Our Overtime: Ice League Book 1 (The Ice League Series)

Our Overtime: Chapter 38

I felt like all had been righted in the world. I still couldn’t believe I was sitting in a booth at a bar with Paige and Ashlie while the guys were getting our drinks. Not our first drinks of the night. This was probably our fourth bar of the night.

“So, girl,” Ashlie started; her excited green eyes shone brightly even in the darkened bar, “How are things between ya’ll? I’m so excited about this!” Her southern accent came out more when she was drinking.

Paige looked at me in question as well.

I couldn’t keep the smile off my face, “I think I’m still in shock over being with him again. I thought all this was gone for good, ya know?”

They both nodded in understanding.

“So… what are you guys? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Because things don’t start over, they pick right back up,” Paige pointed out. “Would you consider marriage?” She asked with a hopeful look.

I pondered that question. With my inhibitions lowered, I answered truthfully, “I always did want that with Greyson. But I’m kind of scared of wanting that. I’m fine with what we have right now.”

“Hun,” Ashlie looked at me straight, “I really don’t think he wants to stay the way you guys are. He can’t keep his eyes off you. I think he’s scared you’ll disappear on him again or something,” she joked. “You aren’t going to disappear again are you?” Ashlie gave me a warning look.

I chuckled wryly, “I’m so happy I have you guys again. I don’t want anything to ruin it,” I said earnestly, looking between the two of them. “It’s been just me and Canyon for so long.”

“Well, you’re stuck with us forever now,” she said, “because Canyon’s calling me Aunt Ashlie and I fricken love it so much it makes me want to cry!”

“Well, even if you guys don’t work it out romantically, I have a feeling we’ll all be together for the rest of time,” Paige winked at me.

Max squeezed his way into the booth next to me then, shoving me further in with his hip. He put an arm around me and faced Ashlie, “What doesn’t make you wanna cry, Ash?” He joked.

“I am sorry for him,” Paige recanted.

“Love you too, baby!” Max called over the loud bar music. He was pretty sloshed. “So, while G is up at the bar paying for all us because he’s a rich ass and owes me, I would like to take credit for something.”

“Oh no,” Paige groaned and rubbed her temples.

“No! It’s a good thing! I did a smart thing, baby! You’ll be proud!”

I looked at Max curiously.

“So, I feel safe enough to let this out now, and like I said, I want the credit. So, I saw Canyon’s parent permission slip for the try-out and saw Juju’s name on it! So… that’s when I moved Grey as the coach from the ‘03 team to the ‘07 team… and voila! Magic! I knew something fucked up happened before,” he looked me in the eye. “I love both of you and you two deserve to be happy and together. We really missed you, Juju,” he told me gruffly.

This big teddy bear. Max always was a hopeless romantic. I usually wasn’t a touchy- feely person, except when it came to Grey that is, but I threw my arms around him and gave him a hug. He smelled like chew and beer; Paige would probably rip him a new one about the chew later tonight. I felt an overwhelming gratefulness towards him. How I ever thought he’d be holding a grudge against me I didn’t know. He was one of the nicest guys I’d ever met. He’d been the one to throw us together again and I was grateful. He brought me back into the group. The feeling of being wanted was something I yearned for so long and I felt it here with these friends.

“Thank you,” I whispered to him.

“No problem little Mama,” Max replied in my ear.

“Why are your arms around my girl?” Greyson asked in a gruff voice.

“She’s hugging me!” Max called. “We all love each other, okay?!”

“Jesus,” Smitty said as he walked up behind Grey and slapped a hand on his back. “Max is just as sappy as drunk chicks. He’s white girl wasted.” He shook his head and placed a flight of shots on the table.

Grey ushered Max out of the booth to make some room for him. He had wanted to be next to me and touching me all night. It made me feel secure and wanted with his hand on my hip or lower back, or just in mine. I had a feeling it was just as much for him as it was for me.

He placed a beer in front of me and slid in, not realizing I’d be on his right side. I let a slight giggle out when he realized this. He was purposely having me in his left side to hold my hand and touch me without his bulky cast interfering.

“Damnit,” he groaned and took a swig of his beer. He tipped his head back slightly and his Adam’s apple bobbled up and down. Funny how I found the most ordinary things he did so sexy.

I took hold of his casted hand and placed it in my lap and leaned to kiss him on the cheek.

“It doesn’t bother me,” I told him, quietly so the others wouldn’t hear. They were engrossed in a serious debate and ignoring us anyway though.

