Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 32: Out riding

After we finished, Jenn and I rose from the table. Rachel looked up to us, “Now girls, while the weather is not bitterly cold, I do want you both to take caution,” looking to me, “no showing off.”

I grinned at her, “No promises,” quickly ducking out of the room before she could respond. Jenn chased after as we darted out the back door.

I giggled, hopping onto the grass. Jenn caught up to me, panting, “Hey, what did she mean by ‘no showing off’?”

I giggled, “Oh…just nothing crazy like trying to race you.”

She looked at me, “Well of course you can’t, I don’t get to ride around on a horse every day.”

I looked up to her, “I don’t ride ‘every day’, just sometimes.”

She sighed, “Whatever. How far are we going?”

I pointed to the stables as they came into view, “Just over there. The greenhouse is about fifty yards that way,” pointing to the left.

She nodded, sticking close to me. Fenris was padding right beside us, tails swishing from side to side. They sometimes would scrape the ground. I grinned. He still didn’t like the idea of me not riding on him.

The sky above us was greying and the wind definitely had bite to it. But I knew it wasn’t going to rain. Snow, which would be awesome, but not rain. The trees buffeted softly against the wind, hearing them creak and moan.

The stable soon came into full view and already trotting in the corral was Ember. I grinned, running over to the fence. The horse turned and galloped over to me. He lowered his head and batted my chest. I giggled, hugging his face, stroking under it. Deep brown eyes stared into me.

“Good morning Young Miss, I see that you’ve already met up with your mount.”

I turned to see the stable master walking towards me from the other side of the fence. I nodded to him, “Good morning to you too Master Lucayan.” Ember then lifted his head up slightly, which raised me off of the ground a little. I blushed and held onto him as my feet flopped in the air.

The stable master laughed, “One of many signs that a horse has missed his rider.” I giggled as Ember set me back onto the ground.

Jenn looked on in amazement, “Whoa. Is this really your horse?”

I giggled, stroking my horse’s face, “Yep…he’s mine. Rachel gave him to me when I first came here. I’ve been riding him ever since.” She nodded slowly, walking closer.

I pulled an apple I had swiped from breakfast and held it up to him. The horse sniffed it and bit into the fruit pulling the rest from my hand. I smiled, stroking his red fur.

Jenn stepped closer reaching out her had to him, nervously petting him. His head then turned, leaning in closer to her. His nose softly sniffed her chest. I giggled, “I think he likes you.”

The man before us smiled, clearing his throat. I giggled, “Oh right. Jenn, this is Lucayan, our stable master and head veterinarian.”

She nodded to him, “Hello.”

He smiled to her, “And hello to you as well young lady. Her Ladyship informed me of your arrival and instructed to have a horse prepared for you.”

She blinked, “Say what now?”

He disappeared into the stable and a few moments later, emerged with a large, amber-colored horse. It’s body was taught and muscular, his fur shone even in the dim light from above.

He led the animal over to the fence, “This shall be your horse, young lady.”

Jenn’s eyes grew massive, “Mine?”

He nodded, stroking the horse’s neck, “Correct. Have you ridden before?”

She nodded, “Over the summer and during the fall.”

The stable master nodded, “Excellent,” he looked to me, “Young Miss, I believe your saddle is still within the stable.”

I nodded, climbing over the fence, landing onto the ground. Ember lowered his head and nudged my back, nearly knocking me over with his snout.

I giggled, stroking his muzzle. Looking back to Jenn, “I’ll be right back.” She nodded to me as Lucayan walked over and opened the gate.

I led my horse back into the stable by holding onto his face. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Fenris strolling along the outside of the fence, eyeing Ember. I grinned as both animals watched each other carefully.

Before entering, I pulled another apple from my coat, tossing it to Jenn. She easily caught it, looking confused. Grinning, I pointed to the horse, “Have to have something to break the ice.”

When I got inside, I saw my saddle hanging near my mother’s, apparently having been cleaned and repaired. Yeah, the last time I went riding was a couple weeks ago.

