Project Eliora


As I forced my eyes open, my surroundings were a hazy blur, engulfed in a pool of lumen. My head was pounding, and it was hard to concentrate. Looking down, I saw the tentacles still clinging to my body, their grip causing searing pain. Summoning all my remaining strength, I yanked at them forcefully, feeling the agony intensify before gradually subsiding as they released their hold. A desperate urge to shout filled me, but the breathing apparatus lodged in my throat stifled any sound.

After being freed, I launched myself towards the lumen’s surface and emerged into the world above. I scanned the area with my eyes, looking for Eliora, but she was nowhere to be found. It meant that she was still within the lumen, encased in that protective barrier once again. After walking out of the pool of lumen, I prepared myself to remove the breathing tube. When the mental countdown reached zero, I pulled it out, coughing and retching as I struggled to adjust to the sudden change.


I mumbled, still suffering from the discomfort. An overwhelming presence suddenly swept over me from behind. Startled, I leapt back and found Zillah standing inches away, her presence both unexpected and unnerving. How had she managed to appear here? I looked around, but no one else was in the area. If I couldn’t figure out what her armour was capable of, this could be a big issue. I realised that attempting to flee would be futile. It didn’t take long for the Lumen to start moving, catching my attention.

“She is coming.”

I whispered, feeling a rush of dread. As if on cue, Eliora emerged from the Lumen with an air of grace, her gaze fixed upon me.

“It seems that I greatly underestimated you, Elisa, considering you’re a mere human.”

Eliora said it with a hint of surprise in her voice.

“I’m glad you finally realised that.”

I replied, maintaining steadfast composure. Eliora studied me intently, her eyes searching for something beyond the surface. With measured steps, she drew closer, while Zillah lingered in the background, giving her space.

“Do you still believe it was a mere coincidence that you escaped the loop?”

Eliora asked, her insatiable curiosity unyielding. Here we go again. She was relentless, unwilling to accept that a seemingly ordinary person like me could break free with Yazmin’s help.

“It was a coincidence.”

I firmly proclaimed, refusing to give in to her insinuations.

“I see. You continue to deny the fact that you possess something unique, but why?”

Eliora questioned, her voice tinged with both intrigue and annoyance. A flicker of realisation sparked within me. A hunch, perhaps. It might lead nowhere, but I had to pursue it.

“Eliora, what happened to you?”

A subtle shift swept across her visage, a fleeting vulnerability yielding to an impenetrable facade of stoicism.

“What do you mean by that?”

She responded with a guarded tone.

“In your memories, you were quieter, more reserved... something changed”

I continued, allowing my curiosity to overcome my sense of caution. Her demeanour stiffened, and she met my gaze with a resolute silence.

“I have no inclination to answer that question.”

She finally retorted, her tone laced with resistance. Coming to a halt right in front of me, she reached out, her hand gently resting on my chin. Her touch was both intimate and unsettling.

“I have a theory”

I said, watching Eliora closely.

“During your fight with the deity, you were never able to confirm whether or not he had possessed a body, correct?”

“What’s your point?”

“My point is that you believe I am the Deity, or at the very least have some connection to it”

It was a wild theory, but it was the only explanation that made sense to me. Eliora had rebelled against the deity, staging an attack to kill him and finally gain her freedom. The deity was capable of possessing bodies, and if Eliora never found his body after the wreck, he could still be out there, looking for a new host. Eliora would be on high alert and constantly looking for any indication of his whereabouts if that were the case. The deity drew its power from the core, and if Eliora could somehow cut off his access to it, that would make him too weak to go after her.

The foundation of the loop was built by Yazmin, but everything else was done by Eliora. She was the one in control, manipulating the situation to her advantage. My escape from the loop was a direct challenge to her skills, and she believed that the only way I could have done it was if I had extensive knowledge about her abilities and capabilities—knowledge that the Deity would gladly use against her.

“Elisa Nunez... you continue to impress me”

Eliora remarked in a voice that was equal parts enthralled and frustrated.

“Is that a problem?”

I responded, debating her response.

“It’s more bothersome than problematic”

She replied, her tone brimming with annoyance.

“So, am I right?”

I pressed on, determined to seek the truth. Eliora held my gaze, her eyes scrutinising me, before she finally turned away, a subtle sign that my theory had struck a chord.

“You’re attempting to stall, aren’t you?”

She accused me, her voice tinged with a hint of frustration. I couldn’t help but smile. She saw through my intentions, as I expected. However, I was prepared for this confrontation.

“You’re right. I am stalling”

I admitted it, acknowledging the futility of denying it any longer. There was no point in hiding my true intentions.

“I have one last question for you. What are your dreams?”

I asked, my voice filled with genuine curiosity. Eliora’s expression showed a mixture of surprise and confusion in response to my question.

“My dreams?”

She echoed it, pausing to contemplate before continuing.

“It’s an unusual inquiry. I suspect you had a conversation with the interference about it.”

“Still referring to her as the interference, I see. And yes, I did have a conversation with her.”

I replied, confirming her suspicion. Eliora took a moment to collect her thoughts before answering.

“My dream is simple. I aspire to become a perfect being.”

A sceptical smile formed on my lips, and I stated it boldly.

“I don’t believe that.”

Curiosity danced in her eyes as she questioned my statement.

“And what makes you say that?”

“As you said, I delved into your memories and lived within your thoughts. The pursuit of perfection is not your true desire. It is merely a facade imposed upon you, a belief that you were forced to embrace.”

I explained, confident in my assessment.

“Perhaps you are right, Elisa.”

She acquiesced, a tinge of vulnerability creeping into her voice.

“There’s something else I want to know—Nyla, your mother—what would she think of all this?”

Silence hung in the air, stretching for a moment longer than before.

“She passed away before she had a chance to say anything about it”

“Don’t tell me you...”

I started to say something, my words trailing off in disbelief. Eliora swiftly cut me off, addressing my unspoken accusation.

“I didn’t kill her. There is no such thing as immortality, you know. No matter how hard one tries, everything will eventually come to an end. Even the so-called deity met its demise. It was simply Nyla’s time, nothing more.”

It was clear from the pain in her voice how much impact her mother’s death had had on her. With curiosity burning within me, I pressed further.

“What do you think she would say about all of this?”

