People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 16

-Nathan’s POV-

“WHAT!” Dad shouted in dismay. Alex and Ray looked confused as hell. Dad instantly knew what the tooth was. He was no stranger to the inhumane experiments hunters do. But Ray and Alex don’t look like they knew about it.

Ray took the wolf into his palm and observed it.

“There are traces of evil in this,” Ray said slowly, examining it carefully. Ray is a genius in the Wizard community. He knows anything that is magic-related, but normal studies are a completely different thing. “What is this?”

Dad looked and me and gave me a small nod. I would honestly rather not say anything about my time with the hunters, but I don’t have a choice.

“This belongs to a wolf that was forcibly fused with a demon.” I explained to both my friends.

“Demon?” Alex exclaimed in shock. Possessed wolves are not something uncommon to werewolves. When werewolves become vulnerable, demons usually take the chance to make a contract with them. The same goes for other species.

“Yes, forcibly. There is no contract between them.” I further explained. Ray was thinking deeply. Alex’s eyebrow creased with a look of worry.

“I guess that would make sense why it didn’t seem to have any intelligence.” Ray finally said, recalling the fight we had.

“So, what does that mean?” Alex asked, clearly confused by what was happening.

“The hunters know where I am,” I told him slowly, voice trembling a bit. “And they want me back.”

After the discussion, Ray went back to his place saying that there was something that he needs to check. Alex headed back to his hotel to ask for backup from his pack and other ‘friends’ as he said. I’m not comfortable with not knowing who they are but if Alex thinks they are fine, then I suppose so. Dad took a few days off from his workplace, most likely to keep an eye on me.


I gathered as much air as possible and blasted them at the demonic wolf chained to the wall. However, the bullets simply bounced off the fur coat of the wolf. I flinched as the wolf gave a wrangled howled.

“Useless mutt!” The intercom blared with the scientist’s voice. “Killing intent! Shoot him with more killing intent!”

I bit my lips and shut my eyes. I wanted to drown out the shouting as my heart ached. I can’t do it. I don’t want to kill it. I looked at the demonic wolf, struggling to get out of its bindings.

“KILL IT OR I’LL KILL YOU!” The scientist screamed into the mic. A feeling rushed up to my throat and before I’m aware of it, I vomited. The stench filled the testing room, but I could hear the scientist shouting at me. They can’t kill me. I know that. But they can put me on the brink of death. There was no way out for me.

I took a deep breath. After hurling whatever was in my stomach, my mind was slightly clearer. I just needed to obey them.

I used my ragged clothing to clean myself and stared at the wolf. I just need to kill it. That’s all. And I can rest.

I gathered up my power and concentrated. Imagine a ring of air. Let it swirl. Faster and faster. A whirling sound started to ring throughout the air. I did it. But it won’t do much damage at this point. It needs to be faster. Faster!

The whirling was soon replaced by the sound of a paper shredder. The air shrieked as it gets ripped apart forcefully. I let out a deep breath and look straight into the demon wolf’s eye.

I flinched. Staring back at me was the same kind of eyes. Full of anger and hopelessness. One who has resigned to his fate of being an experiment. One who is meant to die after being used.

My heart clenched at his sad fate. My determination wavered. So did my powers. Unable to control the powerful skill I’m using, it shot out erratically. I panicked and clenched my fist, imagining the dispersal of the ring of razor-sharp wind. The ring easily sliced through the titanium-reinforced walls which earned a joyful squeal from the intercom.

“That’s it darling. Do it again. Aim it properly this time.” The intercom crackled.

“I can’t,” I said dejectedly.

“Excuse me?” The scientist said after a slight pause. “I’m sorry, I don’t think you understand. This is not up for discussion.”

When I didn’t respond, the scientist slammed on his table and a hushed voice sounded over the intercom.

“Fine.” The scientist said. I heaved a sigh of relief. “If you won’t do it by yourself. I’ll make you do it by force.”

I panicked when I heard a click and heavy metal chains dropped onto the floor with a loud clang. I spin around and saw that the demon wolf was stalking towards me.

“No, don’t.” I pleaded with the beast in front of me. Hesitation whirled in its eyes but it continued stalking towards me. This can’t be happening. I saved it. I didn’t want to kill it. Why?

That was when I realized something that I hadn’t. Unlike me, it didn’t have a choice. He was lucky to be able to retain his consciousness. But his body was no longer his. And he doesn’t have control over it.

“Kill the boy.” The scientist commanded. The demon wolf understood. He leapt. At that point in time. At that moment. I didn’t have any choice. I killed him right as he was above me. The demonic wolf was mercilessly shredded. His blood and guts flew in all directions. But on his face was a faint smile. Or that’s what I hoped it was.

I didn’t move when they told me to go back to my cell. I didn’t move when the cleaners came in. I didn’t even hear the other scientists praising me. All I heard was a soft voice, carried to me by the wind. It didn’t sound real. It didn’t sound like someone talking. But it saved me.

“Thank you”

Bam! I cursed in pain, clutching my head as it throbbed in pain after smacking the floor. A wet feeling on my cheek instantly snapped me out of my pain. I look into the mirror and saw tear stains down my cheeks. A wave of sadness clenched at my heart as I recalled the nightmare. It has been a year since that incident yet whenever I think of it, I felt a sense of relief. I was able to put it out of its misery.

The demonic wolf I met in school. It didn’t even have a slight sign of retaining its consciousness. They have improved in their control. Even more are suffering from them again. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed in frustration at the thought.

I showered and changed to get ready for school. I headed down and saw dad plating the breakfast with a satisfied smile on his face.

“Just in time, eat before you head out.” He said, bringing the frying pan and utensils to the sink to be washed.

“Okay,” I replied softly and took a seat silently.

“What’s wrong?” Dad asked, with a concerned look on his face. I kept silent. There was nothing much I want to talk about. “Did you dream of that place again?”

I looked at dad surprised. How did he know? He chuckled and took the seat opposite me.

“Nathan, there is nothing wrong in still having nightmares about the lab. You had a bad encounter yesterday.” He said with a soft smile on his face.


“Don’t underestimate me! I’m a weretiger.” Dad scoffed, “The legendary Raphael Draupnir. Some stupid scientists won’t win against me.” I giggled at that and dad’s facial expression immediately softened. “Don’t take it all on by yourself. We will help you whenever you need it. Right, Ray?”

I screamed when Ray suddenly appeared behind me, beaming wide. He took a seat beside me, and dad urged us to quickly eat and go to school.

“Oh right,” Ray said when we were at our locker. “I am supposed to give you this.” And he took out a simple silver band ring with some symbols etched on it. I looked at it, then looked at him and looked back at the ring.

“A proposal?” I asked.

“What? No! No, no no.” Ray scowled and thrust the ring into my hands. “It’s a protective ring from my mum.”

“But why a ring?”

“Would you prefer for her to send her entire team of wizards as bodyguards?” Ray asked with incredulity. I gulped and shook my head. “That’s what I thought. Be glad I convinced her to let you off with the highest-grade protection tool.”

I gratefully accepted the ring, and we head to class together.

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