groan then broke the stillness like a gentle whisper carried on a breeze, barely audible but undeniable. Relief washed over me in a wave, momentarily overwhelming my senses. Collapsing back to the unforgiving ground, I clung to the solace of his vitality. Reuben was still alive.

But what about Yazmin?

The gravity of the situation pressed upon me, and I began to remember our previous conversation again. She had entrusted me with the crucial task of destroying the core, emphasising the importance of seeing it through to the end. I reminded myself that I couldn’t falter now. I had a mission to fulfil. I manoeuvred my body carefully, gently shifting Reuben’s unconscious form off me to ensure his comfort and safety. As I rose to my feet, a surge of relief washed over me as I observed his steady breathing and lack of visible injuries.

With Reuben’s well-being attended to, my attention was refocused on the task at hand. The daunting question lingered in my mind: How would I locate the core amidst the wreckage that surrounded us? Looking around, I was met with an overwhelming view of scattered rubble that blocked any obvious path or indication of the core’s location. I carefully navigated through the hazardous terrain, my movements cautious and calculated.


In the midst of this precarious search, I instinctively called out Yazmin’s name, hoping to find her; however, the cavern remained silent, devoid of any response. It was no surprise. I continued my cautious exploration, navigating through the labyrinthine expanse of rubble and destruction.

Suddenly, a faint sound reached my ears roughly a hundred metres away—a subtle shift of debris, a subtle sign of movement. My senses heightened, and my heart quickened its pace. Uncertainty plagued my thoughts—was it Yazmin or Eliora? I propelled my body forward, each stride a harmonious blend of urgency and caution. The sound beckoned me; its origin was a magnetic force drawing me closer with each calculated movement.

I could now hear the pulsating sound of the core, and I noticed it was coming from the direction I heard the sign of movement. A surge of panic coursed through me as the unmistakable realisation struck—I was nearing Eliora. My mind raced, desperately seeking a solution to destroy the core before she discovered my presence. The weapon Yazmin used was surely lost under all this rubble, so I needed an alternative.

Amidst the debris, my fingers closed around a long metallic object. Gripping it tightly, I recognised its potential as a makeshift tool to crack the core’s shell, releasing its latent energy. Determined yet cautious, I slowed my pace and sought refuge behind a pile of rubble, concealing my presence from Eliora’s probing gaze.

Peering through a small opening in the debris, I observed the scene before me. Through the enhanced vision of my eye, I could discern the figure she cradled in her arms—Zillah. I took in the sight of her ravaged body, cruelly torn and marred by burns. I could not hear a heartbeat coming from her as Eliora clutched tightly to her hand.

“I made the right choice. I know I did.”

Eliora spoke in a trembling voice that was barely audible above a whisper. Her body trembled, caught in the clutches of an overwhelming blend of fear and guilt, causing her chest to heave with rapid, shallow gasps. The weight of her actions bore down on her, unravelling her composure and triggering a harrowing descent into a state of hyperventilation.

“I did it for the sake of my people.”

She murmured, her voice strained and laden with a tinge of desperation. It was a plea to herself, a feeble attempt to validate the choices that had led to this moment of reckoning. Doubt and remorse crept into her fragile psyche, forcing her to question the infallibility she had once embraced.

“I am perfect; the decisions I make are right... I cannot have made a mistake with all this, could I?”

Her words carried a fragile tone, a glimmer of uncertainty flickering beneath the surface of her resolute facade. The realisation of the destruction she had wrought and the lives she had manipulated and discarded began to gnaw at her core, threatening to dismantle her unyielding convictions.

In the midst of her internal struggle, an unexpected sound permeated the cavernous space. It was the sound of her tears, a fragile testament to the fragile vulnerability that lay beneath her imposing demeanour. The weight of her actions manifested in a flood of unfiltered emotion, and the echoes of her regret reverberated in the silence.

“I am sorry, Zillah.”

