
Chapter Chapter XXVIII

“Princess, if you would like to look out the window, welcome home and welcome back to London, England and the Wintershold Palace.” I climbed over the seat and glanced out the plane window at my wonderful glowing palace in the dark. I sighed in happiness, I was glad to be home, a graduated student, in love and surrounded by the best friends I could ever imagine supporting me taking over the crown to rule the country.

I looked over at them and they were all still asleep, so I decided to leave them there until they needed to wake up, they’d need all the sleep they could get even though the boys didn’t have to do anything. My father my ask for some help from them to lift some heavy things but we had other people to do that.

The coronation today would be set up in the chapel beside the castle and it would be filled with people, to the brim. Parliament would be there and I was more then ready to ask them for the abolishment of the marriage law. Technically you were to be married before you became Queen but with my mother’s current situation and my father wanting to be with her for as long as possible. I have been asked to step in and take over with no other heirs to the throne.

I shivered in excitement, crowned Queen. No eighteen year old worried about coronation the day after their birthday, they were too busy focusing on partying and drinking. All the good things in life.

I was ready to run the country and make a change in the world but I wish I’d had more time. Soon the bump of the landing had me fully awake and alert. The six hour sleep on the flight over had helped and I was fresh and ready for the coronation that was to begin tomorrow morning.

I had things to do before I slept tonight so I prepped myself for meetings and acknowledgements with the people and my family. My friends all woke up around the time that the door to the plane opened. Standing on the private runway was my entire family. My mother, father, brother and my puppy Bailey. Tears welled up in my eyes and I briskly walked towards them.

“I’ve missed you all so much.” I exclaimed embracing them in a warm hug as we all fell to our knees in a group hug. Bailey barked and licked the side of my arm, “I’m so happy to see you too baby boy, you’re my favourite boy ever, yes you are.” I scratched behind his ears but jumped when I heard Cameron, “Looks like I have some competition with the dog.” I laughed at him and turned around to get ready to introduce my friends to my parents but they were already shaking hands with Seth and Jason. Claire was in an embrace with my father which didn’t surprise me they knew all about her, the only person that hung back was Cameron.

“Dad, this is Cameron, Cameron meet the King of England.”

“It’s an honour your Highness.” Dad smiled, “Wow you trained them all well.”

“Oh shut up.”

“Language young lady.” My mother said in warning, “So is this the boyfriend?”

I laughed nervously, “Yes?”

“Well you have good taste in men gorgeous.” She winked, “Lets go kids, we have lots to do.”

Everyone piled into the huge limo sitting at the end of the red carpet and we were on our way to the palace. Driving through the streets even at midnight, plenty of people were out looking for my arrival home. Yelling that the Princess was home and something about the future Queen but I wasn’t paying much attention. Mum was going through my schedule with me for tonight which only consisted of a few things because it was late and then she was already starting to go through my schedule with me tomorrow.

Lots of oo’s and ah’s came out of my friend’s mouths when we arrived at the palace. I laughed at some of the faces they were pulling. Yes it was huge and yes it was quite a lovely modern castle, it’d had plenty of renovations in it’s time but it was still filled with history.

As soon as I got out of the car I was swept away by maids for dress sizing, “I’ll see you guys later,” I yelled behind me at my friends. They were in good hands with my father and brother, they were a lot more easygoing then mum was.

The ladies herded me straight upstairs towards my bedroom and I gasped at it for the first time in my life. After a year of not being here it was so strange to be back, “Have you missed it?” Mum asked from behind me as I was put on a pedestal and ladies zoomed around me getting my measurements for tomorrow.

“I have, how is the garden coming along? Still blooming with life, the lights still twinkle so much you can see them from space?”

“Always chicken. I’ve been tending to it ever since you left, it’s been my only reminder of you.”

“Oh mum,” I said softly going over and hugging her. I know you’ve missed how annoying I am too.

“Never.” She winked.

By the time the ladies had done the measurements I was starting to yawn, “Just a little longer honey and then you can go to bed.”

“Okay.” Next we were heading out to decide which colour I’d like to focus my coronation around. Once we’d finished it was getting close to two o’clock and mum had decided it was definitely time for bed so I’d be well rested for tomorrow. I entered my room and maids were still whizzing around, some getting my room ready for bed and others putting finishing touches on the gown which I couldn’t see yet.

“I’ll go for a shower or bath in the morning mum if that’s okay, I think I just need to get some sleep right now.”

“Of course darling, we’ll be here and ready to wake you about two hours before the coronation will begin.”

“I have a question for parliament mum?” I asked mid yawn.

