Project Eliora


“Here you go”

As he drew nearer, I noticed his hand outstretched toward me, a gesture that piqued my curiosity. Something gleamed in his palm, catching the sunlight and casting an enticing glow. Although hesitant, I reluctantly held out my hand, unsure of what awaited me. With a swift motion, Reuben placed an object in my open palm before quickly withdrawing his hand.

I could feel the object’s cool surface against my skin as my fingers curled around it. It was a bracelet, intricately crafted with delicate silver filigree and adorned with shimmering gemstones, that caught the light. Before I could voice my protest, Reuben spoke up, his voice laced with sincerity.

“I know that you said I should keep it, but I don’t think she would want that. She did say I should return it to you after all.”

I held the bracelet in my hands, my grip tightening as conflicting emotions surged within me. I slowly regained my composure and mustered the strength to respond after taking a deep breath.

“Thanks, Reuben.”

Reuben, sensing my emotional state, gently placed his hand on my head, his fingers tenderly brushing through my hair. A mixture of annoyance and comfort filled my heart as I sighed and mustered a playful complaint.

“I thought I told you to stop doing that.”

I remarked, though the fondness in my voice was unmistakable. Reuben shook his head casually with a sly grin on his lips.

“But you don’t do anything about it.”

A sigh escaped my lips before my thoughts shifted to something else.

“And Yazmin?”

“She is still saying her goodbyes, but I think she will be here soon.”

Reuben replied, and a sudden, thunderous sound shattered the calmness around me. I instinctively turned my gaze skyward, my eyes widening in awe at the magnificent sight before me. Multiple colossal spaceships gracefully lifted off the ground, their engines roaring as they ascended into the sky.

“Is that the final batch?”

I asked, and while maintaining a fixed gaze on the breathtaking display, Reuben shook his head.


He replied with a hint of wonder in his voice.

“Yazmin says there is still one more departure scheduled. They will leave in about two days.”

My mind was racing with ideas of what lay ahead as we stood there, mesmerised by the magnificence of the moment.

“What are you going to do next?”

I inquired, my voice laced with genuine curiosity, eager to know his plans. Reuben’s gaze shifted from the departing ships to meet my eyes, a contemplative expression crossing his face.

“Honestly, I have been fighting for so long that I haven’t had the time to think about what comes after”

Inspiration struck me, and I excitedly shared a spontaneous idea.

“How about you become a traveller or even an interstellar boxer?”

I suggested it, my imagination running wild with possibilities. The unexpected suggestion made Reuben laugh out loud, his eyes glistening with delight.

“Interstellar boxer? That’s quite a unique idea. I’m not sure if such a thing exists, but who knows?”

He replied, his laughter echoing through the air.

“I’ll certainly give it some thought.”

“I am going to take over as queen.”

Startled, Reuben and I turned around in unison, only to witness the graceful stride of Yazmin as she made her way towards us.

“It won’t be an easy task, as I’ll need to convince the people, but I believe I can find a way.”

Yazmin proclaimed, her voice a mixture of assurance and ambition.

“Good luck with that.”

I gave her my heartfelt support, fully aware of the challenges that lay ahead for her. Then, with curiosity in her eyes, Yazmin turned her focus to me.

“And you, Holly, what are your plans?”

The question hung in the air, and I found myself momentarily at a loss for words. The enormity of the changes that had swept across the world overwhelmed me, leaving me grappling with the uncertainty of the future.

“How about I get back to you on that?”

A sense of awe and acceptance swept over me as I looked up at the enormous structures that now adorned the sky. I realised that these majestic sights would soon become a familiar part of our new reality, serving as a constant reminder of the infinite possibilities that awaited us all.

“So, are we now set to leave?”

Yazmin stretched her body, a sign of the exhaustion that had settled upon her. Her eyes met Reuben’s, and she nodded in confirmation.

“Yep, we’re all set”

She replied, with a hint of relief evident in her voice.

“These past weeks have been a hassle”

She sighed, and I nodded in agreement. I could see that the burden she bore had taken its toll on her.

“Of course they have”

I replied, my voice filled with empathy.

“Everyone needed explanations for what happened.”