She sobbed, her voice quivering with a mixture of grief and guilt. The weight of her companion’s sacrifice bore down on her, piercing through the armour of her pride. Tears streamed down Eliora’s face, mingling with the traces of soot and dust that marked her visage. With trembling hands, she clutched the air, yearning to hold onto the remnants of her fallen comrade’s presence.

“You shielded me from the explosion, taking the full force. Because of you, I am still here.”

She murmured; her words carried a weight that was a reflection, a deep understanding of the price paid for her own existence. Her grip tightened as if trying to hold onto the intangible essence of their bond, grateful for their presence in her life, however fleeting.

“Thank you... for being there and for everything.”

With a final, tender gesture, Eliora pressed her hand against her chest, the same spot where Zillah’s heart had once beat. Slowly, she released her grip, allowing her hand to slip away. A deep breath filled her lungs as she stood up, drying her tears. Her movements carried the weight of profound grief, each step a testament to the burdens she bore.

Her fists were clenched in resolve as she fixed her attention intently on the damaged core in front of her. The once formidable energy source bore the scars of multiple fractures, evidence of its vulnerability. This was good, as it meant that I needed to make this final attack shatter it. I looked around and considered my options. How could I exploit this weakened state of Eliora’s?

Balancing on a knife’s edge, I found myself caught between two opposing choices. On one hand, engaging in a direct confrontation with her would undoubtedly trigger her well-honed defences, resulting in an uphill battle that could easily lead to defeat. On the other hand, waiting idly and hoping for a change in the tide would yield no progress, allowing her to recuperate and regroup. Her physical and emotional exhaustion clung to her like a heavy shroud, clouding her judgement and her reasoning. A chance, however slim, lingered in the air, hinting at the possibility of confronting her and emerging victorious.

I was unable to ignore the reality, though, because it reflected her struggles. My own body echoed with pain. Each step sent waves of discomfort coursing through my limbs; the weight of my injuries pressed upon me, threatening to shatter my resolve. Yet, like a flame refusing to be extinguished, I made my best efforts to ignore it and press on.

A head-on clash was a risky proposition—one that I was reluctant to entertain. So, an alternative plan began to take shape in my mind. I tightened my grip around the object I held, its edges sharp and purposeful, as I raised it above my shoulder. With a deep breath, I drew my hand back, preparing for the decisive throw.

Distance was the key challenge. Could I generate enough force to crack the core from my current position? Yet, despite the uncertainty that gripped my mind, I knew deep down that I had to try. Failure was not an option.

I gathered all my strength and directed it toward my throwing arm. Muscles tensed and veins pulsed with anticipation as I harnessed the power within. With a swift and fervent motion, I released the object, propelling it with all the force I could muster. Time seemed to stand still as the object hurtled through the air, its trajectory honed with unwavering precision. It sliced through the atmosphere like a comet streaking towards its destined target.

But to my surprise, the object was stopped in midair. My eyes widened in disbelief as Eliora held on to it and intercepted it, preventing its impact on the core. She turned to face me, her eyes blazing with anger and disdain.


She said this with a raging rage infusing her voice that chilled my spine. Danger loomed in her gaze, and I realised that I was caught off guard. I was running out of time and needed a plan—an escape route from this precarious situation.

“There is something I don’t understand, Eliora.”

I began, my voice steady but masking the urgency within me. I decided to engage her in conversation, hoping to buy myself some precious moments to devise a new strategy. It was a gamble—one that required skillful navigation and quick thinking. I emerged from my hiding spot to face her.

“Why did you choose to do this—enslave other species?”

I inquired with a steady voice.

“Considering what you have been through, I assumed this would be the last thing that would come to your mind.”

“Shut up.”

She spat, her words laced with venom. In a swift motion, she hurled the object she held back at me, its trajectory narrowly grazing the left side of my cheek. Pain seared through the wound, and I instinctively clutched my face, feeling warm blood trickle down my skin.

“This is the only way my people can survive.”

She said it with haunting conviction. With each step she took towards me, I found myself involuntarily retreating, my movements cautious to maintain my balance on the uneven terrain.