“What would that be honey?”

“To abolish the marriage law? Even though I’ve already being crowned as I am the only eligible heir, I’d like to marry whom I choose.”

“I’ve already started discussing this with parliament Isabella, I never want you to forced into a marriage you don’t want to be apart of. So far all they have said is that they’re discussing it, it may take a while but I think with our influence and yours over the crown we can have it abolished in the next few months.”

“Good, now I don’t have to make a big scene tomorrow in front of everyone at the coronation.”

“You’re crazy child. Now go to sleep, lots of rest before tomorrow.”

“Goodnight mum.”

“Goodnight sweetheart.”


“No Claire, not again, I don’t want to go to school.” I mumbled sleepily. I could feel the warmth of the sun seeping through the blinds that had been opened a little to let some light in.

“Oh shut up silly, there’s no school but guess who becomes the Queen of England today?”

“Oh my God.” I said as I shot up into a sitting position, I looked at Claire and widened my eyes, “I become the Queen of England today.”

Claire squealed in excitement and ran over to the dress, “I got told you were allowed to see it now.” She said pulling off the white cover that had been covering it and perfectly fitted on the mannequin was a floor length cream dress. The train behind it was neatly folded on some clean sheet so it didn’t wouldn’t get dirty until I got into it, but it looked about as long as three people. It was lace designed with patterns all over the bodice specs of red popping out of the gown at random points. The train connected up to the shoulders and my arms would go through them as kind of a vest.

It was gorgeous and Claire thought so too since she was still studying the dress even after I’d finished. “I have to start getting ready Claire, where are all my ladies maids?”

“I shooed them off so we could have some time together, you don’t need them to bathe so I’ll call them in when you’re done.”

I bathed for half an hour before my mother came rushing in, “I can’t believe you’re still in the bath young lady, out.”

“Okay okay, I lost track of time. Apologies mother.” She sighed, “It’s fine, just be prepared, you’re about to be poked, prodded and pulled together to make you look like a Queen. I’m so proud of you honey,” she said kissing me on the forehead before opening the door and letting hair stylists, makeup artists and dress fitters enter the room.

Claire sat on the bed and watched me for an hour and a half as I was pulled in eight different directions by my hair and poked and prodded in the face with makeup brushes and lip liner. It came time to put on the gown and by this point I was nervous, excited and everything above.

It’d come so quickly, only six days ago I was graduating, yesterday I turned eighteen and now I’m about to become the Queen of England. I took in a deep breath as they pulled the dress up on me, luckily I was taller then most otherwise they would’ve had to make a few adjustments. They did a second look over my outfit, picking here and there at the dress to make sure everything was in perfect fit.

Claire could see me struggling to keep my cool in the last ten minutes I had before I went and entered the church. Her dress swept the floor as she walked over to me, “Shoo all of you, you’re done and the Princess needs some time to gather her thoughts.” They all bowed their heads towards me and left the room. I looked in the full body length mirror and breathed out. A Queen stared back at me, confident, ready and prepared to begin her new life of ruling the country. I wouldn’t be alone either, I’d have the confidence of my best friend, my mother and my father and of course the boys. I’d never be alone and once it finally settled in, I felt a lot better.

Other then the fact that I couldn’t breathe in the dress but that was perfectly normal, “You look a lot calmer, are you ready?”

“Are you ready?”

“For my best friend to become Queen? I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for that day, but it’s here and I can’t wait to experience all the joys, history and experiences it comes with.”

“I love you Claire.”

“I love you too Isabella.” She took a deep breath and looked at me, “Let’s go.”

I placed my hand on top of her as she lead me out, after I’d passed the doors two ladies maids from behind me picked up my train as I headed towards the car that would take me to the church.

The car ride was quick and silent as we all prepared ourselves for what was to come. My mother was already at the church waiting the left door side to walk in and meet up at the alter. I would be waiting on the right, so we would not see each other until we came face to face. My father thankfully would be there to wish me luck and to not trip over my own feet. He was to be a joint ruler with me until I found a husband, after that, he would fully renounce his title and live out the rest of his days with mum and Thomas, at least until Thomas was to be an eligible bachelor for his own Princess and his own country.

I took a deep breath in as the car stopped and Claire grabbed my hand, “You can do this.”

“I know, thank you.” I stepped out of the car and onto the red carpet to see Cameron standing there in a black tuxedo waiting for me. I walked to him in excitement since it was the first time I’d seen him since I was dragged away yesterday.

“I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you too baby. Are you ready to do this?”

