People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 42

-Nathan’s POV-

I paced back and forth, nervously chewing on my lips. Kalen was trying to recover her magic for the next teleport while Philip was searching for Terui’s location. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I instantly whipped around. Alex was looking at me worriedly.

“I am okay,” I said with a small smile on my face. Even though it wasn’t convincing, Alex still visibly relaxed but stayed at my side.

“Argh!” Philip grunted in pain before he was roughly repelled from his book. Dark red light crackled from the book moments before it falls to the ground.

“What’s wrong?!” Druid shouted, immediately running to Philip’s side.

“That Terui! He went and made a contract with a demon!” Philip coughed.

“What!” Alex screamed angrily. “That idiot.”

“Do you have his location?” Kalen asked

“Yes. He is headed to Southwind Pack!”

“Alright, then let us go. There is no time to waste.” Kalen swished her hands and we got ready for another teleport. The magic circle spread, flickered, and fizzled away.

“Damn it!” Kalen cursed, “He blocked off the entire area. I’ll bring us to the nearest that I can.”

We ended up in what seemed like a cave. The entrance was a sight that I knew so well. So many times I have been here, so many times I had cried here. Ray cast a light spell and brightened up our surroundings. The familiar sight assaulted my memories. The clear blue lake calmly flowed. Behind us laid a straw mat, a stained cup, and several rusty knives. A small stone counter sat at the side, with a blood-stained knife lying on the ground. [Ref. to Chapter 10]

Old bloodstains decorated all over the small cave. Dried up blood puddles, long streaks of red on the floor. The straw mat didn’t hide anything either, it was mostly reddish in colour.

I despaired.

The past I had tried to forget. The part of me that I ever told anyone. The me, who had given up on living, who had cursed at the world. It was out in the open as if shaming me. Gale has been quiet too.

Alex pulled me in and held me tight. He said nothing. Nothing can be said. The sight was clear to anyone who could see. Kalen opened her mouth to say something but all she could get out was a “What…” before Philip shushed her. It seems that the gesture was enough to inform everyone else about what had happened here.

“Let’s go…” Alex whispered. I just nodded my head. We can’t afford to let ourselves be stuck here. Fortunately, a distorted howl sounded off in the distance. Everyone’s attention was directed to the direction of the howl.

“Is that…?” Hastie started. I bit my lips and nodded. The past few encounters with a Demonic wolf had been those that were born through experiments. Their growls are not that different from a normal werewolf.

This. This distorted howl, was a sign that the werewolf had been naturally possessed. I have heard it many times. A breeze had carried the howl to me. Along with it, I ‘felt’ the pain, fear, anger, and despair. My breath hitched, and my heart throbbed. The unfamiliar feelings rushed into me. My head swayed heavily at the intense emotions, I could hear someone talking to me but I couldn’t hear what anyone was saying. Suddenly, my knees buckled. Alex leapt into action, pulling me into his chest.

Ba-dum, ba-dum. The sound of his heartbeat instantly calmed me down.

“Are you okay?” Alex asked worriedly.

“Yeah,” I answered, voice shaking. We stood still for a while, letting me collect myself.

‘Gale? What was that?’ But Gale simply shook his head, he didn’t know either. I had the strangest sense that something else was in the picture, but what exactly?

“So how are we going to get to Southwind? There isn’t exactly a signboard and we have no idea where we are.” Ray asked, his voice edgy from everything that has been happening. He sounded irritated but I know better than that. I had seen his behaviour many times at school. He was worried if we would make it to Southwind on time. Even though they are a warring pack, they are not in the best condition right now.

Well, I don’t blame him, we are literally walking from one danger to another. Moreover, Hallie is also at Southwind.

“I’ll lead the way,” I stated and walked out of the cave. It was time to leave it behind. I swore to myself, that this will be the last time I would come to this cave. It was my home, to all my pain and suffering. It was my relief, from all the abuse I took.

But now, I have a better home. A better family. And I need to save them.

Back at Southwind Pack, things were a bit livelier than usual. Although many of the pack members still did not trust Jake, they were slightly more willing to listen to him. Jake and Lucas were sitting on the couch, cuddling with each other. After talking things out with one another, Jake spilt all the secrets that he was hiding, and Lucas decided to give Jake another chance. There was a soft knock on the door of the packhouse. They got up and opened the door, revealing a lady who was once a chirpy and energetic lady.

“Rose, how can I help you?” Rose looked around, terrified. She was the one ‘choosen’ to be a mate. Rumours of what Terui had done to her had already reached the ears of everyone. Even though she was deemed as a mateless wolf, it wasn’t right for her life to be flipped upside down just to satisfy his needs. No one was happy about any of it.

“Do you think he’ll be okay?” She choked out, rubbing at her belly tenderly. Her hollow cheeks tried to curve up into a smile. Jake gave a pained smile. It is unfortunate that she had been impregnated with his seeds. She is still in her first trimester. The three of them head back into the house.

[A/N: Hi readers. I know I have been taking much longer recently to write the chapters. And to be perfectly honest, it is because I have no idea how I'm going to end the story for People Like Us. That's why would like to ask for your input!

First of all, should Terui die?

Secondly, I will start a new book as a Part 2 of this book. Whose story would you like see? Please do let me know!]

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