People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 43

-Nathan’s POV-

The distorted howl echoed through the forest, louder and louder. We raced through the forest, hoping to make it to Southwind Pack. Before it was too late. It wasn’t long before Southwind Pack was close within sight. We raced through the pack, heading to the packhouse. Philip, who had been riding on Hastie’s wolf form, has been shouting my name from the back.

“Nathan! Wait! Please!” He begged.

“Not now! We need to speak to Lucas and get him to increase security!” I told him off. I didn’t mean to come off as rudely as I did but right now, I’m too worried about this pack’s safety to think of anything else. I’ll apologise to him later and hope he understands. I can’t make another mistake. I need to be the one to change the wrong of my past. I have to. Or I can’t even look Alex in the eye without regret. I don’t want to be the only one being saved.

Philip stayed silent. I saw Alex shoot him a look, but I didn’t turn back to look at what he was doing.

I stormed into the packhouse. A lady, half-hidden by a wall, was shivering. She was so skinny, her face looks hollowed and all she was wearing was a ragged dress. I took a step back in shock. Who was she? Where is Lucas?

“Nathan?” Lucas stood at the top of the stairs, looking quizzically at us. Jake stood at his side, hands clutching tightly onto the ends of his shirt. It was great that they are getting along but I have no time to be bothered by that.

“Lu…” Alex interrupted me, standing in front, facing me.

“Nathan, he is not coming here. Please. Just take a deep breath and relax.” Alex rubbed my shoulder. I was extremely confused, but I did as Alex had said. That was when the scent hit me. I opened my eyes in shock. The lady, she was Terui’s mate?

“Nathan, Terui isn’t headed to Southwind Pack, he was just passing through here. He is heading to Crescent Moon Pack.” Philip explained, finally getting a chance.

“What! Why?” I exclaimed.

“I would think he was going to kill you.” Alex said darkly, his eyes holding a promise of death.

“But…that’s…” I stuttered. Oh my gosh. I screwed up once again. Alex simply pulled me in and whispered comforting words into my ears while I did my best to bite back my tears of shame. When I finally settled down, I noticed that Kalen, Ray, and Druid were gone, presumably headed to Crescent Moon. Gosh, I was so caught up in my own insecurities that I couldn’t see what was happening around me.

“That being said… Alpha Lucas, based on Philip’s investigation, it seems that Terui escaped a lab and headed here directly. Being a Demonic Wolf, I doubt he considered taking the train or any other form of transportation and went here in a straight line. Can you send a team to investigate?” Alex formally requested.

“Of course, I still owe Nathan for his help.” Lucas grinned before sending out commands.

“Demonic wolf…” The lady whimpered. I guess she is well aware of what that means, especially as a mate. However, Jake, on the other hand, isn’t.

“Nathan. I know you hate me, but please, save Terui. Rose still needs him, she is carrying his child.” Jake begged. Although I know that he is just being concerned, I bit my lips, holding back from going off on him,

“We will do our utmost best.” Alex replied in my stead. I shot him a look. I could see it clearly in his eyes. He knows that it wasn’t going to happen. It doesn’t seem that Jake will back down until he received a satisfactory answer, so I suppose it was for the best? But Jake still looked at me, hope faintly sparkling in his eyes.

“I’ll see what I can do.” I simply said. His eyes brightened up instantly. “Don’t expect too much though.”

“Okays!” He exclaimed before ushering a puzzled Rose to the room.

“Let’s go,” I whispered to Alex. After Lucas dispatched his investigation team, we ran from the Southwind pack to the Crescent moon pack.

It was a sight to behold. The Pack was well guarded by a rose garden, covered with a veil of purple magic. Kalen, Dad, and Elder Olivia were fending off an Ash Grey werewolf, Terui. Kalen and Olivia were panting heavily, exhausted. While Dad looked fine, his attacks were not as sharp as usual.

Gale, can you help me?

Yeah, leave it to me! I pulled out the fan and with a flick, Terui shot back with a yelp.

“Nathan! You’re finally here.” Dad breathed out a sigh of relief.

“What is he!” Kalen demanded. “He just doesn’t die.”

“He’s an immortal, you nitwit. We have said this many times.” Elder Olivia heaved. As fast as she is, she is visibly tired from the prolonged fight.

“How are we going to get rid of him then?”

“Leave it to us,” Alex said confidently.

“Can you handle it?” Dad asked me. I didn’t answer. He nodded. “I’ll stay behind. Kalen, Olivia, you two go back in, get some rest.”

Olivia nodded and dragged the already exhausted Sage mother back into the barrier. The vines gave way and lead them into the pack.

“Any plans?” Dad looked at us.

‘Gale?’ Gale looked down in my headspace. He shook his head.

‘There is nothing I can do. Terui is a true immortal, no matter what we can do, he will just come back to life, even if it takes a few hundreds of years. The moon goddess wasn’t fond of infighting between her creations. Which is why we were born as peacekeepers.’ Gale softly replied. I felt a hand ruffle my hair. The tingles somehow warmed me up. Terui saw the movement and he growled angrily. His eyes flashed a dangerous red, teeth bared and saliva dripping from his elongated fangs. Alex didn’t seem fazed. Rather, he looked more confident than when he was facing Vidar.

Furious, Terui charged at Alex. But he was slower and weaker than Vidar. Alex simply dodged each and every punch or kick. Alex knew what he needed to do. And he knew that he was the only one capable of doing it. This was the moment, he thought. This was why he was alive, why he had a legendary wolf. Strictly speaking, Fenrir isn’t the Moon Goddess’ creation. Moreover, Fenrir is a God killer. To Alex and Fenrir, an immortal is nothing more than a normal person.

Alex extended his claws and took a swipe at Terui as he dodged Terui’s onslaught of attack. Terui hissed at the pained and quickly backed off. It was a shallow scratch, but it was enough to draw blood.

“You!” Terui bellowed in a strange, distorted voice. His eyes flashed red as he let out an ungodly howl.

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