“I am.” I nodded with a wide grin, seeing him had made me feel more confident then I was feeling before and I was utterly grateful to him for it. “Well then, I’ll see you inside my Queen.”

“Not yet.” I winked before he disappeared inside to go take his seat. I sighed and lifted my head and chin high, this was it. I headed towards the right side of the church and saw my dad waiting there with the pastor. I could see a little Thomas so I assumed he was keeping mum company.

“Are you ready?” I shook my head and laughed, “I’ve been asked that at least five times this morning. Including me asking myself but yes. I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”

“Some people say you’re not ready, what do we say to those people?”

“We don’t say anything, we’re better people then they are. I care for my country and my people and I’m ready to make great changes to this nation.”

“You’ll make a great Queen your Majesty.”

“Thank you Pastor Aaron.”

“Alright, I will head inside and your security member will tell you when to walk in.” I looked at the security guard who was staring blankly ahead. “Of course.”

A few minutes passed before I heard the security guard speak, “The princess is ready.” He motioned for me to go in and in surprise I heard the other security guard as I walked by his head, “Her Majesty is entering as Queen for the last time.” My eyes welled but I pushed it back, pulling my head high I entered the church at the same time as my mother, the crown resting upon her head. The throne situated in the middle of the room was where I headed. I took the pastors hand as he guided me up the stairs, I turned around fixing my train so it was behind me and sat proud and tall on the throne.

The pastor slowly took the crown off my mothers head as she smiled at my family in front of me and he held it high, “Do you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of England according to their respective laws and custom of the same. Will you in your power cause Law and Justice in mercy to be executed in all judgement?”

I looked over at my mother and father and they smiled at me and nodded.

“I solemnly promise so to do.” The crown was placed on my head and I let go of the breath I was holding in.

The sound of voices filled my ears as I listened to to the beginning of the England national anthem. I looked at my best friend standing beside my parents and there were tears in her eyes, I smiled at her and with the orb and scepter I stood and smiled. My future stretched out in front of me. I began to walk down the aisle as one by one each royal guard saulted. I reached the end of the aisle where they would announce my new title. The announcers voice rung clear and true throughout the church.

“Presenting Your Majesty Isabella Roslein Marie Evans, Queen of England.” I took a large breath and closed my eyes. This was the beginning of everything, here was my entire life laid out before me.

“I can’t believe I’m dating the Queen of England.”

“Well you better believe it boy, which means one day you will be the King of England as long as I can get the marriage law abolished. But I will, I’ll find a way.” I pulled his hand towards my garden, it was night fall now and the ceremony had long finished. I was given some free time to myself before I was to dive into paperwork. I’d seen all of my friends straight after the coronation and gotten photos with the boys since they wanted to post it everywhere. I’d laughed at that.

“Is this the garden you always talked about?” Cameron said out of no where. I laughed at myself, I hadn’t realised I’d brought him to my special garden that lead out onto the water. “Yes it is my darling. What do you think?”

“You and your mum did this all on your own?”

“We had help, don’t be silly.” I giggled. He kissed me on the head accidentally knocking the crown. “I’ll have to be careful of that from now on.” He laughed.

“It’s not even my formal one, this is just a few of the personal ones I own.”

“Sorry miss rich.”

“Oh, you’re in trouble now.” I yelled chasing him around the garden, the fairy lights giving enough light to see where we were going. Eventually he got lost so I ran into him and we fell to the floor. His minty breath breathed on my face as we breathed heavily together from running around. I stared into his calm grey eyes which for once, weren’t the usual stormy grey.

“I love you Queen Isabella.”

“I love you most Cameron King.”

“Impossible.” He smiled at me with his dazzling set of teeth as I looked down at him.

“Possible.” I smiled as I rolled off him and laid down next to him staring at the stars, our hands intertwined and with the world at my feet, I was ready to take on anything with him by my side. I twirled the promise ring around on my finger and smiled in delight.

"I wanted to ask you a question, something about what Ace said before he died?" I said cautiously.

"What would that be?"

"About your mother and the nickname Cammy?"

"Ah, my mother passed away from a DV, my father beat her to the point that her body couldn't take it anymore and she passed on." I wrapped my arms around his body not bothering to even express any words as I felt a tear land on my shoulder.

"Thank you for sharing that with me."

“Now I have a question for you," he said wiping away the tears on his face, "What did your mother say about you being with a commoner?”

“Oh Cameron. No matter whether she approved or not, I’ll have that marriage law removed and we will be married one day.”

“I cannot wait for that day.”

“Neither can I.” I said, my smile wide.

Everything was as it should be, it was perfect.

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