I said, and Yazmin sighed in frustration.

“Do you know how many times I had to re-explain it?”

She asked, her voice laced with a hint of exasperation. I could only imagine the mental strain she had endured, constantly having to explain the same thing over and over again. Midway through our conversation, our attention was abruptly drawn to a captivating sight. The azure expanse above us was momentarily disrupted by the majestic descent of a spacecraft, gliding through the air with unparalleled grace. Yazmin’s gaze shifted towards the vessel, a mixture of anticipation and resignation flickering in her eyes.

“And that’s our ride.”

I suddenly became aware that it had only been a few weeks since my initial encounter with Yazmin and Reuben, and in that short span of time, we had gotten to know each other. Though I understood the necessity of their departure, there was a twinge of sadness within me, an unspoken desire for them to remain by our side.

“Thanks for everything that you both have done for us.”

I conveyed, my voice filled with genuine gratitude.

“Everyone on this planet owes you a great debt.”

I couldn’t let them go without expressing my heartfelt appreciation. Yazmin and Reuben shared a meaningful glance and smiled.

“No need to be so formal.”

Yazmin retorted in a comfortingly warm tone, and she pulled me into a tight embrace.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon to check up on things here.”

A sincere smile spread across my face as I nodded.

“I’ll be waiting.”

I replied, my voice filled with optimism.

“There you go... I’m sure Elisa would be happy if you continued smiling.”

Reuben remarked, his voice carrying a touch of playfulness.

Elisa—her name resonated within me like a delicate whisper, evoking a sense of wonder and admiration. Though I had only known her for a fleeting moment in time, she had left an indelible mark on my heart. In the face of adversity, she remained resolute, confronting challenges head-on with an unwavering spirit.

When the loop was finally deactivated, a surreal awakening awaited me. Emerging from a state of suspended animation, I found myself submerged in a luminous liquid they called Lumen. The sensation was both disorienting and agonising as I detached myself from the life-sustaining breathing apparatus, feeling the sharp sting of pain reverberate through every nerve ending.

The sight that greeted my eyes upon breaking free from the liquid’s embrace was nothing short of awe-inspiring. A sea of humanity, about a hundred souls strong, stood alongside me, each one awestruck by the vast expanse that unfolded before us. Majestic, futuristic structures pierced the sky, their gleaming surfaces reflecting the dawning light. We stood at an altitude unimaginable, where gravity itself seemed to defy convention, tugging at our bodies with an inverted force.

Amidst the staggering beauty of this new world, the challenge of reuniting with those who had shared the loop loomed before us. The disoriented dance of destiny had scattered us to different corners of this brave new reality, causing our paths to meander until they converged once more. It was a process that demanded patience, resilience, and an unyielding determination to find our kin.

In the midst of this intricate web of reunions and rediscoveries, Reuben and Yazmin took it upon themselves to deliver Elisa’s lifeless body to her grieving family. Tears streamed freely as the heartbreaking scene played out in front of my eyes, highlighting the gravity of their enormous loss. Although my connection to Elisa had been brief, a profound sense of sorrow gripped my heart, mirroring the profound anguish that must have engulfed her loved ones.

A sombre and intimate funeral was held to honour Elisa’s memory, where words of love and remembrance were spoken with solemn reverence. I stood among those who had been touched by her courageous act of liberation, feeling both privileged and humbled to bear witness to this solemn occasion. As her body was tenderly laid to rest, a collective sigh echoed through the air, an acknowledgement of the profound impact she had made in setting us free.

I found comfort in the embrace of conversations I had with Elisa’s mother in the quiet moments that followed, her voice quivering with a mixture of pride and sorrow. Briana, Elisa’s best friend, was enveloped in the depths of her sorrow; her anguish was palpable and seemingly insurmountable. Aching with an insurmountable longing, she yearned for a miracle, a whispered plea for Elisa’s return that echoed through her soul. And then there was Louis, another pillar in Elisa’s life, whose heart bore the weight of regret. In the wake of her death, he found himself consumed by unspoken words that lingered in the depths of his being, unexpressed and now forever lost to time.

