Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter New York

Chapter 6


We walk into Team Alpha's lounge. She looks around with a frown. It’s obvious she doesn’t want to be here, but I go on as if it doesn’t matter. Why should it any way she’s only here to do a job?

“This is my squad we’re Alpha Team for project Angel,” I announce.

“That’s Angelique, Jake, Alice, and Syaoran.”

“Hey, Jake how long has it been,” Enjeru speaks up smirking.

“You two know each other,” I ask confused.

“Yeah, we go way back.” She smirks again.


“It’s been about 400 years right Jake.”

“About,” he replies.

“Wait you’ve been alive for 400 years,” Micah asks in astonishment.

“Longer actually. My kind can control our growth. If I wanted I could look like a 10, 20, 30, even 100 years old but I prefer being a teenager.”

“How? Only immortals can do that.”

“Well, I am immortal,” I reply casually.

“Not possible no hybrid is completely immortal.”

“Well, then why don’t we test it,” I smirk.

I say this while looking towards Angelique.

“With pleasure,” she replies.



“She was asking so I made her wish come true.”

“If I asked you to stab me would you do it.”

“Well if you ask me nicely....maybe.”

I turn away from Angelique in disbelief. I look back down at the spot where Enjeru’s body fell, she’s gone.

“Looking for someone Micah?”

I turned to see Enjeru sitting on the couch legs crossed.

“But..but you were just dead.”

“Told you I was immortal.”

“But how do you know Jake?”

“He’s apart of the diamond families how could we not know each other. The Joker family and mine are good friends.”

Jake nods to this, but he doesn’t seem to happy at the mention of his family.

“What’s wrong Jake did I say too much?” She muses.

“Don’t test me Enjeru.”

“Big words from a traitor.”

“If I remember you were a traitor at one point. And look you’re doing it again.”

“This time wasn’t by choice.” She hisses back.

“Well, I guess you’ve kinda lost your freedom of choice a long time ago due to the curse huh? Or did I say too much?”

Enjeru’s eyes scream bloody murder. I start to intervene, but Jake pushes her away.

“At least my family knows where my allegiances lie,” He smirks.

“Go die,” She says dangerously.

“Remember we can’t.” He laughs as he leaves the room.

She looks beyond angry, but I force her into the nearest chair. She looks up at me baring her fangs and everyone moves to guard me.

“Put those fangs away mutt or we could always have you sent to the pound.” Angelique taunts.

She looks ready to murder someone but instead storms out of the room leaving us alone.

“What a beast,” Angelique sneers.

And I can’t help but agree.


I spend the next couple of days being assessed. All the testers look at me with disgust. They hate that I’m here that the council is trusting me if that’s what you call it. But it’s not just them it’s everyone. In the halls, snide comments, and sharp glares are thrown at me every which way. Micah tries to be nice, but I push him away. I know he doesn’t mean it in the least bit he’s just trying to make his life easier. Besides, I don’t need anyone. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from being royalty it’s trust no one. No matter how good they seem.

“Come on Enjeru today we need to pick up your badge and phone.”

Micah snaps me out of my thoughts. Honestly, I didn’t hear him enter my room.


We walk in complete silence, I’m not sure if I scare him, or he’s finally realizing he just needs to let me be. After all, I didn’t have a say in staying here. I’d much rather be with my family. Though Micah intrigues me a bit. He is fairly odd for a human. With light lavender eyes that I have never seen ever on any human. Also, there’s something off about him, but I can’t put a finger to it. He has a demon-like atmosphere about him. But he’s obviously human, but maybe his family has a small amount of demon blood in it.

“Uh, we’re here,” Micah says pointedly.

Then I realize I had been staring at him the whole walk. I quickly walk into the room and receive my things then run back to my room. Leaving Micah alone.


I call everyone to the lounge.

“Okay, I just received a mission we’re heading to New York.”

“Why?” Jake asked.

“Because of my nephew no doubt.” She snorts.

“Your crazy vampire nephew?” Jake replies back to Enjeru.

She doesn’t reply, but by now we know to take that as a yes.

“Well anyway, there have been numerous vampire attacks within the last year. While the population is too large for it to be significant these attacks are growing. We need to stop them got it.”

“Yes, sir!” They all reply except Enjeru.


