Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 31: An unexpected visitor

I finally remembered the huge stack of models, anime, and manga that I gotten from Asha for my birthday. So…after that crazy dream I had the previous night, I felt the urge to tackle it.

I got up early and opened the crate. I set it aside in a corner for the past two months, and seemingly forgot about it. Which sort of pisses me off.

Normally whenever I buy anything related to my hobbies, I tend to sit down and knock them out right away. But in my defense, I have been busy over the past couple months since my birthday.

I had completed a few of the series and one model. Not my best effort. So I set a goal to get through everything before the spring. Because if I didn’t, I’d be bogged down with what was to happen in the next five months, and would more than likely have to wait until the summer to get into it. So yeah…time to turn and burn.

I pulled out a model and an anime series. The model was a Frame Arms kit, the fifth one for my collection. I placed the first disc of the series into my player and turned on my TV. I sat back down at “Model” and started it. With something playing into the background, I began on the model.

I lifted the lid off of the box and pulled out all of the runners and instruction booklet. The kit would be a challenge, like all the others before it. A grin rose on my face as I snipped the first part from the tree.

Something you need to understand about me when it comes to model building. Whenever I begin a build, I become so completely and utterly focused on it that nothing around me can distract me.

The series playing acted as background noise, but I would pay attention to it. With my entertainment in place, the timer ticking, and my mind set on the goal, I forged ahead.

With my mind so engrossed in the build, I didn’t even notice that my door had opened. Not a real shocker there. The series I was watching ended and I switched to my headphones for more background stimulus.

I yelped as someone yanked hard on my hair. Not strong enough to cause me to fall backwards, but enough to hurt.

I looked to see Rachel standing before me, “There are times when I regret giving you those.”

I blushed, pulling down the headphone around my neck. My mother sighed exasperatedly but smiled, “You have a guest sweetheart.”

I tilted my head in confusion, only to see a figure standing behind her. My eyes grew wide with surprise, with my mouth dropping, “Jenn?”

The blonde-headed girl smiled, “Hey girl.”

I rose from my chair and walked over to her, grinning, “Long time no see.”

She leaned over, “Girl, that is like the most beyond “duh” thing that you have ever said.” I giggled. Two of us pulled each other into a tight embrace.

She grunted, squeezing me tightly, “It’s so good to see you.”

I giggled, “You too. When did you get here?”

She pulled back slightly, “Just now. When you and your mom said that you weren’t coming to the festival, it made a few people a little angry with you.”

I rolled my eyes, “Look, I know everyone was expecting to see me, but I’ve had a busy year…again.”

Jenn smirked, “Yeah, we figured that part out quick. So we decided to let it go. But there is no way in hell that you are missing the summer gathering.”

I grinned, “Oh, I know.”

“I will remind you that no one is going to let it slide if you hold out on us like you did six months ago.”

I grinned, “Yeah, yeah. But this time I might surprise everyone.”

Jenn flicked my forehead, “We shall see, oh shrimpy one.” I giggled, rubbing my forehead.

Of all the teenagers within the Coven, I was the shortest. Even with my “growth spurt”, (yes I did confirm that I grew a couple of inches since last year) I was still smaller than everyone. She smiled, pulling me into another hug. I smiled.

“So why are you here?”

Jenn smiled, “Well getting back to when I heard that you both weren’t coming, I practically begged my dad to let me come visit you. Apart from the one night last year, I really haven’t gotten to see your home. And since you came to visit me, I figured I’d do the same. So here I am.” I grinned.

She nodded, “But the catch is that I have to leave the day before the festival. Which means I only get about four days to spend with you.”

I grinned, “That’s not that big of a deal.”

She laughed, “Oh yes it is. I’m here with you and that is always a big deal.”

This was great, I get to have Jenn here for a few days and show her around my home. And there was plenty we could do together. Having my best friend visiting me was the best thing that could happen, that and seeing Marron again.

“Well, I shall let the two of you catch up,” said my mother, “I will have some tea and sweets brought up for you both.”

I nodded to her, “Thanks Rachel.” She smiled, walking passed us and exiting my room.

Jenn and I headed over to the couch and plopped down onto it. “You’re still not calling her ‘Mother’ yet are you?”

