Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter Demons

Chapter 8


“Pain. That’s all I truly know. Is there any other reason for my existence?” I ask myself in this darkness I’m in.

“You’re useless. Unwanted. Unloved. Not needed. You need to disappear. You must disappear.” A female voice whispers.

My eyes begin to open and as they adjust to the dim light I can see I’m in an underground cell. I push myself up trying to get an idea of what this place is, but the room is just four solid walls of stone.

“Jacen look, Auntie is awake I think it’s time.”

“Time for what you little assholes.”

“To play a game, Auntie. This is a maze we’ve specially designed. All you have to do is escape.”

“And that’s all?”

“That’s all.”

“Fine, I’ll play your little game. For now.”

“Very good you may start.”

The room begins to shake as the right wall begins to rise. Thick dust fills my lungs and burns my eyes. I try to stay standing, but instead, curl up until I feel the shaking stop and the room goes silent. Lifting my head up I can see the dust beginning to settle and a dark corridor stands in front of me. I stare at the passage asking myself am I really going to do this. What if they’ve lied? What if I never escape? Would anyone even care?

“Of course not that’s why you’re alone now.”

That voice again. It sounds familiar feels familiar, but there’s no face to it. For all, I know this could be a delusion of my own creation. I brush it off deciding this is the only option I have for now. I step out of the room and I can hear the wall beginning to go back down behind me.

“Let the games begin,” I mumble.


“Where the hell did she go now?!?!?” I shriek looking at her empty bed.

“Micah!!!” Jake calls.

I walk over to where he is, and there’s Tarot card. Jake hands it to me looking sort of pale.

“It's of...the devil. What does it mean?”

“I have a very bad feeling Micah. Tarot card reading was Beckett’s specialty and leaving one is his trademark for when he kills. He must have kidnapped her, but for what I’m not sure.”

“Well, Alice she reads maybe she can give us a clue.”

We both sprint downstairs to the living room where Alice sits cleaning her dolls.

“Who died? I’ll make them into one of my dolls.”

“Nothing like that Alice. This card what does it mean?”

“Hmm, the devil. It can mean many things with other cards, but by itself it means bondage. It could be a relationships that’s keeping you trapped, or maybe bad memories. It usually is something holding you back whether physically or spiritually.”

“So Enjeru being held captive spiritually?” I ask confused.

“No Alice you said it could be anything like memories right?”

“Yes, memories often hold people back. Whether it’s from closure, love, a dream. Memories hold great power over a person’s entire being. They shape our futures.”

“So what do memories have to do with Enjeru?”

“Micah you wouldn’t know this, but some terrible things have happened to Enjeru Since she was born. While I don’t know all the details, people have had to be removed from her life because they hurt her. And honestly, she’s never been able to get over what she did to her mother. She puts up a good front, but she’s fucked up Micah.”

“That’s a little hard to believe Jake.”

“It’s the truth Micah. Hell is a lot crueler of a place than Earth. We understand love, but compassion and pity are two things we choose to never understand. We’ve all seen, heard and done things that would make a human go mad, some more than others.”

“Nothing can be that bad and we all have choices demon or no demon the only one who can decide their fate is that person.”

“You know what this is why she hides everything. Because everyone assumes she‘s strong enough to deal with the cards she’s been dealt, but she’s not as strong as everyone thinks.”

“Yeah okay.”

Jake shakes his head and leaves me alone with Alice.

“The strong are never strongest alone.”

“What? Did you say something Alice?”

She shakes her head no, and returns to her dolls. I know she said something, but what?


My feet hurt and I’m starting to see things. People I know couldn’t possibly be here.

“You see what you want to see,” The voices whispers as something gently caresses my cheek.

I turn feeling a shiver go down my spine.

“Who is that speaking? Show yourself!!!” I scream frustrated.

The voice has been getting gradually louder and every word it speaks seems to break another lock to my heart. That voice that I know, but can’t name. That voice that only speaks cruelty. This person knows me to well, in fact so well that it scares me.

“Stop hiding you coward and come out!!”

“Look forward.”

I lift my eyes up and wish I hadn’t.”

“What’s wrong Enjeru not happy to see mommy?”


I lay back on my bed thinking of what Jake said earlier. Depression he says. How could someone like her be depressed? I mean she killed her mom of her own free will how can she be upset about it? And what could have possibly happened to her to make her this way? What could change a person that much?

