Playing to Win (The Players)

Playing to Win: Chapter 30

I’m drunk.

I’ve tried my best all season to watch my alcohol intake and stay on the healthy track. I’ve managed it pretty well too, but tonight was a cause for celebration and I let go.

Apparently, so did everyone else. The entire bar is full of stumbling, loud and obnoxious drunk people, the majority of them being my teammates.

We deserve to cut loose. It’s been an intense week and what makes it even better? Next week is a bye. No game scheduled means our practices aren’t going to be as intense. Hell, we even get an extra day off from practice, plus game day off. It’s gonna feel like a freaking vacation.

But it’ll go by fast and the week after that, we’ll be back in action. Hitting it hard.

I’m ready for the lax schedule. My class load is picking up and I’ll be working on my assignments this upcoming week. Not interested in thinking about any of that though. I’ve got other things to concentrate on currently.

Like the pretty, warm blonde snuggled up to my side. I’ve had my hand on her leg all night and she hasn’t protested once. Let’s face it.

Ruby Maguire is as into me as I’m into her.

Damn if that isn’t reassuring.

Eric eventually swings by our table, looking like a nervous chump afraid to speak, and after a few minutes of idle chatter, he takes off with Gwen of all people, which has Ruby wiggling in her seat, a mysterious smile on her pretty face.

“What’s your deal?” I ask after they’re gone.

“I shouldn’t say anything but…” Her eyes are wide as she stares at me. “Can you keep a secret?”

“I think you should know by now that I’m a pretty good secret keeper,” I drawl.

Her cheeks flush pinker, if that’s possible. The alcohol already has her nice and rosy. “Gwen likes him.”

“Who? Eric?”

“Shush.” She rests her fingers against my lips and I’m tempted to nip at them but I don’t. I’m just glad she’s touching me in front of everyone. “You’re so loud. Can you be quiet? Just for a minute?”

I nod and her hand drops away. “And yes. She likes Eric. I think he likes her too.”

“That’s cute.”

“Aren’t they lucky? There’s no clause about anyone on the social media team dating each other.” Her wistful sigh makes my heart ache.

Yeah, she’s totally into me. And I’m totally into her. But we can’t do anything about it. Not publicly.

I hate that stupid clause.

“They’re pretty lucky,” I agree, sliding my hand back up so it’s firmly lodged between her slender thighs. Swear to God I can feel the heat emanating from her pussy, which has got me thinking all sorts of dirty thoughts. “I’m glad you came here tonight, Red.”

“Me too.” She leans in briefly, her hair brushing my cheek and I breathe deep, catching a whiff of her delicious scent. “It’s been fun.”

“How’s that drink working out for you?” I nod toward the giant glass of slushy alcohol. She’s on her second one so she’s got to be feeling it.

“It’s delicious.” She smiles, leaning into me again, her face practically in mine. “Pretty sure I’m a little drunk.”

“Oh yeah?” I bop her nose with my index finger and she rears back a little. “I don’t take advantage of drunk girls.”

“That’s too bad.” She mock pouts. “I’d totally let you take advantage of me.”

I reach for her, resting my fingers against her lips, just like she did to me only moments ago. “Better be quiet there, baby. Don’t want anyone hearing you.”

When I remove my hand from her mouth, she continues staring at me, murmuring, “I love it when you call me baby.”

Just like that, my dick is hard. Well, I’ve been sporting a semi all damn night having her close and my hands on her, but the way she looks at me right now, that sweet little confession…

“Yeah? Better than Red?”

“I like that too,” she whispers, reaching for her drink and taking a long sip.

My gaze fixes on her mouth wrapped around that thick straw and I’m sweating. Thinking of the time she gave me a blow job and I blew all over her tits. Why haven’t we done that again? Why haven’t we kept up a steady stream of secret hookups? What the fuck is wrong with me?

“We should go,” I tell her, the need to get her alone suddenly overwhelming.

“Aw, can’t we stay a little while longer?” The sexy little pout is back and I want to kiss it off her lips.