I drew my legs into my chest and hugged them. A soft sigh let loose from under a hold breath, shaking my head, “No…not yet.” The girl sitting across from me leaned over on the couch.

I looked to her, resting my chin onto my knees, “She is my mom, and there’s no doubt whatever in my mind that she is. And I love her more than anything in this world. When she adopted me she even admitted to saying that I didn’t have to call her ‘Mother’ right away. But…”

Jenn smiled softly to me, “Something’s holding you back. Perhaps a lingering feeling from your old life?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “Maybe…I don’t know. Maybe I’m a little scared to do it.”

She scooted closer to me, pulling me against her. “It’s okay to be a little scared, you know that right?” I nodded, laying my head against her. “And you’re right, whether you call her Mom or not doesn’t change the fact that she is.”

I smiled softly, feeling my cheek blush. Jenn took up my hand and laced her fingers into mine, holding it tightly. “I really have missed you girl. You know our parents talk as much as we do?” I shook my head.

She smiled, “Well they do. I was so jealous that I didn’t get to go with you to Italy. I heard you had a good time there, even taming the little demons.”

I giggled, “Susie just wanted a big sister.”

Jenn giggled as well, “You seem to have that effect on people.”

I sighed happily against my friend. She and I had grown closer faster than most when we first met each other last year. Though not formal members, we were still both sisters within the coven but also extremely close friends.

We shared more secrets than most would, and kept much more from everyone. The only person I shared a bond stronger with, other than my mother was Marron.

She squeezed my hand tighter, actually feeling her pulse within her palm. It made me blush softly.

She let go of my hand and looked up, turning her head, scanned my room. “You really do love anime don’t you?”

I giggled, “A little.”

She rose off the couch and wandered my room, eyeing the models that lined one of my bookcases, “You seriously built all of these?”

I turned on the couch, sitting on my knees and nodded, “Yep. Built, painted, and logged.”

She shook her head, then gently picked up on, holding one in her hand. I watched as she gently moved the model’s arms around, playing with it.

I grinned, “Thinking about putting one together yourself?”

She looked to me, “Not really my thing,” placing the model back onto the shelf. Jenn then turned towards my bed, plopping onto it. I giggled, following after her.

“Girl, this bed is insanely huge. Even my parents don’t have a bed this big.” I grinned, laying my stomach. Jenn rolled over and smiled to me.

I looked to her, “So how are your parents and your little brother?”

She nodded, “All are good. My mom still would love to have you back with us. Hell I do.” I giggled.

She smiled, “She talked to Miss Aitchison, who also wants you to visit her.” I blushed softly.

Part of me still didn’t like the fact that everyone was so interested in seeing me. I really would like nothing more than to just live on the Estate in peace. But in reality that was never going to happen.

Fenris then popped into the room. I looked over and watched as he climbed into bed, lying down in front of me. I giggled, draping myself over his side, fingers raking through his fur.

Jenn laughed, reaching out to him, “Hey there Mister Wolf.”

His tails swished softly on the bed as he angled his head to her, pressing his muzzle into her face. She smiled, stroking his muzzle.

I then peered over her shoulder, seeing a tiny little nearly-transparent cat resting on her shoulder. “I’m guessing that the little guy there on your shoulder is your familiar.”

Jenn looked up and nodded, “That she is.”

Fenris did nothing when he saw it. Even the cat didn’t do much of anything, aside from walking down Jenn’s shoulder and towards him. We both smiled at them.

“So hey, what would you like to do?”

Jenn looked up at me, tapping her lips, “No idea.”

I giggled, “Wanna go horseback riding tomorrow?”

Her eyes lit up, “You’re kidding right?”

I smirked, “Nope. You can ride can’t you?”

Jenn sat up on my bed, looking hurt, “Of course I can.”

I grinned, “Okay then. We could leave after breakfast.” She nodded slowly.

My arms rested on Fenris’ back, laying my head onto them. “There’s a lot to do on the Estate, and in town as well. Shopping of course, but in Barton Creek Park they also have the Trail of Lights we could go to.” My voice trailed off, turning my head towards the wall.

Jenn looked up at me, “You’ve got something on your mind.”

