Our Overtime: Ice League Book 1 (The Ice League Series)

Our Overtime: Chapter 39

“Yes!” I shouted, making a fist as the goal buzzer sounded. The dad in the score box cued up the Griffin’s goal song.

My little guys erupted in cheers and I turned to Smitty, who was also standing on the team bench, to give him a solid high five. I was still only using my left hand even though I’d gotten the cast off a couple days ago. The doctor had recommended another week in the cast, but I couldn’t take it. I kind of regretted that decision though because it felt pretty damn fragile, and I was 100% babying it. I needed to man up and start using it again. I told myself the next fist bumps would be with my right hand.

The line that just scored the fifth goal of the game to break the tie against the Griffins’ rivals sped towards the box to give their teammates celebratory fist bumps. I heard a bunch of the boys yelling out their celebratory “wooo!” Much higher pitched than I was used to hearing, but I was proud of how these little guys were forming such a tight-knit team. I leaned over to be included in the fist bump line, chastising myself for flinching like a pussy.

I couldn’t help but be a little extra proud that Canyon was on the scoring line. The little dude had put in two goals and now just got his second assist in the game.

He was still missing the net half the time- definitely better than all the time like he had during the first game- but we needed to continue working on that shot of his. We’d been working on it in the driveway almost every day after school. Once he got that down he’d be an unstoppable force.

When Canyon’s line came back on the bench, I gave them all a pat on their helmets and got ready to watch the last shift of the game.

At the final buzzer, my team flew out of the box to stampede our little goalie, who promptly collapsed into the ice, causing a dog pile to form.

I was finding that I loved coaching these little guys. It was like being able to live it again, and there was nothing better than youth hockey. Even the NHL wasn’t as much fun as playing on the Griffins with my best buds.

After the game, I knew Smitty would be handling the post-game speech, so I took a minute to run to the concession stand for a bag of ice for my hand. It had started cramping up a bit and I didn’t want it to get worse.

I quickly explained what I needed to the high school kid behind the counter and he nodded in awe, probably recognizing me, before turning to get the ice.

Holding the bag to my hand, I turned to head back to the locker room and almost ran over Jules.

“Woah, there, sorry,” she laughed.

I pulled her closer toward me and smiled down at her, “77 was on fire today.”

“The coach looked pretty good out there too,” she returned with her eyes crinkling in the corners from smiling.

She looked so damn hot with barely any makeup on, just a swipe of mascara. She only took about 15 minutes to get ready this morning. I was happy that I got to have that kind of knowledge about her again. She was definitely a MILF and looked every part of it in her leggings, tidy white tennis shoes, and white baseball cap to match.

“Is that so?” I joked, tipping her hat up and leaning down to kiss her.

God I was so happy I could kiss her again. I’d never take it for granted.

She patted me on the chest and broke the kiss, “don’t you need to get in there?” She said, nodding towards the locker rooms without taking her eyes off me. She looked down at my hand with a little frown then, “Is it feeling okay?”

“More than, baby. Just a little stiff,” I winked to give her assurance. “We’ll be out soon.”

“Wanna hit up the cider mill after?” She asked hopefully.

I shook my head at her, “you just want the donuts, don’t you?”

She broke into a smile, God I loved her smile.

“Yes, I’d love to take you two,” I told her, and I really would.

As I turned forward to leave her, I realized we’d been watched. My eyes came up to meet Kevin Tate’s. He was standing near the locker room hallway, late to go in and untie Canyon’s skates.

His face gave nothing away; it was stone cold as he regarded me.

I felt my stomach twist into an angry, nervous knot and forced myself to continue walking his way.

When I reached him, I stuck my hand out to shake his even though I would’ve rather shit my pants than shake the slim bag’s hand. He was Canyon’s father and always would be, I reminded myself. I needed to make sure this relationship was at least cordial.

But he stared down at my hand smirking and he brushed past me to walk away, not even bothering to go into the locker room to chat with his kid.

I blew out the breath I’d been holding and looked toward the rink ceiling. God was testing me. I wanted to smash his teeth in.

But I truly didn’t want to be the one to further strain the relationship between Canyon and his dad. At the same time, what kind of guy refused a handshake? We’d never even been introduced to one another.

I had a feeling he knew exactly who I was just as I knew who he was though.

Pushing the locker room door in it dawned on me a little too late that if he wasn’t going in to see Canyon, he would be out in the lobby with Jules… I would go after her, but then Canyon would be sitting in the locker room alone- the only one without a parent congratulating him and giving him a pat on the back. No kid deserved that, and especially not him after all the hustle he put into that game. I pulled out my phone to text Jules real quick asking if everything was alright and that she should come hang in the locker room with us. At this age the kids didn’t care if a mom was in the locker room, I think kids preferred it sometimes, especially after a bad game.

God. I was so pissed at the situation. Now I was worried about Jules and Canyon.

I tried to relax my face. I knew I had murder written all over it.

Opening the door, I was hit with a massive whiff of kid sweat, music blasting, and Smitty yelling over top of it about heart and hard work. That guy really got into his post-game speeches.

I forced out a smile to the boys calling out to me and smacked some high-fives as I made my way over to sit my ass down next to Canyon who was busy trying to unlace his skates.

