Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter Monster

Chapter 7


Jake and Enjeru return two hours later. Enjeru refuses to speak so Jake does the explaining. After discussing things for a bit it’s decided that we should just allow Enjeru to go visit her nephews and try to milk them for information. She doesn’t move a muscle, but with the threat of being locked away for eternity looming over her head, I doubt she’ll say no. We order some food to the apartment, and everybody eats but Enjeru.

“What so you’re on a hunger strike?”

She doesn’t answer me but rolls her eyes.

“I asked a question.”

“I’m a fucking demon, not a human, does that ring a bell. Fucking dipshit I drink blood not eat takeout food.”

“Jake’s a demon, and he eats.”

“Well, Jake is also a pureblood. He doesn’t need anything, but for the world to have sin in it. I, on the other hand, am half vampire meaning I need blood so can you please leave me the fuck alone.”

“Well isn’t the little halfbreed cranky,” Angelique taunts.

Enjeru gets up and walks to the window. She opens it before jumping out. I run over expecting her to be somewhere on the ground, but she’s gone.

“Just let her be Micah. She needs some time to herself,” Jake says.

I nod, but I still have an uneasy feeling.


I hate this. I am no better than some prized fighting dog. They’ll keep me here for as long as I’m useful, but the first chance they get they’ll lock me away. Then there’s that team. I can’t stand any of them, but especially Jake and that Angel bitch. Jake the boy I used to trust with my life is gone. I don’t know him anymore.

Then there’s that filthy Angel and she’s as judgmental as they come. This is why my mother left heaven because of how hypocritical everything is. She fell for a demon and then the rest is history. My 8 brothers, then Kiro, and I. One big happy family at least we were. Until that Angel spoke to me. Twisted my thoughts made me leave my family only to be cast away once they had what was needed of me. Angel’s are crueler than any demon, but they’re the ones who are praised. It burns to know a part of me is just like them. I hate Libra, I hate Project Angel, I hate myself.

“Why the fuck is everything so shitty right now,” I Sigh sliding down the nearest wall.

I can feel tears coming on, but I force them back down. My life has been fucked since I was born. The only girl to a family of boys I've always had to prove I was more than just the cute daughter. That I was queen material. And now I don’t even know what I’m doing now.

“Hey, are you okay?”

I look up to see a boy, he looks to be in his 20′s maybe slightly younger. He appears genuinely worried.


“Um, there’s this coffee shop I’m heading there now if you want you could just sit there instead of out here. This isn’t the safest neighborhood.”

“Um..why not it’s not like I have anything better to do.”

He holds out a hand and I take it. He pulls me up and we start walking. It’s a bit awkward, but somehow I feel a little calmer with him here. I look around the city the bright lights, thousands of people all living in ignorance, all content to do so. How I wish I could live like them, blissfully ignorant. I crash into something in front of me and close my eyes as I start to fall back, but someone catches me. I open my eyes to see the boy’s face inches from mine. he stands me up straight before letting go.

“Are you usually this clumsy?”

I can’t help but chuckle at the comment.

“I was just thinking too much.”

“Well we’re here um I actually have to go change cuz I work here, but you can hang out if you want for a while.”

“But I don’t have any money, and I can’t just loiter...”

“It’s fine my boss is cool he’ll understand.”

We enter, and I’m shocked to see who’s behind the counter.


“Enjeru and Sky? Do you two know each other?” William asks.

“I just met her she seemed like she was having a rough time so I said she could hang out here for a bit.”

“Sky go get changed Enjeru and we need to talk.”

Sky nods leaving us alone.

“Enjeru what’s going on? First, you show up with Jake, and now Sky. And why are you even in New York?”


“Here sit I’ll have Sky make you a drink then we can talk in the back room.”

I just nod not feeling up to fighting.

He walks to the back and I look around the shop. It’s a comfy little cafe with a series of couches on the wall. there’s 5, or 6 tables, and then shelves full of books. A door opens and I turn to see Sky in a barista uniform.

“Ah, William told me to send you back.”

“Okay, thanks Sky.”

He nods blushing slightly before, walking over to the coffee machine. I walk to the back room and William motions for me to sit down.

“Now start talking what’s going on?”

“You can’t tell anyone if I tell you okay?”

“Enjeru you know me I would never do anything to hurt you.”

“I’ve heard that too many times to count.”

“I’m not just anyone.”