I managed to tear the leather of the seat when I slowed Ember too hard and was thrown from him. Not my finest moment in horseback riding. Oh I wasn’t hurt that bad, more embarrassed than anything.

I led Ember into his stall, closing the gate. I then walked back over to my saddle and pulled it off of its hanging spot and placed it onto the horse’s back, latching and tightening it into place.

Fenris sat at the entrance of the stable, tails swishing from side to side. Ember turned and stared at the wolf, letting out a snort. This made my bonded huff in response.

I giggled as their rivalry reminded me of the spats between Silvi and Velhemina. Both parties quarreled constantly and I could derive a great deal of entertainment from simply watching the discourse.

Placing a foot into the stirrup and grabbing the saddle horn, which required me to sit a foot onto to a slat; I hoisted myself onto my horse. I took hold of the reins and led him back out from his stall.

The fresh felt nice and crisp as breeze brushed against my face. I looked over to see Jenn already on her horse and trotting around the corral. I smiled to her, leaning over. She rode to me, “Looks like you’re ready to go.”

I gripped the reins, “Yep,” looking over to the stable master, having now opened the gate. I smiled to Jenn, knocking my head towards to entrance. She nodded, leading her horse to it as well.

I padded Ember’s neck, “Let’s go.” The horse snorted once more and started for the entrance.

Once we cleared it, we both eyed each other and broke into a gallop. Both riders gripped the reins tightly as we raced through the quiet fields. I laughed loudly as my heart surged within my chest with each hurried stride. Fenris run alongside us, easily keeping pace. Our hair blew into the wind, flailing wildly behind us.

Despite the constant threat of the sky above, it didn’t dissuade from the time we were sharing together. I had the laugh to myself, thinking that if had really wanted learn how to, I could actually change the weather to make it to be more appealing. For a fully trained and experienced ryujin it’d be a simple matter.

But honestly, even if I could, I wouldn’t want to. My controlling of the weather makes it sound like I’m some cheesy comic book villain. But onwards we rode.

I looked over to the empty pastures, imagining the flocks and herds grazing in fields below. But both now would only come out on occasion. The forest appeared to move rather slowly off in the distance. The trees were now mostly leafless and bare.

I smiled, hearing the rattling of the empty branches. I knew I wanted to take Jenn in and have her properly meet Silvi. Plus I wanted to show her more of my home. But it would have to wait just a little while longer.

One thing that kept running through my mind was how much I was enjoying having someone that wasn’t family on the Estate with me. As much as I love everyone here, it was just refreshing to see some different faces from time to time. That’s a major reason why I loved it when Marron came to visit for my birthday.

I looked over to Jenn, who riding evenly with me. She wore a huge grin on her face, tightly holding onto the reins. I knew she absolutely loved being here. Jenn obviously was skilled in horseback riding. Wonder where she learned how to?

We toured all over the Estate, going throughout the fields on the other side of the lake, opposite to the forest. The trees howled and the grass swayed against the wind. My pace alternated from slow walks to hard trots.

When walking, Jenn and I would talk more about our lives and families. We both then would surprise the other by randomly racing off. We sped onward, picking and choosing our paths.

When my gaze turned to the lake, I smiled, eyeing my favorite outcropping. We slowed down, just before it. I leaned over and rested onto my saddle horn. The both of us were panting heavily, as well as our horses. I gently patted Ember’s neck.

I looked up at Jenn, “You never told me that you knew how to ride.”

She grinned, “I’m part of my school's equestrian team. And during the semester, we qualified for state.”

I leaned back, “That’s awesome.”

She smiled, “Thanks,” looking out onto the lake, watching as the water buffeted against the shore, “this place is just amazing.”

I nodded, “This was one of the places I often go when I want to get out of the Manor,” turning to the outcropping, “this is where I met my sister for the first time.” I let out a sigh, leaning back over onto the saddle horn.

Jenn turned to me, “Where else do you like to go and hide?”

I looked to her, “That’s a bit of a secret. That everyone knows about.”

She laughed, “Kinda hard to keep secrets from family huh?”