No one is changed that much by others. I shake my head, she’s not a person she’s a demon, a monster, but not a person. Monsters aren’t created they’re born and she was just born into this world evil. I guess the most important thing now is where did they take her? If she was even kidnapped. I groan as I sit up, I don’t want to go find her but I have to. I step out into the hallway so I can gather the others.

“Jake. Jake. Jaaaake!!!!” I scream, but there’s no answer.

I walk to his room, but it’s empty. I decide to check downstairs thinking he just didn’t hear me. When I get down there there it’s empty. I search the rest of the apartment, but it appears everyone is gone. Just when I’m ready to give up i spot a sheet of paper on the coffee table in the living room.

Dear Micah,

Off to find Enjeru Since I seem to be the only one who cares about what happens to her.

P.S. this is Alice I’m following Jake.

“Great now how will I find her and them?”


“’re dead. . . YOU ARE DEAD!!!” I scream backing up.

“Oh sweetie don’t you know I’m back, and I’ve come back just for you.”

“No, go away.”

“And I’ve brought a few guest.”

“Look at you filth.”

My head snaps to where my mother points and I can feel my blood freeze.

“You two are dead Kiro KILLED YOU!!!!” I shake my head while backing away even faster.

“Not the boy you’d only just met. Oh no, not the boy who was soooo innocent.”

“No no…….”

“Oh, and there’s one more.”

“Stand tall Enjeru never cower I know I taught you better during your training.”

“Xa…Xa…Xav…ier. . .” The words exit my mouth, but their barely audible as I bump into a body.

“Stop. ...make it stop. . .” I cry as I fall to my knees.

“Oh, my sweet sweet baby girl we’re just getting started.”

“Kiro. . . .Kiro. . I’m scared. . .” I cry as tears begin to hit the ground.


I wander the streets in search of Jake and Alice. Angelique told me she didn’t give a damn about what happens to Enjeru over the phone and tonight’s a full moon so Syaoran will be locking himself up for the night. My phone starts to vibrate and I sigh hoping it’s not Master.


“Micah come to the Address I’m going to send you. Enjeru’s here trapped in some sort of maze. I think it’s bewitched. She’s having a mental breakdown so we need to hurry.”

“Okay meet you there.”

I start to run when I realize it’s only a few blocks away. People give me odd looks, but I don’t care. Master said to keep her safe so I have to do my Job. Even if I don’t think she’s in any real danger.


“Kiro’s not here sweetie, and he won’t be coming. In fact, I know for sure he’s glad your gone.”

“No Kiro’s the only one who cares.”

“Pity, and love are two very different things my dear.”

“I don’t see how he could pity a beast.”

I look from my birth mother to my first set of adoptive parents. Their eyes seem to be enjoying this. Seeing me like this. They’re all enjoying this.

“Pity is for the weak Enjeru I know I taught you not to be weak.” Xavier says stepping towards me.

I instinctively back away but he grabs me by the throat.

“Did I say you could move?”

“No...” I gasp.

“Now I’ll ask you again are you weak?”

I try to speak, but a mangled sound is all that manages to escape me.

“No answer huh? Guess I’ll have to drill into you what happens when you’re weak.”

His grip tightens and I pull at his hand as he lifts me off the ground. My legs start kicking trying to find some type of flooring, but all I kick is air. He drops me and I begin crawling away wheezing for air.

“Ah, ah, ah get back here.”

A strong hand grabs my ankle dragging against the rough ground. I’m flipped over to face my adoptive parents. My father holds a knife, just like the one from that day Kiro came.

“Remember when I stabbed Kiro with this Knife? Remember when I stabbed you with this Enjeru? Remember the feeling of it breaking your ribs and piercing your heart? I know you must recall the blood pouring into your lungs after I stabbed you there as well. Or maybe you remember fading away to nothing.”

“Would you like to feel those things again?”

I bite my lip trying to hold back tears knowing my answer doesn’t matter.

“ANSWER ME!!!” He screams plunging the knife into my thigh.

A strangled shriek rips from my chest.

“Please stop this...please...I’m sorry...”

“Stop what? This?”

He pungles it into my shoulder this time. I can feel my blood running from both wounds. Searing pain shoots through my body, all while my mother watches with a sweet smile.


I see Jake standing in front of an abandoned theater tapping his foot impatiently.


“Micah hurry we need to get in their now.”

“Why what’s so bad about a maze?”

“Remember the Tarot card?”

“Yeah, so what?”

“They’re torturing her with her memories. The one thing Enjeru fears is the past. She has never reconciled with it. She couldn’t handle those situations when they happened much less now when they’re all present in one space.”