I sighed, nodding, “In three short months I’ll be in Japan for two. Living there and training.”

She looked at me, “That’s awesome. With how much you love anime, that should be perfect.”

I nodded, “Just getting more nervous the closer it gets. And I still have to get through something else before I do.”

Jenn tilted her head, hair draping off to the side, “Like what?”

I let out a sigh, “I have to go back to school, at least for half a semester. It was the deal I made with my mom back in the summer.”

She nodded, “It’s scary isn’t…having to go back.”

Jenn and many others were aware of who I used to be, which originally was supposed to be a secret. But I learned that rumors had been circulating about me, which all turned out to be true.

But it didn’t matter to anyone who I once was. In fact it was never an issue. I am Rachel Rivenfeld’s daughter, first and foremost.

I nodded, “Yeah…but I just hope it ends fast.”

Jenn crawled over to me, looking into my eyes with hers, “Girl, just stay strong. You’ll get through it.”

I smiled to her, “Thanks Jenn.” She grinned.

A knock on the door snapped us back. “Come in.”

The door then opened and walked in Lyra, pushing a small cart. “Her Ladyship asked that I bring your tea, young misses.”

I smiled to her, “Thanks Lyra.”

The valkyrie smiled, placing cups onto my table, pouring steaming tea into each of them, setting the pot onto a small tile. She finally placed a small carousel onto the table, lifting up the cover revealing numerous small cakes and other assorted sweets.

Lyra then turned and bowed to me, “Enjoy, young misses,” she then turned to me, “remember that our lessons are suspended as well until the weather turns warmer.”

I giggled to her, “Yes ma’am.” She smiled, and then pushed the cart out of the room, closing the doors behind her.

Jenn looked to me, “Lessons?”

I giggled, “Lyra is my sword master.”

She looked to me, raising an eyebrow, “Your…sword master?”

I nodded, sliding off my bed, “Silvi and my mom started with me first, then Lyra asked to take over and the rest is history.”

Jenn shook her, walking to the table as well. She eyed the swords that rested on the sword stand, smirking, and then sat down. I pulled a cake onto a plate, handing it to her.

She smiled, “Thanks.” I smiled.

She took a bite and swooned over the flavor, “Oh God…you get to enjoy this every day?”

I giggled, “Not every day, usually my teatime sweets are cookies. I’m guessing Rachel wanted to make this a little nicer.”

Jenn grinned, taking another bite, “Oh, you talked about doing some shopping. I’m guessing there some good malls around here in Austin?”

I nodded, “Well downtown we’ve got Barton Springs Mall, the Domain, Hill Country Galleria, and then there’s Lake-…” I hesitated, holding the warm cup in my hands.

The final mall that came to mind was one which held a somewhat special place in my heart. Jenn looked at me, seeing the melancholy in my face.

“Wherever this last mall is, must be something if you don’t want to mention. Which fine by me, we don’t have to go there then.”

I nodded, taking a sip, “Thanks Jenn.”

Jenn smiled, finishing off her cake, “Oh…” swallowing, “think I could get to meet some of the others that live here? Like I never got to last year, plus I would love to get a tour of your house. This place is just ginormous.”

I giggled, “Well the tour is no problem, but as for meeting the others…you’re a little outta luck on that front.”

She cocked her head to me grinning, “Not wanting to share them with others?”

I smirked, “Nope. It’s just that some are away or indisposed.”

She leaned in closer, looking unconvinced. I smiled softly, “The dryads that live in the forest and my aunt are all hibernating for one thing. I think the main kobold family is in France for the next month. The gossip spends the winter in Nerazon. And Silvi is…well we could see if she’s willing come out and see us. She hates the cold.”

Jenn slumped back into her chair, “Well that sucks.”

My shoulders shrugged, “The downside of living in a fairy tale kingdom is that you are still bound by the laws of nature.”

She smirked, “And you are its princess.” I blushed, nodding.

We spent the next hour talking about her life. Her dad had been promoted to chief of surgery at the hospital, which was awesome of course. Her mom had since gone back to work, but took her little brother with.

Jenn herself was starting the process of looking into colleges, but admitted she wished that high school would last another year for her. I harshly fought back the urge to spew out my experiences in high school, all three of them in fact.

