Playing to Win (The Players)

Playing to Win: Chapter 27

I’m literally sitting on the edge of my seat.

This game has been such a nail-biter, I think I’m going to pass out from anxiety. The back and forth, the teams outplaying each other every single quarter. Ace has played a magnificent game, but the problem is, the other team has played a really great game too.

They’re both struggling to score. It’s a battle on the field, and thank God it’s almost over.

“God, there’s still seven minutes left in the quarter,” Gwyneth mutters, checking the scoreboard for like the millionth time. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”

“It’s a lot,” I agree, my gaze never straying from the field. We currently have the ball and Ace is in a huddle with the rest of his offense, all of them screaming ‘let’s go’ just as they break up and get into position.

I scoot forward, my ass nearly falling off the bench, my breath lodged in my throat as I listen to Ace’s deep voice call out the play. The ball is hiked to him and he jogs back a few steps, his head swiveling left and right, searching for the open player he can throw the ball to. He finally throws it, the ball spiraling through the air, my gaze tracking its every movement.

The ball falls into the hands of the safety, who clutches it to his chest and runs it in.


We leap to our feet, hopping up and down, Gwen and I clutching each other. The relief currently sweeping over me is enough to leave me weak, but I can’t get too confident yet. I check the time on the board.

We still have more than six minutes to go.

It’s like this for the rest of the quarter and I realize that whoever has the ball at the very end of this game will determine the winner. It’s not necessarily about skill. It’s more about who’s lucky enough to have that ball.

God, I think I might throw up.

As the clock winds down, I realize the other team is trying to play it to their advantage. Trying to keep that ball as long as possible to not give our team any chance to make another score. I know Ace and his team would do the same thing and I hate this for him.

My gaze drops to where he sits on the bench on the sidelines, staring at the back of his head. His hair is a riotous mess and his white uniform jersey is dirty. Smudged with grass stains and God I swear that might be blood.

Maybe not. I don’t think he’s really taken any hits today.

I tear my gaze away from Ace to watch our defense and the other team’s offense on the field, a gasp escaping me when one of our defensive linemen intercepts the ball. The stadium erupts in cheers, everyone around us leaping to their feet and screaming at the top of their lungs and Gwen and I do the same thing, continuing to jump up and down. Yelling our encouragement as the lineman sprints across the field as fast as he can, heading straight for the end zone, two guys from the opposing team following him. Reaching for him…

Until he ends up in the end zone, the referees holding their arms up in the universal signal that he just scored a touchdown.

We completely lose it, Gwen and I clutching each other, screaming our heads off. My gaze tracks Ace’s every move as he runs out onto the field, grabbing the guy who scored the touchdown and slapping the back of his helmet.

My heart is ready to burst with happiness, it feels so full.

Everyone seems to calm down once the extra point is kicked in. So little time remains on the clock that the rest of the quarter is just a formality. Once it’s deemed impossible for the other team to manage another chance at scoring, the game is over.

The Golden Eagles win.

“Oh my God! We won!” I squeal, reaching for Gwen and giving her a hug.

She returns the gesture before pulling away, keeping her hands on my shoulders. “We need to get down there and film some content.”

“Totally agree.”

Since the social media team is allotted one person on the sidelines at every game, it was Eric’s turn to be down there. He gets the best field footage out of the three of us, so it makes sense for him to film all the plays. Gwen, though, was down there during the first game.

I’ll be down there the next home game, which is in three weeks. Our team has a bye next week, and an away game after that.

Even if we’re not on the field itself during a game, we still have pretty great seats since we get to be in the media section. One of the many perks of being on the football team’s social media crew.

“Who do you want me to talk to?” I ask Gwen as we leave the stands and head toward the gate, where the guard will eventually let us out onto the field.

“I want to talk to the guy who scored the last touchdown,” Gwen answers, which isn’t a surprise. “Think he’ll film with me?”

“Of course, he will,” I say without hesitation. “Guess I’ll go talk to Ace.”

Ooh, such a hardship. Don’t know how I’ll manage it.

We’re eventually let on the field and Gwen and I go our separate ways; she in search of the beefy lineman who ran in that final touchdown and me in search of our golden boy QB. The very man who had me pinned against a bathroom stall door, his hand in my panties, his fingers making me come only a few days ago.


I wander around the field, stopping to talk to some of the players and film them real quick, while asking them silly questions on camera. There are all sorts of people out here and it feels more crowded than usual. I try my best to ignore the panicky feeling growing inside my chest, but it’s no use. I’m freaking out.

I can’t find Ace.

My disappointment grows with every step and I glance over my shoulder toward the exit gate. I should probably go. Text Gwen and see if she wants to meet up and go over anything. The last home game we just went our separate ways after we were finished but maybe…

Ugh, maybe I’m just feeling lonely and wishing I had someone to talk to. Like Ace.

Turning, I head toward the exit gates, my head held high, smiling at anyone who passes me when I swear I hear someone calling my name.

No. I’m imagining it.

But then I hear it again. Though it’s not my name that’s being called. It’s my nickname. And there’s only one person who calls me Red.

Coming to a stop, I turn, my smile growing when I see Ace striding toward me, still clad in his uniform and safety pads, looking broad and dangerous and a gorgeous mess. My heart starts racing when I see that gleam in his eyes and he’s heading straight for me, his steps determined.