“Okay, and It’s not like anything bad will happen. Sure she’ll need therapy, but who cares.”

“First of all dickhead, I care and second I think they’re trying to drive her to insanity.”

“Why would they....they’re going to release her on the city. That would take eyes off of them and Enjeru the only one who knows their whereabouts would be locked away.” The realization hits me like a ton of bricks.

My mind flashes back to yesterday. Her bloodthirsty eyes that evil laugh. If she was that bad when she was having a slight mental breakdown what will happen when insanity ensues.

“How long has it been since she’s been gone?” I snap.

“A little over 16 hours. When we left her it was about 12:37 am. When we discovered she was missing it was about 2:26 pm. It’s 4:04 pm right now. We also don’t know when she entered the maze, but If she entered it right away we need to hurry.”

“How did you figure all this out Jake you’ve never been one to hit the books.”

“Promise you won’t get mad and snitch?”


“I called Kiro.”

“YOU WHAT!!!!!!”

“LOOK!!! at this point he was the only one who could help. Him and Enjeru have a very special connection as Forsaken twins. They always know where the other is, and he can see what’s happening to her. He’s the one who explained everything.”


“WHAT!!! Between your nonchalant attitude and Angelique just not giving a flying fuck I didn’t have anyone else. I know I acted like I didn’t care about her, but I do. God, I’ve been such an ass, but I didn’t mean it. It’s just I knew you guys wouldn’t like it if I treated her friendly so I went along with your bullying. But I was wrong for that and this is the only way to make it up.”

Really Jake you actually care about that thing?”

She’s important to me a dear friend, maybe more in my eyes at least. But either way, I’ve treated her so badly. I’m ashamed of how I’ve acted towards her so I have to make up now. I don’t care if you hate her, I refuse to leave her alone if she doesn’t have to be.”

“Fine, but this will be discussed later.”

Then we enter the abandoned theater in search of a maze.


I wonder how long it’s been as I run. I’ve died and come back to many times to count. My adoptive father, Xavier, and adoptive mother had all enjoyed their time, now it’s my mother’s turn. She gave me the option of running, but I know that doesn’t really matter. She’ll catch me everyone else did. I’m even slower now thanks to all the cuts, bruises, and burns covering my body. Normally I heal fast, but even I can’t come back from repeated injury quickly without blood.

I stop falling to my hands and knees. I wish I wasn’t here. I wish I was safe at home and not being tortured. But somewhere in my mind, I know this is penance for my soul. This purgatory is what I deserve. Every injury represents something I’ve done wrong, something wrong with me. It’s sad now that I think back, I’ve always tried so hard to look strong. To be strong, but I’m weak. I’m too weak to have been born into this immortal life. Everything I’ve loved, everything I’ve touched turns to blood or dust. This is hopeless I’m hopeless. Nobody’s ever coming to find me. I’ll be trapped here to suffer, but I guess I never was supposed to be happy.

“Enjeru My dear where have you run off to?” My mother sings.

I push myself up and stumble forward knowing that all I can do is run. Smoke starts to fill the air, but I have no idea where it’s coming from or why. It stings my eyes causing tears to run down my face again. I cover my mouth with my sleeve trying to stop myself from choking, but it doesn’t help much. It gets thicker as I move forward causing my chest to burn. I can feel myself slowly losing consciousness with each step until I finally fall to the ground. Everything is foggy and jumbled at this point. I’m dying yet again.

“Aww, do you not like the smoke dear. Does it hurt not being able to breathe? Oh, let me help you, my dear.”

My mother’s figure looks even darker than the black smoke flooding the room. I can see a faint glint coming from her hand but everything is too foggy for me to really distinguish much anymore.

“Let me take your mind off not being able to breathe.” She soothes while gently stroking my face.

She pushes me to my back, and I feel too weak to fight back. I look to her hand seeing a familiar blade. The blade I killed her with. The blade I made her. She presses the flat of the blade against my cheek I scream sucking in more smoking and choking even more. I had made the blade from holy metal, but back then I could touch it. With Lucifer in my body that’s an impossible task. It burns me more than any fire possibly could.

“Mom please don’t. . . ” I manage to rasp.

“Oh, sweetie isn’t that what I begged you not to do all those years ago. I pleaded with you asking for forgiveness, but your eyes were as cold as hell’s fires are hot. You know we could have worked things out, but you made your choice. Now I’ll make mine.”


