
Chapter Chapter XXVI

“We are here today to celebrate the life of Ace Brooks, who was taken away from us too young. We do not understand why these tragic things in life happen to good people but instead of dwelling on the loss of our best friend, brother and son, let’s focus on on the celebration of his life. The remarkable accomplishments he achieved and how wonderful his personality was.”

I rose up out of my seat after we’d completed an hour more of eulogies and headed towards the funeral entrance where Cameron stood with Ace’s family.

“That was beautiful Cameron.” I said to him sliding my hand around his neck and giving him a soft kiss on the lips. I turned around back to Ace’s parents and bowed my head, “I’m so sorry for your loss Mr and Mrs Brooks.”

Mrs Brooks lifted my chin up and gave me a soft look, “It wasn’t your fault Isabella, just do him justice in your reign for his bravery.”

My eyes welled up and I embraced her with a hug, “He deserved a medal for his bravery and that’s exactly what he’ll get.” She smiled at me, a tear rolling down her cheek, “Thank you Isabella, you’re an amazing women and you’ll make a beautiful Queen.”

I bowed my head in appreciation, grabbed her hand one more time and headed out the door hand in hand with Cameron. Jason soon fell in behind us after bidding his parents goodbye and Claire and Seth soon joined in after leaving the accompaniment of Seth’s parents.

“What do we do now?”

“We get ready to graduate this afternoon, prom tomorrow and then six days after that, you’re officially an adult Bella.” Claire said, a sound of pride in her voice.

“They want to have the coronation, on my birthday or the day after. They’re really pushing it.”

“We’ll all be there with you, you’re not doing this alone.”

“I love all of you.” A chorus of I love you as well came right back to my ears, these were my forever friends and I was lucky to have every single one of them in my life. Even Ace who was partying up in heaven with us.

“Alright, let’s do this.”

This year the school had decided we could keep our graduation caps, on the back of the headband had the initials of every student or teacher who had died during Cameron and I’s capture. There were six, it broke my heart. The red mid thigh body con dress was the only thing I could find in the cupboard since all my stuff had been packed up and shipped back to England. The bare essentials were left here for me to survive for the next week and then I was flying back to rule a country.

I shook my head, today was about graduating. I shifted through the crowds after grabbing my cap and gown and found my friends in group surrounded by students and cameras. They looked uncomfortable and I felt horrible for putting them in this limelight.

“Enough, all of you. This is about graduation and giving ourselves and the people who are no longer with us a chance to close this chapter of our lives. Go take your seats for the love of God.” They all scattered at my scary voice and I grabbed my best friend and gave her a hug, “Are you ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I found Cameron beside Seth and gave him a kiss, “How are you feeling?”

“I miss him.”

“We all do and I’m so sorry you have to do this without him.”

“I’m not doing it without him, he’s still here. Cheering us on and praying I don’t end up a grumpy man with a drinking problem.” I laughed at him, “Not if I can help it.”

“Where would I be without you?”

“Nowhere.” I giggled as he kissed my forehead before we headed towards our seats. I’d requested the principal leave us all sitting together today because God hell did we need it. We were up the very front and in our own row. Today was ours and Ace’s day and I wasn’t having anyone ruin it.

For two hours girls and boys were called up to the stage to receive their diplomas, I'd watched Claire, Seth, Cameron and Jason all graduate.

“Princess Isabella Roslein Marie Evans.” I shuddered at the use of the name, but stood up and headed towards the stage. It was as if the whole world was holding their breath, waiting for me to receive my diploma and be the first Princess to graduate from a public high school. I reached the principal and smiled, “Thankyou.”

“You’re more then welcome Princess, congratulations.” I grabbed my diploma with my left hand and shook the mans hand with my right. We turned to face the front and the camera’s and cheers erupted all at once. I was used to this yes, but it was utterly overwhelming with everything that had happened in the past to weeks. I went to walk off stage but the principal touched my shoulder lightly, “Yes sir?”

“Would you mind staying up here, I have something special for you to do.”

“Alright.” I said nodding my head and standing off to the side. My friends looked at me puzzled and I waved my hand.

The last student was called and everyone went to get up from their seats, “Ladies and gentlemen, I know this has been a long process but would you mind taking a seat for me. We have someone we’d like to acknowledge here today as he would’ve been graduating with all of you.”

He turned around to me and gave me a small box, “It arrived only an hour or so ago after you mentioned it to Ace’s parents. I then asked your friend Claire if she could organise something for them for him. I would also like you to release the graduating class out into the world.”

I wiped the tears from my face, “It’s beautiful, and my father did this.”

“Yes, after he heard of Ace’s sacrifice he hoped right on it.”

“I’m honoured.” I turned to the podium with the box in my hand.

“Wow, what a year it’s been. From meeting each other in the hallways, forming friendships and relationships that will last forever, we’ve done it. The last person I’d like to call upon for our graduating class of twenty eighteen is Ace Brooks.” I said looking up to the sky, tears streaming down my face, “You did it buddy, and with your diploma I’d like to present you and your family with an honorary family crest of bravery. I’ve never met someone as brave as you. Forever and always Ace.”

I took a deep breath in and listened to the sobs of students and parents all around me, “As for the rest of you whatever blocks you encounter as you go out into the world, you have learned that there is always a way over, around or through them. It is not the obstacles that inhibit your success but your confidence, and the will to break through that fear you feel. Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. I want you to take everything you’ve learnt at school, every tiny accomplishment and apply it to your life, become a doctor, scientist, personal trainer, nurse, vet, anything you can dream, you can do. I’m proud of every single one of you and although you didn’t know who I was most of the year, I want you to have faith in me and the job I’m about to take on. I feel pride knowing I attended this school and met you wonderful people. So how ’bout it guys, are we the graduated class of twenty eighteen or not?”

