Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter Mourning

Chapter 28


Its been three days amd Enjeru seems even more down than usual. Ever since I’ve found her in the practice room she’s been depressed. She barely eats, I can tell she’s not sleeping and she has this distant look in her eyes. As if she’s searching for something not quite there.

“Angelique do you know what’s wrong with Enjeru?”

“No I was gonna ask you.” She says eyebrows furrowed.

“I don’t know either. What about Alice, or Jake?”

“Alice says she doesn’t know and I haven’t seen Jake a lot lately come to think of it.” Angelique replies.

“Maybe he’s in the garden that’s where he usually hides out.”

“Alice when did you?”

“It’s a secret, but try the garden.”

She walks off before I can ask anymore questions.

“I swear she scares me more than any demon I’ve ever met.” I mumble.

Angelique seems not to notice my comment to focused on the mission at hand. She walks quickly out the door and I follow. We arrive at the garden and there Jake is tending to flowers. His hair is pulled back showing his eyes. I’ve never seen them outside his true form, but they’re as blood red now as they are in his true form.

“Jake we have a question.”

He seems shocked and immediately shoots up away from the flowers.

“What are you two doing here?” He ask shakily.

“We want to know what’s going on with Enjeru. Why is she so depressed?”

“First things first how did you find me here.”

“Alice.” We say in unison.

“Ugh Alice…” Jake groans.

“Now Enjeru why is she so sad?”

He sighs looking towards the flowers. My eyes fall to them and I realize they’re mourning lilies.

“Jake why are you. . . .”

“They’re for Enjeru. The anniversary of her mother’s death is on Sunday.”

Angelique nods her eyes looking slightly watery.

“She most likely won’t go to visit her grave again so I was growing these and I was going to take them to her mother’s grave.”

“What? Why wouldn’t she?” I asked shocked.

“Think Micah she killed her. She thinks that she doesn’t have the right to pay respects to someone she took away from the world.”

“Even if she killed her that was her mother. She didn’t mean to do it.” I reply.

“We know that. The problem is she doesn’t believe it.” Angelique replies back to me.

“We have to help her then. Maybe we could somehow get her to go see her mother’s grave.”

“How Micah I’m pretty sure she won’t go if we just as politely.” Angelique sasses.

“We just have to trick her somehow then.”

“Micah that’s. . .”

“Wait Angelique it might just work I mean after all Enjeru’s dedicated to her work. If we say there’s a mission there she’ll definitely show. We can say there have been disturbances and that it maybe possible zombie activity. Then we lead her to her mother’s grave and let the chips fall where they may.”

“You’re a genius Jake!!!”

He bows before resuming taking care of the flowers.

“Angelique you have to be the one to lie to Enjeru.”

“What!! Why me?!?!” She yells as we make our way back to the lounge.

“Because I can’t lie to her I’ll end, up telling her because I’ll be to excited about the plan, and the other three are just as unreliable.”

Jake looks up slightly annoyed, but doesn’t say a word.

“Micah you know what me doing a favor means?”

“I will do literally anything you want. And I mean anything.”

“It’s your funeral.” She mumbles thinking I didn’t catch it but I did.

I immediately regret my words.

“Fine I’ll do it.” She smiles.

Oh great a smile never a good sign with Angelique.

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