“I must be honest with you. I doubt she would have supported my actions. In all likelihood, she would have joined one of the many resistance groups, striving to stop me”

She paused, contemplating her next words, before continuing.

“Doesn’t my reasoning bewilder you? You still wonder why I would go to such lengths, knowing this. But you wouldn’t understand. There’s no point in explaining it to you.”

She remained silent.

“I believe you are the deity.”

Eliora spoke, her words catching me off guard.

“I see”

I uttered it as she confirmed my suspicions.

“It’s the only explanation that makes sense.”

She continued, her voice filled with conviction.

“A mere human surviving this far, breaking free from the loop, harnessing the power of the Infinite Intersection, acquiring knowledge—it all points to you being the deity.”

That’s why she couldn’t easily accept that my escape from the loop was a stroke of luck or the result of Yazmin’s assistance. It’s the reason she was so determined to figure out what was going on with me. Something prevented me from vehemently refuting her claims as I was about to. What if I played along? What would happen if I confirmed her suspicions and claimed to be the deity? The prospect intrigued me. My first bet is that she would kill me, but let’s see.

“What if I am the deity?”

I pushed back, curious to explore the unexpected path this conversation was taking. Intrigue danced across Eliora’s face, her expression shifting. It wasn’t the reaction I anticipated, but I decided to see where this might lead.

“The possibility of me being the deity has lingered in your mind for quite some time. But have you ever wondered what I would do if you were truly the deity?”

Before she could respond, a deafening explosion shattered the air, causing a cloud of dust to envelop the surroundings, obscuring my vision. Someone’s arm quickly wrapped around me in the commotion, swiftly lifting me off the ground. But the sudden movement halted abruptly, and I crashed heavily back down.

“Are you okay?”

Reuben’s voice rang out as he helped me to my feet.

“I am.”

I replied, steadying myself. As the dust settled, an aircraft came into view. It was Yazmin’s ship. Eliora and Zillah also became visible. At that moment, something slid into my hand—a wireless earpiece.

“Elisa, can you hear me?”

The device reverberated with Yazmin’s voice.

“Loud and clear”

I responded, fitting the earpiece into my right ear.

“Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to escape. The armoured one stopped me.”

Reuben informed us, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and determination. I assessed the situation, contemplating our next move. It was clear that Yazmin and Reuben couldn’t handle Eliora alone with the current buffs she received from the core. Zillah, on the other hand, was a different case, and I believed they could deal with her individually. It appeared that unless we could somehow separate them, getting to the core would be impossible. But how could we accomplish that?

“Elisa, do you still have your Evizot?”

Yazmin asked through the earpiece.

“Of course”

I quickly replied.

“Great. Reuben, give it to her”

Reuben reached for his side and extended his hand, offering me something. It was a small spherical object that could be opened, revealing a pair of contact lenses.

“These are the Optic lenses, right?”

“Yes, they are. They would help compensate for the eye you lost.”

Yazmin explained through the earpiece.


Before I could dwell on it further, Eliora interrupted our conversation.

“Enough talking”

She muttered and turned her attention to the spacecraft that was hovering above us.


Eliora uttered it while audibly exhaling. With a snap of her fingers, Zillah began walking slowly towards us.

“Elisa, I need to instal the lenses in your eyes. The synchronisation process might be uncomfortable and take a few seconds, but we’ll hold them back until it’s completed”

Yazmin informed me.


I said, brimming with confidence and determination. Reuben stepped forward, blades forming on each of his hands as he prepared to confront Zillah. I was anxious about the difficult integration process, but I knew the advantages would outweigh the temporary agony. With the optics in hand, I braced myself and carefully inserted the lens into my eye. Instantly, I felt it adhere to my eyeball, locking into place with a faint, almost imperceptible click. Then the torment began.

I cried out in agony and fell to my knees as agonising waves of pain rumbled through my skull. My head throbbed relentlessly, as if a hammer were pounding against my temples. I instinctively clutched my face, attempting to alleviate the intensity, but the pain persisted. Through gritted teeth, I persevered, my determination overshadowing the searing torment. Despite the pain, I could still see what was going on in front of me.

My vision was blurry, but I could make out Reuben and Zillah as they clashed. Zillah had revealed a blade that she used to parry Reuben’s attacks. Meanwhile, Eliora was dodging laser attacks from Yazmin’s spaceship. Yazmin’s tactics were effective, and Eliora was only able to dodge by a slight margin. Reuben, on the other hand, was moving around Zillah at breakneck speed and attacking her from all directions. However, her armour seemed to be an issue, and his attacks only seemed to do very little damage.

My eye started to bleed, and my vision turned red as I watched the battle take place. The pain slowly decreased, and I caught my breath.

“Integration complete, Elisa. Time to get out of there Reuben”

Reuben wasted no time and landed a heavy blow on Zillah, causing her to stagger. He flipped into the air with fluid agility, his hands clasping together as he summoned an immense ball of energy. The atmosphere seemed to shift, as if drawn towards the gathering power. In a swift motion, Reuben unleashed the energy, propelling it forward in a concentrated stream. But instead of targeting Zillah, the attack was directed at Eliora herself.

I watched in awe as Eliora reacted with a split-second response, narrowly evading the impending explosion. The resulting impact shook the entire area, sending shockwaves through the ground beneath us. Caught off guard by the sudden assault on Eliora, Zillah’s attention wavered for a fleeting moment, creating an opportune opening that Yazmin swiftly seized upon. A beam of intense energy shot forth from the spaceship, colliding with Zillah and propelling her forcefully into a nearby wall.

Seizing the opportunity, Reuben quickly picked me up, lifting me into his arms as we soared out of the circular arena. The hatch of Yazmin’s spaceship was already open, and we quickly made our way inside, sealing it behind us.

“We’re in, Yazmin.”

Reuben yelled with a voice full of urgency as we sprinted for the cockpit. As we reached the control centre, I noticed that the ship had yet to budge from its original position.


Yazmin said as she swiftly turned a knob, and a low humming sound filled the air as the ship’s engines powered up. Moments later, a resounding blast of energy erupted from the ship’s weapons, directed towards the area where Eliora had been standing. The resulting explosion was cataclysmic, obliterating the entire structure and sending it tumbling down from the sky in a cascade of debris.

