Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter Choices

Chapter 16


My phone has been going off for the last hour now but I’ve refused to look at it. I haven’t moved since I entered this room yesterday and I don’t plan on moving anytime soon. I know I said I would at least do the missions, but I knew I was lying when I said that. People have come by attempting to open my door even Micah actually tried this time, but all of them have failed. None of them have experience with black magic so of course, they wouldn’t be able to lift this charm even if it is the simplest one.

My phone starts buzzing again so I grab it and throw it at the nearest wall. There’s a quick silence before I here banging at the door.

“Enjeru I know you did not just break your phone!” Jake’s voice screams.

I don’t answer him since I know he knows that’s exactly what happened.

“Enjeru come on we have to leave. We have a big mission to complete and we really need your help.”

I continue to remain silent not caring about whatever they need me from.

“Look Enjeru it's about your brother...”

I sprint to the door swinging it open as wide as I can.

“What about Kiro?”

“He’s been spotted in various areas causing destruction for no apparent reason, we’ve been tasked with stopping him.”

“So what you all really want is to capture my brother like me? You really think I’m going to help any of you to do that?”

Micah steps forward and I step back not wanting to be to close to him.

“Look Enjeru Kiro’s caused a lot of deaths and injuries so far we need you to help stop his rampage.”

“It never ceases to amaze me how all of you can blindly care for a world that cares nothing for you. How you can value one life over another. You’re all just as bad as the Angel’s in Heaven.”

“Look Enjeru I know yesterday we all acted kinda shitty towards you, but today is a new day.”

“Demons don’t forget and we certainly don’t forgive. I don’t care if today is a new day my pain is still fresh. How would you feel if someone told any of you that what you’re feeling is insignificant? You all would feel fucking terrible, but you can’t seem to understand why I’m mad?”

“Look Enjeru I’m sorry, we’re all sorry we shouldn’t have taken Angelique’s side like that. She was wrong and you were just defending yourself.” Micah pleads.

For some reason, the look in his eyes tells me he’s being honest. It tells me this apology is genuine and that makes me feel a bit happy inside. I look to everyone and all of them seem to be honestly sorry. I start to say I’ll help them, but I stop short.

“Enjeru don’t trust them. The Angel in you makes you want to see the good in everyone, but there is no good in any of them even Jake.” Kiro says in my head.

I recoil immediately remembering how being trusting has always lead to my downfall. Nothing good has ever come from me trusting anyone. I turn back towards my room and summon my hoverboard. It comes to my hands. Taking a deep breath I turn and sprint past everyone before hopping on my hoverboard. I can hear them calling for me in the distance, but I don’t stop. I’d rather be at home and surrounded by liars. At least then I know we’re on the same side. I slam through the front doors picking up speed. Kiro’s not far and he’s waiting for me then this nightmare can be over. As I slow down I can see him in the distance. I hop off my hoverboard and sprint to Kiro. He hugs me tightly and I hug back just as tight.

“You have to get me away from them I can’t stand this any longer. They keep getting into my head, I almost was willing to help them stop you.”

“Don’t worry we’re leaving now, I have a spell that can release your powers. Everything is setup we just need to get home.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it.”

We turn to see Micah standing there weapon at the ready, even so, I can see he’s scared right now.

“You will not keep my sister like some caged dog human.”

“Trust me that thing is far from a pet, think of her more like a captive specimen,” Angelique smirks arriving behind Micah.

“And you’re a failed experiment,” Kiro replies smiling back.

Angelique looks furious. I turn back to Kiro raising an eyebrow I don’t quite understand what he means by failed experiment though I guess any Angel being raised on Earth is one.

“Should I explain, or should you girl?”

“SHUT UP!!!” Angelique roars.

She lunges for Kiro, but he swiftly dodges before kicking her aside. She slams into the nearest wall before crumpling to the ground. She lays still and I can feel the panic in the air.

“Angelique!!!” Micah screams.

She doesn’t move one bit at Micah’s shouts, and even when he rolls her over and tries to wake her there’s no reaction.