Jenn was also now driving her first car, a birthday gift that she had gotten shortly after I visited her, and then told me that she drove past my old school, and found it charming. I blushed, bundling myself up tightly. She loved the freedom of her car, something I knew all too well of.

When she brought up visiting her the next time, she mentioned doing a lot more while I was there. I smiled, wanting to revisit a couple old haunts.

When I changed the subject to her boyfriend she told me that they were still going steady, no plans of yet. I did meet him once while I was there.

Really cute boy, jock through and through, baseball. But the guy decided to insert himself in when Jenn and I were out shopping at the Galleria.

He too wasn’t alone, having a cadre of other boys with him. Her boyfriend playfully flirted with me, but something about him reminded me about Drakon, only younger and nowhere near as refined.

Oh god…did I just give Drakon Velkoz a compliment? Crap.

Anyway, Jenn quickly told him off, but sort of left me at the mercy of his friends. I had forgotten how teenage boys would sometimes act around girls, nothing perverted, at least one would hope. But boys will be boys.

They all hit on me, asking if I’d like to go out on a date with them. I sighed rolled my eyes at them.

Heh, they didn’t even notice that Fenris was sitting next to me, looking like a large black dog. That changed when he gave a low gruff bark at them. The boys looked down at him.

He didn’t growl or snarl at them, just stared with his ice-blue eyes. He easily took on the role of being my “dad” in that moment, making sure that the boys treated me with a little respect.

Well, they got the message and backed off. Jenn finally pulled away from her boyfriend and we both left.

We finished our snack, with Jenn groaning as she stretched. “Wanna go on that tour?” I asked, placing my cup onto the saucer.

She smiled, “Sure.” I smiled to her. We got up and left my room.

I basically took Jenn on the same tour that Rachel had done the first time I visited her. I felt like a kid, wanting to show off everything to her, but…restrained myself.

I took her to the conservatory, blushingly telling her that this was where my mother taught me. She quickly ran over to the swing and sat into it. I watched as she swayed softly on it.

Jenn looked around, seeing the telltale signs of my lessons, with tiny pockmarks where a few spells had veered off and struck the walls. Not the proudest shots I had made. I still love the conservatory, a fact that I made subtly clear, leaning against one of the gazebo’s columns, eyes trailing off.

She walked over me, and snapped me from my daze. I keep forgetting how tall she is when compared to me, at least five to seven inches. I smiled as we then left the room.

Our path took us along the back-end of the Manor. The sun was slowly setting off in the distance, with the sky beginning to darken.

The soft gentle coolness of night was evident in the coming night sky, with the first stars twinkling up above. The hallways and corridors slowly drew shades of soft ambers and blues with the setting of the sun.

Again, this was my favorite time of the day if I were to be out of my room. I had always loved how the colors of the walls changed during waning hours. I Jenn to one corner of the Manor where I often would come to relax of my room felt too stuffy.

It was a small portion of the second floor that contained couches, chairs, and a small table. Windows surrounded the seating area, which overlooked the Estate.

We stayed there for a moment, watching the sun completely fade into the hills. Jenn and I then turned and left, venturing back down the hallways.

A gentle wave of nostalgia flowed into my mind, seeing the opening to the ballroom up ahead. My heartbeat was steady, but still thumped within my chest. Memories of a night that I would never forget played out in my mind.

When we exited out into the ballroom, Jenn looked down onto the floor, “Whoa. This brings back memories, doesn’t it?”

I nodded, streaking my hand along the railing, still hearing Rachel’s voice as she introduced me to the Coven. In my mind, I saw the floor crowded with hundreds of people dressed in formal attire, all staring up at me as I strolled from out of the shadows.

My face still blushed, gazing upon those in attendance, some of whom were to become my best friends. She and I then descended the stairs. Again my hand streaked down the railing, recalling how nervous I was.

The distant muted sounds of the orchestra still echoed of the walls. The weight of hundreds of eyes were still ever present as the memories replayed in my mind.

When we reached the bottom floor, the moon was now shining brightly through the tall windows. I knelt down and took a seat on the second-to-last step. Jenn did the same, only on the step above me. The ballroom was dark apart from the glow of the moon.