My smile dimmed, staring out at the lake, sighing heavily, “Yeah, hard.”

Jenn stared at me, “Something wrong? Was…was it something I said.”

Shaking my head, I smiled to her, “Nope, all good. Honest.”

She continued to stare at me, not really convinced, “Girl, I know you’re not telling me the truth. So spill it.”

A lump grew in my throat, but then fizzled out after a hard swallow, “I kept all of this a secret for a year and a half from my birth family. It was difficult at first, but as time passed, it got easier. Hell, when I went on my trip to Japan, I told them I was hiking around the state for a month.”

Jenn sidestepped closer to me, “Wow. I…I didn’t know. I’m sorry if I brought up something bad.”

I smiled to her, “You’re good.”

“You miss them don’t you?”

“There are times when I do,” speaking softly, “but it’s been a full year, and it’s gotten a little easier since.” I looked to her, “This…this still doesn’t creep you out does it?”

She smiled, pulling me into hug, “You are the girl that we all know and love. I could care less about who you were before. Who I see before me is the person that I call my best friend. Everyone feels the same, I’m sure of it.”

My face burned softly, “Thanks Jenn.”

“Don’t worry about it. Besides, you’re all we know about you. Nothing else matters now,” she said holding me tightly to her.

Her words reminded me of the conversation I had with Elizabeth during the flight to London. The coven had fully accepted me and became like a huge extended family to me.

We’re in each other’s lives, always talking, always texting, getting into fights, making up. I never in my life had had so many friends, and they are really my friends.

I was nervous at first, and was hesitant when I first was introduced to them a year ago. But I was completely floored when some of the mothers were quick to introduce me to their sons.

During the summer festival, everyone then embraced me as Rachel’s daughter. There was no doubt that I was fully part of the coven, and they a part of me. So yeah, it still sucks that I wasn’t going to the winter festival next week, but that’s life. And the summer would be here faster than I thought.

Jenn let me go, “Feeling better?”

“I am, thanks.”

She smiled, looking back out onto the lake, “So no mermaids huh?”

I shook my head, “Nope, they’re in Nerazon for the winter. Probably won’t back until mid-February. I think. Never can peg down their schedule.”

She looked to me, “Kinda odd that they can swim to the bottom of the ocean and yet can’t stand winter in a lake.”

Giggling as I gazed at where it actually was, “The grotto gets too cold, and they really don’t stay in there when it does. Plus the lake itself chills faster than the open ocean. Speaking from experience here.”

Jenn grinned, “Any chance that I’d get to see you swimming around like Ariel?”

I smirked, “Yeah not happening.”

She pouted, “Awww, come on. Please?”

Tilting my head, “The water is way too cold. And I don’t think my mom would like it if I came home with a cold.”

She rolled her eyes, “Fine. Maybe I should come back when it’s warmer then. Then you could take me down into the lake.”

I smiled, “Wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

“Any word from that merman who has the hots for you?”

I groaned, “Did you have to bring up Savero?”

She giggled, “Oooh, so you’re on a first name basis with him. Do you think that I’ll ever get to meet him? Of course if he really wants to go out with you he has to get my approval first.”

I smirked at her, “You might want to get in line Jenn.”

She shrugged, “Well, it’s true still. No one gets to my girl without my say so.”

I giggled, “Thanks Jenn.”

She nodded, “Anytime. So where next?”

I leaned back on the saddle, “Let’s so see if Silvi wants to hang out with us.”

“This should be fun. Never got to meet her last year.” She pulled on her reins.

I smiled, leading Ember towards the forest. “Why don’t we go slowly this time? No need to rush, plus I have no idea what my sister might be up to.”

“Sounds good to me. So let’s get going then,” she smiled, turning her horse.

I kicked the side of my horse softly, and off we went.

There is so much about the Estate that you can’t deny it gorgeous. The lake, the open fields, the hills off in the distance, even the Manor sitting as though it were pulled right out of painting, all of it felt like a dream.