“Holy shit.”

The sheer magnitude of what had just transpired left me stunned. Yazmin responded with a knowing smile, as if sensing my thoughts.

“If you’re wondering why I didn’t use that attack sooner, it takes a considerable amount of time to charge. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to use it again anytime soon”

As my excitement surged, a tinge of disappointment crept in, casting a shadow over my elation. The realisation of the weapon’s limitations dampened my spirits, leaving me with a sense of disillusionment.

“Anyways, we found the core using the method you told me.”

Yazmin exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement and determination. Her fingers skillfully danced across the ship’s controls as she initiated a swift descent, manoeuvring through the labyrinthine passages with remarkable finesse. The ship’s engines hummed with intensity, propelling us toward our destination at breakneck speed.

“So I assume it is below us?”


Yazmin replied, her eyes fixed on the path ahead. With a slight nod, she directed my attention to a set of protective gear meticulously arranged on one of the seats. The gear glinted in the ship’s ambient lighting, beckoning me to prepare myself for the imminent confrontation.

Grateful for Yazmin’s foresight, I swiftly adorned the protective equipment, its weight offering a sense of reassurance. The chest plate, crafted with advanced materials, seamlessly melded with my body, augmenting my defences alongside the familiar embrace of the Evizot. The dual layers of protection instilled within me a renewed sense of confidence, fortifying my resolve for what lay ahead.

“Alright, any ideas, Yaz?”

I asked, eager to tap into her strategic brilliance. She paused for a moment, contemplating the enormity of the task at hand.

“Well, just one considering what you have told me, the core is like a colossal container brimming with unimaginable energy”

“One with the potential to obliterate the entire planet”

Reuben added, his tone tinged with a mix of awe and trepidation.

“Right, which means we have to be careful if we want to destroy it; think of the core as a delicate balloon”

Yazmin’s eyes sparkled with a flicker of inspiration as she forged ahead with her analogy, and it struck a powerful chord with me. Like a balloon, the core contained potent energy that needed to be safely diffused without triggering catastrophic consequences. It was a delicate balance, akin to releasing the air from a balloon without rupturing its fragile structure. Yazmin’s metaphor illuminated our path forward, urging us to approach the core with utmost caution and finesse.

“By opening a small hole that allows air through; basically a puncture.”

Reuben said, and Yazmin nodded in agreement, acknowledging the logic behind his words.

“That makes sense. Eliora has expressed her desire to release the energy within the core gradually, channelling it to power various systems.”

I found my voice amidst the gathering storm of thoughts.

“With that approach, she ensures the energy is released in a safe and controlled manner, providing sustenance for her civilization.”

I continued. The magnitude of the energy contained within the core was staggering—a wellspring capable of fueling an entire civilization for decades.

“Exactly. Our plan is to crack the surface of the core, creating an outlet for the energy to escape.”

Yazmin’s voice reverberated with conviction as she elaborated on our course of action. However, a sombre note tinged her voice as she continued.

“The core, even with our controlled release, would still explode, but at least it would not destroy the planet.”

She confessed, her words brimming with acceptance.

“The impending explosion is inevitable, Elisa.”

She added, the weight of her words settling upon us like a heavy shroud. So, in essence, there was no safe route. I let out a loud sigh as I recognised the seriousness of our predicament.

“That explosion might kill us all.”

I voiced my concerns, the weight of uncertainty evident in my words, but Yazmin’s laughter echoed throughout the ship, infusing the area with a firm resolve.

“I am not worried about that.”

She declared, her laughter echoing with unwavering confidence. Reuben’s reassuring touch on my shoulder served as a comforting anchor.

“But I am, which is why I am going to make sure you don’t die, no matter what. I made a promise to your mom, remember?”

Reuben reminded me, his voice a steady beacon of unwavering support, and a playful punch landed on his shoulder as I acknowledged his dedication.

“That is true. She will kill you if I don’t come back to her.”

I quipped, a hint of humour cutting through the weight of our circumstances. Realising the need to share vital information, I shifted the conversation toward a more serious tone.

“I need to mention some important things.”

I began, sensing the need for clarity, and both Yazmin and Reuben leaned in, their attention focused on every word I spoke.

“I learned that the deity drew power from the core, which he used to fight. The cave acted as a seal, facilitating the transfer of power from the core to the deity.”

“So, the cave served as the true link that connected the deity to the core.”

Yazmin deduced, and I continued to unravel the secrets I had uncovered.

“As for Eliora, she didn’t give chase because she, too, draws power from the core. Leaving the throne room would diminish her power, as the core’s energy sustains her.”

I revealed, shedding light on Eliora’s limitations within her domain.

“So, destroying that place was the right choice.”

She said this, her voice resonating with a sense of satisfaction.

“This doesn’t mean Eliora is not a dangerous opponent. She still possesses formidable strength. Nevertheless, by bringing her out into the open, we stand a chance against her.”

I cautioned, acknowledging the formidable adversary that awaited us. Reuben demonstrated his unwavering resolve with a clenched fist.

“Alright then, let’s destroy that core and end this.”

He said it with determination written across his features. His unwavering conviction fueled my own, reigniting the fire of determination within me. The ground rushed toward us with alarming speed, prompting Yazmin to unleash a relentless barrage of firepower, carving out a narrow opening that allowed our ship to glide inside. Once we passed through, she skillfully manoeuvred the vessel into a hovering position, granting us a momentary respite to assess our surroundings.

I couldn’t help but be mesmerised by the scene in front of me as my eyes scanned the cavernous underground structure. Etched into the walls were intricate cutouts, resembling alcoves or compartments. Yet our attention was soon drawn to a surreal sight: multiple figures suspended in mid-air, seemingly defying gravity.

“They are flying?”

I mumbled, finding it difficult to comprehend what I saw since this was completely new.

“No, they aren’t flying. Those are energy platforms”

Yazmin explained, her voice resonating with calm understanding. Relief washed over me as her words made complete sense. Our attention shifted as Yazmin’s gaze fixed on a specific location within the cavern.

“The core is down there.”

