Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter Ultimatum

Chapter 5


After punching that boy a group of Libra men dragged me to a room similar to the last one. I sit silently trying to figure out why I was out of the old room in the first place. I don’t remember having ever left the old one. On top of the fact that the place I woke up at, appeared to have had the 3rd 4th, and 5th world war waltz through. I struggle to try to remember what happened, but nothing comes to me. It frustrates me that I can’t remember and for some reason, I can’t talk to Lucifer either, so if it was him I don’t know. I sigh and decide to just play around with my magic while I wait. I close my eyes picturing the room turning into a beautiful galaxy full of stars. When I open them I see milky ways and bright burning stars all surrounding me. All putting me at peace. I twirl around the night sky enjoying this moment of solitude, but all too soon I hear the door begin to open. I quickly break the spell as the door opens all the way. The boy I punched walks in with a black eye. He stands there awkwardly silent. So I decide to speak up. I can at least remember his name though I’m not sure why.

“Micah right?”

“Yeah, that’s it.”

“Well sorry for punching you it’s just that was my first kiss and I’d always planned to save it for when I was married.”

’If anyone would want to marry me.” I sigh quietly to myself.

“Ah, yeah I’m sorry too. For the kiss that is.” he mumbles.

He looks down and starts blushing. It dawns on me that could have been his first kiss too and he gave it away to me some demon that he’s just supposed to watch. I can’t help but feel a little worse for punching him, even if he is a Libra boy.

“Um but anyway I’m here to escort you to the Elder’s.” He says before I can discuss that situation any further.

I just nod as we exit the room. Yay!!! The council. Maybe they’ll place me in a dungeon somewhere this time.


We stroll into the council room and sit. She turns looking around anxiously. Her eyes are sharp and narrowed at everything. Her muscles keep tensing as if she’s preparing at any moment to fight. Seeing her now she looks like a wounded animal making it’s last stand, even though just 2 hours ago she was a raging beast. Even if she looks innocent now I can’t forget she’s a monster, a monster that should be locked away. The large mahogany doors behind the council’s seats open and all eyes turn to them.


There is silence as the council is seated. They haven’t changed much since the last time I saw them. Except there’s a new elder. He’s a bit different from the others. There’s this bright look in his eyes. As if he’s younger for lack of a better word. The Elders have been around since my dad came to power in Hell as one of the diamond families. They’re supposed to have extremely powerful magic mirroring that of an archangel. So a new edition either means one died finally, or he is more powerful than the others. Either way, even I know I must be cautious right now. This is enemy territory and I’m in front of their strongest members. They all stare at me as I sit and I debate whether I should speak, or not. It bothers me that they just sit there staring at me. The last time things were this quiet I had my memories sealed and I was sent far, far away. Finally, I see their lips begin to move.

“State your name lineage, and social status,” they say in unison.

I stand up at least trying to be somewhat polite. Or maybe it’s just to prove I’m not scared of them. Whatever the case I stand.

“Queen Enjeru Michelle Ezra Chi first daughter to Daniel Vance Chi, and Michelle Ezra Chi. Current status queen of the vampire domain as well as queen of one of the royal diamond families.

“Sit.” they all reply in unison.

I sit back down confused, the Elders should already know this. I’m not exactly a well-kept secret from them. Also, why are they being so kind to me? Kindness is not something I’ve known Libra to do at least not without a trick showing up right after. I turn my head to the left and realize why they made me introduce myself. Micah knows nothing about me judging by the look of surprise on his face. That still doesn’t explain how nice they are being though.

“You’re a q..qu..queen?!”

“Well yeah I’m the only girl born to my family so I was taught from birth how to rule over people and since I’m the most powerful I’m the one up for the crown when my father steps down.”

“What about your mom did she step down, or something?”

His question is purely innocent, but it brings back unwanted memories.

“Micah that’s enou.....”

No, it’s fine.” I cut the new Elder off.

He looks worried oddly enough, but I brush that aside turning back to Micah.

“Well as you already know I’m a hybrid breed of demon and angel. For some reason, the specific hybrid of vampire, and Angel can be a sealing vessel for high-level demons.”

I pause so he can absorb it.

“Well my siblings, and I were each assigned an upper-level demon to be a vessel for. Mine is Lucifer.”

“Okay but how does that answer my question?”

“If it wasn’t for my mother I wouldn’t have Lucifer sealed within me now. I would still be semi-normal if that’s possible for a Forsaken. I betrayed my family and she believed that losing my freedom was a good punishment. So she had Lucifer body destroyed and his soul put into me. Because of that I...…………………..kil......led..…….her......”

The room falls into silence again, as a single bloody tear slips from my eye. I brush it away quickly, and no one seems to noticed. Micah looks as if he wants to give me a kind word, but I turn away from him. I can’t let myself get close with anyone otherwise I’ll just get hurt again. I glance over at him again but this time I realize it’s fear in his eyes he’s scared of me, no he’s probably disgusted with me. He snaps his head away quickly and I know now that he’ll never look at me innocently again, but it’s better this way. At least he knows what a real monster looks like.

“If I may I must ask the council something.”

They nod at me in response.

“Why are you acting this way. If I remember correctly last time you immediately had me sealed away. What are you planning you old fools.”

The room is silent again as the elder all turn to each other. The one I remember to be named Marcus speaks:

“To have you work for us of course. Now that we have a leash for you, you’ll be our dog unless you want to be sealed away again. ”

A growl escapes my chest, and the guards in the room step towards me. Even Micah looks prepared to fight. With a decent bit of my powers now sealed away this fight won’t be easy. On top of the fact that Micah is the key to the seal. And then there’s the Elder’s who could do away with me in this state. This is a losing battle. I sigh internally knowing I have to comply.

“I accept.” I hiss.

“Then welcome to Libra.”

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