
Chapter Epilogue

5 Years Later

“Daniel, come here now.”

“But mum, I want to keep playing with Bailey.”

“It’s time for bed, it’s going to be a big day tomorrow. Bailey's getting to old for your antics anyway,” I smiled looking at the worn out dog.

“You and daddy are having a big party!” He shouted. I laughed at the four year old’s need to constantly be loud.

“We are, it’s about damn time too.” He giggled as I blew a raspberry on his stomach, “Mummy it tickles, stop!”

“It is my turn to be the tickle monster?”

“No daddy, no.” He squealed as Cameron jumped on his bed tickling him in the sides. I watched my boys and a peace fell over me. I finally get to marry the man I love tomorrow after five years of fighting over it with the council who were more than stubborn enough to make me wait, especially after having Daniel.

I sighed as he tucked Daniel in and when he returned he kissed me on the check, “Excited for tomorrow?”

“Am I ever. We’ve had a child in the time that those idiots have been arguing over whether you were eligible enough to take the crown.”

“We did have a beautiful boy, didn’t we?”

“We did and I can’t wait for our next gorgeous child.” He looked at me in surprise and I smiled at him, “You’re not serious, right?”

“I am.” I giggled as he swept me up in his arms.

“How far along?”

“Six weeks, I had to be sure.” He smiled a big toothy grin and carried me bridal style to bed where he made love to me the entire night.

“Daniel!” I heard a giggle from outside the door and I laughed. I asked one of the maids beside me to go get him ready. I was in the middle of being dressed for the ceremony that was about to take place. Cameron and I would get married and then Cameron would have his own coronation and be crowned King of England. I was extremely excited for him and the butterflies in my stomach were out of control.

I heard a knock on the door and before I could tell the person to come in the doors flew open. Claire stood there in her maid of honours dress and I laughed at a frantic Seth behind her with a crying Sophie in his arms.

“Oh my, someone’s not happy today.”

“Like you can talk, you had yours earlier then we did.”

“It wasn’t planned, trust me. Although I don’t regret him at all.”

“Where is the little rascal?” Seth asked over the top of the crying child.

“Getting dressed if you want to take Sophie down the hall to his room.” He nodded his head before heading off down the hall the sound of the crying lessening the further he walked. I smirked at my best friend, “How’s motherhood and being a wife?”

“Motherhood is shit, how do you do it? I’ve been doing it for a year and I’m about fed up. Playing wife was fine until we had Sophie.” She said laughing.

“Doesn’t get any easier as they get older. They get into everything and don’t want to listen.” I said to her laughing, remembering Daniel trying to get into the cookie jar at some ridiculous time this morning.

“We’ll get there.” I said, and she smiled at me, taking a good look at me for the first time.

“You look fantastic and oh my god, do you have something to tell me?” Her hands were on her hips and I laughed at the expression on her face as her pointed gaze was on my stomach.

“I’ve definitely missed you but yes, I’m expecting, again.”

“Oh my god! Yay, I’m so happy for you Bella!” She screamed hugging me despite the gruntled noises of the maids and seamstresses working around me. I laughed with her in excitement. “We were just highschool graduates five years ago and look at us now. You’re the Queen of England, I’m a Duchess and apart of the Royal Guard. Jason is finished studying and owns his own veterinary clinic right here in England and Ace, well he’s watching over us from above and partying like always.” A tear slipped from my eye and I looked up towards the ceiling and closed my eyes, we all missed him daily. The rest of the graduating class, well, I'd hope they'd all found happiness. I managed to put them through a lot in my last few months there. Even Ash and Catherine were now together again with a baby on the way and I only found that out from Cameron, as he and Ash still spoke every now and again. Although I had never spoken to him since, especially after that day in front of the bathrooms.

“Okay, let’s get to it.” I said, drying the tears from my cheeks and getting rid of all the unecessary thoughts in my head, “I have a wedding to attend.” Claire whooped in excitement and I laughed at her idiocy as we headed towards the church once again.

