People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 17

-Nathan’s POV-

Right. This is stupid. This whole situation is stupid.

Ray and I are currently sitting in detention class during our lunch break. Why? Let’s just say a teacher was being petty as hell. I think you know who it is. We were glaring at the said teacher that was sitting in front, making sure we did whatever nonsense paper that he gave us. Seriously.

Let’s look back a bit so that you know what happened.

Remember the girl he was hooking up in his office? Let’s name her Bitch A. So, Bitch A went back and talked about how I interrupted her moment with Mr. Knight. Bitch B and Bitch C were mad about it and started to confront us in class. Bitch Queen overheard and sauntered over. She told me and Ray that we need to know our place like the low-classed beings we are. Ray got upset and called Bitch Queen names which happens to be overheard by my dear ex-mate.

Bitch Queen fake cries to Mr. Knight and said that we were bullying them. And who does he believe? Not me of course. I was the horrid mate for leaving him and breaking his heart, according to him. And that was how we landed in this situation. I clicked my tongue and threw my pencil on the table. I had enough of this stupid paper and this stupid situation.

“Mr. Skye, I’m going to give you a warning against misconduct during detention.” Terui sternly warned us, which earned an exasperated sigh from Ray.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” He groaned out loud and rolled his eyes. “First, we saved an idiot, learn about a threat, and said idiot decides to punish us because some slut couldn’t get in his pants?”

“Ray Deltrich. Watch your mouth or you’ll be explaining to your parents why you got a suspension from school.” Terui warned with a dangerous look in his eyes.

“Say, Nathan. Are you sure he is your mate? He is lacking a serious amount of brain cells.” Ray complained while looking at me. I looked down at my desk, desperately suppressing a burst of laughter that was threatening to come out.

“Watch your mouth Mr. Deltrich. This is my final warning for you.” Terui Growled out.

“Listen to the ‘man’ Ray.” I said mockingly, dragging out ‘man’ for as long as I can. “And he was my mate. I want nothing to do with him now.” A glint of disappointment flashed in Terui’s eyes but I no longer feel the need to care for him.

“Listen here you little…” Terui’s phone sharply interrupts his angry speech. “What is it!” He growled out with annoyance. His expression immediately soured even more. His eyes twitch and you could even see the phone starting to crack from how hard he was gripping it.

“Keep an eye on those two idiots, I’ll settle you later after I have dealt with them.” He threw his phone against the wall, packed his stuff, and left. Me and Ray looked at each other and shrugged at the outburst.

“Now, let’s go home.” And he dragged me out of the class.

Alex and dad were chatting happily in the living room when I got back but I didn’t miss the instant mood lift that Alex had when he saw me. Was he really that happy that he found me? I ignored the thought and headed in.

“Nathan, Alex said he has called for reinforcement. We will be heading to the airport to get them.” Dad shouted as I walked up the stairs. I whined but said nothing. They’re going to make me go regardless of if I wanted it or now. After all, my safety is their top priority.

We got into my dad’s minivan with Alex at the shotgun seat while I sat at the back. Throughout the ride, I could feel Alex stealing glances. Odd but I decided not to say anything about it. I looked at dad and he has an amused look on his face, obviously aware of what Alex is doing but not bothering to ask why.

I let out a groan and stretched my stiff muscles from the three-hour-long ride. A cool breeze blew by, accompanied by the roaring engine of planes. Alex was looking at his phone while guiding us to the gate they were alighting at.

“They’re already here,” Alex said to me in a warning tone, like he knew what was about to happen. Just as I wondered what would be so bad that he had to warn me in a quiet airport, a scream pierced through the shuffling of feet and I was tackled hard onto the ground. Alex let out a sigh while dad immediately rushed over to pry off the attacker while making sure I was okay.