“Okay.” I lean back and she does the same, mimicking me. “We can stay as long as you want.”

I decide to torture her. While I’m talking with my teammates, I’ve got my hand still firmly planted between her legs, my thumb slowly drifting up and down the seam of her denim shorts, teasing her pussy. Even though I act like I’m paying attention to my friends’ conversation, I’m wholly concentrating on Ruby’s reaction.

The way her breathing shifts. Becoming faster. Shallower. Her thighs clamp together, trapping my hand, but I don’t let up. I don’t want to.

It’s like I can’t.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch her reach for her drink and choke it down, her tongue sneaking out to lick at her lips when she finishes and fuck, I want to groan. I want to shove my fingers down the front of her shorts and see how wet she is.

I’d bet big money she’s soaked.

All for me.

Eventually I feel her side press more firmly into mine and next thing I know, she’s resting her head on my shoulder. I ease up on the pussy teasing, glancing toward her at the same time she shifts her head to look up at me from her spot on my shoulder and I lose myself in her pretty green eyes for a moment.

“I’m drunk,” she whispers. “And horny.”

That’s our cue to leave. “We need to get the fuck out of here.”

She lifts away from me, her brows drawn together like she’s confused how she got there in the first place. “We can’t leave together.”

“I’m not letting you leave this place alone,” I say fiercely. There’s just no fuckin’ way.

“Um.” She glances around, but no one is paying attention to us. Not a single person in the bar cares what we’re doing right now. “I’ll leave first and you wait a few minutes then come outside and meet me.”

“No.” I shake my head, ignoring the sad expression on her face. “I’ll leave first. I’m not going to let you stand out there all by yourself, waiting for me.”

Her eyes go soft. “Aw, you’re so protective.”

“You don’t even know the half of it.” She has no clue. I can’t stand the idea of her being hurt or alone out in the dark, shivering while standing in front of the bar. Dudes walking by, leering at her. No way. Fuck that.

I want to take care of her.

“I’ll text you in a few.” Removing my hand from between her thighs, I give her ass a nudge. “Scoot out, baby. I’ve gotta go.”

Her eyes light up at me calling her baby—did it on purpose, I’m not an idiot—and she slides out of the booth, standing to the side and giving me room. I touch her waist briefly, murmuring, “Sit back down. I’ll text you in a few and you can come out and meet me. I’ll get a car for us.”

She nods, her expression solemn, her green eyes extra big. “Okay.”

I watch her practically fall back into the seat, smothering the laugh that wants to escape. She’s so damn cute.




Easy to talk to.


Wait, did I already think she was sexy? Yeah, she deserves to be called that twice.

Sending her a meaningful look, I head deeper into the bar, finding Javier and pulling him aside so I can talk to him. “Hey, I’m out of here.”

Javier glances around the space before returning his gaze to mine. “You meeting someone somewhere?”

“Yeah.” I rub my jaw, not about to reveal who I’m meeting. “You still having people over?”

“Maybe. I don’t know. We’re having a pretty good time here and besides…” He shrugs, his grin faintly embarrassed. “My girl promised me a naked FaceTime sesh if I go home soon.”

“Bro, you better jump on that.” I grab hold of his shoulders and give him a slight shake. “I’ll see you later.”

I get the hell out of there before any of my teammates notice, but that doesn’t stop other people from talking to me. It takes me an extra fifteen minutes to leave Logan’s. It’s mostly guys congratulating me on the win, but there are also a few women who tell me I did a great job, flirting it up.

Not interested. I’m too eager to get Ruby alone. In bed.


Finally, I’m standing in the alley to the left of Logan’s ordering a car. It’ll be here in seven minutes and I check the time before I send a quit text to Ruby.

A group of loudly laughing women exit the bar, all of them squealing when they see me standing in the alley.

“Ace Townsend!” one of them screams.

“See ya around, ladies.” I offer a wave and turn my back to them, making like I’m going to leave. They sound disappointed but keep moving and I nearly sag with relief when they’re gone.