Memories of people dancing and dancing with each other flooded into my mind. I looked to the middle of the floor and with a soft blushing smile, watching Rachel and I dance together. While she and I had danced earlier in the day, this was the first time we had done it as future mother and daughter.

Granted, her adopting me wouldn’t happen for another couple months. But in that moment, it was the first of many steps we took that led to my becoming her real daughter and her my mother. It's moments like those you treasure for the rest of your life.

Jenn scooted down to my step and sat beside me. I smiled, looking up at her. This was where I first met her and we became friends. It was great having her here with me.

“I can still remember that night fairly well," she started. "How you were guarded and reserved around us. It took you a while to finally break out of that shell and once you did, you turned out to be just an amazing girl. And folded in with the rest of us.” I blushed.

She was right. I basically was on edge for a short portion of the night. It took Jenn and the others for me lower my guard and simply enjoy the festival as a whole. All doubts and worries faded away as the night dragged on, and I was happy and glad.

Fenris sat in front of me, staring out the window, and gazing at the moon. I smiled softly, as it had been nearly a year since he came into my life.

You have to marvel at how the massive wolf knew the best way to make an entrance. Just bursting through my balcony door, freezing winds and snow whirling around him, soft glowing eyes against a sea of dark fur, it almost made him look ethereal. Especially with a huge bright full moon in front of him.

My hand stretched out to him, softly grabbing a tuff of his fur. The wolf turned and stared of me, eyes glittering with the gentleness of a father that he had so lovingly become. I smiled to him, watching him turn back to gazing out the windows.

The ballroom then slowly lit up around us. “Well good evening little ones,” hearing a voice echoing from behind us.

We turned to see Xiphos standing at the top of the staircase. I smiled to him, “Good evening Professor, out for a stroll?”

He nodded to me, “That I am, Little Scholar.”

The old sphinx then leapt from the top of the staircase and gently glided down the bottom floor. His flowing white beard swayed softly. His leonine body rippled as he landed onto the marble flooring. Caring and wistful eyes stared at the both of us as his massive eagle-like wings folded around him.

I smiled to him, “What can we do for you Professor?”

Xiphos padded over to us, “I heard that a guest had arrived and wished to meet her. Little did I know that our guest had already visited us before.” I nodded to him, turning to Jenn who sat openmouthed and dumbfounded.

Giggling I reached up and closed her mouth, “Jenn, this is Xiphos. He is the master of the library, Loreian, and my tutor. So we call him Professor out of respect.”

She nervously nodded, “It…it’s nice to meet you Sir.”

The sphinx bowed his head to her, “And you as well, young Bigsby. I do hope that you enjoy your stay here with us. The little scholar certainly will benefit from the company, given the anniversary.” Her eyebrow curled, looking to me. I sighed, hugging my legs.

Jenn's eyes then grew huge, “Oh…oh wow. Umm…I can’t…even.”

I chuckled timidly, “It's okay, but thank you. Attending the festival last year, and meeting all of you really helped me get through it.”

She leaned over and wrapped her arms around me, squeezing tightly. Xiphos looked to Fenris, bowing his head, greeting my bonded who in turn did the same.

Jenn then looked Xiphos, “Well, I never thought I’d get to meet a sphinx. I won’t have to answer any riddles do I?”

He laughed, sounding like an old grandfather, “No my dear, you won’t have to do anything. Unless you wish for a research assignment, of which I’d happy give one to you.”

Jenn shook her head, “No thank you sir.”

Xiphos smiled, padding closer to us. He lifted a paw and rested it on my head, “Your thoughts are at peace little one. That is good.”

I smiled to him, blushing softly, “Thank you Professor.”

His smile warmed, turning again to Jenn, “You seemed disappointed in not being able to meet the others who reside here on the Estate.” Jenn looked to me eyes as huge as baseballs.

I giggled, “Sphinxes are telepaths.”

She looked to him, “Y-yes sir.”

He nodded to her, “Well, I am certain they too will be disappointed that they were unable to do so as well. They revel in the idea of meeting the friends of their Young Miss. Although I suspect Sil’vari should still be available.”

I giggled, “I’m gonna take Jenn to meet her tomorrow.”