Since before living here this was a place that captured my heart, and was never going to let go. One might have go crazy for not leaving a single spot after such a long period of time, for me being the past seven and a half months. But I wasn’t always stuck here. I traveled a lot, but no matter what I would always return here, to my home. And this is my home.

We strolled along the well-trodden path towards the forest, wanting to savor the ride together. The wind breezed against my coat, threatening to cut straight through to the skin. Well it would try.

The cold never really bothers me, even before being able to transform into an ice dragon. One of the best feelings in the world was to have your lungs burn with cold stinging air after a good long run.

A smile rose on my face, taking in long slow breaths. Despite the darkened skies, threatening to pour down onto us, the fact remained that this was a perfect day to gone for a ride. Hell, I’d love to go flying if I had the chance to. But like with all things, it would have to wait.

We entered into the forest, passing by the tree line. It was still, apart from the shifting of the tree branches as the wind blew into them. There would be the occasional sound of rustling birds and the odd animal skirting along the forest floor.

Jenn rode behind me, with Fenris taking the rear. The clog of hooves thudded against the ground. I had gone this exact path a year ago when Rachel and I rode together.

It was nostalgic to say the least, if it weren’t for what happened later on that night. But you have to understand something, and it was only made apparent to me a few months ago.

Some of the times when I rode out onto the Estate, something significant happened shortly after, one case being when I met Beltrok Velkoz and the subsequent duel with Irina. The other was what I just talked about. I don’t equate when I ride a horse to something bad would ever happen, just merely an observation.

The shuffling of leaves cut through the silence. “Whoa, what was that?”

I turned to see a deer walking between the trees. It was a greying buck, fourteen-point in fact, not bad. It stood quiet and still, watching us. I smiled to it. Its dark eyes tracked our movements, ears flicking, scanning for danger.

I turned around to look at her, “Just a deer, old boy too. Wouldn’t put it past Silvi to take him down.”

Jenn looked at me, “As in…hunt him?”

I nodded, “Yep,” looking forward, “we do it all the time together. Fenris too of course.”

“You hunt deer?” she asked, tilting her head.

I nodded again, “Oh yeah. Mostly as a dragon, it’s fun flying through the air and diving into the forest.”

Her eyes blinked in surprise, “And I keep having this image of you as a little princess held up in her castle being attended to by her servants.”

I laughed, “Nope. I’m out here, getting dirty, hands bloodied, and body literally torn to shreds from training.”

Jenn shook her head, “Just wow. I keep learning about all kinds of things about you.” I grinned, pressing forward.

We finally arrived at Silvi’s cave. Smoke billowed from the entrance, floating softly. I hopped off of Ember, landing onto the ground. I pulled out an apple from the saddle bag and fed it to him as I tied the reins to a tree. Jenn did the same, hugging her body, shivering.

I smiled to her, “Let’s head inside. It’ll be warmer than out here obviously,” turning for the cave entrance. She nodded, walk beside me.

The cave walls flickered with the glow of a distant fire. It became warmer the further we went, causing me to undo my coat. I folded it over my arm, now hearing the crackling sounds of a fire. The smell of flesh searing filled my nose, drawing a grin on my face.

“Silvi? You there?” I called out.

The rustling of a seat echoed along the walls, “That you Little Wing?”

I giggled, “Who else would it be Sissy?”

Silvi then came into view, blocking some the light of the fire, smiling to me, “Well hey there.” She then turned to Jenn, “So this is the little guest whose staying with us.”

I giggled, looking to my best friend, “Jenn, this is Sil’vari, my big sister.”

The dragon nodded, “Hello there.”

Jenn swallowed a growing lump in her throat, “Ah…he-hello.”

My sister looked at the girl, “Wait…didn’t you come here last year when Rachel hosted the festival?”

Jenn nodded, “Yes Ma’am.”

Silvi grinned, her fangs glimmered against the flickering fire, “Well it’s good to finally meet you properly.”

Jenn nodded, “Likewise Ma’am.”

My sister chuckled, “Just call me Silvi,” she then looked to me, “taking her on a tour of the Estate, Little Wing?”