The knife pierces through my heart every inch burning. Blood runs out of my nose, and mouth causing me to choke completely. She pulls it out this time stabbing me in my lung. Again and again, until blood is all that fills my senses. I want so badly to pass out. To end the pain, but the burning from the metal keeps me awake. Each new wound forces me to stay conscious.

“You always looked the prettiest in red baby girl.” She whispers.

I want to speak, but all that comes out is a gurgle.

“Shh, don’t speak don’t worry we’ll have plenty of time to spend together now that you’re here. And you know why?”

She smiles knowing I can’t even attempt to answer.

“I’ll let you in on a secret dear. Because you were never meant to escape. Now come along the others wish to play with you.”

She starts dragging my body at this point I’m going in and out.

“God, if you’re really merciful, have mercy on me, and let me die,” I beg silently.


The place looks deserted, but Jake insists that she’s here. It’s a fairly large theater though it’s been closed for sometime from what I can see. It reeks, but it’s not a smell that I can say is to familiar.

“Hey, Jake do you smell something terrible?” I say while covering my nose.

“Yeah, it smells like burning. . . . .” He doesn’t finish as if scared to say what it is.

“Maybe we should follow it. It could lead us to Enjeru.”

Jake and Alice share a grave look which confuses me. This place is a rotting building of course it’s going to smell terrible. The three of us follow the scent up a rickety set of stairs that lead onto the stage. The smell grows stronger as we approach what looks like a stage door. Black smoke is pouring out the cracks around the door. With it the foul odor that can’t be described.

“It looks like this leads bellow stage you don’t think Enjeru. . .” Alice starts.

“I don’t know, but I’m not leaving her until she’s back with us.” Jake states calmly.

He lifts the door up then heads down first followed by Alice, and then me. The smoke is thick down here and the smell is putrid. It’s like the stench of death.

“Jake, what’s that smell?” I ask weakly ready to throw up.

Jake looks towards me his face dark.

“I think you’d rather not know Micah.”

“Why wouldn’t I want to know what’s making that terrible smell?”

“Let it go Micah.” Alice says quietly.

“No, I want to know.”

“You know what fine that is the smell of burning dead flesh.”

My stomach does a leap and I turn away throwing up everything in my stomach. Disturbing pictures fill my mind as I think of what’s going on in some room down here. All those people, the families they’ll never see. The homes that have been destroyed and now they can never be laid to rest.

“How can they do this and feel nothing?”

“We are demons Micah at the end of the day our final job is to push the human race to their limits. Your God designed the world this way. He allows us demons to wreck havoc like this. We simply play the role we are given.”

“So does that mean someday you’ll be a murder too Jake?”

“Micah I’ve know bloodshed since the day I was born. This is nothing, but child’s play. And besides, I already told you the only person I’m worried about is Enjeru.”

“So you would let people die for that thing?” I ask appalled.

“I would kill millions of people if that means she was saved.”

Jake turns on his heel walking away. I can’t help but feel a hidden threat in those words. Jake has never been serious about anything. He’s always slacking off, but a fun loving guy. that thing is bringing about the worst in him. I look at Alice, but she looks unphased by everything that just happened.

“I’m not so innocent either Micah. Bloodshed is unavoidable people are gonna die in the end it’s just a matter of when.”

“But did you just hear what Jake said? He’s acting like she the rarest jewel in the world or something. She’s just a demon.”

“Just because she’s not important to you doesn’t make her any less important to others. And Micah I know we may not be on the same side, but she’s a living thing. She can feel and understand just like we can.”

“She is nothing like us. Monsters are monsters.”

Alice turns away from me walking off leaving me to stand alone in the center of the room. I debate whether or not I should even stay at this point. Jake renters the area and he walks over to Alice.

“Alice, can you sense her anywhere? I can’t find her.”

Alice closes her eyes pulling Elizabeth close. She suddenly turns to a wall her eyes opening again.

“She’s behind this wall. There’s a spell hiding a corridor. There are multiple rooms but she’s in the last one. Two men are with her, but I was having trouble reading them. I think they’re trying to mask their auras.”

“It’s most likely Beckett and Jacen but they’re nothing special. If they try anything we can handle them easily. Stand back I’ll remove the spell so we can pass through.” Jake replies.

He steps in front of the wall placing his hand on it. Black runes begin to show themselves on the wall, but as quickly as they are appear they disappear. When they are all gone Jake removes his hand and the wall before us begins to fade. As Alice said there is a long corridor, Jake steps into it immediately heading to the very last room. 30 minutes pass before we finally reach the end. There were various doors and hallways that branched off from the main corridor, but Alice said she was sure they were straight ahead.