With unwavering resolve, she adjusted the ship’s trajectory, tilting it downward as we prepared to descend. In an instant, a jarring tremor reverberated through the ship, violently shaking its structure and shattering the illusion of a stable descent. The ship quivered under the unexpected assault, its once-reliable systems faltering in the face of this sudden chaos. Alarms blared, lights flickered, and panic flickered in Yazmin’s eyes as she valiantly fought to regain control of the vessel. Her hands darted across the control panel, desperately attempting to restore stability to our faltering descent.


She exclaimed with frustration and urgency in her words. Another explosion erupted from behind the ship, intensifying the chaos and further compromising our stability. Realising the need to abandon the faltering vessel, Yazmin’s voice cut through the chaos with unwavering determination.

“Time to bail now.”

Yazmin declared with a sense of urgency, underscoring her words. Reuben nodded in agreement, his muscles tensing as he swiftly reached out and clasped our forms securely within his grasp. Reuben skillfully steered through the tumultuous chaos inside the spiralling ship. The walls crumbled under the force of his unyielding strength, granting us a hasty exit from the doomed vessel. The rush of air whipped against our faces as we soared through the breach and descended through the cavern. The ground rushed up to meet us, and we landed on one of the invisible platforms as Reuben released us from his grasp.

Taking a moment to regain our bearings, I looked around to survey our surroundings. In the distance, I spotted one of the alien figures, whose form was partially obscured. It reached for an object at its side, and though initially unclear, my enhanced vision honed in on the item—a firearm.

“Up ahead”

I said, and Reuben sprang into action in an instant, quickly closing the distance between him and the shooter. The energy blade materialised in his hand, slicing through the alien’s chest with precision. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as the threat was swiftly neutralised.

“The optics work perfectly.”

“That’s great. Things could have taken a turn for the worse if they hadn’t.”

Yazmin’s voice resonated with agreement; her relief was palpable. Yet, before we could fully savour our small victory, a sense of urgency gripped me as my heightened hearing detected a rapidly approaching presence from above.


Reacting swiftly, I shouted a warning to Yazmin, prompting her to take immediate action. With a firm grip, she seized me, propelling us forward in a seamless roll, positioning ourselves to face our oncoming adversary—Eliora.

“I had a feeling that would not kill you.”

She remarked, her eyes assessing Eliora’s battered form. Eliora’s body bore the marks of our gruelling battle, her wounds evident—bloody gashes and darkened bruises adorned her flesh. Yet she paid them no heed, her focus unyielding as her gaze locked onto us, seething with unbridled animosity.

“You all have become serious nuisances”

Eliora snarled, her tone dripping with contempt. As soon as she realised the seriousness of the situation, Yazmin quickly reached behind her and retrieved an item. With a fluid motion, she handed it over to me. The item, resembling a firearm, possessed an uncanny lifelike texture that seemed to undulate and shift as if alive. Its resemblance to the morphing door I encountered earlier in my journey sent a shiver of recognition down my spine.

“To puncture the core.”

Yazmin stated this in an urgent tone of voice. Understanding the significance of the task at hand, I nodded.

“I understand,”

I replied, acknowledging the enormous responsibility that came with wielding this weapon of unknown power. I became conscious of the fact that I had no prior experience with firearms. The absence of formal training became an undeniable reality. However, in this moment of urgency, there was no luxury of time to acquire such skills. Determined to rise above my lack of familiarity, I secured the enigmatic firearm behind me, mindful of its presence against my back. As Yazmin confidently cracked her joints, her movements exuded a sense of readiness, her muscles primed for battle.

“Now that you don’t have that extra buff from the core, let’s have a rematch, shall we?”

Yazmin challenged Eliora, her eyes fixed firmly on her adversary.

“You figured it out, Elisa. I greatly underestimated you. I will not make that mistake again”

Before Eliora could make another move, Yazmin stepped forward, assuming a fighting stance that showcased her expertise. Her body brimming with energy, she charged at Eliora with unwavering determination, her fist aimed at the adversary’s face, which Eliora easily blocked. Yazmin then sought a calculated strike aimed at exploiting an opening at her side. Yet Eliora, swift and perceptive, deflected the punch with her hands, launching a counterattack toward Yazmin’s exposed flank.

Yazmin, however, had anticipated the move, and with lightning speed, her free hand intercepted the attack, redirecting its force with a well-placed elbow strike. The impact reverberated through the air as her elbow found its mark on Eliora’s face, leaving an indelible mark of triumph.

Amidst the intense clash between Yazmin and Eliora, my attention was abruptly drawn to a familiar sound—Reuben’s approach. I quickly turned around to see him soaring towards me with his arms extended to envelop me in his protective embrace. With seamless grace, he scooped me into his arms, and together we descended rapidly, traversing from one invisible platform to another with remarkable agility.

As we evaded the feeble attempts of the shooters to impede our progress, their projectiles falling far short of their target, a sense of urgency pulsed through our veins. And then, a jolt of realisation coursed through me—a new threat was barreling toward us at an alarming speed.


I shouted urgently, the weight of the impending danger in my voice. Responding swiftly to my plea, Reuben landed on the next platform, releasing his hold on me, and the momentum carried me away from him. In a split second, my body instinctively adjusted, finding balance and stability on the precarious surface. My eyes darted to the figure hurtling towards us as I regained my balance—a figure moving with frenetic speed, traversing the platforms in a zigzag pattern. Zillah emerged before us, her armour battered and worn, gripping two gleaming blades.

“That was a clever trick you people pulled back there.”

Zillah acknowledged the deft move we had made. Her blades, now honed in on Reuben, were poised for action, signifying her intent to strike first.

“I will cut you down.”

Her words hung in the air, an ominous promise of imminent danger. Zillah rushed forward in a blur of movement. Reuben responded quickly and intercepted her attack with an energy blade of his own that was already formed. Their blades collided with a thunderous clash. To Reuben’s surprise, however, Zillah closed the distance between them, her movements enhanced and swifter than before.

Something had changed. Her broken armour seemed to have allowed her to become more agile and quick. Reuben, taken aback by her enhanced speed, evaded her downward sword swing, only to be met with a powerful punch to the chest that sent him hurtling backward, crashing onto the unforgiving ground. With the pain etched across his face, he mustered his resilience, rising to his feet just in time to evade another devastating blow.

