Our Overtime: Ice League Book 1 (The Ice League Series)

Our Overtime: Chapter 40

I figured he wouldn’t recognize Grey… maybe he’d seen his name somewhere and had put two and two together. But still… he left me, not the other way around. I played wife for him. He decided he wanted Tammy full time and not both of us as side pieces. And I thanked God for that…He had to split half of everything with me. It was the only good outcome of us really since my grandparents pretty much gifted him all of my inheritance through the business. It hadn’t been a surprise that he didn’t even battle me for custody of Canyon, but he made sure I knew he could whenever he wanted… But I did not expect this level of anger from him over Grey.

Everything had been going so well… too well. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten so comfortable loving Grey. It was too good to be true. If it was between staying with Grey or having Canyon, I’d choose Canyon in a second… and it looked like I was going to have to make that decision.

Kevin had a crazy possessive look in his eye, and I didn’t want Canyon to see it. I wished like hell that the two of them would just walk away and give us a minute.

I gave a split-second pleading look to Grey to try to communicate this, but he was staring at Kevin with murder in his eyes.

This needed to stop before it escalated out of control.

I angled to stand in front of Grey and Canyon and moved towards Kevin, reaching out to him in a placating way.

“Can we just talk about-“

Before I could finish, Kevin forcefully shoved my arms away, so hard that I stumbled to keep from falling on the cement.

“Mom!” I heard Canyon call out. I hated that he’d just seen his dad act so aggressively toward a woman… but I was only fooling myself if I thought it was the first time.

“Touch her again and you’ll be sorry,” Grey said in a low voice. His voice itself was threatening. I’d never heard that tone out of him before.

I heard Kevin respond with a snide laugh, “and why would I be sorry?”

This needed to dissipate before Grey and Kevin got into it. In that case there would be no going back.

“Kevin, can we just talk about this later?” I pleaded.

“Oh bullshit, cut the innocent act, Julianna,” he snapped, moving closer to tower over me. “You need to stop! This is over!” He yelled down.

That was a mistake.

Grey knew those words. I shifted my eyes over to him nervously, and it was like something clicked inside of him.

In an instant Kevin was ripped away from me. Grey pulled back and slammed his fist into Kevin’s eye.

His right fist.

Grey cursed and threw Kevin onto the pavement.

But Something wasn’t right. Grey was holding his right fist. And Kevin was laughing up at him.

I felt my stomach sinking.

I would in no way be able to be with Grey now. Kevin would use this against me to get custody of Canyon. And Kevin knew that.

Grey looked at me confusedly with worried eyes and I just shook my head. I couldn’t muster up words for fear my face would break.

I had just gotten used to loving and feeling loved. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten comfortable.

Grey tried to put an arm around me, but I held my hand up and avoided eye contact.

I couldn’t bear it. I’d break down. I couldn’t have him and I didn’t want to pretend things would be okay. It really was over.

“Canyon we have to go,” I said.

“But mom-”

“No. Get your bag. We have to go right now,” I said as sternly as I could make out, but my throat felt like it was closing.

Kevin staggered up and started to walk away. He turned and gave me a wink.

I tasted bile in my throat as I took canyon’s bag and threw it in my trunk myself.

A hand touched my arm and I flinched away.

I turned to see Grey looking at me with pity swimming in his dark eyes and hated it.

His eyebrows drew together in concern and confusion but he couldn’t seem to find words.

I looked down before he could see tears forming and tore away from him.

I was all motions and no second guessing then.

I quickly threw my car in reverse, backed out and drove, leaving him in the parking lot staring into my back window.

“Mom. He wanted to come with us,” Canyon said quietly.

I swallowed hard.

“I know baby. But it’s okay just me and you, right? It’ll be okay.”

I felt a little hand on my shoulder, and I hated that I flinched away from him too. I thought I had moved past that.

I tried to shake off any feelings and just breathe. We’d be fine. It would be okay… as long as it was the two of us everything would be okay.

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