Alice are you sure about this? I mean it looks like this place is huge if it really is a maze why would they be in the center of it?….”

Jake slaps his hand over my mouth making me mad, but his glare tells me I’d better not say a word. Voices begin to filter through the air and I realize that I could have got us caught just now. We inch closer to the slightly ajar door to listen to what they have to say.

“She passed out that’s too bad. We were just starting to have fun with her.”

“Well, no one’s ever going to find her so we have plenty of time to break her I’m sure . . . . . .will be happy to know he can use her soon.” The other replies, but I miss the name he gives.

“And think of all the money we’re getting paid. On top of that’s one less royal eye to watch us.”

“Just think in another week she’ll be a mindless slave. Just like the those humans, we tested this on. To bad we had to kill them all it was nice to have mindless servants around. It reminded me of the good old days when human were for us to command.”

“We all miss those days, but once he has her he’ll destroy the family and we will rule like we once did. But honestly I didn’t think it would be this easy, she’s not as together as she likes to pretend. Poor Auntie she’s such a weak and useless person. But I guess that’s what happens when you give a girl to much power. She never knows how to use it.”

I can see Jake clenching his jaw. His eyes are red and look as if all of Hell’s fire is stored in them. His anger is scaring me. How can he care for someone who’s not worth love at all?

“I wonder what he’s gonna use her for?”

“Probably make her into a weapon, or he could always use her for pleasure. Who cares though as long as we get paid.”

Jake seems to have heard enough and steps out into the open. Alice and I follow, but we stay a safe distance from Jake.

“So you two thought you could get away with this?”

They both turn faces pale as they stare into Jake’s fiery eyes.

“How did you. . .”

“Did you forget about Kiro Beckett. Of course, he knew where she was. And who took her..“ he hisses.

Their eyes go even wide with fear as they realize their mistake.

“Please, it was just a prank.” The other begs who I assume to be Jacen.

“A joke. Well then let me show you one. I’m sure since my family is the house of Joker I can make you boys laugh.” He grins wickedly.

Jake steps towards them slowly like a hunter stalking its prey. The room grows cold and Jakes aura can be felt in every fiber of my being. He wants to kill, his intent is to kill. It’s so strong it feels overwhelming and crippling. I want to just crawl away to a safe corner and wait this out, but I know that’s not an option.

“Jake don’t hurt them too bad I want to make them into dolls.” Alice smiles.

“Of course Alice.”

Jakes clothing morphs from the usual skinny jeans and a tee-shirt to what some have said resembles a circus ringmasters outfit. But the corners of the tail look sharp enough to cut and appear to have been dipped in blood to get as red as they are. While the rest of the tailcoat is black. He pushes his usually messy hair back out of his face exposing his eyes. They’re a bloody color almost matching the tail of his coat. He smiles at them pulling out a deck of cards.

“Now dear good sirs lets play a game.” He grins sadistically.

This is a side I’ve never seen of him, and all because of Enjeru. What could possibly drive him to this state about her? Sure she’s special if you count the whole forsaken thing, but I don’t see what’s so great about her. She’s a monster a disgusting murdering monster.

He throws one card lazily hitting Beckett in the shoulder. Beckett screams in pain falling to the ground. Blood is pouring from the wound, but Jake continues to smile. Jacen looks terrified and is about to run, but Alice steps up.

“Ah ah ah you’re going to be one of my new dolls so no running away.”

“Get the fuck away from me you crazy bitch!!” He screams and knocks Elizabeth out of her arms while running by.

The porcelain doll shatters as it hits the ground. A shriek is heard in the distance. I see Alice’s fingers begin to move. She begins pulling Jacen back with the strings she must have attached to him while he was focused on Jake. When he gets pulled back in I can see one of his arms is broken, as well as a leg hanging dangerously to the right.

“You broke Elizabeth. Elizabeth was a good dolly, and you broke her. But that’s okay because I get to break you now.”

I turn away from Alice, and back to Jake knowing what comes next. I can hear crunching, and muffled screams. I gag a little, but try to keep everything in. One thing I’ve learned while working with Alice is to never break her dolls. Someone accidentally broke one at Libra and now they’re in a wheelchair and unable to speak for the rest of their life. I shake my head looking back to Jake to see what mess he’s made. Jake has a blood-soaked Beckett pinned to the wall now a card dangerously near his throat. Beckett is visibly shaken, to say the least, but he still seems to be planning something.

