Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter Sigil

Chapter 4


They arrive in a helicopter. It’s been a week since the failed mission, and now she’s back on the side I was supposed to prevent her from going to.

“They just have to show off.” Angelique scoffs.

I ignore her comment and return my attention to Enjeru. Her brother assists her out of the helicopter, and she smiles at him. He mirrors her face as if they’re speaking silently through their eyes. She seems to chuckle at some inside joke before turning towards the school. Towards us. I can’t help but notice she’s absolutely flawless, a stunning face, and body plus she oozes self-confidence. Yet there’s something not beautiful about her. It’s a dark sinister feel.

I don’t like it.


Kiro helps me out of the helicopter, and we start across the lawn.

“It appears things have changed in my absence,” I say to Kiro in his mind.

“Yes, the school is now a neutral zone sister so no trouble now,” Kiro replies in my head with a smirk.

“That explains the smell.”

A girl stares me down with murderous eyes. She’s for sure the child of an Angel and she had just heard my comment. I turn my eyes back to school wondering how things will go on my first day back. Kiro leads me to the office. When we enter and everyone bows to him and I. I nod to each staff member before accepting my schedule. It’s, of course, the same as my brother’s. No one wants to make me mad though I wouldn’t harm someone over something as simple as a schedule difference.

“So what do you think lil sis.”

“Things are different, but not by much. Though I guess they finally started letting Libra members attend.”

“Yes, there are a few in our classes so please no fighting. At least not on the first day.”

“I’ll be on my best behavior brother.” I smile as we approach homeroom.

Kiro enters leaving me standing alone in the hallway. My eyes travel around recognizing a few people that now sit in the classroom looking back at me. The Angel girl and her friends all sit together near the back of the class closest to the door. She glares but turns away as a boy says something to her. The door opens revealing the teacher, she ushers me into the room while smiling.

“Class as you can see we have a new student. Could you please introduce yourself.”

hello, my name is Enjeru Chi nice to meet you all.”

All of the students stand and bow except for three. I don’t spare them more than a glance since they’re the Angel girl and her friends. Most of the kids look nervous though as if I’m a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off. I can see I’ll be hanging out with Kiro all the time seeing as everyone else is scared of me.

“Please stop everyone right now I’m a student like everyone else. Please treat me as so while I’m here.” I sing sweetly.

They relax and sit down happy to drop all formalities, but they’re still not letting their guards. No one wants to upset me. I knew things would be like this I guess I just didn’t expect it to be so bad. I at least thought I could make one real friend.

“You can sit next to your brother to catch up.” the teacher speaks up.

I bow and take my seat. Kiro slides his book between us and I see the first class is history. The teacher begins talking about what lead the school to become a neutral ground, but I can’t focus. I can feel stares coming from everywhere and I hate it. I want to snap and tell them all to stop, but I know it’s useless. People are so interested in my life maybe because they want to see me crack. But I can’t, no I won’t break in front of any of these people. I’m a Queen a Queen should always be proud, always be bold, always be brave. Kiro glances over at me no one else can tell, but I know he’s worried.

“You don’t have to build a wall Enjeru it’s okay to let yourself be free sometimes.” He says in my mind.

“No the moment I let my guard down, the moment I retreat everyone will attack, you’re the lucky twin Kiro you were born a boy. But since I’m the only girl I have no time to be frivolous, no time for niceties. I must always be on my guard even around family.”

I know he wants to says something, but instead, he focuses back on the lesson. I silence our link for now wanting him out of my head for a bit. I hurt him just now, but it’s better I keep my distance from everyone this time around. I can’t rely on someone to always be there. I need to get used to this grave I’ve dug. A bell rings signaling the end of class and the beginning of the lunch break. Immediately the room breaks into chatter. Two boys walk up to where Kiro and I are.

“Hey Kiro joining us for lunch?”

“Yeah, sure guys just let me put my books in my bag.”

“Cool, we’ll wait at the door.”

They leave not even glancing my way. Kiro puts his things away quietly. He’s hurt right now, but he’ll get over it soon enough. He leaves without even spouting a goodbye. I smile bitterly as I watch him go with his friends laughing and talking. He’s so unlike me and all I do is drag him down. Not any longer though, I refuse to hold him back now. I push my chair back and walk to the window. So I can just watch the leaves fall in the crisp autumn air.