A chorus of ‘yeahs’ met my ears and I grinned, “Welcome world, to the graduating class of twenty eighteen!” I flicked my cap off and threw it into the air, “This is all for you Ace.” I whispered.

“We have officially graduated.” Claire said her arm wrapped around Seth’s waist.

“I’m glad Ace got to graduate with us.”

“So am I Jason, he’ll forever be apart of our little family.” He smiled and headed off towards his parents.

“Prom tomorrow, isn’t that crazy?”

“That reminds me Bella.” Cameron said walking over to Pete and Michael.

“What’s he doing?”

“No idea Claire.” A violin started playing next to me and I jumped, looking at the man strangely. Eventually a whole orchestra was playing this beautiful slow song around me and it was safe to say the whole school was watching. I turned back to look at Cameron and he was in front of me in a tux with a bouquet of red roses and a small velvet box. Pete and Michael were right behind him and I gave them the evil eye. Why were they involved.

Cameron walked up to me and grabbed my hand, “Isabella my love, I’m sorry the invitation is a little late. But would you do the honour of going to prom with me?” At that line, Pete and Michael raised a sign that said Prom with a question mark, spelled out with pictures of our little family we’d formed over the year. Tears ran down my face for the second time today before I managed to look at the box he’d opened, a promise ring. “It’s beautiful.”

“A marriage proposal to the Princess!” A reporter shouted from the bushes.

“No it’s not shut up!” I yelled back at him before turning back to face Cameron again.

“You know I couldn’t say no to you.” He smiled, slipped the ring on my finger and gave me a kiss, I savoured it for as long as I could before I was bombarded by students, friends and teachers.

“Well, yesterday couldn’t have gone any better.” Claire said as she laid her prom dress out flat on my bed.

“It was definitely one of the best days of my life but I think I’ll be tired for ten years because of it.”

“I don’t blame you.” She laughed.

“Alright, we’re two hours out from prom, we’ve showered, done our hair, tans, nails, feet and jewellery. All we have to do is get dressed.”

“I fly out in seven days Claire, that terrifies me.”

“You my Princess, will do an amazing job and I can’t think of anyone better to be the Queen of England.”

“Do you really think I can do this?”

“Are you nuts girl, I know you can. Cameron believes you can, Jason, Seth even Ace believed in you.”

“I know but mother will have to take you in and give you a title. I’m sorry I cannot live without you in my life. I don’t care whether you’re a lady or a sausage or apart of the royal guard. You will be at the palace with me.”

“You know that’s always been the plan, nothing’s changed. What about Cameron?”

“What about him?”

“You know you can’t marry a commoner. That’s the oldest law and the most followed tradition your country has ever had.”

“I’ll figure something out.”

“I know you will.”

Claire and I continued to talk until we lost track of the time completely, “Shit!”

“What?” I asked loudly.

“We’re going to be late if we don’t get dressed now.”

“Alright, you get in yours first Claire and I’ll do you up.” She nodded and we grabbed her gold body con floor length sequined dress, the dress had a slit in it which made it sexy as hell. I zipped her up the back and then added her fake gold tiara on top. “Wow, my best friend is a Princess.” She slapped my shoulder, “Don’t be silly, you’ll steal the show once we get there. Lets get you in yours.”

I looked at the lilac blue dress sitting on my bed, it was designed purely for my formal and I was absolutely in love with the stunning dress. I slipped it on and then followed it with my silver heels after being helped into it and zipped up. I grabbed the tiara I got for my sixteenth birthday and placed it on my head. The real diamonds in it glowed and shone in the light, there were definitely highlights to being royal.


“Ready.” I confirmed as we headed out the door towards the stairs. We looked down and saw Cameron and Seth waiting at the bottom fixing each other’s ties, Pete was off to the side watching them.

“Well don’t you two clean up well.” I said as I started walking down the stairs my hand on the rail, Claire’s arm looped with mine. I think both their jaws dropped when they turned around and I heard Pete laugh from the side of the stairs. “You two both look stunning.” Pete said as we reached the bottom, I gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks Godfather.” He looked shocked for a moment before he smiled and gave me a hug.

“We’ve rendered them speechless.” I said and Claire laughed as she went over and kissed Seth to which he seemed to respond to that. I looked over at Cameron and he had that smirk on his face I seemed to have fallen in love with.

“What are you thinking about?” He glided over to me and pulled me into his arms, “How keen I’m going to be to take that off you tonight.” He whispered in my ear. I smiled and kissed him, it was deep and passionate and I could feel everything he put into it.

“Let’s get out of here, we have to meet up with Jason outside at the limo!”

“Oi kids wait up, I want one photo first!”

“Okay Pete, make it quick.”

“Oh alright.” He sighed with a slight smirk on his face. A quick snap of the camera along with another silly photo and we were out of there and into the limo that would be taking us to the school. Champagne glasses sat in the small bar that the limo had and I smiled, “Let’s get this party started shall we?”

Claire, Jason, Seth and Cameron all whooped in agreement. We grabbed a champagne glass each and raised it into the air. “In all my life I’ve never had the pleasure of having amazing friends such as you four and the friend that isn’t here with us today. This is the last time we’ll all be together till my birthday. So lets make this one night we’ll never forget.”

“Cheers!” Chorused around the car and the sound of clinking resonated into the night.

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