I nodded to her, “Yep. Just came from the lake.” I peered behind her, seeing a deer roasting over the fire, “Making some lunch?”

She grinned broadly, “As it happens, I am. Hope you two are hungry.”

Fenris slowly walked into view, tails swishing softly. My sister smirked, “Wanting some of my kill too don’t you pup?”

My bonded huffed, “I do not require your charity, dragon.

Silvi roared with laughter, “No you don’t. But since you are here, might as well join in.” She then directed us to sit around the fire.

I took my usual seat across from the fire pit, with Fenris beside me. Jenn nervously found a spot next to me. I looked to her, “You’ve gone camping right?”

She looked at me, “Of course I have. My dad and I go out in the summer before school starts. I’m not just some city girl who can’t handle the sight of an animal on a spit.”

A grin stretched on my face, “Well that’s good to know,” turning back to the fire, “Silvi and I often spend a lot of time here after flying together, just sitting around the fire, munching on a freshly cooked kill. I even spent a week and half in here.”

“You did?” Jenn asked, looking at me with shock.

I nodded, “Yep. It was when I first transformed into a dragon. Silvi taught me how to hunt and even to fly. It was a great week,” giggled, “and then we sparred with each other as dragons. Now that was amazing.”

Jenn smiled to me, “I’m a little jealous of you Aria. You get to do so much here.”

I blushed, sinking into my seat, “I…didn’t mean to brag so much.”

She shook her head, “You’re fine. It's just who you are and where you live. We all have things we’re proud of. Take me for instance. I live in St. Louis, and the coven members who live there often get together and practice with each other. It’s where I also learned to fly, not as a dragon mind you. I also train with cats…a lot of cats. Kinda stems from the fact that I’m attuned to them. I often think about wanting to transform into one.”

I looked to her, “You could always try to.”

She grinned, “Who says I can’t?”

My eyes grew huge, “Wait, you can transform into a cat girl?”

Jenn chuckled, “Not exactly. I can mimic the appearance and abilities of a werecat, but not full-on transform into one. Haven’t mastered that just yet, working on it.”

I grinned, “When you’re done, can you show me?”

She nodded, “Of course. But you have got to show me your kitsune form again.”

I grinned, “Tonight.”

She smiled, “Awesome.”

The roasting deer turned slowly over the crackling fire, its juices dropped onto the fire, making it sizzle. The aroma was incredible, matching the state of the cooking meat. Silvi shot a small burst of flame onto it, searing the meat. She then took a ladle, which sat in a pot below the deer and drizzled some of its juices onto the meat. Jenn watched curiously as my sister prepared our soon-to-be meal.

The dragon then stuck her finger into the flesh and slid downwards, cutting off part of the ribs, holding it up to us, “Care for some?” Jenn looked to me, finding a smile on my face.

“You take first bite,” looking to her.

She smiled, taking the ribs and ripped off a single rib, biting into it. Her eyes rolled as a gleeful moan rose from her, “Oh wow, this is good.”

I giggled, then seeing Silvi carve off another portion of ribs, and handling it to me. I smiled, nodding to her. I pulled off a piece and bit into it. The dragon then sliced off a hind leg and tossed it to Fenris, who easily caught it.

We sat around the fire and ate, downing the entire deer. Fenris licked his lips, staring at Silvi. She grinned at him, “Raring for a rematch are we?”

His lips curled into a grin, baring his pearl white fangs, “You still claim victory, after your defeat by my claws?

Her grin broadened, “I did not lose to you, little puppy,” her tail scraped loudly against the floor.

I held my head, “Oh no…they’re at it again.”

Jenn turned to me, “What’s going on?”

I looked up at her, already seeing my bonded’s tail fur bristling. “Those two have a bit of a rivalry when it comes to fighting. They love sparring with each other, trying to see who’s stronger.”

She then looked back at the pair, “So your wolf is as strong as a dragon?”

