People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 18

-Nathan’s POV-

“Ray, this is Hallie, and this is Hastie.” I introduced the twins, “and this is Ray.”

Ray stared at them awkwardly, trying to figure out who is who even though I just introduced them. Well, they pretty much look the same although the aura that each of them gives out is slightly different from the other. Hallie and Ray went off to help us get lunch while me and Hastie sat silently at the table.

“Do you remember who Jake is?” Hastie suddenly asked. I thought about it, but nothing really came to mind. I shook my head and she let out a sigh. It seemed like this Jake person should be considered somewhat important in my life. “He is your brother.” Brother?

From the look on my face, it was clear that I can’t remember who my brother is. I don’t even remember my own family members. But I always thought that there was a reason why I don’t remember them. I had not forgotten about Alex or Kelly, although Kelly seemed to be a touchy topic for Alex. I remembered asking once and the look on his face told me all that I need to know. I remember very well the look of betrayal as well as the slight loving gaze he held in his eyes.

“What’s up?” Hallie piped up when she reached the table with a rather cheerful Ray. I glanced at him suspiciously, but he only gave me a silly grin as he took a seat near Hallie.

“Nothing much,” Hastie answered before I could say anything, clearly not wanting them to know about my brother. “So, Ray, you seem awfully happy.” Ray blushed but didn’t say anything except looking in Hallie’s direction. Any idiot from the supernatural world knows what was happening. Hallie beamed while Hastie fake gagged. A disgusting glare had been drilling a hole in my head for a while now I don’t even need to see to know who it is.

“Nathan, before I forget. My mum asked for you to come over today.” Ray informed while stuffing his face with the weird pizza the cafeteria provided. I flinched and the fork dropped from my hands. Ray’s mum wasn’t a bad person, absolutely not. But she is pretty extreme. When she found out about my past, it took her entire family to stop her from carpet bombing the entire forest. Needless to say, she is extremely worried about me for some reason. I groaned but just nodded. With some begging, Hastie and Hallie managed to get Elder Olivia to agree on going with us. Hastie was excited to see wizards while I’m guessing Hallie simply wants to be close to her mate.

We took the bus to Ray’s place because Ray insisted. It wasn’t far but…

“This is the place?” Hallie asked, sounding rather scared and I can relate. The place is slightly smaller than a regular mansion. Only slightly. There was even the smell of smoke and herb that seems to permeate throughout the entire area. Ray guided us through the mess of apprentice wizards that filled the courtyard, to the main building. Before we can even knock, Ray’s mum burst out from the building.

“Nathan dear, you’re finally here. I was about to do a search spell on you.” She gushed, patting me down in search of any injuries or marks that didn’t look right on me. Ray let out a sigh and did his best to pull his mum away from me.

“Mum, we were just a few seconds later than normal because of the bus. And I did bring my other friends over as well. Let Nathan breathe, please.” He begged and she finally let go of me. I shot a thankful look to Ray but he just shook his head, apologizing on behalf of his mother.

“It’s nice to see you again Mrs. Deltrich.” I greeted.

“Don’t call me that. Call me Kalen, I don’t want to feel old.” Kalen said with a scowl on her face.

“It’s good to see you, Mrs. Kalen. I’m Hastie, and this is my sister Hallie.” Hastie introduced her and her twin.

“Drop the Mrs. Just Kalen will do.” Kalen insisted.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Hallie exclaimed with a salute. Kalen narrowed her eyes on Hallie, and it was as if her eyes had darkened dangerously.

“I’ll let you go this time but consider yourself warned.” Kalen faked a nice tone but didn’t let up until Hallie nodded vigorously. “Right, let us go in first. We have things to settle today.”

She led us into an empty room that was painted a light grey, a black round table was set in the middle of the room. We walked to the round table and could see a magic circle that was etched into the wood.

“Nathan, do you have the ring with you?” Kalen asked, and I pulled out the ring from one of my pockets. “Good. Now put it on and place your hand on the table.”

I did as she told, slipping the ring onto my index finger. Kalen hovered her hand over mine and instantly a bunch of lights sprang into life. She expertly weaved the lights around and once she’s done, she returned them back as if pressing it into my hands. She let out a satisfied puff and beamed at me as if saying all was well. Except.

“Mum, are you for real?” Ray asked in disbelief, but his mum only held a million-watt smile.

“What’s wrong?” I asked Ray, slightly apprehensive. Ray sighed and pointed to my ring.

“With how she FURTHER enchanted that ring. You are basically wearing a national grade treasure.” Ray explained, covering his face with his hands.

“What!” Me and the twins screamed in shock. A national-grade treasure.

“Oh, it’s not that bad. I just took reference from the Angel’s Circlet.” Kalen proclaimed. “The automatic spells are ‘Enhanced Recovery’, ‘Good Will’, and ‘Store’. Basically, it stores excess mana from the owner, and if there is any ill intention, it will set up a simple barrier. With Nathan’s healing, enhancing it is good enough.”

“The problem is with the active spells. She installed ‘Physical Barrier’, ‘Magic Barrier’, ‘Reflection’, and ‘Healing Zone’. No attacks will go through, all attacks are reflected, all injuries and status effects are healed. It’s basically a cheat already.” Ray exclaimed, waving his hands around for effect. “A silver ring shouldn’t be able to withstand so many enchantments! Mum…What did you do?”

Kalen just looked away from her son’s glare and explained that as long as I provide the ring mana, I will be safe. Which is really a relief. And with how Kalen is, most likely I won’t be able to take the ring off unless I ask her for help.

“Sorry for asking, but what is the Angel’s Circlet?” Hastie asked rather shyly.

“Oh, dear, just ask any questions,” Kalen gushed, obviously happy that someone is showing interest in magic. “The Angel’s Circlet is simply an outdated magic tool. It automatically heals its owner and the active spell is ‘Invincibility’.”

“Isn’t being invincible better.”

“Not necessarily. You can only cast ‘Invincibility’ once every five minutes, but the spell duration only lasts for 1 min. Whereas for mine, as long as you have the mana, you can maintain the spells for long periods of time.” She beamed. “Oh, look at the time. Nathan, you better go soon. I don’t need Raphael shoving his nose in my business. Again.”

“Thanks for today, Kalen.” We all thanked her but before I walk out of the door, she hurried after me, waving a familiar object in her hand. She placed the metal hand fan into my hands.

“We did an analysis for you already and it is safe to use.” She said before waving us off. The hand fan was the gadget I received from Gale. But he had never told me how or what it was for. I bowed and followed the twins out. Sure enough, dad was already waiting by the side in his car.

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