Playing to Win (The Players)

Playing to Win: Chapter 29

I keep my gaze glued on Ace, contemplating what I should do. How I should answer. The smart move would be to keep walking. I didn’t plan on coming here tonight. It was Gwen who suggested we show up at Logan’s, which surprised me. She never wants to do this sort of thing. She told me so herself.

Yet here we are. Out at the most popular bar, celebrating the football team’s big win. And here’s Ace, already trying to get me to sit next to him, which I will gladly do. But in front of Gwen?


“Come on, let’s sit with them.” Gwen nudges me in the ribs and I’m helpless to do anything else but slide into the booth, ending up pressed right next to Ace’s side since there’s not much room left once Gwen slides in after me. We’re all crammed into this booth, cozy as can be, and oh my God, the man is as hot as a furnace.

“Hey, Red,” Ace murmurs low enough that only I can hear him and I smile, sucking in a breath when I feel his hand settle on my thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. His voice, his touch sends a zap straight to my core.

“Hi,” I squeak out, feeling foolish. He just smiles that secret smile, turning away from me when the guy who’s sitting on the other side of Derek says something to him.

Never removing his hand from my leg either.

“God, there’s so much testosterone in this room. I can practically see it floating in the air,” Gwen mumbles to me.

“You’re not used to hanging out with guys?”

“I have two sisters.” When I turn to her, I see this vulnerable light glowing in her eyes. “And I’ve never really had a—boyfriend.”

“Never?” I’m really not surprised by this revelation.

“Ever,” she whispers, swallowing hard. Her gaze turns panicked and she glances around the table. “I need a drink.”

“We’ll get you one,” Ace says, lifting his arm up in the air.

A server just so happens to be passing by and she stops when she sees Ace waving at her, a seductive smile curling her lips. “Whatcha need, Ace?”

He leans forward so he can see Gwen around me. “What do you want to drink, Gwyneth?”

Her eyes go wide and I can tell she feels uncomfortably singled out, when Ace is just trying to help her. “I don’t know.”

“What sort of drinks do you like?” he asks.

“Something fruity?”

Ace turns to the server. “Get her something fruity and delicious. And full of lots of alcohol. Please.”

“I don’t want to taste it,” Gwen adds.

“You heard her.” Both his smile and demeanor are absolutely charming and he turns it on me. “What do you want to drink, Red?”

“Something strong and sweet,” I tell him, glancing up at the server. “Whatever you make her, I’ll have the same.”

“Got it. Two Frosés coming right up.” She points her pen at Ace. “You want something, babe?”

Babe? Did she really just call him that?

An unfamiliar emotion rises within me, leaving me flustered. Even dare I say a little…angry? Say what?

God, I think I may be jealous.

“I should probably slow down,” Ace says to the server, that smile still firmly in place. He doesn’t have to do a damn thing, just exist, and women fall at his feet, believing he’s flirting with them. And I get it. He’s handsome. Magnetic. He enters a room and instantly commands it. There are people—mostly women—lingering on the peripheral, all of them trying to play it cool but sneaking glances in the table’s direction, dying for the opportunity to talk to the team.

Really? They’re dying for the chance to speak to Ace.

“Have another beer,” Derek says. “And get us a round of shots.”

“Shots of what?” the server asks.

“Whatever you’ve got that’s the strongest.” Derek grins, turning to look at us. “We’re gonna get fucked up tonight.”

The server leaves and I relax a little, glad she’s gone. She was pretty and seemed interested in Ace but maybe she acted like that because she’s a good server who just wants tips.

Or maybe she wants my man.

I blink, going still. Wait a minute. My man? Am I serious right now? We’re not even close to being in a relationship, and I’m already thinking like this? We’ve hooked up a few times, had plenty of conversations, but that doesn’t mean he’s my man. Plus, he’s told me before that he doesn’t do relationships, though lately he hasn’t acted like that.

No, lately Ace Townsend acts like he’s completely obsessed with me.