He only stops when he’s directly in front of me, and I drink him in. He does the same to me, our gazes eating each other up almost greedily. His helmet is gone, his hair is sticking up all over the place and he’s a little sweaty around the temples. There’s this glow in his eyes and this look on his handsome face that has me feeling all melty and gooey inside, and not in a bad way.

No, in the very best way.

“Red.” His voice is warm and deep and reaches right inside me, grabbing hold of my heart and giving it a giant squeeze. “You came to my game.”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” I say way too brightly. I wince, mentally telling myself to calm down.

His smile grows. “Wasn’t Derek’s interception amazing?”

“Wait a minute. That was our Derek?” How did I not put it together? Am I in such a haze that I can’t even think clearly while watching a football game, my focus solely on the man in front of me?

“It was our Derek,” he says with a nod, his expression amused. I think he might’ve liked that I used the word ‘our.’ “He’s so proud of himself. He’s going to be insufferable tonight.”

“He helped win the game,” I point out.

“Yeah, he did.” Ace tilts his head to the side, his hot gaze raking over me slowly. “You look good.”

“So do you,” I say without hesitation because oh my God, it’s true. I don’t care how dirty he might be or if he smells. He’s glorious.

He chuckles. “I’m a mess.”

A sexy, want to rub myself all over you, mess, is what I want to say, but I keep my thoughts to myself. “Nothing a shower can’t fix.”

His gaze darkens. Talk of showers means nakedness and I’m sure his mind went there. Because mine certainly did. “What are you doing tonight?”

Resist him! Tell him you’ve got plans! Spending time with him leads to nothing but trouble!

“Nothing,” is how I answer, my voice weak. Like my resolve.

“We’re all going to Logan’s here in a bit, but afterward, we’re having a little get-together at our apartment. Just a few people coming over, nothing big,” he explains.

I hold my breath, waiting for him to ask me what I’m afraid he’s going to ask.

“That sounds fun,” I whisper, hating that I’m going to have to reject him. I can’t just show up at a party by myself and act like I’m there for funsies. It’ll look weird. People will suspect there’s more between Ace and me then we let on.

I can’t do that. I can’t risk losing my job.

“Think you could maybe stop by?” His brows shoot up in question, and it kills me to say no. Especially because he never hesitates when he asks me.

I slowly shake my head, my stomach sinking. God, this is awful.

He exhales roughly. “I figured you’d answer like that.”

“It’s just—”

“You don’t have to explain yourself,” he says, cutting me off. “I understand.”

Oh God. I’ve ruined everything. He looks uncomfortable as he stares off in the distance, his jaw working, his lips in a straight line. And maybe even a little upset. Like he’d rather be anywhere than here and I don’t want to ruin his night. The team should be celebrating. He shouldn’t be worrying about me.

“Congratulations,” I tell him, hoping he knows how sincere I am. “It was a great game. You played magnificently.”

Ace turns to me, his gaze locking with mine. “Thank you.”

I smile, feeling sad, and God, Ace looks sad too. Like we’re two sad sacks and this is just so heartbreaking to me. I can’t even bother him by asking if he wants to film anything because it just doesn’t feel right. I know Gwen will question what happened later, but I don’t know how to tell her what’s really going on. And if I did tell her, she’s such a rule follower that she’d most likely report me and I’d lose my job.

Can’t risk that.

“What if…” My voice drifts and Ace takes a step closer, his interest clearly engaged. “What if you came over to my place later?”

“And not show up at the party at my house?”

I nod, knowing how risky this is, but suddenly not giving a damn about it. I miss him. I want to see him.

“Will you go to Logan’s?” he asks.

I shake my head, still not saying anything.

“Why not?” He frowns, his disappointment clear.

“Natalie’s working tonight. She’s the only one I’d end up going with anyway.” I shrug.

“Will she be home later?”


“Are you wanting me to…what? Sneak into your room?”


Ace frowns.

“You can come to the door like a gentleman,” I finish.

His smile returns. “You really do want me to come over, huh, Red?”

My entire body is on high alert, eager to have his hands on me again so yes. Yes, indeed, I definitely want him to come over.

“Sure,” I say nonchalantly, shrugging. “If you want to.”

“Oh, I want to,” he says without hesitation.

“Then what are you waiting for?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “For a proper invite?”

I take a step closer to him, noting that he appears as tall and as broad as the mountains that surround our little college town. Ugh this man. He is seriously going to be the death of me and I’m going to die a happy woman as long as he’s involved with it because lordy, all he has to do is look at me and I want to die.

Looks like I need to give him what he wants. That invitation.

“Would you like to come over to my place later?” Resting my hand on his chest, I rise up on tiptoe and he bends down at the same time, meeting me in the middle so I can whisper in his ear. “If you’re lucky, I might be waiting for you in my bed. Naked.”

He pulls away slightly so he can look into my eyes, the heat in his gaze scorching me. “I hope like hell that I’m lucky tonight.”

“Maybe you will be.” I smile, crossing my arms in front of my chest. “But then again…maybe you won’t.”

He rubs a big hand across his jaw. “Don’t tease me like that, Red.”

“I think that’s your favorite part about me,” I say. “The teasing.”

“I don’t know.” His gaze skims over me again, settling on all the spots of my body that tingle for him. “I pretty much like all your parts.”

I giggle.

Ace chuckles.

I’m clearly putting everything at risk, but in this very moment?

I don’t care.

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