Playing to Win (The Players)

Playing to Win: Chapter 28

Everyone is celebrating us tonight at Logan’s. Every round of alcohol is purchased for us. Beer. Shots. Expensive liquor that should be sipped that we’re shooting instead because we’re idiots and the majority of us are looking to get fucked up—it doesn’t matter what, people are sending it to us. I feel like we won a damn championship game, though I guess this is close enough.

I can’t lie, it feels good, basking in everyone’s adoration. We’re loved tonight and I want to savor the moment. I really do.

But I can’t stop thinking about Ruby and her invitation. Mentioning that she’ll wait for me in her bed.


Jesus, this woman. Seeing her wear our school colors ignited something inside me that keeps growing. I want to see her in my jersey. My number on her chest, my last name on her back. Fuck, that would feel like a claiming. I don’t care about anyone else who wears my jersey—well, I do love it when they wear the T-shirts and root me on because they’re fans, you know? But Ruby isn’t just a fan.

She’s…oh shit, who am I right now, thinking like this?

Fuck it.

Ruby is my girl. That’s how I see her at least. And even if we can’t be together yet, I’m hoping—fingers crossed tightly—that we can be together someday. After the season? Which means not until December or even January, if we make it to a championship bowl.

Back to the waiting for me naked part. That’ll be the best part of my whole day. At the very least, it’s on par with winning the game. Though I’m not quite sure how she’s going to do it.

How she’ll manage the naked in bed part since she needs to come to the door and let me in. But I guess I shouldn’t worry about the logistics. I should focus on the idea of beautiful, luscious Ruby bare beneath the sheets. Wet between the legs.

Waiting for me.

I check my phone for what feels like the twentieth time since I arrived at Logan’s, wishing for a text from Ruby, but so far there’s nothing. I don’t know the proper length of time for me to stay and celebrate, but I’m hoping it’s an hour, tops. I already told Javier I won’t be returning to our house for the after-party. He seemed disappointed, but he was also cool with it. I didn’t mention any names when I said I was going somewhere else and he didn’t ask either. I appreciate that he respects my privacy and always do the same for him.

“Stop checking your phone.” Derek gives my arm a shake. He’s extra obnoxious tonight and with every reason. Scoring that touchdown after the interception was a glory moment for him and he deserves to celebrate. “There are so many people here tonight ready to celebrate you. So many women. Live a little, QB.”

“Yeah. Sorry.” I offer him a smile, pocket my phone and reach for the beer someone bought for me, polishing off the rest of it. “Still a little keyed up, I guess. Stuck in my head.”

Derek contemplates me for a moment. “You know what you need?”

“What?” I ask warily.

A sly smile appears on Derek’s face. “To get laid.”

Yeah, I do. Kind of hoping that happens tonight, if I’m lucky, but I need to play this off with Derek. He can’t know that’s my plan. He might start asking questions I don’t want to answer.

I’m about to say something when Derek talks right over me.

“I know you’ve been on the straight and narrow here lately and not going out with any women, and while I don’t get it, we all have our thing that we stick to during the season and maybe you go anti-pussy. I’m not sure. I don’t remember you doing that last year.”

“I didn’t,” I interject, but he keeps talking.

“If this is helping you play better, then more power to you. But you gotta blow off some steam eventually, my man.” Derek claps me on the back, grasping hold of my shoulder and giving it a not-so-gentle shake. “You’re going to get all that—you know—built up inside you.”

I frown. “What are you talking about?”

Derek shrugs. “You know.”

“I don’t know.”

He rolls his eyes and leans in close. “Cum. Semen. Jizz. Whatever you want to call it. It’s gonna build up inside you and eventually you’re gonna blow a gasket.”

Derek is talking pure nonsense, but it’s fun to play along with him.

“You’re probably right,” I say, my voice and my expression dead serious. “If I don’t watch it, my dick might explode.”

He shoves me away from him, making a dismissive noise. “You know what I mean, ass wipe. Just—go find a pretty lady tonight and let her suck your dick or something. You’re too damn edgy.”

“Uh huh. Maybe.”

Derek shakes his head and we both turn our backs to each other in an obvious show of avoidance. I shake my head, reaching for the fresh beer that was just placed on the table in front of me and take a big gulp. Damn, I really don’t want to be here. I don’t want to find some pretty random girl and let her suck my dick either. That sounds…fucking awful.

I’d rather celebrate tonight with one woman in particular. Not some stranger. I don’t want to use a girl for release. Yeah, yeah, I know that’s exactly what I used to do like a complete asshole, but I’m not about that life anymore. I’ve somehow become a one-woman man, and the one woman I want, can’t want me back. Not fully.

That’s really messed up. How did I end up in this situation again?