“It is so that we can grow, learn, evolve, and be at the top.”

She continued, her unwavering gaze remaining fixed on me. Her proximity was unsettling, and I sensed the need for a bold move. In a split-second decision, I propelled myself forward, my muscles coiled with energy and resolve. My plan was to swiftly manoeuvre around Eliora, evading her grasp, and sprint towards the core with all the speed I could muster. Yet, just as I started to evade her reach, a sudden, searing pain shot through my scalp as she tightly seized a fistful of my hair. My body instinctively recoiled from the intense sensation, momentarily halting my progress.

“I am doing this because it is my decision. My perfect decision on what is good for my species.”

Pain shot through my scalp as I crashed to the ground, momentarily disoriented. I forced myself to stand slowly while gritting my teeth in pain and meeting Eliora’s gaze.

“I think that is all a lie.”

I proclaimed, my voice containing a mixture of conviction and empathy. She momentarily lost her composure as she froze in shock.

“You’re aware that all of this is wrong, don’t you? You are not doing this for your people; it is all for yourself.”

I glared at her with a certain conviction.

“Perfection is not what you truly desire. In your memories, I experienced it all—I witnessed your pain, your anguish, and even your deep-seated resentment.”

Her way of thinking had been warped and twisted by her traumatic upbringing. The fear she had endured, even after breaking free from the deity’s grip, had left an indelible mark on her being.

“You are trying to make everyone experience pain like you did.”

The loop—the distorted representation of the fateful Chosen Day—loomed large in my mind. At noon, her life was going to change forever, and chaos would follow. If her sole intention was to obtain knowledge and resources, the inclusion of the monstrous attacks within the loop seemed unnecessary. Yet she still did so.

But as I observed the malevolent path she had chosen, I couldn’t help but question the true motive behind her actions. Was this the real reason for all this? She did all this because of an insidious desire to inflict pain upon others, an attempt to make them suffer as she had. There was something deeper, and it was at this moment that I finally figured out what was truly going on.

“Eliora, are you…”


She yelled with a chilling force behind her words, interrupting what I was about to say.

“You don’t know anything and are just spouting nonsense.”

She retorted, her tone laced with a mixture of desperation and defiance. As desperation coursed through my veins, I fixed my gaze on the core, mere metres away. If only I could crawl quickly enough, I would be within striking distance, poised to deliver a devastating blow that could shatter it. The weapon I had earlier tried to use lay tantalisingly close, its gleaming surface a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

“I am sick and tired of you, Elisa Nunez.”

As she said this, I mustered every ounce of strength and lunged toward the weapon, my hand grasping its hilt, readying myself to throw it at the core. But my fleeting triumph was abruptly cut short as a powerful force yanked me backward, a vice-like grip on my leg pulling me away from my goal. I thrashed and kicked frantically in an attempt to free myself from Eliora’s tight hold, but it was ineffective.

The sickening sound of breaking bones shattered the air, intermingling with the disorienting cacophony that echoed in my ears. My head spun uncontrollably, dizziness seizing me as tears streamed relentlessly from my left eye, a testament to the torment coursing through my fractured body. My screams echoed throughout the entire cavern. Every heartbeat reverberated with the weight of my struggle as the world around me blurred into anguish. Pain surged through every fibre of my being, overwhelming my senses and threatening to rend my consciousness asunder.

The crunching symphony of shifting rubble reverberated through the chamber, capturing her focus on the figures. I saw Reuben supporting Yazmin, her weakened form leaning against him for support.


Reuben murmured softly, his voice barely audible amidst the tumult. His gaze met mine, while Eliora’s eyes met Yazmin’s barely open ones.

“So, you’re still alive? I suppose your impulsive leap when you fired the shot was the right call.”