“Enjeru don’t do this. Please…” I hear Jake plead softly.

Alice and Syaoran are behind him looking at the scene with worry.

“Why should I stay Jake? What have these people ever done for me, but hurt me? Every time I turned to them I was betrayed. I only have my family in this world to trust.”

“You have me. I’ve been there for you through thick, and thin. I was the who went out looking for you when you went missing.”

“Hey, I came too.” Alice whines.

“And Alice. Things are different now Enjeru. Ever since Jakob became the head Elder things have changed. Marcus wanted to lock you up, but Jakob said no. He did that because he wants to mend things with you.”

“Don’t listen to their lies Enjeru that’s all they do lie.”

“I’m not lying. Look at me.”

I look up at him and for some reason my throat gets tight. Jakes deep crimson eyes feel like they are staring into my soul.

“Enjeru you know I wouldn’t lie to you. You know that. I care about you too much.”

He begins walking toward me, and I towards him. We meet halfway, and I know I won’t leave. Not now at least, Jake’s always known how to break down my walls.

“Please trust me. Trust us. I won’t let them hurt you not anymore I swear.” He says pressing his forehead to mine.

“I. . .”

“Enjeru if you do this we are enemies.” Kiro hisses.

“I. . .I. . .”

I feel trapped. On one hand, I do love my family. I miss them dearly, but something is pulling me to stay. To stay with Project Angel. I don’t know who to choose. Micah stomps towards me and pulls me away from Jake. He grips my arm tightly as he pulls me into him, our lips crash together and instantly I feel the seal is released.

“Now choose.”


I step away from her, as a pentagram etched itself the ground beneath. Then flames rise up and when they dissipate Enjeru is there looking slightly different.

A single eye now burns a liquid gold while the other remains lavender. A small crown of thorns sits above her head. Her clothes have transformed from the usual white shirt and blue skirt to a black shirt with a tie and a blood red skirt trimmed in black. Light seems to surround her and I can’t help but notice she almost gives off the aura of a Angel. She looks over herself before stopping to look at me.

“The seal why would you release it?”

“Now you’re free to pick which side you will be with. If you want to go, then go. If you want to stay then stay. either way, it’s your decision now.”

“Why are you giving me a choice?”

“To lure you in with false hope. These people are tricksters Enjeru!!!”

“No, if there’s one thing I’ve learned while being around you is that not having your own opinion can lead you to do the wrong this. People need choices and options otherwise they become blind to the truth. So I’m letting you live your own truth. choose who you want to go with.”


My pulse quickens and I look from Micah to Jake to Kiro.

“Enjeru if you won’t come willingly I will take you back by force especially now that I’ve received a gift.”

I turn to see Kiro exposing a tattoo, but it’s not just any marking. It’s Beelzebub’s sigil.

“Now let’s see how much they really care for you. Let’s see if they’re willing to die for you.”

I start running towards Jake, but I’m pulled back and thrown to the ground. As I sit up I’m surrounded on all sides by walls.


“This is for your own good Enjeru.”

Jake starts running towards me, but jumps back as a streak of lightning shoots down.

“Ah ah ah you have to deal with me to get to my sister.”

“Oh fuck you have to be kidding me.” Jake groans.

“I’m not very funny as you know Jake and I’m not one for jokes, I do believe that is your job though.”

Kiro raises his hand a lightening leaves his fingertips heading towards Jake. Jake dodges again back to where Micah and the others watch astounded. I try throwing myself into the nearest to me but I’m thrown back.

“ENJERU!!!!” I hear both Micah and Jake scream.

I look at them wondering what they’re so upset about then I feel it. The warm trickle down my face. I touch it, and when I look at my fingertips I see blood. Great, I’m bleeding from my ears.

“Let her go Kiro!!!!!” Jake screams.

“How about no.”

Then he sends at bolt at him he’s able to get most of his body out of the way except his heel the bolt catches him making him convulse.

“JAKE!!!” I shriek feeling my heart break because he’s being hurt because of me.

