People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 15

-Nathan’s POV-

Curiosity killed the cat. Right now, I really what to know what is going on and how much I have forgotten in the past 4 years. I laid my head on the table as I stared out of the window. I sighed as I saw the man known as Terui Knight ran across the field with the current class he is teaching. I know he is my mate yet not my mate. My heart seemed to clench at every sight of him, but bitterness seeped into my mind at the same time.

I huffed and continued staring at the guy whom I am supposed to be mated with, who is supposed to be mated with another, yet still flirting around with his students. Now I can see why Alex was so angry at him. Friend or not, this kind of behaviour was not even accepted in human society, much less a werewolf’s.

How do I know he is flirting around? Well, he was not so subtly pleasing a female student this morning while I was walking to my locker and now, he is touching the ass of another guy whenever he runs past him which is very often. I thought that if I had seen this perverted man, I might regain some of my memory, but I guess that is not going to happen, is it?

I am really starting to question why is he my mate.

I shifted my head the other way, not wanting to see him flirt around that much. The air feels off today. There was unrest that lingered in the air. I believe I know what it is, but I decided against it. There is no way that it can be here.

I drummed my fingers on the table, feeling a little restless.

“Psst, Nathan. You okay?” Ray whispered from the back. The teacher shot us a look and I decided against talking. So, I tore a page of my notebook and wrote that I’ll talk later and passed it to Ray. Ray nodded and slumped back into his seat.

Maybe I should visit Terui and talk to him face to face. Well, I could just ask him what he thinks of me, but I think I already know the answer. Deciding to just it over and done with, I told Ray I’ll meet him at the cafeteria and made a beeline to Terui’s office. Hopefully, he wasn’t shoving his tongue some poor girl’s throat or shoving anything else elsewhere.

Unsurprisingly, there was a girl on the desk with him. Thankfully they still have clothes on their body.

“Hey,” I called out, not really knowing what to say. When he looked up and saw me, I could see a glint of surprise in his eyes before it faded away.

“What are you doing here.” He growled out, showing that I was very well uninvited in his life.

“Just finding my ex-mate to see if I will get something back.” I waved him off as if his words didn’t sting. I know he is not my mate anymore, but honestly, I feel like I am in a bad romance movie.

“You are not my mate.” He scowled. “You disappeared on me for 4 years, if you were my mate, you wouldn’t even have done such a thing.”

I scoffed at him, almost laughing. Did he really hear himself talk? Disappeared on him? I was fucking kidnapped. Is his brain as dead as his heart? I was starting to feel like I was losing brain cells talking to him.

“If you were my mate, you wouldn’t have started whoring around and tried to find me for the past 4 years.” I laughed at him. I could feel his anger boil as he stood up menacingly, his girl completely forgotten and trembling in fear. I knew that I touched a nerve.

“Look who’s talking. You whored yourself out way before I met you. I am an Elder. Why do I need a mate who is so tainted, scared, and useless?” He sneered. It was like a blade ran through my heart. There wasn’t any air of lie in the words he said. I could tell. The wind never lies. But I knew different. A gush of memories hit me. Memories of my past. Memories of being raped. I didn't remember about him at all, unfortunately. But I didn’t fall, I didn’t waver. Just knowing that there are at least three people out there who will not turn me away because of my past was enough for me to push through with my decision.

“I, Nathan Skye, reject Terui Knight as a mate,” I mumbled. The breaking of the bond didn’t hurt that much. There wasn’t much left of the bond in the first place. But it seemed to hurt him more. Terui stumbled and crashed into his bookshelf. Books came tumbling down and the poor girl screamed. I took the queue and left his office. Leaving what is left of my past. Or I hoped so. Terui came rushing out and grabbed my hand hard. I yelped in pain and turned around angrily.

“What are you doing!” I screamed at him. His eyes were flashing between red and gold. His wolf was fighting for control. I wanted to tell him it is too late, I wanted to tell him to get the hell away from me. But before I could do anything, a loud animalistic growl resonated through the hall.

A growl that I recognised anywhere. A growl that tortured me for 4 years. The growl of a demonised wolf. Terui’s grip loosened and I wretched my hand away from him before turning around to face the demon wolf. I was too late. The wolf was only a few inches away from me, jaws wide open to crush his victim.

“Shield!” Ray shouted from the end of the corridor. A flat barrier of light conjured itself right in front of me. The demon wolf crashed right into the barrier and bounced off hard onto the ground. It yelped in pain and I saw a fang broken off. “Nathan, now!”

I focused on the air around my hand and started to circulate it. The moving air gained speed and started rotating dangerously fast. A ring of wind becomes visible, and I launched it towards the demon wolf. The moment the ring touched the wolf, blood started spurting. The wind ripped the demon wolf into half without giving it a moment to even cry.

“You had to use something that makes such a mess,” Ray whined as he gingerly step over the dead body of a wolf. His pants had patches of stray blood and the walls look grossly covered in blood. Well, it technically is.

“What the fuck was that!” An unwelcomed voice angrily shouted at us. We look at Terui who looked as if he was about to blow a fuse. Ray didn’t take being looked down upon.

“And who the fuck are you?” Ray sneered, obviously ready to give a fight if brought to him.

“He WAS my mate,” I told Ray, emphasising the keyword.

“Was?” Ray asked and looked at Terui questioningly.

“That’s right. I am mated with an Alpha. Stronger than this worthless thing that can’t even protect himself.” Terui smirked as if he was doing me a favour. Ray’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t believe how much of an idiot a person must be to come to such a conclusion.

“Are you blind or just plain stupid?” Ray asked in all seriousness. No one can be this dumb, right? He thought to himself. Unfortunately, the truth isn’t always that nice.

“Watch your mouth or I’ll rip you apart boy.” Terui threatened.

“Do that and I’ll rip YOU apart,” I growled at him. There is no way I am going to let a threat towards my friend go by me that easily.

“As if you can do anything about it, you slut.” He taunted. I was very tempted to churn the air inside his lungs until it rips out of his body. But before I could do anything, Ray stepped in front of me.

“You must be pretty dumb to be able to watch what happened earlier and think that Nathan is weak. There’s no need to continue this conversation any longer. We will lose brain cells talking to him.” Ray calmly spoke and grabbed my hand. I reached down to take the demon wolf’s fang that broke up and let Ray dragged me out of the school building.

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