
Chapter Chapter XXVII

“Happy Birthday Isabella!” Claire screamed in my ear causing me to roll out of my bed and onto the floor with a thud.

“Thank you Claire,” I grinned, giving my head a little shake to clear the ringing in my ears before opening my eyes to see everyone standing in my room. Pete held a tray of pancakes with ice cream and strawberries and everyone else had a present for me. “Jason, Seth, you know you didn’t have too?”

“Of course we would. You’re our best friend Bella and turning eighteen is a big deal, don’t worry, they’re fun.”

“You know better.” I said now giving my annoyed look at Cameron.

“Yes, but I love you and presents are what people get for each other on birthday’s, so suck it up Princess. We have a big day planned for you.” A noise came from Jason’s box, more like a vibration.

“Why is your box vibrating Jason?” He gave it to me with a smirk on his face, Cameron was trying to hide a smile and Claire looked horrified.

“A vibrator?! Come here Jason and let me whack you with it.” I got up and ran after him and could hear the ring of laughter from everybody down the hall.

“Okay now that I’ve had to chase you with a vibrator Jason, you better have an actual present.”

“Of course I do.” He smiled and handed me a small bag.

“Pandora, I wonder what it is and if it’s expensive you’re in trouble again.”

“I had help, so it wasn’t just me.” He said his hands up in defense. I pulled out a box from the fabric and a charm bracelet sparkled back at me from inside. It already had two charms on it, a J and an A. “It’s wonderful Jason, thank you.”

Cameron slid into bed beside me, “Seth and I’s present goes with Jason’s.” I opened the small box Cameron handed to me and inside was a gorgeous charm in the shape of a heart engraved with Cameron and I’s initials. On the back of the charm was the date we started dating. I felt myself tear up, “Thankyou Cameron,” I said giving him a kiss on the lips before turning to Seth.

I opened up the small box he gave me and his had an infinity charm in it, I looked up to him for clarification, “After you chasing down Jason with a vibrator this seems cheesy but it means we’ll always be together, all of us.”

“Thanks Seth, it means a lot.” Claire came over and sat down on the other side of me next, “My present is a birthday and coronation present.” I smiled at her, tears in my eyes as I opened the box with a crown charm inside. She then handed me a photo frame, the five of us at prom. I tackled her and squeezed her as tight as I could. “Thank you so so much Claire. I couldn’t appreciate it enough.”

“I have one more for you Princess.” Pete appeared from around the corner and I grinned at him, “You know you didn’t have too?”

“It’s my job as your Godfather now and since you didn’t have to go back to England earlier, presents come with the package.” He nodded at the small pandora box and I opened it. Two charms were inside, one was a chefs hat and the other a graduation hat. “Thank you Pete.” I cried wrapping my arms around him, he was the replacement for my parents at the moment and he was doing a better job then most parents would originally.

“Okay okay,” I said putting on my bracelet now that all the charms were secure, “Where are we going today?”

“It’s all a surprise.”

“Wow Claire, you know I hate surprises, sometimes.”

“Well you’ll love this one, so hurry up and get dressed. Just something casual and comfortable.”

“Thanks for the clue.” I yelled as she ushered everyone out of the room and slammed the door closed. Who knew eighteen could feel so different at the beginning, it feels like this big journey of adulthood but then after a few days, you don’t want it anymore. I didn’t even have a few days to decide that. I had to be an adult by tomorrow afternoon when my coronation started. I navigated around my room brushing my hair and also eating the pancakes and juice Pete had left every time I walked past the tray. I wore light washed blue denim jeans and a nice white blouse with some Gucci sunglasses, accessories and white converse. That was comfortable enough for me, I left my blonde hair down in waves and went to brush my teeth after I’d finished breakfast.

My detail of security was a lot tighter then it used to be as everyone in this city knew who I was now and there was no point in hiding it, or trying too. People had sketched pictures of my face and memorized who I was. It was like walking around London again. I skipped down the stairs and towards the front door where everyone was waiting. The limo sat outside the door open, so we all made sure we had everything and piled in. Pete was even attending today’s festivities.