Well, the feeling’s mutual.

“You good?” Ace asks me, giving my thigh another squeeze. His hand hasn’t left me yet and no one can tell since we’re hidden by the table.

“I’m great.” I turn to him, surprised to find him so close. Kissing close. I study his face for a moment, getting lost in his handsome features. He definitely showered after the game, of course, and he smells like heaven. He’s freshly shaven, his jaw and cheeks clean and smooth and my gaze lingers on his mouth for a little too long. His lips are the perfect shape, and they’re freaking magical when they kiss me…anywhere he chooses.

I remember him going down on me and just like that, my panties are wet.

“You look a little flustered.” He leans in, his mouth at my ear for the briefest second. “Thinking about anything in particular?”

His hand slides up, his fingers brushing against the spot between my thighs and a shiver steals through me.

“No. Not at all,” I practically choke out, sending him a look that I hope he interprets as, freaking stop it.

He just smiles, the jerk, his thumb pressed firmly against me. “Hey, Gwen, did you guys get some good footage at the game?”

She brightens, nodding enthusiastically. “We definitely did. I saw some of Eric’s footage too since he was on the sidelines. He got the interception Derek made.”

“Of course, he did,” Derek says, sounding smug. “That was epic.”

“It really was,” Gwen agrees and I’m surprised she’d say that but…it’s deserved so maybe I shouldn’t feel that way. “Such a great play.”

“Right? I was stoked.” Derek rubs his hands together, leaning into Ace and practically crushing him as he speaks to Gwen. “I’ve never run so fast in my life. And I’m a big guy. Speed is not on my side.”

“It was in that moment,” Gwen says, and I can tell Derek is eating this up.

They talk about his play, while Ace and I sit there silently, sharing secret smiles, his hand still on my leg, his thumb still gently pressing against the throbbing spot between my thighs. A reminder that he wants me. That he’s into me, and all I can do is sit there and silently marvel over that little fact.

Am I a fool for wanting to pursue this with Ace? Maybe. I definitely am if we get careless and I put my job at risk.

The server returns with huge drinks full of red slushy liquid that she sets down in front of me and Gwen. I stare at the drink for a second before I look up at the server. “What is this?”

“It’s a Frosé. It’s a rosé slushy with extra alcohol. Limit two because it’ll get you drunk quick,” the server explains.

Gwen’s eyes go wide and she turns to me. “I drove here.”

We came to Logan’s in separate cars because I figured we might want to leave at separate times. Subconsciously, I wanted to leave with Ace because when it comes to that man, I’m a total ho for him.

“That’s what Ubers are for,” Derek says to Gwen. “You can leave your car downtown. It’ll be no big deal.”

“I don’t know…”

“Just drink it, Gwennie,” Derek encourages once the server has left us. “Come on.”

I pull my drink toward me and take a sip from the straw, wincing a little. Damn, that’s strong.

“How is it?” Gwen asks warily.

“Delicious,” I immediately say.

“Uh huh.” She studies the drink like it might strike out and bite her. “I don’t know.”

“Drink, Gwen,” Derek commands, just before he starts chanting.

Gwen-nie! Gwen-nie! Gwen-nie!

The other guys join in and start chanting. Even Ace and I join in and soon the entire back half of the bar is screaming her name and she’s turning about a thousand shades of red. I can tell she’s an equal mixture of mortified and a little bit thrilled, and finally, she pulls the drink toward her and takes a long sip from her straw.

And immediately starts coughing.

I rub her back. Ace pushes a glass of water across the table toward her and she grabs it, taking a long drink before she finally says, “I don’t really drink alcohol much.”

“What a way to kick off the night then,” I tease her. “Take it easy on that straw. Sip it slowly.”

“Will do.” She nods, glancing about the room before she turns to me, leaning in close to murmur, “Do you think Eric will show up?”