I need to get the hell out of here.

Within minutes, Ruby is in the alley with me and we head to the back of the building, where the tiny parking lot is. I instructed the driver in the notes to pick us up there and when his car appears, I usher Ruby inside the back seat, following after her and slamming the car door.

“Ace!” The driver catches my eye in the rearview mirror and I want to groan out loud. I can’t get any peace. “I thought that was you.”

“Hey,” I say weakly, pleased when Ruby snuggles close to me, her face pressed against my chest. I slip my arm around her shoulders.

I chat with the driver the entire ride back to her place while Ruby remains quiet. Cuddly. Her arm is curled around mine and her hair is practically in my face and I don’t mind at all. This moment is nice, being able to sit with her freely without judgment. Who’s this guy gonna tell? He’s a former student at CU and still lives in the area, and this is his weekend job to earn extra cash that he’s saving so he can buy a house.

Yeah, I know a lot about this dude because he’s giving me his entire life story.

By the time we pull up in front of Ruby’s apartment building, I have to nudge her to get her moving. “We’re here, Red.”

We spill out of the car, me taking Ruby’s arm to stabilize her. The moment the car drives away, I take her hand, momentarily disoriented. I know I’ve been here before but… “Where’s your apartment?”

“This way.” She gestures with her free hand and starts walking, leading me to her front door.

“You think Nat is home?”

“She works pretty late on Saturday nights. She usually works the tables in the bar. That’s where the best tips are,” Ruby explains as she turns left and steers us up a set of stairs to her apartment.

I loom behind her as she unlocks the door, impatience making me eager, and when we’re inside the apartment, I’m on her like I have no control. Pinning her to the door, reaching for her and cradling her cheeks in my hands, tilting her head up so I can study her pretty face for a moment before I swoop in and kiss her.

A soft sigh leaves her the moment our lips touch and I keep it gentle, restraining myself. Brushing my mouth against hers again and again, her lips parting with every pass. Until I tease her with my tongue, her tongue immediately meeting mine. Flicking. Circling. Until I can’t take it anymore and deepen the kiss.

She moans, her body going limp, her hands sliding down my chest, fisting the fabric of my shirt. I press more firmly against her, holding her against the door, letting her feel what she’s doing to me, and when she finally breaks the kiss first, I can tell she’s giggling.

“What’s so funny?” I dip my head and rain kisses down the length of her neck.

“You’re always kissing me against a door.” A shiver moves through her when I gently bite the spot where her neck and shoulder meet. “We should go to my room.”

“Is that an invitation?” I lift my head away from hers, the lust coursing through my veins as I take her in.

God, she’s beautiful. And so damn sweet. All that silky blonde hair and those big green eyes. Or are they hazel? Right now, they’re glowing green, eating me up, and my skin fucking tingles as her gaze sweeps over me.

Ruby nods, letting go of my shirt and reaching for my hand. “Come on.”

I let her drag me down the hall and into her tiny bedroom. She hits the light switch and the lamp on the bedside table turns on, casting the room in a gentle glow. She turns to face me, walking backward toward the bed, her expression full of promise. “I can’t believe the Ace Townsend is in my bedroom. Again.”

“Oh, don’t start giving me a hard time, Red. I’m not that big of a deal.” My gaze slides over her, lingering on all of my favorite parts. There are too many to name so basically I’m ogling her like some sort of freakish pervert, but from the glimmer currently lighting her eyes, I can tell she doesn’t mind.

“You’re a huge deal, Ace. You were great out on that field. So commanding. In control. The entire bar was there for you tonight, and you deserve all the accolades.” She sounds in awe of me and I can’t lie.

Pride floods my veins. It means something, that she thinks I’m a big deal. I don’t care what anyone else thinks about me.

Just her.

“They were there for the team, not just me,” I correct because I can’t take all the credit for the win.

That game was brutal. I was sweating big time and secretly terrified of fucking everything up. But I didn’t.

We won. And I’m hoping I can claim Ruby Maguire as my prize.

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