I think we drove for a few hours before we stopped, I could hear the sounds of children screaming and tracks, train tracks almost. The blind fold they’d put on me about an hour ago was removed and I opened the door and hopped out.

“Disneyworld! Guys you shouldn’t have!” Claire and the boys laughed at me as they stepped out of the car.

“I know you’ve always wanted to come here ever since you were a little girl. You used to talk about it in elementary school all the time.”

“I must have.” I giggled in excitement, “Well what are we all waiting for? Lets go!” I tugged Cameron by his hand and we walked up the the entrance of the magical resort. Today was going to be a long day.

“Okay but we’re never going to a themepark with Bella again, agreed?”

“Agreed,” came everyone’s voice but my own.

“Excuse me but just because I have the energy of an actual eighteen year old and not a granny like all of you doesn’t make me the bad person here.” They all looked at each other and started laughing, “Yeah I know I’m funny.”

“How are you feeling about tomorrow Bella?” Pete asked from the front of the limo.

“Nervous, scared, realising my old life is about to end and I’m beginning a whole new one.”

“You have all of us to help you through this.”

“I know, I just wish all of you could come live in England with Claire and I.” I said directing my question at Cameron, Seth and Jason.

“I already said I’d come Bella, I just need a place to live.” Cameron said nodding his head.

“So do I Bells, I’ll need to go for my cute little girl friend anyway.” Claire chuckled at that and went to sit on his lap.


“I’ll have to discuss it with my parents, I’d love to go to college.”

“Of course and I’d never dream of stopping you, but if you ever want to come live in England with these idiots, you could attend a college in London?” He smiled at that, “I’ll have to think about it first but thanks for the offer, I don’t think I’ll last long without these idiots anyways.” He joked giving Cameron beside him a noogie on the head.

“Alright alright boys, not while I’m in the middle please.” Claire protested.

“I leave as soon as I get home, do you all want to come with me or will you catch your own flights because it will take about nine hours in total to get to the palace.”

“I’ll come with you obviously, boys?” Claire asked with a brow raised.

“Yeah we might as well catch a flight with you so we’re all there at the same time.” Cameron replied.

“Alright awesome, how far away are we from the airport Pete?”

“Not far Princess.”

“Wait, Bella, what about our luggage?”

“It’s already being packed and put on the plane. You don’t need to do any of that kind of stuff anymore. Your carry on will be given to you when you get there. The staff will have labelled who’s is what.”

“Okay good.” Jason breathed with a sigh, Claire and I looked at each other and giggled. We knew what was happening but the boys had no idea yet and they had no clue what they were in for. At least Claire had been around since I was a child. The rest had only just had a taste of what royal life was like this year.

We arrived at the airport and I could hear three gasps behind me. None of those gasps were Claire because she’d seen this plane before when I’d leave and come back. I giggled at the silence behind me as we entered the private plane heading back home. Everyone each received their carry on as they entered the plane. The pilot was waiting at the top for me and grabbed my hand and gave it a light kiss, “Princess, it’s lovely to see you.” I bowed my head graciously at his comment, thanked him and went to take my seat.

“I didn’t know we were having extras Your Highness?” Concurred one of the ladies in the cabin.

“No, this was very last minute and I’d like you to meet all of them, we have Claire, Seth, Cameron and Jason. These are my best friends.”

“Lovely to meet you all,” she said nodding her head at them, “Will they be staying with you or will they need transport elsewhere Princess?”

“No they will be staying with me for the moment in the palace.”

“No worries your Highness. Please take your seats ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be taking off very shortly.” I crossed my legs and pulled out some of the paperwork I had to catch up on before I landed in my kingdom.

“I’m not going to see you much when we get there am I?” Cameron said sliding into the seat beside me.

“No my darling,” I told him resting my hand on his face which he leaned into, “but I promise to make sure I will find time to spend with you after the coronation.”

He kissed me on the head and left me to my work to play cards with Claire and the boys. Now began the nine hour flight home.

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