I nodded, “Uldulvan wolves are said to able to take on dragons. That’s what my mom says at least. But you really should see them go at it. Fenris can match her blow for blow, even freezing the air into platforms to run on. I can do the same, but he’s way better at it than me. Same with freezing water while running on it.”

Jenn stared at me, and then back towards the pair. “If I may ask, how old is Fenris?”

I pressed my lips to the side, “I’m guessing around a hundred and thirty, maybe forty. Can’t really tell. Silvi’s over two hundred and fifty, but to dragons that’s like being in your late-twenties, early-thirties. So not that old. But her maturity sometimes wanes to being younger.”

Silvi turned to me, “To me, you’re still very much a hatchling,” grinning.

I giggled, “I know I am. You still have to watch out for the full adults.”

She huffed a couple fire balls from her nostrils, “Give me another fifty years and I’ll match them.”

I giggled, “We’ll see.”

She stepped over to me and ruffled my hair, “Snarky hatchling.” I giggled louder.

Jenn smiled, watching us. She then turned to my sister, “Why do you call her ‘Little Wing’?”

My sister smiled, “It’s a nickname I gave her since she is a little girl and a young dragon.”

I nodded, “I’m called lots of things by different people here on the Estate. Velhemina calls me ‘Little Blossom’, the mermaids all call me ‘Princess’, and the twins call me ‘Big Sister’. But everyone else calls me ‘Young Miss’.”

Jenn giggled, “So you’re called ‘Princess’?”

I nodded, blushing softly, “Yeah…I am.”

She then laughed, “Wow, now that’s gonna be something that everyone has got to hear. Even though we know you basically are a princess already, hearing you being called that is just priceless.” I blushed even more, slumping my head into my hands.

We spent the next hour talking with Silvi. It was really nice seeing my sister and best friend talking to each other. The two rambled on and on about everything and anything. Fenris sat beside me. His shadow softly flickered with the fire. I leaned up against him, resting my head on his fur.

A cold wind then breezed into the cave, catching the fire with it. My sister looked up towards me, “You two should go ahead and hurry on back to the Manor. I’m guessing the weather it about the change for the worst soon.” We nodded to her and stood up.

I smiled to her, “Thanks for lunch Silvi.”

She smiled to me, “Anytime Little Wing,” she then looked to Jenn, “it was a pleasure meeting you properly Jennifer.”

Jenn smiled, “You as well Silvi.”

She and I then turned for the entrance. Fenris bobbed his head towards my sister, swishing his tails softly. She nodded in response, smiling at him.

Once outside, the air definitely had gotten even colder. I quickly threw on my coat, bundling up. The wind slammed against me, cut straight through my clothing, feeling worse than before.

Fenris, of course, was unfazed by the changing temperature. Jenn wrapped her arms around her body, shivering. We ran to our horses, untying and mounting them. Without uttering a word, we charged out from Silvi’s cave, cutting into the heart of the forest.

The path wasn’t hard to follow, easily seeing the exit within a few short minutes. Upon leaving the forest, the Manor was clearly in sight. The three of us galloped hard through the fields as tiny bits of snow began to prickle our faces. I looked up to see that the sky had grown even darker while we were visiting with Silvi.

I giggled loudly, “Looks like it's gonna snow tonight.”

Jenn looked over to me, “Looks that way.”

We both smiled to each other, then looking back towards the Manor. Part of me hoped that it wouldn’t snow too badly. Fun fact about the South, even an inch of snow will shut down everything, schools, businesses, anything.

I remember whenever it snowed as a kid I’d watch the TV, hoping to see if schools were out. But what I was worried about was if the mall was going to be closed tomorrow. This would put a bit of a damper on our plans to go shopping.

The stable finally came into view. The gates to the corral were already open and standing by it was Lucayan. I smiled as we then crossed into the corral, hearing the stable master closing the gate behind us. I slowed Ember into a stop, circling the fence to burn off some speed. Jenn and I both were huffing and panting as we sat there.

The stable master calmly walked over to us, grabbing the reins from our hands, “I hope you enjoyed your rides young ladies, despite having to cut it short.”

I nodded, “It was.”