I grab my skateboard from under my bed and head outside. I’m glad I was at least able to summon this here though many were against me receiving anything from home. Jakob the new elder said yes. They all looked at me strangely except Jake. He just sits there smiling. Though I’m still pissed at him from earlier in the week I’m glad someone understands what’s about to happen. I wave my hand over the board and watch it transform. I enchanted it as a child as part of my homework and studies. I liked it so much that I developed an enchantment that allows it to turn into anything I will it to. And the beauty of it all is it only responds to me. When it’s finished I have a sleek black motorcycle. I swing myself onto the bike. I kick start it to life before flying off ahead of them to the airport. I can’t help but notice the keeper that is following. I guess I can’t escape Libra no matter how hard I try.

2 days later. . .

We arrive in the Big Apple sometime before midnight. It took us forever to get here on account of the fact that Micah caused us to miss several flights. I take a huge breath enjoying being in a city again. The amount of death, poverty, and despair in the air is a nice change of pace from the usual holy aura I’ve been trapped in. I feel more relaxed more at home. I close my eyes enjoying the madness the human world has to offer.


I sigh before opening my eyes to look at Micah.

“Yes.” I snap.

“Where is your nephew’s coven.”

“Like I fucking know it’s been at least 200 years since I’ve seen the little bastard. Plus I was locked up for 50 more years. And why should I tell you if I did know? That’s a number one law amongst vampires never inform the enemy under any circumstances of where we hide.”

“Look little shit if you don’t. . .”

“Angelique I got this.”

“Fine if you won’t cooperate I guess we can tell the Elders to prepare a. . .”

“Oh my fucking God okay he owns a nightclub called Bite original I know. We can start there. Though I doubt he’s there. He gets bored very easily with business ventures.”

“Thank you,” Micah replies.

“Kiss. My. Ass.”

They call a taxi and I immediately head for the very back row. No one follows probably not wanting to be near the beast as they’ve nicknamed me. I turn to the window pulling out the iPod I had my skateboard turn into for the plane rides. I plug both earbuds in and watch the world go by as violin pieces stream from my iPod to my ears. Most of them are pieces I made after I was punished. They’re sad and lonely, but beautiful. I stare at the city. Fall here is so much different from fall in Japan. The smells, the sounds. Leaves are streaming through the air littering the ground in Japan, but here it’s just people and trash scurrying around looking for some purpose. Purpose is a funny thing because that just means you’re needed not wanted. And the real thing everybody searches for is the need to be wanted. Suddenly my earbuds are ripped from my ear. I turn to whoever did it and I see the whole car staring at me.


“You get out.”

“Why we’re not at the hotel yet?”

“We’re going to the hotel you are going to you’re nephew’s club. And look here it is.”

“No, I’m not…”

“You’ll do what you’re told or you can be locked away simple as that,” Micah replies.

I don’t even bother exiting the car like a normal human. I allow myself to turn to dust then I reappear outside. The driver is amazed, confused, and scared all at the same time. I turn away heading towards the club at least I can be around some of my own kind for a bit I think to myself.

“Not so fast Enjeru I’m you’re guardian while we’re here,” Jake says while grabbing my shoulder.

I push him off not caring he can go fuck himself for all I care. I push the doors open wide not even caring about the attention it draws. When we enter everyone bows. If I wasn’t royalty they would have most likely sized me up for entering so dramatically, but everyone knows better than to pick a fight with me. I walk past every bowed head heading for VIP wanting to get this over with.


I turn to spot a familiar face.

“William what a surprise.” I smile.

“And I see you brought Jake though there are rumors spreading that he sides with Libra.”

“Oh, I’m bringing him back to the dark side.” I chuckle.

“So what brings you here?”

“I have some business to take care of with Beckett. Know where he’s at?”

“He recently started getting into fashion design. He has his own brand now. He lives in SoHo neighborhood now. He has a shop up there too. He’s left me in charge of the club for now.”

“Hmm, interesting. Never pegged him as the fashion type.”

“Actually it was Jacen’s idea. He does the designing while Beckett handles the business aspect.”

“Jacen is here as well?”

“Yeah said he needed to get away from home for a bit.”

“Hmm well, I’ll have to stop by and see them.”

“Want me to tell them you’re in town?”

“No, I want to surprise them. After all its been some time since we’ve seen each other.”

“No problem Enjeru enjoy your time in NYC.”

“Thanks.” I smile as we start to leave.

Once we exit Jake stops me turning me around to face him.

“Isn’t Jacen. .”

“A prince yes. His family rules over the vampires of Italy. But I know for a fact he’s not here for a break.”

“Why’s that?”

“His parents are dead, and he should know since he murdered them.”

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