Even so, there was a resounding undercurrent of gratitude that permeated the gathering despite the palpable grief. She had gifted us freedom at the cost of her own life, etching her name in the annals of history as a beacon of selflessness. Reuben and Yazmin had told me all they could about her, as had her family and friends. I just wish she was still here. As I gazed heavenward, the vast expanse of the sky stretched before me, a canvas painted with memories of our brief encounter.

Elisa Nunez

Her name echoed through my thoughts. An offering of gratitude and remembrance, for her selflessness had paved the way for our newfound liberation.

“I am sure she will.”

As the words parted from my lips, their resonance lingered in the air, intertwined with an unwavering resolve that seemed to take on a life of its own. A tender gust of wind embraced the moment, carrying with it a sense of determination and strength.

“Until we meet again, Holly.”

He said, the weight of our connection resonating in those simple words.

“Same here.”

I retorted with a warm and resolute tone in my voice. As Reuben and Yazmin prepared to embark on their interstellar odyssey, the spacecraft stood before us like a majestic behemoth. They exchanged one last glance before stepping up the ramp and disappearing into the spacecraft’s metallic interior. My eyes remained fixated on their forms, etching their departure into my memory. Every detail was etched into my mind like a cherished keepsake.

The engines roared to life, vibrating through the ground beneath my feet, as the ship gradually lifted off, defying the gravitational pull that tethered it to the Earth. A symphony of power and propulsion filled the air, reverberating with an exhilarating energy that set my heart racing. I remained there, a lone figure in the midst of the turbulent winds that whipped around me, yanking at my clothing and teasing my hair. Multiple spacecraft, like celestial messengers, filled the sky, their sleek forms gliding through the heavens with seamless grace.

I cradled the delicate bracelet in my hand, feeling its weight and significance.

“Sorry, this did not do much for you, Elisa”

With a pang of remorse, I whispered an apology, and carefully, I adorned the bracelet on my wrist. I adjusted my hair, the strands cascading gracefully around my face.

What was I to do now?

A gentle breeze brushed against my skin, offering respite from the weight of the world. I took a deep breath and savoured the cool, crisp air filling my lungs. Each breath was a tranquillizing elixir, washing away the remnants of turmoil and uncertainty that lingered in the atmosphere.

Above me, the sky transformed into a breathtaking tapestry of colour. The fading sun painted the heavens with hues of orange and gold, casting a warm, ethereal glow upon the horizon. Despite the ruins that surrounded me—the remnants of a once-thriving city—the splendour of the sunset stood as a testament to the enduring beauty that still clung to this world.

I lost myself in thought as I considered the road ahead of us. The weight of responsibility settled upon my shoulders, mingling with a renewed sense of purpose. It was a daunting endeavour, yet the flicker of hope burned brightly within me. As the last ship disappeared beyond the horizon, vanishing from sight, a gust of wind surged with newfound strength, embracing me in its cool embrace. I closed my eyes, allowing the evening breeze to envelop me, its gentle caress a soothing balm for my weary soul. In that moment of serenity, I extended my arms outward, embracing the vastness before me.

The vista that unfolded was a sight to behold. Nature, with its unwavering tenacity and resilience, began to reclaim the remnants of the devastating aftermath. The remnants of the city stood as testaments to the battles waged and the sacrifices made. But amidst the ruins, pockets of untouched beauty remained, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there was still much to cherish and protect.


I will appreciate the beauty that still exists in this world.

“Holly, there you are”

A voice broke through the tranquilly, drawing my attention. I turned to see a group of familiar faces approaching me. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting its final, golden rays upon the landscape, I smiled.

We are all here because of you.

Thank you for that.


Thank you for reading Cycle of Death - The Awakening of Elisa. What started as a short book that was meant to alleviate my writer’s block at the time developed into a story I had high hopes for and wanted to share with the world. I wrote this book all the way back in the summer of 2021 and had different ideas of where the story would go next even up until now.

With my ambitions for the sequel going through the roof, I hope you all stick around for when it is released until then you can check out my socials for updates.

A big thanks once again for purchasing my book and journeying into the mind of Elisa. Consider leaving a review and recommending it to your friends if you enjoy it.

Dave Atta

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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