Kiro sends another bolt, but a doll takes the hit and is destroyed. Another carries Jake over to Alice. She pats the doll, and it responds lovingly. Micah is now going at it with my brother along with Syaoran.

Micah’s a lot swifter than Jake so he dodges my brothers attacks easily, but with Kiro in the air, he’s at a disadvantage to attack. The same goes for Syaoran. I want to help them, no save them but I can’t. Once again I’m left trapped as I watch my world shatter before my eyes.

“Let me come out.” I bear an all to familiar voice say.

“No, you are not coming out old man.”

“You know you need me in order to escape this box, and help them.”

“I don’t need you.”

“Oh really then why are you so worried about Jake, and that boy?”

“I’m not.”

“Aww has my dear niece developed a crush?”

“NO!!! I’m just tired of people dying because of me.”

“Then fight back that’s what I’ve always taught you. If you love something fight for it even if it means betraying everything you know. I promise you, you won’t regret it.”

“So you’re telling me you don’t regret being cast out of Heaven. You the most loved Angel thrown away like a piece of trash.”

“No, because now I see Heaven for what it truly is and Hell is a lot more honest than Heaven ever was.”

“But what if I can’t protect them...what if I fail like I did with mom?”

“I can give you the power to protect them if you’re sure that is what you want.”

“Why would you help me join your enemy?”

“Because I love you more than I hate them Enjeru. I know your pain the best. I lived it myself and I’ve lived your pain along with you. I can understand you like no other. Better than even Kiro. If you’re going to them if it will make you smile again I’m willing to try.”

“Your getting soft old man.”

“I am, but only for you.”

“Fine help me. Help me save my friends.”


Flames erupt from the box that Enjeru was placed in. My heart jumps into my throat as I realize what’s going on.

“Looks like she has chosen boy. Now to end this game.”

He pulls out a bow and arrow. I try to move, but I’m trapped in a cage of lightning. I look for Jake, but he’s focused on dodging so he won’t be knocked out again. Angelique is still unconscious, and Syaoran and Alice are trying to revive her. He releases the arrow and it’s aimed straight for my heart. Even if I block this shot he’ll probably just kill me with lightning. This is a losing situation no matter how I see it. I close my eyes deciding to accept my fate.

“Boy if you don’t stop standing there with your eyes closed like an idiot I may let him kill you.”

My eyes go wide as I see Enjeru in front of me, blade drawn and the remnants of an arrow on the ground.


“Wrong boy.”

“Lucifer, but wh. . . . ”

“Your very lucky my niece chose you fools. Now all of you need to move somewhere safe.”

I’m too confused to move so when Jake begins pulling me away from Enjeru I finally snap back into reality.

“What does he mean she chose us?” I mumble.

There’s a sound of metal hitting metal, and I look up to see Enjeru holding back her brother's attack with the flat of her blade. She pulls one of her guns out quickly, but Kiro pulls back as she fires 5 or 6 rounds. He dodges each bullet smiling.

“So this is your choice?”

“Your sister has chosen Kiro now leave because I can, and will hurt you.”

“I can’t believe this, and you’re going along with it. You out of anyone know what pain these people have caused her.”

“Yes and I also know the pain family has caused her. They resent her even if they try hard not to. Even you Kiro. After the death of your Mother, things changed. None of you could feel the same about her again.”

Kiro’s brows furrow and his lips form a tight line. It’s true then he does resent her.

“While I may resent her for the death of our mother some I also know my mother did wrong by Enjeru. And even with that, I don’t love her any less. That’s my sister my twin my other half. I need her, and she needs me. This is a mistake Uncle.”

“Well it’s one more she’ll have to learn from then. Now Kiro don’t make me repeat myself.”

Kiro looks at Enjeru then us pure hatred in his eyes. Then he disappears. Enjeru turns to us, but everything is back to normal.

“You guys are okay……” She trails off as she falls forward.

I run to catch her and she falls into my chest seeming exhausted.

“Why did you choose us.”

“I don’t know to be honest, but I did so let me sleep now.” She mumbles.

Light snores begin to start.

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