My mother came round the corner just before we got to the church. Tears welled up in her eyes and she looked as frail as ever but I knew she’d be here to witness this. “You look beautiful darling.”

“Thanks mamma.” My father came to stand beside me after kissing my mother and I could see him trying to control his tears. I wiped one away from his cheek that had escaped his eye and smiled at him, he smiled back, “You’ve grown up so much and finally after all this silly law bull crap, today is the day.”

“I’m so excited daddy.”

“I’m excited for you my princess.” I nodded at him and took a deep breath in. Claire stood in front of me and smiled warmly, I knew she had my back. She grabbed my hand before the doors opened and that was all I needed to step through those doors and down the aisle towards the love of my life.

I watched as tears welled up in Cameron’s eyes, the two boys stood there in smart suits and I smiled, my eyes welling up. Jason and Seth had been Cameron’s best mates since the beginning of time and they were here to witness the most special day of his life. Ace was watching too, from above, as proud as ever.

Claire stood on my side and she was all I ever needed. I’d never found anyone else like her, it’s just been her and the boys. My eyes finally landed on Cameron again and I smiled, losing myself in his eyes, his smile. We reached the end and I hugged my father, Cameron gave my dad a handshake before my father gave me over to him. We turned and faced the priest and it began.

“We are joined here today to join these two people in holy matrimony. Their decision to marry was not entered into lightly but today they publicly declare their devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, to be loving and unselfish.”

“The rings please.” The priest was given the rings and looked towards us again, “Do either of you have vows or would you like to recite the vows given to you?”

“We have our own.” I said quietly. I breathed in deeply grabbing the ring I chose for Cameron and scoured my mind for the piece of paper I’d given Claire not only moments ago.

“Six years ago I met a pig headed, stubborn, stereotypical bad boy in high school. You drove me insane, purposely made me feel like I wasn’t worthy of your time and at some point went out of your way to prank me, resulting in my concussion.” A concern look crossed his face before I laughed, “But you Cameron, brought so much light into my life. You pushed me to be someone better and to not be afraid of who I was or who I was to become. You stood by me, pushed with me through the bad times and then we celebrated the good times together. You protected me, loved me and most of all, made me feel like I had a home with you. Something I can never thank you for with just words. You’re the love of my life and I want you to always remember that.” I slipped the ring onto his finger and smiled, he smiled a teary smile and looked out into the crowd.

“I don’t know if I can top that.” They laughed and he looked at his finger before looking at me.

“I’d have to say that six years ago, yes I was a stereotypical bad boy in high school and I had nothing going for me. Not until you showed up at least, you were a breath of fresh air when you told me that my walking trees and I needed to clear the halls so we wouldn’t block them.” The crowd seated in the church laughed. He breathed in and out again before continuing, “When I first met you that day, you irritated me because you thought you could outsmart me and you could. I was just too stubborn to realise, but you were stubborn as well. Although under all your stubborn, sassy attitude was kindness and love. You never judged me that day you found out about my past, you offered me a home and protection. You pushed me to be better after that, to gain a future for myself. You gave me love when no one else would and that is something I’ll hold onto for the rest of my life. I love you more than life itself and I want you to remember that, for as long as you live.” He finished slipping the diamond ring onto my finger with a gentle sigh. The priest looked like he had misty eyes but I wasn’t going to say anything, he cleared his throat and proceeded with the ceremony.

“Cameron, do you take Isabella as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?”

“I do.”

“Isabella, do you take Cameron as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?”

“I do.”

“By the power vested in me and the Holy Spirit, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” I giggled as Cameron swooped me in for a kiss dropping me down low as I could hear the cheers of family members, friends and the public outside cheering for the conclusion of the Royal Wedding.

When we walked out of the double doors of the church the public on the lawn went into a frenzy, cheers erupted and I smirked at Cameron and grabbed my bouquet from Claire. I walked down the steps and close enough to the crowd so I knew I wouldn’t miss.