It’s when I’m sipping on my fourth beer that I feel it. A tingling awareness that slips over my skin, making me sit up straighter and take notice. I can feel her. She’s here. At Logan’s.


The crowd parts and she appears, still clad in the red CU T-shirt she was wearing at the game and those black denim shorts that show off her long, golden legs. Her blonde hair is pulled into a high ponytail tied with a red ribbon that’s the same color as her T-shirt and damn, she’s fucking adorable.

I want to sling her over my shoulder, slap her perfect ass and cart her right out of here so I can get her alone and fuck her properly. On a bed and everything. I’d take my time and savor her. Touch her everywhere. Kiss her everywhere…

“Hey, your little buddy is here.” Derek nudges me in the ribs, waving a hand in Ruby’s direction. “She sure is hot.”

“Don’t even look at her,” I mutter and Derek’s eyes go wide, his mouth dropping open for approximately two seconds before he bursts out laughing.

“Look at you, getting all territorial over a girl.” He shoves me and I topple over a little, even though I braced myself. The fucker is strong, I’ll give him that. “She know you’re hot for her?”

I say nothing.

“She hot for you?” He tips his head toward me, a giant shit-eating grin on his face.

I still remain silent.

“Whatever. Keep your little secret. I imagine that makes everything ten times hotter.” Sometimes Derek is too smart for his own good. “Just watch it. Everyone will find out eventually and that’s going to be a big deal.”

“What’s going to be a big deal?” I ask, guzzling all the beer down that I can swallow. I’m suddenly nervous. My palms are sweating and everything.

“You and Ruby Maguire, my friend. She’s a hottie. And a Maguire.” Derek frowns. “Wait a minute, you can’t be with her. There’s some sort of clause the social media team has to sign after that one chick lost her marbles and posted dick pics online.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“That’s why that clause was put into place. There was this one girl who had a baseball playing boyfriend and she was on their social media team. It was no problem until they split up and she put all of his naked pics on the university’s Facebook page or whatever. It was bad. Shit hit the fan and that’s why they added that pesky little amendment to the contract. No fucking around with athletes. The university doesn’t want to risk another fiasco,” Derek explains.

My gaze stays on Ruby as she stops to chat with a group of women that she seems to know. She’s animated, laughing and gesturing with her hands, stopping to listen to whatever the other women have to say. It’s only when I finally let my gaze stray to the other women that I realize she came with Gwyneth of all people.


“Sounds like a stupid clause,” I say, still staring at Ruby.

“Only because you’re looking at her like a starving man and she’s a giant slab of meat you want to gnaw on for the rest of your life.”

I send him a measured look. “I really don’t need your commentary.”

He’s grinning again. “And I’m really loving this. Don’t fuck things up for yourself, QB. Keep a steady head. What if she turns into a vengeful witch out to get you if you don’t give her what she wants?”

I’d give Ruby whatever she wants. Orgasms. Flowers. Chocolate. Plenty of hugs. She wants to make out all night? I’m down. Cuddle in bed naked? Yes, please.

“She’s not like that,” I say in defense of her. “And do you really think all women are like that?”

“Some are.”

“She’s not,” I say firmly.

“Hey, guys.”

We both swivel our heads to find Ruby standing at our table, Gwyneth just behind her with an unsure expression on her face.

“Maguire,” Derek greets. “See me out on the field today?”

I roll my eyes and Ruby laughs.

“I definitely saw you,” she says. “You were amazing.”

“I know, right?” Derek is literally preening under Ruby’s attention and it’s a sight to see.

Scratch that. The true sight to see is Ruby smiling at Derek, her gaze sliding to mine like she can’t resist. Damn it, she’s gorgeous. That T-shirt clings to her perfect tits in the best way and I curl my hands into fists, keeping them in my lap. I’d much rather lunge for her, grab her and never let go, but I don’t.

I can’t.

“You all played pretty great,” Ruby says, her gaze only for me.

“It was a tough game,” Gwen adds, stepping closer to the table. “You struggled but by the end, you all came out on top.”

“You’re damn straight,” Derek tells Gwen, his gaze narrowing. “And thanks for the critique, Gwennie.”

She rolls her eyes. “Don’t call me that.”

“Don’t like nicknames?”

“I don’t like you.”

“Not sure why. All the women love me.” Derek leans back in the booth, spreading his arms across the back of the seat. “Right, Acey baby?”

I turn to him. “Acey baby?”

He shrugs one shoulder. “You need a nickname.”

“What’s yours?”

“Big D.” He grins.

“You wish.” I send a look to Ruby and she’s still smiling. “Care to join us, ladies?”

Ruby’s smile fades. “You sure that’s a good idea?”

“We’re just friends hanging out and celebrating the big win, right?” I’m daring her to deny it. Daring her to walk away. Can she?

I know I couldn’t.

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