The sphinx nodded, “Good, I am certain your sister shall enjoy it.”

Jenn was obviously nervous; in fact this mirrored how I was when I first came to visit the Estate nearly two years ago. Geez, can’t believe it’s been that long already. Time really does fly. Now the roles were reversed.

Here I stood, or sat, the host of a visitor. I was going to show them around my home, taking them to see where I lived. It felt great. While she wasn’t going to get to meet everyone that I did, she’d still get to go around and see what I know as home.

Xiphos then craned his head towards the one of the conjoining hallways, “Little one, I believe that your mother might be calling you for dinner.”

I smiled to him, “Thank you Professor.”

He smiled, looking to Jenn, “Once more, it is a pleasure to formally meet you young lady. Do enjoy your time here with us.”

She smiled, “Thank you sir.” The sphinx nodded, before turning to walk away.

I stood up and looked to Jenn, who already was standing. “Hungry?”

She nodded, “Oh yeah.” I smirked, leaping to the floor. The three of us then left the ballroom.

Rachel was sitting in the dining room, waiting for us. She raised her head and smiles as we walked in, “I hope you enjoyed the tour of our home Jennifer.”

Jenn nodded, “I did Lady Rivenfeld.”

My mother smiled softly, “That is good to hear. I hope you two are hungry.”

Jenn smiled, “Yes ma’am.” She and I then walked to the left side of Rachel, taking our seats.

Rachel looked to me, “Go ahead girls, eat your fill.” We smiled, pulling the covers from our plates and began to eat.

During the meal, Rachel peered upwards to us, “I assume the two of you made plans together.” I looked to Jenn, who nodded.

I turned back to my mother, “I’m gonna take her horseback riding tomorrow and show her the Estate. And we thought about going shopping.”

My mother nodded, “It would appear as though you have the beginnings of a good plan. The weather for tomorrow will be cold so do bundle up.” We nodded to her.

She then smiled, “As for shopping, obviously you wish to travel to a mall.”

I chuckled, “Yeah, we…discussed it.”

She nodded, “Good,” looking to me, “are you thinking of traveling ‘there’?”

I sighed, leaning back into my seat, “Not…sure. It’s not too far away, but it might feel awkward going back there.”

She nodded, “I understand sweetheart.”

Jenn perked up, “Which mall are you two referring to?”

Rachel looked to me, to which I nodded. “The mall we are speaking of is Lakeline Mall. Aria is correct in saying that it isn’t too far away from the Estate, but it is close to where she used to live, extremely close in fact.” I sighed.

Ever since I moved to the Estate, and even during the spring semester, I hadn’t been back to the area. It wasn’t home anymore and still possessed far too many memories. Plus it was part of my old life, a life that wasn’t mine anymore.

Jenn looked to me, “Ok so not there, you said there were other malls we can go to. Why not just go to them instead?”

I nodded, “Haven’t been to the Galleria in a long time. Plus it’s just down the road, and Christmas shopping will be in full swing, but who cares.”

Jenn smiled, “We have a destination then.”

I giggled, “Yep.” My mother smiled, resuming her meal.

After dinner, I slumped back into chair, letting out a soft yawn. Rachel leaned over and smiled, “I know it’s rather early, but why don’t you go ahead and retire for the evening.”

I nodded, “Yeah, long day tomorrow. My butt is going to need the rest.”

My mother shot me a glance, “Be mindful of your language at the dinner table young lady.”

I giggled, “Yes ma’am.”

She smiled, “Good, now off to your room.” I slid back in the chair, with Jenn doing the same.

She turned and smiled to my mother, “Have a good night my Lady.”

Rachel smiled, “And to you as well Jennifer.”

I looked to her, “Night Rachel.”

“Goodnight Aria.”

We smiled to her and left the dining room.

Jenn and I ascended the stairs and walked back towards my room. I opened the door and watched as Fenris sauntered inside. The wolf then hopped onto my bed, curling up onto it. I smirked, shaking my head.

We piled onto the bed, with me draping myself over the wolf’s back. Jenn took the other side. She picked up the plush doll that laid there and hugged it to her. I laid my head onto Fenris’ side, feeling the coolness of his fur kiss my cheek. I smiled, stroking him.