He skillfully deflected Zillah’s blade with a seamless fluidity of motion, seamlessly morphing another energy blade into existence. In a breathtaking display of skill, he slid forward, his agile movements closing the distance between them. In a split second, his foot connected with precision, striking her knee with unyielding force, causing her to topple and fall upon it. Though momentarily off balance, Zillah swiftly broke free from the lock, springing back. She continued to charge forward despite the setback, her blades ready to slash with deadly intent.

As the battle raged on, the Optix afforded me heightened perception, enabling me to discern their movements with clarity. I would have found it difficult to keep up with the constant flurry of their combat without its assistance. It was through this enhanced vision that I witnessed Zillah deftly evading Reuben’s attack, leaping over him with acrobatic grace. With a swift motion, she impaled him from behind, her blade piercing through his shoulder and causing him to cry out in pain.

As I saw Reuben fall, a feeling of urgency and dread overcame me. However, my attention swiftly shifted as Zillah redirected her focus toward me, hurtling toward me at an unrelenting speed. I had no chance of avoiding her upcoming attack, so I instinctively sought to minimise the potential damage, prioritising the protection of vital areas like my head and chest. I raised my hand in a feeble attempt to shield my face, but my movements were sluggish, and Zillah’s blade was already hurtling toward my forehead, a lethal strike on the horizon.

Time seemed to drag agonisingly as I readied myself for what lay ahead of me—death. But just as the blade neared its mark, a swift object whizzed past my ear, diverting Zillah’s attention. She had a puncture wound on her back, a clear opening in her armour, and I watched in shock as blood began to spill from it. Multiple energy balls materialised and barraged her, launching a fierce assault that forced her to defend herself against the relentless onslaught. I quickly moved away to avoid any stray projectiles.

Reuben, his wounded shoulder dripping with crimson, stood with one hand pointed towards our opponent. The other hand hung limply at his side, stained with blood. A collection of potent energy spheres revolved around his fingers, their velocity matching the rhythm of his pounding heart. He unleashed the scorching spheres without delay, each propelled with breathtaking speed and accuracy.

As the volley of energy projectiles pierced the air and accelerated towards Zillah, the gravity of the moment washed over me, and a realisation dawned—I, too, had a part to play in this battle.

“Reuben, hold her off while I continue on down.”

I yelled with determination in my voice.

“Just be careful.”

I felt a rush of adrenaline rush through my veins as I decided to move forward and leave Reuben to face Zillah. There was nothing I could do to help him in his fight, so it was best I carried on to find the core on my own. I distanced myself from the intense battle, moving along the platform until I reached a point where I could survey my path downward.

I became frantic as I realised how difficult it would be with the platforms being invisible. How could I find the path to the core if the platforms were invisible? I could feel the weight of time pressing against me, the seconds slipping away, narrowing my window of opportunity.


I muttered under my breath, with a mix of desperation and frustration. To find a solution amidst the chaos, I had to think. Reuben had somehow figured it out, proving it was possible. There had to be a way to detect the platforms. I scowled, my mind racing as I tried to come up with a solution. And then, like a spark of inspiration, it hit me—an idea sparked within the recesses of my consciousness.


I murmured, my eyes focused intently on the bottom of my feet as I gingerly stepped on the platform. I observed with heightened senses, scrutinising the area beneath me. And there it was—a subtle ripple, like invisible waves of energy emanating from the point of impact. The vibrations were small, barely perceptible to the naked eye, but as I increased the intensity of my footsteps, the ripples became more pronounced.

A glimmer of hope ignited within me. If the vibrations were indeed influenced by sound, then the cacophony of noise enveloping us would undoubtedly leave its mark on them. The underground structure was filled with the unrelenting symphony of battle, the clanging of metal, and the reverberating echoes of energy blasts. It became clear to me that amidst this chaotic orchestra, the vibrations would not remain unnoticed.

As my realisation took hold, my senses sharpened, attuned to every auditory cue that reverberated through the air. Each clash of blades, each explosive discharge, and each grunt of exertion became fuel for my heightened perception. The surrounding sounds became more than mere noise; they became a lifeline, a means to uncover the hidden platforms that lay in wait.

I directed my attention downward, fixating my gaze on the unseeable terrain beneath my feet. I used the enhanced capabilities of my eye to zoom in and observe the vibrations rippling through the air. It became a delicate dance, my senses attuned to the subtlest of movements as I carefully plotted my path downward. Each jump and drop was meticulously calculated, my mind mapping out the distances between platforms with unwavering precision.

I paused to clear my mind before the leap, bracing myself for it. I allowed the protective gear and Evizot to instil confidence within me, knowing they would mitigate the impact of each landing. I gained momentum and launched myself forward, my muscles lifting me into the air as I landed on the next platform with grace.

The force of the impact rippled through my body, threatening to jar my bones and test my endurance. However, the cushioning protection encasing me proved its worth, absorbing the shock and sparing me from the jarring pain that would have otherwise reverberated through my being. Without wasting a moment, I swiftly regained my footing. The process became a relentless rhythm, an unyielding cycle of jumps and drops, as I descended deeper into the vast underground structure.

As the minutes ticked by, a mounting pressure seemed to envelop me, intensifying with each passing moment. It was a palpable force, an invisible weight that bore down upon me, hinting at the presence of the core. I knew I was drawing closer, my instincts guiding me through the labyrinthine depths.

Footsteps. I tensed, drawing out the weapon Yazmin had given me. The lone alien halted in its tracks as its gaze met the sight of my raised weapon. Was I going to shoot? I had already come too far. A focused beam of energy was released as my finger tightened around the trigger, piercing the alien’s eyes with unerring accuracy. It collapsed backward with a heavy thud, landing on the platform.

A wave of adrenaline surged through me, and I took a series of deep breaths, attempting to regain composure. But tranquilly eluded me as another sound was picked up with my heightened senses—an approaching threat from below. I was ill-equipped to face this impending danger head-on. I felt a growing sense of panic that threatened to consume my thoughts. I searched desperately for a solution—an escape from this inescapable fate. But despair gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. There seemed to be no way to elude this oncoming menace, no path to safety.


There was nothing I could do except find the core. I propelled myself forward, leaping from one platform to the next, the rhythmic pounding of my footsteps mirroring the accelerating thuds of my heart. As I descended further, my familiarity with the dynamics of my protective gear grew. With each subsequent jump, I became increasingly aware of its capabilities and limitations. It became evident that my armour possessed a remarkable capacity to absorb the impact of my landings, shielding me from the jarring consequences of the descent.