Eliora sneered, momentarily loosening her grip on my fractured leg. A surge of relief washed over me, granting a brief respite from the searing pain that had held me captive. I fought to remain motionless, aware that the slightest movement would unleash a torrent of agony, threatening to consume me. Turning my gaze towards Yazmin, I saw that she stood precariously on unsteady legs. Her side was a grotesque tableau of suffering, drenched in blood and adorned with the blistering wounds of burns.

Reuben gingerly supported Yazmin, his movements cautious and deliberate as he carefully leaned her against a pile of debris, creating a makeshift seat to alleviate her pain. He turned back to Eliora and raised his fists. Despite his condition, he was still willing to fight her like that.

As I reached out and firmly grasped Eliora’s leg, I could feel the indifferent resistance of her muscles, as if my feeble attempt at restraint meant nothing to her. But something had caught my attention before I had grabbed onto Eliora’s leg. Vibrations. At that moment, a surge of determination washed over me, as if the answer had presented itself amidst the chaos.

I had an idea—a daring plan that could potentially take out both the core and Eliora herself. But if I do this, it would mean that I have to go back on my word.


I had to do this, even if it meant that.

I sucked in the excruciating pain and turned my attention to Yazmin, using all of the remaining strength I had. Could she move? The weight of our hopes now rested on her frail form.

“The core... it powers everything.”

I began, my voice quivering but determined.

“It uses tubes of pure energy to transport its power across the entire planet.”

Eliora, momentarily perplexed by my sudden shift in focus, looked down at me, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

“What are you trying to say?”

She asked, but I paid no attention to her.

“Int-Z has many uses, like the invisible platforms, which were made entirely of them.”

Summoning every ounce of persuasion I could muster, I continued, my eyes fixed on Yazmin, desperately hoping that she would pick up on my intentions before Eliora.

“These platforms react to sound, which causes their surfaces to ripple.”

Yazmin’s eyes widened in realisation as a flash of understanding crossed her face. She struggled to speak, the toll of her injuries evident. She had grasped the essence of my plan, and now she needed to execute it flawlessly.


She managed to utter it, her voice weak.

“But there’s a specific frequency. A frequency that can temporarily disable them for a brief moment.”

“Yazmin, don’t do it.”

It seemed that Reuben had caught on. My resolve remained unyielding. I had made up my mind; I was willing to do whatever it took to bring an end to this relentless pursuit. Eliora’s eyes went wide as she stared at me in realisation.

“I will prove to you that you are far from the perfect being you believe yourself to be, Eliora, or should I say deity?”

I proclaimed, a confident smirk gracing my bloodied face.

“Reuben, protect Yazmin!”

I shouted, and with that, I witnessed Yazmin’s struggling form as she activated the device on her arm. A faint yet distinct sound emitted from the device, lasting no more than a fleeting millisecond, but it was enough.

In an instant, the invisible platform beneath us flickered and deactivated. Weightlessness engulfed me as I began hurtling downward, my grip on Eliora unyielding. All the while, I observed Reuben’s steadfast hold on Yazmin, ensuring her safety as they hovered in place. The world blurred as we plummeted, my heart pounding in my chest.

“You psychopath.”

She spat, attempting to push me away and break free from my grasp. But I refused to let go. I swung deftly around her, wrapping my body around hers, taking advantage of the newfound freedom of movement that came with being weightless. Her attempts to shake me off grew more frantic, her body writhing in a desperate bid for escape. But I clung to her, my grip unyielding.

With a swift, calculated motion, I looped my hands around her slender neck, utilising the bracelet Holly had given me. Its interlocking mechanism securely bound my hands together, rendering separation difficult.

“You are not going anywhere.”

I hissed, drawing back and tightening my hold around her throat. The veins in her neck bulged, and she instinctively placed her hands over mine, desperately trying to pry them away. A surge of raw strength surged through her fingertips, the force threatening to break my hands, but I was resolute; this was not a battle I was prepared to lose. I let out a primal scream, channelling every ounce of power within me to further constrict my grasp.