Jenn nodded, “That was so much fun. And yeah, kinda sucked having to come back.”

He nodded to us, “That is good to hear,” turning to me, “her Ladyship has asked once the two of you returned to join her in the parlor.”

I smiled, dismounting from Ember. Jenn did the same, hopping to the ground. I walked to the front of my horse, stroking his neck, “I’ll see you later.”

He stared at me with dark soulful eyes, batting my chest with his face. I giggled softly, petting him. I looked over to Jenn, “Ready to head in?” She nodded. I turned back to the stable master, “See you later Master Lucayan.”

He bowed his, “Take care Young Miss.” I smiled, and spun, heading for the Manor.

The snowfall had begun to pick slightly, which casted even more worry about our plans to go shopping. I really didn’t want it to. As much as I love the snow, this was not the best time for it to happen. I grumbled to myself as I stepped back onto the veranda.

The thumping of heavy paws on wood made my look over to see Fenris already walking up to the door, having shrunk down to the size of a large dog. I smiled, seeing him padding along the deck. The doors then slowly opened, seeing Abigale and Bianca waiting for the three of us.

They bowed softly, “Welcome back Young Ladies. Her Ladyship awaits you both in the parlor.”

Smiling to them, “Thank you,” slowing for a moment, “I’m guessing fresh coffee is waiting for us?”

She nodded, “That would be correct Young Miss.” I smiled, looking to Bianca, who curled a soft smile to me.

I grinned at her, knowing that the coming storm was a welcomed change for the glacie. I nodded to her and headed inside, walking straight for the parlor.

Lights and shadows flickered and danced as the sound of yet another fire echoed in the parlor. I smiled seeing Rachel sitting on the couch with a pot, cups, and sweets placed onto the table.

She looked up to us, “Did the both of you have a good time together?”

I turned to Jenn and smiled, “We did. But I think the weather had other ideas for the day.” My mother nodded, pouring hot steaming coffee into each of the porcelain cups.

Jenn and I grabbed a seat and picked up a cup. The warm and bitter aroma of the coffee filled my nose, replacing the cold which had wrapped itself around me.

The fireplace flickered and cracked with a small pyre of flame. I leaned back into my seat, pulling my legs under me, taking a sip. Sitting in the parlor, holding a warm cup in hands, listening to the fire crackle, it was one of the best scenes one could imagine in the winter. After the winter festival last year, Rachel and I spent a few nights simply relaxing together here.

It was also where I spent my first Christmas with her. The parlor was one of many special places I loved sitting in, often taking an afternoon nap after whatever I had been doing during the day.

Jenn looked around the room, seeing the various art pieces and pictures that dotted the room. The windows buckled slightly as the wind howled against it. Fenris took his usual seat beside me, lying down onto the floor, tails curled around him.

“You guys really have a beautiful home,” spoke Jenn.

Rachel smiled, “Why thank you Jennifer. From what Aria has told me, your home is equally as lovely.”

Jenn traced the rim of her cup, looking to me, “She would say that,” smiling.

I giggled softly, “You really do have a nice house Jenn. It’s big, definitely bigger than some of the houses I used to live in.”

She nodded, “And I do love it there. But this place…I just can’t get over its scale. Reminds me of Miriam’s house in Seattle.”

I tapped my cup, “I miss seeing her, and I won’t get to until next summer.”

Jenn grinned, “Yeah, all of the kids miss Grandma.”

I smirked, “So I’m not the only one who thinks of her of a grandmother?”

She chuckled, “Oh yeah, she acts like that to everyone. I think she likes the idea of being a grandmother to all of us.”

Rachel beamed, “That is because she does indeed view all of you as her grandchildren. She loves watching over the children, despite being from afar. Each time our coven grows, she sees it as her family growing ever larger,” looking to me, “she felt the same for you my love. Even before you truly became mine.”

I blushed softly, remembering the phone call I had with her when Rachel adopted me.

Miriam cu Callen is one of the three elders who lead the coven. I have yet to meet the other two, but I’ve heard that they were equally as excited when they learned of my adoption. I did hear a rumor that one of the two was actually a fae noble, who often stayed in contact with Titania.