“NATHAN YOU’RE ALIVE!” She wailed and sobbed at the same time. I could feel my shirt getting wet and my body getting crushed to death by her grip. Who the hell was this? Alex was obviously not helping by simply shaking his head at the situation. I was desperately tapping her back in an attempt to get her off me while dad was trying to heave the female parasite off me.

“Hallie! For goodness sake, stop disappearing! And get off Nathan, you’re gonna kill him after all the effort we put in to find him.” Hastie screamed at her sister, forcefully wrenching the sobbing mess away from me. I instantly get up from the floor and hid behind dad, who was already protectively guarding me. Something about this felt familiar but I wasn’t going to take my chance with the woman who was basically a hugging monster.

“Let me introduce you.” Alex said with a slight ‘I knew it’s tone. “The one who tackled you is Hallie Southwind, the other one is Hastie Southwind. They are twins and the sisters of the reigning alpha of Southwind Pack.”

“Hey, nice to meet you again? We have already met in the past.” Hastie said awkwardly, rubbing her neck.

“Nathan! We heard about the situation from Alex. It’s okay if you don’t remember us!” Hallie said excitedly while palming her tears away. I smiled awkwardly and they seemed satisfied with that. I was kind of happy they were someone I knew, even if I don’t remember them. And they seem nice.

But no matter how happy a situation is, one is bent on trying to destroy it.

“What are you two doing here!” Terui bellowed as he stomped over to where we were standing. If Hallie’s action didn’t catch everyone’s attention, Terui’s definitely did. All eyes were on us as he barreled over, not caring if he had to knock over a few people. When he saw me, his eyes instantly darkened.

“You again?! Why are you always trying to ruin my life!” He sneered. Dad instantly pushed me towards Alex and got into a fighting position. He growled warningly at Terui as if saying ‘one more step closer and you’ll regret it.’ Alex, however, didn’t seem to be paying much attention to Terui. His breathing hitched when I was pushed into his arms, which were now wrapped around me protectively, growling softly.

Terui tried to size up to dad but honestly, it was a meek attempt. While Terui is no way a small person, standing at 6’3 with strong, lean muscles like a wolf, dad was 6’7 with HUGE muscles. Weretigers and werelions are usually known for their big size and daunting muscles, but dad was a rare sabretooth breed. Knowing that there was no way he could win my dad, he glared at me as if his world of misfortune revolved around me.

“I can’t believe you want to be happy while I am suffering because of you! I should have never met you. You’re just a pathetic, stupid, attention-seeking bitch. I fucking hate-” Before he could finish his rant, dad slammed his fist in Terui’s face. I gasped in shock when the blood spurted from his nose and a rough crack sound could be heard. Alex quickly covered my eyes, but I had seen the worst. A random lady screamed in horror while a man was shouting at someone to call the ambulance. Hallie chanted ‘ew’ constantly while covering her face, Hastie looks oddly pleased while Alex chuckled, and dad let out a satisfied huff.

“Well, that was a spectacular strike.” A stern female-voiced out. Her tone and manner of speech were similar to that of Minerva McGonagall from Harry Potter. “He puts all the Elders to shame with that nonsense.”

“Mrs. Olivia Ray!” Hallie exclaimed in surprise. Mrs. Olivia Ray shot Hallie a look and Hallie instantly shut her mouth, slapping a hand over for good measures. I’ve come to think that Hallie is pretty much the drama queen. Alex unwrapped his arms from me, walked up, and gave her a quick bow.

“Olivia, thank you for coming,” Alex said formally.

“Oh, enough of that. We, Elders, have a duty to fulfill, taking care of the white wolf is one of them. Unfortunately, some of the Elders are dimwits and think that they rule the world.” She shook her head and shot the unconscious Elder a glare. I suppose it’s safe to say that Terui had managed to piss off quite a number of people.

“Let’s go then,” Dad said, grabbing my hand after making sure that Terui was knocked out cold. Alex helped heaved all the luggage into the van and the two girls got in excitedly. And we set off back home, Terui completely forgotten.

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