I back away from her, my face showing my surprise, even though, deep down, I’m not surprised by her question whatsoever. “I don’t know. Did you tell him to come by?”

“I did.” She nods, misery flickering in her eyes for the briefest moment before it’s gone. “I hope he does.”

“Are you into him, Gwyneth?” I keep my voice light and teasing because I don’t want to pressure her or freak her out.

“He’s an idiot,” she spits out.

“Most men are.”


“They’re that too,” I agree.

“And he always thinks he’s right. Like he knows better than I do.” She shakes her head, reaching for her Frosé and taking a steady sip from the straw. “Just because he’s a man doesn’t mean he’s a total authority of football.”

“Agreed. You’ve come up with some pretty great ideas,” I tell her.

“Thank you.” She peers at me, her expression turning serious. Which is her usual look, but I swear this is even more serious. “Can I tell you something?”

“Absolutely,” I say with a nod.

“I thought you were going to be awful. That you got the job only because of your last name and who you’re related to,” she admits.

I’m not shocked by this confession either. “I figured as much.”

“I know I can be a bit…judgmental sometimes.” She takes another sip of her drink, wincing. “It’s my worst trait. I’m just…I have a hard time trusting people.”

“I’m glad you gave me a chance,” I tell her, wanting her to know that I mean it. “I think we work well together.”

She smiles faintly. “I do too. It helps that you care about the team. Making content. The girl last season…she just wanted to hook up with as many players as she could.”

Uneasiness slips down my spine and I mentally tell it to take a hike. “I definitely enjoy creating content, especially the type where the guys can make fun of themselves. And I like brainstorming ideas with you and putting it all together.”

“I totally agree! I’m just so glad to find someone who’s into it and not doing the job just to get close to football players. I mean, I get why anyone would want to get close to them. They’re fun, they’re attractive. They’re a good time,” Gwen says.

I’m finally shocked by something Gwen said. “You actually like them?”

“Oh yeah. I find them intimidating, I can’t lie, but there’s something about hanging out with a giant group of guys who are a team. Who support each other. You get caught up in it, and it’s…exciting. Doesn’t hurt that they all have gorgeous bodies and faces.” Gwen takes another, longer sip from her drink and I realize I need to catch up to her.

I sip from my Frosé, digesting what she just said. I had Gwen all wrong. I thought she hated the team and did the job because she…I don’t know, had to? But that makes no sense. If you’re going to work in social media and with athletes, shouldn’t you have respect for the sport? At least a little bit?

“But they’re not my speed,” she continues. “Football players. I like my guys a little more on the quiet, nerdy side.”

“Like Eric?” I ask, my voice low.

She nods, suddenly appearing miserable. “Just like Eric.”

“Did you just mention my bro?” Derek asks us out of nowhere. God, I really hope he wasn’t listening in on our conversation. “Eric?”

“Derek and Eric,” Gwen murmurs. “You guys’ names rhyme.”

“Right? Any time one of you screams his name, I get excited for a second, thinking you’re calling me,” Derek says, his smile sly as he studies both of us.

I groan. “Please don’t start flirting with us. We’re not interested.”

“Oh, come on, Maguire. You know you want me.” The cheesy grin that now appears makes me roll my eyes. “And Gwennie, I just got half the bar cheering for you. I deserve a reward.”

“You don’t deserve shit,” Gwen tells him, slurping down her drink. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are sparkling and I realize why there’s a two-drink limit on this concoction. She’s already buzzed. “I’m not interested in you, Big D.”

He chortles. “Whoa, you know my nickname?”

Everybody knows your nickname,” Ace says, reentering our conversation after talking to the guy on the other side of Derek. “You proudly tell everyone and their mother all about it.”

I laugh. Ace squeezes my leg yet again, making my stomach—and other, lower parts of my body—flutter. We share a look and I think of what Gwen said. How she’s so glad I’m not interested in getting with anyone on the football team.

I’m definitely not interested in the entire team. Not even a few of the players.

Only one.

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