“Lift the spell, or your throat gets slit now,” Jake growls.

“The antidote is in my back pocket. Just let me get it. He reaches back slowly, but I don’t trust him. I grab his wrist with my chain on my sickles.

“I’ll do the honors,” I say.

When I reach into his pocket there’s a small knife no bigger than an inch, but enough to have made Jake release him so he could make a run for it.

“Sorry was this supposed to be an antidote?” I question.

“I meant the other pocket how silly of me.” He laughs nervously.

I reach into the other pulling out a vial of black liquid. Jake nods towards Enjeru so I reluctantly walk over to Enjeru, hold her head up and tilt the contents into her mouth. She swallows it before going back to her faint breathing. At first, nothing seems different then her eyes open. She looks around as if this is a different world.

“The mother what’s going on?”

“Your lovely nephews put spell on you. It made you hallucinate. You were unconscious when we got here.”

“So my mother is still dead?”

“Yes, Enjeru everything you saw wasn’t real. Everything that happened wasn’t real it was just a spell.”

“But the knife, the choking it all felt so real.” She says as she curls up.

“I died so many times and it…..and….it was painful. There was blood everywhere and no matter what I did I couldn’t escape.”

Her eyes dart around the room as if waiting for someone to appear at any moment. She jumps when a nearby pipe release steam and hugs the nearest wall.

“It wasn’t. Nothing was real. It was all in your mind.” Jake tries to soothe her.

She’s inconsolable though. Everything seems to frighten her and she looks like a completely different girl from yesterday. I want to laugh, but I know I shouldn’t test Jake’s temper.

“How the mighty fall,” I mumble to myself smiling.


She sits there looking like one of Alice’s dolls. Empty. Her eyes are dull, the sense of arrogance and pride I’ve always known her to carry is gone. She just seems so different.

“What did you do to her?” I hiss dangerously.

She rocks back and forth while clawing at her arm. Harsh red marks have begun to form and soon after there’s blood coming from them. She sits as near to the wall as possible eyes still darting everywhere.

“The spell brings to life what you fear the most. It creates those things and tortures you with them until you break. It’s a conditioning spell. It’s meant to break her then the wielder can train who, or whatever it is as they want.”

I begin laughing loudly like a mad man. Everyone but Enjeru turns to me fear running through all of their eyes. They’ve never seen this side of me, the me I try to hide, the me that is the thing of nightmares.

“So you thought you would try to make her into a weapon huh?”

“We were just . . .”

I press the card to his throat daring him to speak.

“She is not a weapon so you shouldn’t have done anything. But since you’ve obviously been lead astray why don’t you tell me where who you’re working for is and I may find somewhere in my black little heart to let you live.”

“I can’t tell you that.”

“Oh really?”

I quickly slit his throat blood spraying all over me. I close my eyes enjoying the moment slightly, but then I remember where I am so I quickly pull myself together. I take my handkerchief and wipe my face before dropping it on Beckett’s dead body. I slowly approach Enjeru not wanting to scare her.

“Enjeru. Enjeru come here you’re safe now.” She doesn’t move forward but instead shrinks back even more. She doesn’t answer as if she can’t hear me. Her eyes are completely glazed over as she stares into the darkness. I grab her face making her focus on me.

“Enjeru It’s Jake, remember Jake? We’re friends. You, Kiro, and I would play all the time together.”

She stares blankly for a moment then something begins to shine in her eyes. Blood begins to pour down her face from her eyes.

“Are those tears?” Micah asked shocked.

No one answers, Micah since the answer is obvious.

“Enjeru it’s okay don’t cry.” I try to sooth.

“Kiro. . .I want.....Kiro. . .big. . .brother. . . . .” She hiccups in between sobs.

“He’s not here right now, but he sent me to get you.”

“Kiro..sent you?”

“Yes. And he told me to tell you to rest now. I’ll take good care of you okay Enjeru.”

“I told mommy that Kiro would help me. He always saves me from the bad people.” She says as she sways.

She falls into my arms asleep, I turn her around watching her carefully. There’s a slight smile on her face that twists into pain. She shrieks before calming down again. I smooth her hair and make sure she’s sleeping peacefully before turning to Micah.

“Micah wipe her memory of today.”

“Should we really. . .”

“Just do it, “I growl.


He quickly does as I say then moves away looking slightly annoyed. Enjeru’s features soften telling me she’s back to normal. I sigh glad she will never remember this day.

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