Turning around I threw my bouquet backwards and spun around again quickly to see where it landed. The crowd parted and a young woman beside her boyfriend had caught it, I walked up to her and gave her a hug, “Let me know when it is, I’ll attend.” She smiled and gave me a hug and I laughed in happiness. This was what it felt like to be Queen and married to the man I loved. Pure bliss.

“It’s your turn now honey.”

“I’m nervous, should I be?”

“No, you’re just about to be the King of England.” I said tauntingly.

“Not helping.” He glowered. I laughed at him and grabbed his hands, “My fathers been training you for the past five years, you’ll do amazing and I have every single bit of faith that it will be a long and just rule.”

“Where would I be without my wife.”

“Oh, say it again. I like it.”

“Wife.” I giggled as he hovered over me in the back of the limo, he brushed his lips against mine before bringing us together, sliding his hand around the back of my neck. My skin tingled from his touch and my mouth on fire from his aggressive kisses.

He pulled back breathing heavily and put his forehead on mine, “I love you Isabella.”

“I love you also Cameron.”

The car pulled to a halt and he smirked at me, “Your lipstick is a little smudged darling.”

“You can’t talk sweetheart, it’s all over your mouth.” He looked at his phone camera in horror and I laughed. I grabbed out the compact mirror from my purse and fixed the lipstick smudges and the birds nest that was my hair.

Jumping out of the car, I fixed up the suit he was wearing, flattening the collar and straightening his medals. He’d done a lot in the past five years to earn those and daddy said he deserved every one that he passed down to him. I let out a deep sigh, “I’m proud of you.”

“I’m proud of both of us,” He said to me leaning in for another chaste kiss. I held him there for a little longer savouring him before he left for the ceremony. He pulled back, “I have to go now, you go find your seat and Daniel. I’m sure he’s wondering where his mother is.”

“Just having some alone time with his daddy.” He smiled.

“See you up there?”

“I can’t wait.”

He walked off around the same side of the church I’d gone to on my coronation day. Except this time my father was on the other side waiting to hand over his crown. I smiled, it really was all coming together.

I walked inside and the click of my heels on the floor turned heads. I’d just had my marriage ceremony here just this morning and they were now crowing my husband this afternoon. I relished in the thought of that, he was my husband, finally.

I sat down next to my mother who smiled at me and Daniel who was jumping around excitedly. “A bag of beans this one is.” She laughed as he pounced onto her lap.

“Absolutely, be careful Daniel.” I scolded and he looked at me with his big blue eyes. I laughed and grabbed him off my mother and seated him in his own chair.

The ceremony had begun before I could even wrap my head around what was going on, Daniel was so excited to see what we going on I spent most of my time trying to keep him still. The only time he quieted down was when the crown came off my father’s head.

“Do you solemnly promise to govern the people of England according to the statues of parliment agreed and the respective laws and custom of the same. Will you in your power cause Law and Justice in mercy to be executed in all judgement?”

Just as I had looked at him and all of my friends he looked straight at me and tears welled up in my eyes before he looked determinedly back at the pastor, “I solemnly swear so to do.”

The whole church stood up and the English national anthem was sung. I sung with the utmost pride and respect for my country and their new King. He walked down the aisle with confidence, chucking me a wink as he walked past. Only he would.

Two thumps on the ground, just like my own had been, the pronouncers voice was loud and clear.

“Presenting Your Majesty, Cameron Jay William Evans, King of England.”

Cheers erupted in the hall and tears flowed freely from my eyes. This was the day I’d been waiting for my whole life, I ran over to him and kissed him passionately. He was surprised but returned it with as much eagerness as I had started with.

I pulled back and looked at his beautiful glittering grey eyes, “Looks like I’ll have to watch out for your crown from now on.”

He laughed wholeheartedly as Daniel came and jumped on him and eventually, Seth, Claire and Jason all joined in a family group hug as the world watched in. We were the new generation of Royals, and we’d reign like no other before us.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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