Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter Masquerade

Chapter 15


Alice and I are sitting together in the garden while Jake helps Micah practice his swordplay. I tried helping him, but apparently, he couldn’t handle me so Jake opted to help him. Now I’m bored though.

“Enjeru are you okay?” Alice asks quietly.

“Yeah, I’m just bored. I kinda had high hopes for the swordplay today, but as you can see that flight crashed and burned.”

“Micah’s a bit slow when it comes to learning, but once he’s learned it he’s fine. He probably couldn’t keep up with your fast pace.”

“I wasn’t even going fast. That was slow.” I whine.

Alice shrugs before turning back to her doll.

“I’m gonna walk around for a bit.”

Alice nods her eyes not leaving the new doll she’s been working on. I sigh before turning off in the direction of the tree garden. Since this is one of the original Libra sites they have a portal to the garden of Eden. Normally I wouldn’t be able to enter since I’m a demon, but since being captive this is the only place I don’t mind going. It’s calm here especially since most don’t have access to it. I only have access because Jakob allowed it. In some ways, I am grateful to that man. He’s been kinder than any other Elder I’ve ever known, he even goes as far to stop and talk to me if he’s passing by with his guards. He’s a strange man, but I guess that’s not bad. On top of the fact that I’ve seen less of Angelique since her outburst two days ago which I don’t know whether to be happy or nervous about. Unfortunately, I’ve given up on the thought of leaving. At this point, Kiro has left me. He won’t even talk to me anymore via our link. Micah’s not letting up the key anytime soon and no one else in Libra would let me leave anyway. So I figure I might as well find something to enjoy here.

“Quite comfortable now that everyone’s eating out of the palm of our hands now.”

I roll my eyes before turning around to face Angelique.

“Well I’m not leaving anytime soon might as well get comfortable.”

“Oh, you don’t have to leave Libra you just need to be locked up.”

“Why so you can brag to your bigot Angel father about how you helped lock a demon up based on his bigoted teachings?”

“Don’t call my father a bigot you skank.”

“I call em like I see em and when I see heaven all I see is a bunch of high and mighty hypocrites.”

“I dare you to say that again.”

“You’re all a bunch of fucking hypocrites who need to get off their high horses.”

She launches herself at me knocking me to the ground. Her hands are around my neck, but I turn and bite her wrist. She screams, but retaliates by cutting my face with a small knife I didn’t notice she had. The cut is deep and burns intensely. I look up and move to get her back, but someone stops me. Micah runs up to Angelique.


“It takes one to know one bitch,” I scream pulling at the person holding me.

“Calm down Enjeru.” Jake tries to sooth.

“Calm down she followed me here, and then she attacked me!!!!! Look at the bruises on my neck look at this cut on my face!!!!”

“Enjeru it will all heal in 30 minutes.” Jake reasons.

“That’s not the POINT!!!”

“SHUT UP!!!!!”

Everyone turns towards Micah who is huffing at this point.

“Stop whining. It’s not like you can die, or suffer from your injuries. But Angelique can, she has yet to earn her immortality from the Heaven which means she can die like the rest of us. Which is something you’ll never know. So stop whining when you’re life is guaranteed.”

“My life may be guaranteed as you said, but I still know pain. I felt every inch of that blade tearing my skin apart.”

“Enjeru stop…”

“What you too Jake. Fine my feelings don’t matter to any of you. They never did. This was an act a farce. You know I expected this from the rest of them, but Jake I thought we were finally getting somewhere I guess I was wrong. None of you have to worry about seeing me outside of missions anymore.”

I can feel Jakes hands drop away and I make a run to my room ignoring everything else. I lock the door this time using black magic so that way no one can break the spell. And fall back into my coffin. To think I was actually starting to fall for Jake. I was actually starting to fall for his words. I’m such a fool sometimes.

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