My calculations had provided me with invaluable insight. The intricate analysis of the terrain and meticulous calculations indicated that any drop less than 10 metres in height would be absorbed effortlessly by the resilient composition of my armour. Armed with this knowledge, a renewed sense of confidence surged within me, knowing that I possessed the means to traverse the treacherous landscape unscathed. In this dance of calculated risks, I became intimately attuned to the subtleties of the descent. My proprioception sharpened, enabling me to gauge distances and anticipate the amount of force required for each jump. It was a delicate balance—a delicate dance between precision and instinct.

An eerie pulsation filled the air as they descended, its rhythmic cadence becoming more audible as time went on. The core. I was getting close. The cavern narrowed, constricting like a tightening vice. The looming danger was almost here, and I knew I had to get past it somehow. I knew I needed help.

“Reuben, I don’t know if you can hear me, but I need your help here.”

Within moments, his voice cracked through the communication channel.

“Alright, I’m on my way.”

Heartened by his promise, I clung to the thread of resilience and resolved to hold out until his arrival. Suddenly, a thunderous explosion reverberated through the air, shattering the fragile tranquilly that surrounded me. My eyes instinctively darted upward, tracking the trajectory of the chaos that ensued. A cascade of debris descended towards me in a terrifying display of destruction. The impact of their collision with the platforms above unleashed a tempest of dust, casting an opaque veil over my surroundings.

A mixture of trepidation and recognition coursed through me as I discerned the distinct sound drawing nearer. Whatever this impending danger was, I immediately recognised it. The second Guardian had arrived.

“Adriel, isn’t it?”

I looked him in the eyes as I spoke in a firm but calm voice, and his face exhibited a hint of surprise.

“How did you know my name?”

He questioned me, momentarily taken aback.

“It’s not important right now.”

I replied, keeping my attention focused on him.

“What is important is the path Eliora has chosen for her people. I know you never agreed with her decision to kill the deity. Look around, Adriel. Do you truly believe her actions are in their best interest?”

I was not really banking on him suddenly betraying Eliora or helping us, but it wasted time. This was all I could do to stall him until Reuben arrived.

“Eliora is expanding our civilization, pushing us forward in leaps and bounds.”

Adriel finally spoke, his voice filled with conviction.

“I have served her faithfully for years, and my purpose is to defend the core.”

His hand moved to unsheathe a blade, pointing it directly at me. The cold metal gleamed in the dim light, a clear challenge.

“Do you think I will let you leave here alive?”

He asked with a hint of determination.

“I guess not.”

I raised the firearm, aligning it with precision towards him. I observed Adriel carefully, noting his lack of heavy armour. It seemed he relied more on his speed and offensive capabilities, but that also meant the weapon had the potential to harm him. My eye analysed his every movement, and my enhanced senses were ready to react. Every detail became magnified in my perception. The sound of our breathing, the faint humming of energy in the air, the anticipation of the impending clash.

I became aware of Adriel’s impending movement when I heard the slightest sound of his foot shifting. Without hesitation, I pulled the trigger, sending a laser beam hurtling towards him. But he was quick to react, deflecting the shot with his blade and swiftly closing the distance between us. I reacted quickly and stepped back, trying to keep a safe distance while firing at him. The advanced capabilities of my eye allowed me to slow down time and aim with precision, but Adriel’s agility was remarkable. He skillfully deflected or dodged each shot, displaying his incredible ability.

Frantically, I searched for an opening, a weakness to exploit. He closed in, his blade poised to deliver a lethal strike aimed at my abdomen. However, I was prepared for it and positioned myself at the edge of the platform. I executed a backwards dive, firing multiple shots as I did so, but he managed to evade my barrage.

The impact of my landing was less than graceful, causing me to stumble momentarily. But there was no time to dwell on it as Adriel landed on the platform as well. As the sound of approaching debris reached my ears, instinct kicked in, and I rolled out of harm’s way just in time. Where I had been moments ago was now engulfed in a cloud of dust and rubble.

After regaining my balance, I saw my next opportunity. Adriel was charging towards me once again, but this time I had a plan. I sprinted towards him, mirroring his movements. As his blade swung towards me, I executed a swift dive, narrowly evading the deadly arc as it took off the tip of my hair. Sliding to the other side, I swiftly readied my weapon, fully aware of what was approaching from above.

I was in the perfect position and knew the timing was crucial. I prepared myself for Adriel’s assault as he moved in for another. But to my surprise, he deviated from his usual strategy and threw his blade in my direction. I quickly reacted and dove to avoid the projectile, only to discover it was a cunning trap. Adriel capitalised on my vulnerability, swiftly delivering a punishing knee strike to my face. The impact rattled my senses, causing my vision to blur momentarily. I fought to stay conscious.

Through the haze, my enhanced eye caught a glimpse of Adriel reaching for another blade. As the realisation of the impending danger sank in, panic erupted inside of me. Time seemed to slow as I watched him raise the blade above his head, ready to deliver a fatal blow. Death loomed before me, an undeniable presence I refused to accept.

I gathered my strength and spat blood into Adriel’s face, creating a brief but crucial distraction. I quickly moved to take advantage of the situation, aiming my gun at his exposed abdomen and firing three rapid shots. The impact forced him backward, his expression contorting with pain. Yet, even in his anguish, he managed to swing the blade downward. I reacted just in time, leaping off the platform and narrowly evading the blade that grazed my cheek in its descent. A triumphant cry mixed with his pained howl as the debris I had heard falling earlier crashed upon him.

I plummeted through the air, a feeling of weightlessness engulfing me as I descended for what felt like an eternity. The seconds stretched and elongated in the depths of the fall. I finally crashed onto the platform, landing heavily on my side with a bone-jarring impact. The force expelled all the air from my lungs, leaving me gasping for breath and my body aching with pain.

My vision blurred, with swirling shadows dancing at the edges of my consciousness. Ears ringing and muffled, I struggled to regain my bearings. Slowly, I shifted onto my back, allowing myself a moment to lie still, attempting to steady my breathing and alleviate the throbbing pain that reverberated through my body.