“Neither was my family.”

“Enjeru I’m just trying to help okay, but if...”

“No, I’m sorry it’s just...I’m trapped right now.”


“Libra they’ve put a sealing spell on my powers and the person who’s the key is the leader of the team I’m with. They all treat me like shit even Jake. I’m just some prized pet to Libra right now.”

“Enjeru we have to call Kiro.”

“I know I just...what if they don’t want me back. I’ve been at Libra for two weeks, and no one’s come for me. What if they realized they don’t want me back? What if they don't need me anymore?”

This time I can’t stop the tears that begin flowing. I try to stop, but each shaky breath makes it worse.

“I’m scared I don’t want to be locked away again. I hate being bound. My biggest fear is being trapped with no escape, but that’s all life ever seems to do to me.”

“Enjeru it’s okay nothing is going to happen to you, and I’m sure that Kiro is coming for you soon. He just wants to be careful. I know he doesn’t want to lose you again.”

A knock comes from the door William gets up thanking Sky then closes the door. He hands me the mug of coffee, and I take a sip before sitting it down. It tastes a bit strange almost too bitter.

“William I don’t think I like this it tastes too bitter.”

“Bitter? But it’s a cappuccino....Enjeru you need to make yourself throw that up now.”

“What why? William what’s going on.”

“Well, William why don’t you tell her how you tricked her. Tell her how the drink you just gave her had something more than just coffee,” A voice echoes.


“Enjeru I’m sorry he made me I-I..”

“Of course I should have known better. Why do I keep trusting people when all they do is trick me?”

“Enjeru you don’t understand!!!”


“Wait, Enjeru the stuff in the coffee it making you more violent you need to...”

then everything goes black.


Enjeru has been gone for hours. Everyone else has gone to their rooms to sleep, while I sit in her room waiting in the dark. The window slides open swiftly and a figure enters.

“Enjeru where have you been.”

She doesn’t answer or even look at me.


“Leave. . .”

“Enjeru I’m not leaving until you . . .”

“Get the fuck out of here NOW!!!!!!”

A strong gust of wind seems to rip through the room throwing me back into the nearest wall.

“Enjeru STOP!!!” I scream.

She continues using her powers as if she can’t hear me. I can hear banging on the door then I see someone fly into the room. Suddenly she’s pinned to the ground struggling.


She snarls her eyes appearing livid. There’s also blood all over the front of her shirt.

“Enjeru what did you do?”


“Why would you kill someone innocent. You want to be locked away don’t you?”

She smirks at me flashing her fangs.

“You wanna die as well?”

“You’re a monster.”

“I’m the biggest baddest monster there ever lived. And guess what there’s no getting rid of me.” She smiles.

She begins lashing out and is able to get loose from Angelique’s grip. The wind has stopped, but she slams me into a wall by my throat.

“I hate humans, I hate Libra, HATE ALL OF YOU!!! I’ll kill you I’ll KILL ALL OF YOU!!!” She laughs.

“What’s wrong with this crazy bitch!!!” Angelique hisses as she takes an elbow to the face while tackling her off of me.

“I don’t know. Jake do you?!?!?!?” I panic.

“It’s obvious. She doesn’t want to be here. She doesn’t want to be with us. We’re enemies at the end of the day. She’s probably just snapped since she’s tired of being trapped here.”

“Well can you get her to calm down?!?!?!”

Jake walks over and places a card on her head. Her eyes go wide before they close. She goes limp and Angelique releases her.

“She needs to be locked up.” Angelique hisses.

“Not that I’m siding with her but what did any of you expect? She’s ripped from her family again then told her only real option is to work for her enemies. Did you really think she would take this peacefully? For God’s sake, she has Lucifer sealed in her. She hates Libra and she hates Project Angel. She will never want to work with us. So get that straight now. No animal likes to be caged so imagine what a demon feels like."


I roll over in bed with a splitting headache.

“What the hell happened last night?” I growl as I slowly sit up.

My eyes wander over my room trying to understand why it looks so trashed. Then this headache. I squeeze my eyes tightly trying to focus, but when I open them the world is spinning wildly.

“Kiro. . .” I try to yell, but it comes out as a breath.

The world tilts, and I feel myself hit the ground. I can hear footsteps then I see shoes.

“Now Auntie it’s time we lock you up. Can’t have you ruining our fun.”

“Beck. . . ”

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