The bell rings for lunch and everybody files out of class except for Enjeru, and I. I notice even her brother is gone which I find odd, but a blessing as well. She moves to stand by the window her eyes focused on something not visible to me outside. I walk over towards her.

“Uh, hey remember me?”

“I’m sorry, but we’ve never met before. And why would I know a member of Libra?” she replies icily.

“Oh well, I’m Micah,” I say while holding out my hand.

She stares very hard at me as if debating on if she can trust me, or not. She turns away back towards the open window ignoring my hand. She looks tense as if she's ready to fight. At this rate, I’ll never be able to get her to come along with me.

“This is neutral territory you know, I won’t harm you.”

She studies me as if gauging if she can trust me. I can see she doesn’t really, but she extends her hand anyway.

“Enjeru.” She says quietly.

I reach my hand out and shake hers. Her grip is firm as if trying to demonstrate her authority. I know I have one shot at this so I quickly perform an incantation-less sleeping spell. She passes out and her body leans towards the open window. She tips out and I jump out behind her. Landing before her I quickly catch her unconscious form before she hits the ground. I look back checking to make sure no one has seen me, but of course, I’m not that lucky. Her brother stands in the window looking furious. He jumps down landing with enough power to cause the ground to shake. I freeze up knowing there’s no way I can finish the mission now.

“Release my sister right now you little piece of shit.” He growls.

“MICAH RUN I GOT KIRO!!!!” Jake screams as he lands in front of me.

I don’t give it a second thought as I start running off campus and towards the van park across the street. One of the Delta team members takes her from my arms and I glance back at Jake. They’re moving to fast for me to keep up, but I can tell his goal is to get to his sister. I hop in the van closing the door behind me. We pull off at full speed racing to Libra’s headquarters. Hopefully Jake can hold him off until we make it there.


I wake up in an unknown room with an achy body.

“Wow, I really need to quit passing out,” I mumble to myself.

There is a slight pain in my head, but I try my best to ignore it assuming it’s from however I got knocked out. My eyes travel around the room trying to look for something familiar. Something to tell me how I got here, or where here even is. Only the room is full of plain white padded walls. It’s spacious at least, but empty. There’s one door though there’s no handle on it. I try to think of what happened before me waking up here, but it’s all a blur. There was school, a boy, and then nothing. A sharper pain runs through my head. As I try to stand it begins to grow immensely. I fall to my knee clawing at my skull. A scream rips from my lungs as I feel as if my mind is being split in two.


“Help...HELP ME!!!!!”

I run towards Enjeru’s cell her screams echoing throughout the hall. I open the door to see her cringing on the floor. I kneel beside her unsure of what to do. Her skin appears to almost be glowing, and she’s clawing at her head. I try to hold her still, but she begins thrashing around almost hitting me in the process. She curls back up in a ball whimpering now. I want to help her, but how can I do that if I don’t even know what’s wrong?

“MICAH NO!!!! GET AWAY FROM HER NOW!!!” I hear Angelique yells.

I turn to her confused as to what she’s so scared of.

“She’s in pain I can’t just...”

I feel something hit me in the back of my head and I fall forward my vision fading.

“Jesus Christ I fell for this again?”


“So you decided to appear Demon?”

She, or should I say he chuckles as he stands looking me directly in my eyes. This is no longer Enjeru, but Micah was a fool and didn’t notice the change. Lucifer has taken over now.

“A child of David interesting,” Lucifer says studying me.

“Don’t mention my father with you unholy mouth.”

“Unholy I was ranked higher than your father ever was, loved more than he ever could be yet I was cast down. What makes you think he’s any better?”

“Any Angel is above you who turned to sin, you who turned to Satan. And if you think I will let you leave this room then you are mistaken.”

“A fighter, well that’s too bad because I’m taking this child’s body, and leaving,” Lucifer replies.

“Over my dead body.” I spit.

“That can be arranged.” He smirks.