“Makes me feel like a pussy that I overreacted and did this in the first place,” he said softly. His serious eyes were lined with red from the alcohol.

I smoothed out his free thumb and finger in my lap, “it made me realize though…” I looked into his dark chocolate brown eyes. “It was real. How we loved each other. Right?” I felt my voice get high with the need of assurance.

“Yes,” he choked out. “It was real.”

“Woah! You guys look way too serious,” Max interrupted from across the booth. “Let’s down these shots and hit the dance floor!”

Grey coughed out a laugh and passed the shots out.

“Toast!” Smitty yelled and drummed the table.

Grey cleared his throat, “To Jules, to her birthday, and to every other birthday of everyone’s here being together as well.”

I was shocked at his words. The open proclamation that he wanted me to stay, that I was part of the group again. His words held no hesitation. He said them in a solid and almost commanding voice. I felt red creeping into my cheeks.

The rest of the group cheered.

We made eye contact then. He downed the shot without taking his eyes from mine.

He gestured to the glass in my hand, questioning if I’d accept the toast.

I was scared to want it. But I did want what he just said. I wanted it to my very core.

I closed my eyes and tossed it back and was met with more cheers from the group.

“That’s my girl,” Grey said with the corners of his lips turning into a naughty smile. “Dance?” I nodded and gave a surprised cry as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me out of the booth.

“So, best birthday?” Grey asked with an easy smile.

We were laying facing each other in his bed with the lights out. He kept the bathroom light on and cracked the door slightly open to give the room a few lines of light, I knew this was for my benefit. I always did that when we were younger, and I still hated complete darkness. It was crazy how many of the little things he remembered.

After I’d first married Kevin, he would stagger up from bed and slam the bathroom door shut to tell me he was annoyed with it and then I’d have to lay there next to him in utter darkness. He kept distance from me in bed. We both knew the drill. We were married, but pretty much in name only. I knew he was still having sex. Just not with me. In all the years of our marriage we never once cuddled and we really didn’t have sex after Canyon was born. I think it was a choice both of us made without ever speaking about it. But we’d lay in bed next to each other and I’d stare at the ceiling and wonder if this was all life would be for me.

Looking at this man across from me, I couldn’t help but think how he was the total opposite, and I couldn’t help but feel so overwhelmingly lucky.

I thought about my favorite birthday for a second before speaking.

“This was tied for my favorite I think,” I shared sleepily.

He pouted his bottom lip out slightly, “Damn…But I just gave you like three orgasms!” He paused and cut his eyes toward me, “Did the asshole do a better job?” He didn’t have to say Kevin’s name for me to know who he was talking about. Since being with Grey he never once fully said Kevin Tate. I knew he hated Canyon’s last name and I knew it was something that we would have to talk about because it wasn’t about to change, but not tonight.

“You must be joking,” I returned and patted his face. “I’ve never had better, and you know it.”

That satisfied him and he smiled triumphantly, proud in his manhood.

“No,” I closed my eyes and turned my body to allow him to be the big spoon. I nuzzled into him, relishing in his warmth. He placed a large, outstretched hand on my stomach. It was funny, our size difference made it so his hand took up my entire stomach, one of his fingers grazed the bottom of my boob and his pinky rested under the band of my undies. “The first time you said you loved me. On the floor in the rink. 17. I held onto that one.”

It was true. That particular memory had become a secret that I held close to my heart. A memory I never uttered aloud, in fear that it would become tarnished or cast away as silly teen love when I know it hadn’t been. It was a moment I thought of every time Kevin had made me feel unlovable.

He was silent for a minute. I enjoyed the rhythm of his breathing. I felt so relaxed and safe that I could fall asleep in a second.

“I’ve never said I love you to anyone else,” he told me.

That sentence held so much power to me. I clung to it. It was an admission that filled me with so much love for him and I was so grateful I’d shared that secret with him.

I could tell he was waiting for me to respond. I felt his hand tense slightly against my stomach in apprehension.

“Mmm…I’ve said it a lot to another guy,” I told him.

I felt him start to remove his hand and I snatched it back before he could. I loved him pulling me close; I wanted it to last forever.

“Canyon,” I said, patting his arm with a giggle.

He let out a breath and pinched my stomach playfully causing me to jump further into him, “Brat,” he said in my ear before playfully biting it.

I felt a warming joy spread inside of me in the moment.

“Me neither,” I said quietly with a smile on my face. “Only to you.”

He kissed the top of my head and we both relaxed into each other to sleep.

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