As our struggles intensified, a deafening explosion reverberated through the air. I tore my gaze away from the grim spectacle unfolding in our entangled struggle, and my eyes darted downward. Its dense composition propelled it at a blistering speed, overtaking us swiftly. A strong shockwave suddenly reverberated through the air and swept over us like a relentless tsunami in a matter of seconds.

The impact sent us hurtling uncontrollably, crashing into a solid structure. Anticipating this outcome, I had positioned myself strategically, ensuring Eliora bore the brunt of the collision. It was a calculated gamble, and fortune favoured my audacity. She slammed mercilessly into the unforgiving walls, her body absorbing the force of the impact, while I, shielded to some extent, still endured agonising pain as debris bombarded us.

As the chaotic descent subsided and our momentum waned, I struggled to regain my senses. My vision blurred, and my head throbbed, evidence of a violent collision with a rocky obstruction. Disoriented and weakened, I lay there helpless, my body wracked with agony.

Amidst the haze of pain, a cacophony of groans and coughs pierced the air. My gaze slowly shifted, and through the murky veil obscuring my vision, I discerned Eliora sprawled a few metres away, immersed in a pool of crimson. Gradually, I became aware of the warmth enveloping me and the sticky sensation of blood mingling with my own. I was bleeding.

My damaged and ravaged body defied my commands. Every movement elicited searing torment. Breathing became a laborious endeavour, with my chest heaving with each strained inhalation. We lay there, two wounded souls locked in a twisted embrace, trapped in the aftermath of our cataclysmic clash. Time seemed to suspend, with the weight of our actions and the consequences we faced bearing down upon us in profound, haunting silence.


Eliora whispered, calling out to me, her voice trembling with fear.

“Was I the deity all along?”

Her words almost fell out of her mouth as the weight of realisation overcame her.

“Did he truly succeed in taking over my body?”

The gravity of her self-discovery bore down upon her, overwhelming her senses.

“Why did I only realise this now?”

The word escaped her lips, carrying the weight of remorse.

“Why did I dare to play god?”

Struggling against the pain that gripped my body, I yearned to speak, to offer her some solace or understanding. But my throat constricted, a river of blood blocking my airways, rendering me silent. Each breath became a torment; my gasps for air were ragged and desperate. Her weak hand shook as it rose weakly above her head, fingers trembling as if reaching for something intangible, a desperate grasp at redemption or forgiveness.

“Maybe everything you said was right.”

She admitted it, her voice laden with tears cascading down her cheeks like a sorrowful rain. Remorse consumed her, and she began to grovel, the weight of her actions crashing down upon her with unbearable force.

“I am sorry. I am sorry... I am sorry, Nyla. I am sorry.”

She pleaded, her voice a fragile whisper, as if beseeching forgiveness from the very fabric of existence. Her hand fell to her side, surrendering to the gravity of her remorse as she lay there motionless. We were surrounded by an eerie silence, the weight of our regrets permeating the space. Time slipped away, its passage indiscernible in the haze of pain that engulfed me. Her tear-stained eyes remained open, gazing into the abyss, the remnants of her sorrow drying upon her cheeks. I would soon experience the same fate. The cold embrace of death reached out to me and was inevitable.

The mission, the culmination of our struggles, was finally complete. Eliora and the core were gone. The loop, like a disentangled thread, should now unravel, releasing the world from its repetitive grip. A sense of accomplishment mingled with the bitter taste of mortality.

I did it.


The sound of my name pierced through the fog of my fading consciousness. With urgency and concern in their voice, someone was calling out to me. However, my body lay motionless, an unresponsive vessel trapped in the clutches of my own mortality. I strained my weakened eyes, struggling to make out the figures that had appeared before me.


The voice called out again. Slowly, the shapes coalesced into the familiar countenances of Yazmin and Reuben, their expressions etched with worry and grief. In spite of the excruciating pain coursing through my battered body, their presence gave me some measure of comfort. Reuben, his face etched with disbelief, gently cradled me, carefully settling me onto his lap. A jolt of agony shot through me as he moved me, and I let out a strained cry, unable to contain the torment. Reuben’s eyes widened as he took in the sight before him—the pool of blood that had spilt around me.