I wake up a slight pain in the back of my head. As I sit up I can immediately see a path of destruction. There are burn marks and various cuts on the wall. I jump up knowing what happened immediately. Angelique must have fought Enjeru, though I’m not sure it was just Enjeru at this point. I get up and run into the hallway. Angelique is there not moving. kneeling down I check her pulse and sigh. Thankfully she’s alive, but she’s suffered some serious injuries from what I can see. A loud explosion goes off rocking the building, followed by screams of terror. I jump up running towards the chaos Angelique may have to wait.

“Micah DUCK!!!!”

A chunk of glass flies over my head, and lodges itself in the wall behind me. I shudder thinking how quickly I could have been decapitated just now. After ensuring that no more debris would come flying towards me, I quickly make my over to Jake.

“Thank God you ducked in time, otherwise it would have been lights out for you.”

“Thanks for the heads up, but what’s going on I’m pretty sure this isn’t Enjeru even on a bad day.”

“Lucifer has taken over and he’s wrecking havoc, I guess he’s getting a little bit of revenge right now.”

“Well have you heard anything from the higher ups?”

“They’ve been evacuated and comms are down.”

“Look Jake we have to get over there. I’m the only one here right now who can create a strong enough seal to stop her.”

“Are you out of your fucking mind!!!! This isn’t just any demon no not even any demon this is a fallen Angel for christ sake. This is Lucifer, one of the four princes of Hell. It’s a suicide mission even for me. Look Enjeru is extremely strong, but when Lucifer is in control it’s ten times worse you could very well die doing this.” He screams frantically.

“I know but I have to try.”

“Micah let the Elders handle this. You don’t always have to be the hero.”

“So what more people can die, or get injured no way Jake. I’m the only hero everyone’s got like it or not. Now I’m going out there whether you help me, or not.”

Jake pleads with his eyes for me not to do this, but I’m this places only hope. If the Elders aren’t here then I have to do this.

“Fine but any sign that this isn’t going to work we pull out. Understand.”

I nod giving him a thumbs up.

“Now let’s go.”

Jake runs up in front of her and her attention immediately focus on on him. He dodges two fire attacks before lunging at her. She sends him flying back with a large fireball. He emerges from the smoking rubble looking kinda of pissed.

“Now Uncle Lucifer you’ve made me mad. Let’s dance shall we?”

“Of course Nephew, but I must say my tango is quite dangerous.”

“It wouldn’t be fun if it wasn’t now would it?”

Jake let’s his seal release though not completely. I’m hit with a wave of dark energy, that for someone weaker would cripple them. Fortunately I’m used to it now. I quickly move to a clear spot that’s out of sight and say a short prayer for strength.

“Father above I your humble servant ask you to help seal this fiend to the body which it controls. As the sun rises in the east and set in the West. As you brought light to this world you also brought darkness. I bind that which does not serve you, but works for the masters of chaos and evil.”

“Micah hurry it up over there.” Jake screams while dodging a swing of her sword just barely.

“Give me another minute. This isn’t exactly easy either!!!”

I bind that which wishes your creations and your followers harm. I bind that which is unjust and proud. I bind them to The body that host evil and trap them with their unholy mark so that they may never again harm your devoted. By the light of heaven I bind and banish thee from sight!!!!!”

There’s a loud scream before she falls onto a pile of rubble. Jake looks towards me relief flooding his system as he falls to his knees, while sealing his powers away again.

“Thanks Micah.” He sighs looking exhausted.

“No problem mister she’s too strong and I doubted my friends awesome abilities.”

“Oh shut up Micah you’re the dumbass that let her get loose in the first place.”

“Shut up Jake.”

I run up to her ignoring Jake to see the burning red sigil of Lucifer on the left side of her throat. The glow starts to die down as the spell sets in. Jake walks up behind me checking to see if the sigil has formed. He pats me on the back nodding at my work.

“Good job Micah.”

I turn her over so I can see if there’s anything that can be kept and used as the key for the seal. Usually you use an item that the demon has so that way you can keep it locked up which makes it impossible for the demon to leave you, or use their full powers. Even if it’s simply a necklace or ring really anything can be used. I lean over her and she shoots up causing our lips to meet. I look down at my hand to see the key symbol, and mentally curse myself. Now I’m the key.

“Did you just kiss me?” She asks shocked.

“Well yes, but.... I mean no well aaahh......”

“That was my first kiss dammit.”

Her fist collides with my face.

My eyes close, damn this is just not a good day.

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