It wasn’t really that late, but today was a good one. I smiled to Jenn, still accepting the fact that she was here. I have few friends outside of the Estate and with most being with the Coven.

We had a good time walking around the Manor, reminiscing about the night she and I met, and catching up. My body slumped even deeper onto Fenris, now feeling even more exhausted.

Jenn smiled, leaning over and flicked my forehead, “Wow, you get tired easy.”

I groaned at her, rubbing it, “Well, you look like you’re about to drop off yourself.”

She smirked, “Nah, I’m good. I do have to keep up with an infant after all.”

I grinned, seeing her let out a yawn, “Liar.”

She giggled, “Well, maybe I should head to bed. Your mom gave me a room so I’m gonna head there.”

I nodded, “Have a good night Jenn, still happy that you’re here.”

She nodded, sliding off the bed, “Same here Aria. Night.”

“Night.” I watched as she then slowly left the room, closing the door behind her.

I rolled off of Fenris and lied onto the bed. My eyes stared at the ceiling, listening to the soft whirl of the fan above. Aside from the fact that yeah, the entire day was amazing, I had my best friend here in my house. I grinned, mind swooning with ideas and thoughts of what we could do together.

So tomorrow we were gonna go horseback riding and I’d show her the Estate. I trained a half-open eye onto Fenris. His head lied on the bed, eyes staring straight at me. He obviously didn’t like the idea of me riding Ember in the morning.

I grinned to the wolf, knowing that he always preferred having me ride on him instead. Can’t lie, but I like doing it as well.

The room slowly dimmed, seeing Fenris being the one lowering the lights. A small grin rose on my face. Eyes grew heavier the more I let myself wander off into thought. Without realizing it, I have dozed off.

The next morning I woke up to the gentle sounds of the wind rattling against the doors to the balcony. My eyes slowly opened and turned my head to it.

With a whining groan, I rolled onto my side and off of my bed. I staggered over the bathroom, stretching my body. The shower then spouted to life, with hot steaming water pouring it. I stripped and hopped in.

A few minutes later, I emerged and dried myself off. All of my actions were done pretty much on autopilot, having gone through the ritual dozens of times over. apark then rocketed into my mind. I grinned broadly.

Giggling, I opened my wardrobe and pulled out some clothes, throwing them on, jeans, boots, long-sleeve shirt, and duffle coat. I pulled off the scarf I got from Asha last year and a hat. Draping the coat and scarf over my arm, I turned for the door.

A good day was coming, and I was looking forward to it. Fenris was already standing at the door, waiting for me. I smiled to the wolf, opening it. The two of us then headed down for the breakfast room.

Rachel was already sitting down and sipping on a cup of coffee. I smiled to her, “Morning.”

She smiled to me, “Good morning sweetheart, I do hope you had a restful night.” I nodded to her, reaching for some toast.

She flipped a page of the newspaper she was reading, “Master Lucayan is ready for to both of you to arrive at the stables.”

I grinned, “It’s been awhile since I’ve gone riding.”

She took a sip off her coffee, “You might have to help Jennifer, if she needs it.” I nodded, taking a bite.

Jenn walked into the room, looking ready to go for the day. She sat beside me, “Good morning everyone.”

I smiled to her, “Morning Jenn.” She smiled, and then looked at the table. She nervously twitched her fingers at the food

Rachel smiled to her, “Take what you wish Jennifer. We don’t exactly stand on ceremony here.” Jenn nodded, pulling some food onto her plate.

Abigale walked around the table to her side, “What would you like to drink Miss Jennifer, coffee or tea?”

Jenn blinked up at her, “Coffee please.”

The maid nodded, looking to me, “The usual Young Miss?”

I smiled, “Yes please.”

Again the maid nodded and first picked up a coffee pot and poured its contents into the cup in front of her. I smiled softly as the look in Jenn’s eyes was priceless as she was being served. I reached over and grabbed a few pieces of fruit and cheese.

I plopped a couple into my mouth before slicing into the grilled pork chop in front of me. Jenn then gazed at all of the pastries on the table. I quickly downed my plate, placing my fork and knife onto my plate. I picked up my cup and slowly sipped the tea.

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