I looked up at the platform from which I had leapt and realised that I had fallen about 20 metres, which was twice the maximum height that my armour could withstand. It was a gamble that left me battered and bruised, pushing the limits of my endurance. I shifted my gaze to the side, my eyes fixating on the enigmatic sight before me.

A spherical object, bathed in an ethereal blue glow, captured my attention. Within its translucent confines, a mesmerising dance of energy unfolded. Waves of vibrant azure hues undulated within, their movements pulsating with an otherworldly rhythm. I marvelled at the intricate network of energy tubes that extended from its centre, branching out like delicate veins. These luminescent conduits spread outward, gradually growing in size as they ventured into the unknown.

Despite the agony, I forced myself to sit up, determination flickering within my weary frame. With a strained voice, I contacted Yazmin through the earpiece, sharing the news of my discovery.

“Yaz, I found the core”

I said, expressing a mixture of elation and weariness in the same sentence. Her response crackled through the earpiece, relief lacing her voice.

“Great. I’ll leave it to you.”

Taking a steadying breath, I gathered my resolve, preparing to advance toward the core. However, my attention was suddenly drawn to a figure landing between me and my destination. It was Adriel, his body ravaged by wounds, blood seeping profusely from his various injuries.

“You are not going through.”

He said this despite the blood that gushed out of his mouth.

“Guess that did not kill you.”

I said as I raised my weapon and pointed it at him, and a wry smile tugged at my lips. He clutched his blade tightly, positioning it protectively in front of his face, a testament to his unwavering loyalty to his cause. Yet, our confrontation was abruptly interrupted as another figure materialised, landing with precision and grace a short distance away, adorned with dual-energy blades and surrounded by swirling energy spheres. Despite his formidable appearance, he, too, bore the scars of battle, his body drenched in blood.


I uttered it, a mixture of relief and concern lacing my voice.

“I will handle him”

Reuben declared, and I nodded in acknowledgement, silently trusting him to engage Adriel in combat. The tension in the air increased as Reuben and Adriel engaged in a fierce duel of blades, their movements a blur of speed and skill. The intensity of their struggle could be heard in the echoing clash of metal throughout the cavern. Reuben’s dual blades whirled with calculated precision, seeking to outmanoeuvre his opponent, while Adriel’s single blade danced with lethal grace. The energy balls surrounding Reuben swirled and pulsated, poised to strike at any given moment. Yet Adriel, ever vigilant, anticipated their assault and evaded with a fluidity that belied his injuries.

I approached the pulsating core with a mixture of awe and caution. Its captivating glow drew attention and hinted at the unfathomable power contained within its small frame, which was about a metre in diameter. With trepidation, I extended my hand toward the pulsating core, my fingertips hovering just above its shimmering surface. The slight tingling sensation spread from my fingertips, and a rush of electric energy coursed through me as my skin made contact.

Before unleashing the weapon Yazmin had bestowed upon me, I deemed it necessary to test the core’s resilience. I carefully examined the surface of the core with a focused gaze, my eyes scouring every square inch in search of the telltale sign of the crack left by Eliora’s prior attempt to destroy it. Every curve and contour of the core’s spherical form came into focus as I meticulously examined it. I traced my eyes along the intricate patterns etched upon its surface, seeking any irregularity that might indicate the presence of a fracture.

Regrettably, it eluded my sight, denying me a point of reference. Undeterred, I pressed on, determined to ascertain the core’s structural integrity. I lightly tapped the surface with my finger, applying gradually increasing force with each subsequent touch. Yet the core remained steadfast, impervious to my attempts to crack it.

Taking hold of the firearm, I resorted to a more forceful approach, striking the core’s surface with the grip. After a series of focused blows, a hairline crack appeared, releasing a small but noticeable outpouring of energy. Studying the crack intently, I witnessed the released energy dissipate into the surrounding atmosphere. There was no explosion or crazy reaction. This could work.

Satisfied with my discovery, I readied myself for the pivotal moment. With the firearm poised in my grip, I aimed at the core, preparing to unleash its contained power. I took up a position at a safe distance, prepared to unleash a controlled discharge that would harness the core’s potential without widespread destruction.

However, my focused resolve was abruptly shattered by the piercing sound of shouting. With a quick turn of my head, I saw that Reuben had managed to overpower Adriel, the clash of their entangled weapons reaching a crescendo before finally succumbing to the overwhelming force exerted by Reuben. With a surge of raw power, Reuben forcefully drove his energy blade through the weakened defences of their entangled weapons, shattering them in a shower of sparks. The resounding crack of metal echoed through the air.

Adriel, caught off guard and unable to mount a suitable defence, found himself at the mercy of Reuben’s relentless assault. The once-formidable guardian now found himself impaled through the chest, a grotesque tableau of despair. Adriel’s breathing was laboured; each inhalation was a struggle as his life force slowly ebbed away.

Reacting instinctively, my body propelled itself backward as I heard something approaching, narrowly evading the imminent danger that had crashed in my previous location. Adriel’s eyes, clouded with pain and resignation, flickered toward the spot I had occupied mere moments ago, silently acknowledging the narrow escape I had narrowly evaded. As the dust settled, a figure emerged from the haze, revealing none other than Eliora.

Her once-regal appearance, now stained with blood, exuded an aura of raw determination. It was evident that Yazmin had put up a formidable fight. Eliora’s eyes briefly left Adriel’s lifeless form and met mine.

“Adriel, I will avenge you”

The weight of her words echoed in the air. A familiar sound reached my ears—the resolute rhythm of approaching footsteps. Yazmin emerged beside me, her countenance a testament to the fierce struggle she had endured.

“Why did you leave our fight when things were just getting interesting?”

She taunted, a spark of amusement dancing in her voice. Eliora, however, chose to divert her attention from the provocation; her focus was honed on the core matter at hand.

“So you actually do want to destroy the core?”

Yazmin responded right away with a firm conviction in her voice.

“Of course, that will end all this, won’t it?”

She asserted herself, her words laden with the weight of finality. A sigh escaped Eliora’s lips, her weariness evident in the release of breath. She locked eyes with me, a mixture of emotions swirling within her gaze.

“Get that weapon ready and be ready for my signal.”