“Holy shit... Is this all her blood?”

His words trembled with a mixture of shock and horror, a testament to the severity of my condition.

“Do you have any Lumen, Yazmin?”

He spoke hastily to her, but Yazmin, however, stood frozen, her gaze fixed upon me, tears streaming down her anguished face. Her silence spoke volumes—a silent admission of helplessness and despair.

“I’m sorry.”

Reuben said as his clenched teeth revealed the frustration and rage that were simmering inside of him, and his eyes filled with tears.

“I promised that I was going to bring you back safely... I failed them. I failed you.”

The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, a burden he shouldered with profound remorse. Seeking comfort amidst the searing pain that consumed me, I tightened my grip on Yazmin’s hand, squeezing it gently to convey my silent gratitude and reassurance. Through trembling lips, I mustered the strength to speak, each word punctuated by a stab of torment.

“I’m grateful to have been of use to you both.”

I managed, but my voice was strained and weak.

“Everyone is free; that is enough for me.”

The words carried the weight of my conviction, the belief that our sacrifices had not been in vain. Yazmin’s tear-streaked face crumbled as she struggled to find words, her heart pouring out through her weeping.

“Elisa, thank you for everything.”

Glimpsing the bracelet lying near my hand, a poignant reminder of the past, I mustered the strength to make one final request.

“Please, give this back to her.”

I whispered, my voice fading with each breath. As the world around me blurred and dimmed, I fought against the encroaching darkness, my gaze fixed on the faces of my dear companions.

“I wish I could see everyone again.”

I murmured, my voice a fragile thread that hung in the air. My eyes, heavy with weariness, implored them to find solace and happiness in the memories we had shared. A piercing coldness encircled me and seeped into the very centre of my being as the last strands of life dwindled away. My breaths grew shallow and laboured, each one a herculean effort to sustain. The world around me dimmed like a fading ember, relinquishing its last flicker of light.

This was death—an abyss I had ventured into many times before. But now, there would be no miraculous return, no second chance at life. I felt a strange sense of acceptance along with a heavy burden of realisation. It was a bittersweet embrace, for while the prospect of the unknown loomed before me, I was grateful for the respite death would bring.

In the midst of my fading consciousness, I perceived the frantic commotion surrounding me. The cries of my companions pierced through the veil that separated the living and the departed. Tears streamed down their anguished faces as they desperately shook me, their pleas and laments blending into a cacophony that fell on deaf ears. I could no longer feel their touch, nor could I discern the words they spoke.

Soon, even the sights before me dissolved into an inky blackness. The world receded, leaving me suspended in an eternal void. Darkness engulfed me like a shroud, encasing my senses and making me unaware of the world I used to know. This was the finality of death.

But even as mortality’s grip tightened, I couldn’t help but think back on the events that had brought me to this place. I had forged connections, both profound and fleeting, with souls who had shaped my path. Through a wide range of experiences, filled with triumphs and tribulations, I gained knowledge and wisdom. It was a tapestry woven with the threads of my existence, vibrant and diverse.

I wish I could be there with everyone. How would they react to my death? Would they gather in sombre reflection, their tears mingling with shared memories? Or perhaps, in a twist of fate, they would defy convention and celebrate my life, embracing joyous remembrances that spoke of resilience and triumph. That would be cool and make my death mean more.

Unfortunately, I could only guess because the curtain of death had fallen over me, severing my connection to the living world. The elation of accomplishments, the yearning for further growth—it all dissipated in the face of the impending unknown.

Regret mingled with longing as I realised that I wasn’t ready to leave. There were dreams left unfulfilled and aspirations still within reach. But in the grand tapestry of existence, the tapestry I had played a part in, this was my final act—the closing of a chapter, the conclusion of a remarkable odyssey. This was it—the ultimate voyage into the vast and enigmatic realm that lay beyond. The final venture, as everything slowly but surely went black forever.

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