Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter Tears

Chapter 27


When we exit the room Micah spins me around kissing me hard. He pulls away with a smirk on his face.

“Did I ever tell you how perfect you are?”

“Just every day.”

“Well, especially today you were brilliant just now.”

“I have my way with words.”

He hums kissing me more gently this time.

“Did Jakob make it in time?” Angelique huffs.

“Yes, he came just now though Enjeru was holding her own just fine.”

“Good. I was afraid Marcus would try something to coerce Enjeru to harm someone so he’d have an excuse to Lock her away. So I rushed to Jakob to ensure that did not happen.”

“Thank you, Angelique we're safe for now. But Marcus is pissed I’m allowed to walk free he will try any and everything to have me locked away. ”


“He’s just greedy. He loves the idea of having power over someone. He’s more of a demon than me.”

“I wouldn’t go that far, child.”

We all turn to the stairs, and I frown.


“Father,” Angelique says and bows.

He walks past her without a second glance.

“Your daughter has spoken to you David,” I hiss.

He looks towards her then back to me.

“You better watch yourself, child. One mistake, and you’re through.”

“I always tread carefully, but you’re the one who’s playing a dangerous game.”

He looks deep into my eyes trying to shake me, but he can’t do it. No one, but Micah can make me waver. He enters the council room and Angelique slowly rises fist balled.

“He’s not worth your affection Angelique I can tell you that much. If he can’t see the gift you are then he’s not worth loving.”

Angelique nods but her eyes are watering and her look is distant. She walks off leaving me and Micah. Micah turns to me looking worried.

“Go help her she needs a friend.” I nod.

He runs off after Angelique leaving me alone. I turn leaving the main hall and going to one of the dojos. They’re always empty at this time so I often come here to meditate. Today especially since my mind is too chaotic. I felt brave standing in front of Marcus just moments ago, but the reality of life here is setting in again. No matter how many people love me there will always be those who see me as an unwelcome guest. I feel frustrated right now and I just want to break something, but I decide to settle for practicing my kenjutsu.

“Yoshinori,” I whisper so that my blade will appear.

“Were you planning to kill me halfbreed?”

I turn quickly and see David standing in the doorway looking as smug as ever.

“Well were you going to cut me down for not speaking to that thing?”

Anger boils in my blood at the mention of Angelique as a thing.

“She is your daughter, and you would do well to watch your mouth around me when you speak of her,” I hiss.

“It is nothing to me and you would do best to watch your temper. We all know what happens when you lose it. At least you poor mother does.”

Before I even know what’s happening I’m pinned to the ground a blade at my throat.

“You dare raise a sword to me you filthy litt....”

“David release her now.”

I look past David to see an older man. His hair is graying on the sides but his eyes look as youthful as ever. He stares hard at David as if daring him to harm me. David removes his blade from my neck and stands staring hard at the man.

“You would do well. . . .”

“No, you would do well to act as if you are a servant of God. This child has done nothing, but point out your hypocrisy and you threaten her? You taunt her with the death of her mother someone I’m sure she misses dearly and the way you treat your daughter is unforgivable. Yet you have the audacity to act as if you are holier than this child who has abandoned everything to join our side. I believe it is you who would do well to watch themself. Now leave David before I report you misdeeds.”

David stares at the man blood boiling, but he leaves without another word. I turn back to the man wondering who besides God could make the mighty David bow.

“Young lady you must control that temper. It will be the end of you. Do not let others control your actions you are more than your past. Do not let your past drive your future. Choose your own path. Isn’t that what your mother always said.”

“How do you know. . .”

“She loved you dearly my child. She regretted what she did to you so much, but she knew the damage was done. In some ways, I think she let you kill her just to feel as if she paid you back for her wrongdoings.”

“I didn’t need her to pay I just wanted my mom back, my family back. That’s all I ever wanted,” I whisper blood leaving my eyes.

“All I want is my family back.”


I look up through blurry red eyes, and I can just make out Micah. The old man is gone, but his words stay.

“Enjeru what happened why are you crying?”

“Micah, why did I do it? Why did I kill my mom? Why didn’t she stop me? She could have why....why am I alone?”

He pulls me into a tight hug petting my head.

“I just wish I could change it all, or at least say I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

The red tears keep coming my head is pounding and I just want to disappear. Micah holds me tighter whispering something into my ear, but I can’t hear it as the world fades from view.

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