Yazmin’s words reverberated in my ears, and clenching the weapon’s grip tightly, I felt its weight in my hand. As I focused on the task at hand, my attention momentarily faltered as Eliora charged toward me with relentless ferocity. Her movement was swift; before I could react, Yazmin positioned herself between us, her instinctual response aimed at shielding me from Eliora’s wrath.

Yazmin intercepted the incoming blow, her hands meeting the full force of Eliora’s punch. The collision reverberated through the air, an explosive clash of strength and will. The impact was overwhelming, and the sheer force behind the attack sent Yazmin hurtling backward, crashing into me with an unexpected intensity.

In an instant, we found ourselves entangled on the ground, our bodies intertwined in the aftermath of the collision. As the world spun around me, I struggled to regain my bearings, disoriented by the sudden turn of events. The once-firm grip on the weapon slipped from my fingers and was forcefully dislodged during the chaotic encounter. Adrenaline surged through my veins as I swiftly rose to my feet, my gaze fixated on the firearm that had been knocked aside in the tumultuous collision. The urgency of the situation propelled me forward, my every instinct urging me to retrieve the weapon.

Reuben unleashed a barrage of four energy balls in quick succession, aiming to strike Eliora. She managed to avoid each projectile, though, with remarkable agility thanks to fluid and precise movements. Unfazed, Reuben changed his strategy and swung his blade in a quick, sweeping arc in her direction. Yet again, Eliora demonstrated her nimbleness, sidestepping the attack with a graceful manoeuvre.

In the midst of their clash, Reuben spotted a fleeting vulnerability in Eliora’s shoulder region. Seizing the opportunity, he lunged forward, intending to strike her with his blade. But to his astonishment, his weapon was abruptly intercepted by another blade, bringing his assault to an abrupt halt.

“Damn. You again.”

Reuben muttered angrily as he recognised the figure that had thwarted his strike. Zillah, unencumbered by armour and wielding two blades, had joined the fray. With a wide slice, she compelled Reuben to retreat momentarily, but the relentless Yazmin had already closed in from a different angle, launching her own attack aimed at Eliora just as she prepared to unleash a powerful midair kick. Anticipating Yazmin’s move, Eliora deftly caught her leg mid-kick and swiftly spun her around, releasing her with calculated precision. Yazmin skillfully manoeuvred across the ground before propelling herself skyward, readying herself for the next phase of the battle.

Reuben, capitalising on the distraction, unleashed a furious onslaught of attacks against Zillah, who struggled to evade and block each strike. Zillah took the brunt of the assault with each strike, sustaining numerous cuts and bruises as Reuben persisted unrelentingly. Seizing a momentary advantage, Reuben ascended into the sky, casting forth a volley of energy balls towards Eliora, who vaulted nimbly to evade their explosive impact.

In a swift, coordinated manoeuvre, Yazmin launched herself towards Eliora, executing a powerful strike aimed directly at her chest. The impact reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves rippling across Eliora’s body as she hurtled backward, crashing forcefully to the ground. Finally, my gaze fell upon the weapon, its presence gleaming amidst the tumult. Without hesitation, I closed the distance, snatching the firearm from its resting place, its weight a reassuring anchor in my hands.

“Elisa, throw it to me!”

A resolute voice cut through the clamour, Yazmin’s directive ringing clear. Instinctively recognising this as the awaited signal, I swiftly complied, launching the weapon through the air with precision and accuracy. Eliora, sensing the impending threat, lunged forward in a desperate attempt to intercept it. However, her advancement ground to an abrupt halt as multiple small energy balls found their mark, striking the core with a resounding impact and causing it to crack in multiple places.

Yazmin deftly caught the weapon with seamless coordination, her quick reflexes aligning perfectly with the unfolding plan. Aiming the firearm directly at the compromised core, her gaze locked on the source of their struggle.

“Nice thinking, Reuben.”

She said this, acknowledging his ingenuity. In the aftermath of the clash, Zillah stood by Eliora’s side, fatigue and anger etched on their faces. Eliora’s voice cut through the tension, her words laden with exhaustion.

“If you destroy the core, the amount of energy in it would wipe out about five kilometres. Are you really going to sacrifice yourselves for this?”

She questioned, a tinge of defiance and desperation in her voice. Yazmin’s gaze remained fixed on the core, the firearm steady in her grasp, and her response held an unwavering determination.

“So the range is much smaller now? Five kilometres, you say? But that is only if I destroy it in one go.”

Yazmin retorted, her voice firm and full of calculated confidence. The notion of a mere five-kilometre radius paled in comparison to what it was before.

“The cracks Reuben made on the core are ejecting small amounts of energy, aren’t they?”

She continued, her tone contemplative. Indeed, Reuben’s previous strikes had left the core compromised, leaking traces of its formidable energy. This gradual release would not only reduce the potential range but also pave the way for a more controlled and targeted explosion. The balloon analogy was being put to use here.

“I now understand your plan, but do you think you will be standing after taking such a powerful blast?”

Eliora’s weary voice broke through once more, her concern manifesting in her words. Her scepticism held a valid point. The sheer magnitude of the forthcoming explosion left little room for doubt, even with the small cracks created. Yazmin, however, responded with a cryptic laugh that was both unsettling and intriguing.

“That is the thing; I am not the one delivering the final blow. Elisa is”

The revelation struck me like lightning, sending a surge of mixed emotions coursing through my veins. It left me both apprehensive and strangely emboldened. Reuben, recognising the gravity of the situation, took action without hesitation.

“Protect her with everything you have”

Yazmin commanded as I was caught in Reuben’s protective embrace as he leapt off the platform in an instant, my grip tightening with a desperate ferocity. Questions swirled within me—would Yazmin survive such an explosion? Was I truly prepared to carry out this fateful task?

Then, in a blinding flash, a brilliant and searing light erupted from above, engulfing everything in a radiant glow. The intensity of the blast and the shockwave it unleashed threatened to consume everything in its path. Whispers of doubt mingled with a thread of hope as I uttered a single word.


Inevitably, the shockwave born from the cataclysmic explosion surged towards us, a devastating force propelled by the unleashed energy. With unyielding ferocity, it tore through the air, a tempestuous wave of destruction that threatened to unravel everything in its path. Its impact reverberated through my being, an overwhelming surge that mercilessly plunged me into the depths of unconsciousness. Then everything went black.

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