The other well…I really have no idea who or even what the third elder is. What I do know is they are easily over a thousand years old and could rival anyone in terms of magical power, both real and legend. So dragon perhaps, fae, or whatever, who knows.

We sat quietly for a moment, sipping coffee and downing the sweets. I knocked my neck, feeling the joints popping, releasing the tension that had built up during the ride.

I peered out the window, catching the faint sight of the greenhouse’s glass roof. Another person I missed seeing was Velhemina. Since going into hibernation, the alraune had completely closed herself off from the world around her.

The snow then began to fall even more outside, slowly collecting at the window. I rested my head back against the seat, still hoping that it really didn’t all that bad. I wanted to spend the day shopping with Jenn.

She looked over to me, “Do you remember the winters back from when you lived in St. Louis?”

I nodded to her, slowly turning the cup in my hands, “Yep, they were among the most bitter I had ever been through. Mainly ’cause the wind would blow off of the Mississippi and just freeze everything.”

She nodded, “Yep, that’s home all right,” smiling softly, “it’s supposed to snow doing the winter festival this year.”

I giggled, “It snowed here just before Christmas.”

I peered over to my mother, grinning, remembering the snowball fight we had together. Rachel smiled to me, seemingly recalling it as well. Right after the festival was Christmas and I completely let all of the pain and sorrow I had felt fade away.

The festival helped immensely, but Christmas was when it all just didn’t matter. She and I were just mother and daughter, even before it became official.

Then clock chimed four times, signaling 4:00 p.m.. I placed my cup onto the table and stood up, stretching. Rachel smiled softly, “Retiring to your room sweetheart?”

Nodding to her, I smiled, “Yeah…wanna take a nap for a while.”

She nodded, “Well then I won’t stop you.”

I walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her, “See you at dinner?”

She placed a kiss onto my cheek, “I shall see you then. It’ll be made in a couple of hours, so do rest up.”

I grinned, “Yes Ma’am,” peering up at Jenn, who too was already standing, ready to go. I let go of my mother and headed for the door.

When Jenn and I returned to my room, I quickly tossed my coat onto a waiting rack and plopped onto my bed. It then shook as my bonded hopped onto the bed, nudging my head. I turned and looked up into his ice-blue eyes. I smiled, rolling onto my back, peering up at him.

The bed then shook again as Jenn sat beside me. “Good day huh?”

I smirked, “Yep. Just hope it’s not that bad of a storm; still wanna go shopping with you.”

She smiled, “I do too. Even if it does snow just a little, it should be open for Christmas shopping.”

I smiled, “I hope so.” I rolled onto my side, curling up on the bed.

She leaned closer, “So do you think I can see you as a kitsune again?” I grinned to her.

Part of me wanted to say no, too tired. But the other side said, “Oh what the hell.”

I blinked softly as pinkish-blonde flowed down my hair. Fox ears rose from the sides of my head and eight long and puffy fox tails wrapped around my body.

Jenn’s mouth dropped as she stared at me. “Wow…just…wow. I love your eyes. I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing you like this.”

I grinned, knowing she was looking at my golden eyes. My tails swished and flopped softly on the bed. She leaned over and slowly reached for one. I grinned, placing into her hand.

Jenn softly stroked the fur, causing me to blush. “I know you really love this form.”

I nodded, “Yep, it’s the one I mostly am from time to time.”

She smiled to me, “You really are pretty like this. You know that right?” My cheeks burned even more. I had been given the same compliment by many in the past, most recently by Master Andriy.

I pulled my legs in tighter to my chest, wrapping my tails around me into a cocoon of sorts. Jenn laughed softly, “Want me to leave so you can take your nap?”

I shook my head, “You can stay if you want.”

She nodded, lying down beside me, hand still holding onto my tail. My eyes grew heavy, feeling my body sinking into the bed. The lights seemed to dim around us. I let out a timid yawn, letting myself fade into sleep.

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