I could see he was struggling with a double knot, and it reminded me of his age. He acted and sounded like an adult most the time, and I knew that was because he wanted to be treated like one of the guys. Sometimes it really was easy to forget he was only a second grader. He was avoiding looking at me and everyone else.

Troy was sitting next to him busily chatting away, seemingly knowing that Canyon wasn’t going to respond and okay with it; he didn’t expect him to and he didn’t ask what was wrong. I liked the kid more for that. Troy would be a good friend to him.

I put a hand on his back, “you played an awesome game, kid.”

He stopped trying to untie his skate and turned to me, his head still lowered by his skates. I could see he was holding back emotion. He sniffed and twitched his nose a bit, “Was my dad mad?”

I wasn’t expecting that question and my face probably said that.

“He was,” Canyon deadpanned, answering for me. “That’s why he didn’t come in. I missed a bunch of shots,” he said quietly.

I wish I wouldn’t have kissed Jules right then. Canyon was striving for any sign of Kevin’s approval, and our actions stopped that. But who knew if the asshole would have even given him any praise? The kid was clearly the best on the team. Even with missing a bunch of shots, he was still the leading scorer by far, and Kevin still wasn’t happy.

I got up from the bench and squatted down in front of Canyon, Ignoring the painful crack in my knees.

I pulled his skate toward me and started untying.

“Did you have fun?” I asked him.

He blew out a breath, “yeah.”

“Did you try your hardest and give it your all?”

He looked at me and chewed the inside of his cheek, “yeah.”

“And you got two goals and two assists. You helped put the puck in the net 4 out of the 5 times this team scored. That’s pretty damn good. Better than what I could do at your age,” I told him squarely.

He paused for a minute, assessing me.

“Actually?” He asked with skeptical little eyes.

“Dead serious, kid. Wouldn’t tell ya that if it wasn’t true. Wanna know what else?”

He nodded.

“I’ve played everywhere. Wanna know where I had the most fun?”

He nodded again.

“Right here.”

He seemed to accept what I’d said and I helped him finish taking off his equipment in silence.

The number of kids in the locker room started to dwindle. I was trying to hurry him up a bit because I didn’t want Jules out there alone with Kevin. I knew that was stupid of me to think because she’d been alone with him for nine years…and Kevin couldn’t hurt her… she was the mother of his child. He had to have some kind of heart… but I had a shit feeling about the way he looked at me and refused to shake my hand. And Jules was mine to protect.

Canyon picked up his bag, struggling under the weight of it. Usually I thought this was a good thing- character building for hockey boys and all that… but I cringed thinking of how this would slow us down.

“How bout I take it this time? Your mom is dying for cider mill donuts and I don’t want her to get hangry on us.”

Canyon smirked up at me and nodded.

I rubbed my knuckles across his sweaty head and grabbed the bag straps from her shoulder and hoisted it up onto mine.

Smitty gave both of us knuckle punches on the way out.

“Take care of my lead scorer!” He called as we walked out.

“You mean my lead scorer?!” I rebutted.

“Jeez, guy thinks he can take over as head coach just because he gives good speeches?” I asked Canyon.

The kid laughed, amusement dancing in his eyes, so much like his mother’s. Probably hearing the title of lead scorer made him feel a little more validated even if his asshole father couldn’t see that.

We walked the locker room hallway chatting about the game. It wasn’t until we hit the lobby and I couldn’t immediately see Jules that I started to really worry.

I scammed over the tables, concession stand, vending machines, and video games… she was nowhere to be found.

Where the hell did she go? Maybe the bathroom?

I checked my phone. She hadn’t texted back.

“You see her?” I asked Canyon, trying to keep my voice calm, despite the feeling of panicked rage building from my core.

“Maybe she’s in Benny’s or the pro shop?” He shrugged.

At least the kid was thinking. I tried to calm my mind and remind myself of all the reasons I could not punch that asswhipe’s face in.

We made our way through the lobby to the entrance of Benny’s and the pro-shop.

“You wanna check Benny’s? Ask Paige if she’s seen her?” I asked Canyon.

He gave a tough nod and ran ahead of me.

I quickly scanned the pro-shop with no success and Canyon came out of Benny’s shaking his head.

“Maybe she’s picking up the car?” He asked quietly with eyes darting back and forth. I could tell Canyon was getting nervous and that was my fault. I didn’t want him to realize I was nervous about his father being an ass to his mother. The shitty thing about it was that he probably had already seen that happen.

“I’m sure she is, I don’t know why I was freaking,” I said, forcing out a chuckle.

He chuckled nervously too then and looked up at me, “yeah.”

But the worry I was feeling was reflected in his eyes as well.

I started out of the rink, pretty much speed walking. Canyon had to run beside me to keep up with my long strides, but he didn’t complain.

I felt like grabbing him up along with his bag I was already carrying so I could break into a run.

I couldn’t see them yet, but I was already hearing them arguing from across the parking lot where Jules’ car was.

As soon as they came into view, I wasn’t sure if I’d made the right decision in finding them. Because I wasn’t sure I could contain my anger.

Kevin had Jule’s arm in a vise-like grip.

“Why the FUCK is he with my son?” He yelled, the veins in his neck were bulging and his face was a dark red as he gestured toward us with a wild arm.

“He’s done with this team,” he spit. “Be on the lookout for custody papers,” he said with a nasty snarl, looking down at a dumbstruck Jules.

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