Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter Apologies

Chapter 17


Enjeru has been asleep for a week now. Jake says that the surge of power from Lucifer being released took a bit of a toll on her mentally. I still can’t figure out why she chose us. Why not return to her family when she had the chance? After all, I know for a fact I was a shitty person to her. Could it be solely because of Jake and if so is he really that important to her?

And better yet why did I snap, and throw a chair at Marcus for calling her a Jezebel. I can’t understand what came over me. And I certainly don’t remember since I blacked out then, but I’m not allowed in the council room for the time being. Usually, it’s Angelique who has the temper problems. But when he was bad mouthing Enjeru something awoke in me. She had the choice to run, but she stayed. But all he can say is lock her away. I owe her my life. As much as I hate to say it I owe Lucifer my life.

I decide, to look for answers by visiting Enjeru with Jake. He’s been bringing her flowers from the garden. When we get there She’s sitting up smelling the current roses in the vase. She turns quickly pulling away from the roses and bowing her head.

“Hey Enjeru how are you feeling?” Jake starts.

“Okay, I guess. Just a little tired still, but I’m fine.”

“You scared me.” He smiles.

“Sorry.” She mumbles bowing her head.

He lifts her chin up and I almost puke.

“Don’t be.”

I cough forcing them to remember I’m here. Enjeru looks up a faint blush just visible on her cheeks.

“So. .” We both start, and stop.

“You go first,” she says.

“Well, first I’d like to thank you for saving me. If you and Lucifer hadn’t stepped in when you did I would have died that day. Secondly, I’m glad you stayed.” I smile softly.

“You’re welcome, but it was really Lucifer who saved you. I’m to weak right now to do any real damage to Kiro.”

“If it’s not too much. May I ask why you stayed?”

“I . .I’m not sure. Something told me to try. To really try this time around. So I decided to stay. I’m sorry that’s not a good answer.”

“No it’s fine I understand.”

She turns back to the flowers appearing lost in thought. Maybe she herself is just as confused why she’s here as I am to why I defended her.

“You should have been there yesterday. Marcus was so mad about the whole situation that he was calling for your memories to be sealed and you to be locked up in the dungeons.”

When isn’t he asking to lock me away? He’s a power hungry asshole who can’t stand for someone to oppose his opinion.”

“Well, Micah showed him yesterday. It was hilarious.”

I turn toward Jake warning him not to say anything and he smirks at me.

“Yeah, he threw a chair at Marcus because he was trash talking about you. Hit him square in the face.” Jake smirks.

She gasps looking to me to confirm it. I nod slowly thinking of ways I should kill Jake.

“Why? You hate me and it doesn’t help I’ve been anything but rude and disrespectful to you. Why would you defend me?”

“No matter what you’re apart of my team, and I will not have someone bad mouthing you.”

“Oh okay…”

She looks a little disappointed and I feel like an idiot because that’s not what I meant.

“You’ll be fine. Jakob won’t allow them to lock you away.”

“Jake’s right for some reason Jakob really likes you.”

“Well at least someone likes me.”

“I like you.” Jake smiles.

Even though I’ve been a bitch to you, which I’m sorry about.”

“It’s fine I need to apologize more. Out of everyone here, I know what has happened in your family is not something to joke about. It was rude of me as a friend to say such cruel things.”

And I’m sorry as well though I’m sure no amount of apologizing can fix what I’ve done to you.”

“Well well, why don’t we all just kiss her ass. Are you guys serious right now?”

Angelique stands in the doorway looking pissed.

“Angelique chill out this is none of your business.”

“None of my business that she’s playing you, idiots. I mean why does everyone trust her so easily. I agree with Marcus she should be locked up.”


Jake stops Micah’s hand before it can even be raised. I noticed his reaction immediately as Angelique began talking. He looks furious though I’m not sure why. Any other day he’d agree with her.

“Get out Angelique Jake warns.”

She looks at the both of them then at me. Her eyes say everything. Everything I’m scared of. The loathing, hatred, disgust. They’re all there and aimed for me. I put my head down feeling my depression tug at my heart again. I’ll never be accepted here even if there are a few on my side. Why did I choose to stay?


“I’m fine.” I smile brightly just trying to keep myself from punching her in the face.” I smile.

They both looked relieved, but it’s fake. This smile my carefree attitude it’s all a mask. They both continue to ask if I’m fine and do I need anything, but I shake my head telling them I’m fine. When they leave I relax. I reach for my jacket that lays on the seat next to my bed, and pull out a cigarette. Conjuring a flame I put it to my lips taking a huge drag.

“Just take it one step at a time.” I mumble to myself.

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