Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 33: Simply hanging out

The next morning was a good one. While it had indeed snowed, it wasn’t enough to shut everything as I feared it would. The galleria was open with Jenn and me eager to leave. During dinner, Rachel informed us that while we could go, we had to be back before dinner. Not that big of a deal.

Fenris and I also went for an early morning run together. The cold snap of the morning air was exhilarating. Then you combine it with the crunch of the freshly fallen snow. It was a great way to start the day.

Jenn and I piled into the breakfast room and had a hearty meal, complete with grilled pork chops, sausage, eggs, and biscuits. Jenn looked to me, “Why do you eat pork chops in the morning?”

I shrugged, “Just a southern thing. Plus with all the walking we’ll be doing it’ll good for me.”

She shook her head, “Okay.” I giggled.

When we had finished, Rachel looked to me, “I have a car prepared to take you both to the mall for the day.”

I smiled to her, “Thank you.” She nodded and smiled.

I groaned loudly, stretching my body, feeling the joints creak and pop. Jenn and I then looked at each other, nodding. Turning back towards my mother, “We’re gonna head out now.”

She nodded once more, “Be careful you two.”

“Yes Ma’am,” the two of us spoke in unison. Rachel grinned broadly, watching as we turned and left for the front door.

It’s been a long time since I last rode on 620. I think at least seven months. Turning back onto the old highway felt like a shock to me, I hadn’t been through the tunnel in so long. So while familiar, everything around me felt alien at the same time.

Old memories of traveling up and down going to and from my old pizza job flooded back into my mind. Hell…I personally haven’t driven since the spring semester ended back in May.

I leaned back into my seat, looking out the window, watching as we passed by Steiner Ranch. God, how I hated delivering there.

Traffic wasn’t all that bad, I’d say about normal going by what I remembered. I think school was out, seeing that there weren’t any school buses riding along the road.

When we entered into Lakeway, I couldn’t believe how much had changed. The main strip of the town was even more built up than the last time I was there, which maybe was well over a year and half ago, maybe longer.

New hotels had sprung up, new restaurants; even the shopping area around the HEB had expanded. Lakeway had always been a resort town, given how it shored against Lake Travis. I turned in my seat as we passed Lohman’s Crossing.

Behind the CVS, I caught the faint glimpse of the pizza place I once worked at. It was still there, watching as delivery cars turned onto the street. It was odd witnessing them leave. I wonder how the old place was doing since I left. Not that I am curious in the slightest to have the car pull into the shopping center and take a look.

“Whatcha looking at Aria?” asked Jenn.

My eyes were still glued to the window, but then turned around, sinking back into my seat. “Nothing. Just…just thinking about something.”

She leaned in to look me in the eye, “Uh-huh? You saw something from your past, didn’t you?” I pulled my legs into my chest, wrapping my arms around my thighs.

I felt a hand resting onto my shoulder, “It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it.”

A soft sigh let out from me. This wasn’t my world anymore, none of this mattered to me, shouldn’t matter to me. Guess I’m still too much of a nostalgic.

My head craned over to look at her, “I’m fine Jenn, honest.” Jenn was still unconvinced, but leaned back into her seat.

Fenris, now the size of a large dog, looked up at me, “Troubled by your past little one?” I glanced down at him, but said nothing.

My head rested onto my knees. I just wanted to get out of Lakeway as soon as possible. But I did have to travel through it again to get home. I did wonder how Matt was doing.

Since quitting the pizza job, I pretty much broke off all contact with him. Haven’t even thought of the guy until now. Strange, but then again, that was my old life. Oh well…just move on.

The rest of the trip to the galleria didn’t take of that long. The car parked near one to the parking lots. The driver quickly wheeled around and opened the door for us. Fenris was first to get out, followed by Jenn, and then me.

The Hill Country Galleria was an open-style mall, with stores and boutiques lining streets, rather than being inside. Not my preferred style of shopping mall, but it had better shopping than most.

I held up my backpack around and pulled out a leash and collar from it. I looked to Fenris, showing it to him. I hated the idea of having to put a collar on his neck. But it was the only way to create the illusion that he was nothing more than a big dog. I looked to him, painfully gripping the collar in my hands.

The wolf looked up into my eyes, placing a lick onto my cheek, “Do not trouble yourself little one. For this is only for today.” I nodded, looping the collar around his neck, clicking it shut.

I latched the leash onto it, quickly stowing the grip away into my coat pocket. His tails had also melded into one large bushy tail. I smiled, watching it wag softly from side to side.

“Let’s get going, I for one want to get this shopping trip underway,” said Jenn as she hoisted her bag.

I looked back at her, “Yeah, let's.” We both smiled and off we went.

I hadn’t really been to the galleria all the much in the past mostly due to me not living near it. The few times I did visit it, it was either making the rare delivery or to visit the Barnes and Noble, which I did only twice I think. But other than that, I just never went to it. So this was relatively a new experience for me.

Jenn and I toured throughout the mall, visiting numerous shops. We ventured into a couple boutiques and looked at dresses and other clothing. Fenris, of course, would stay outside and watch us.

I had to tie him up to a bench, again, keeping to the illusion. That and he was still too way too big to come in with us. No one would even come close to him.

Well a few kids did, wanting to pet the big doggy. I grinned as little children stepped courageously towards him. The wolf would lower his head to sniff them, letting them pet his fur.

Fenris loves children, in fact he loves it when the twins climb all over him. I miss both of them, but I know they’re with their family. So just have to wait for them to come home.

We ducked into yet another clothing store, this time by my choosing. It had a few bags that caught my eye. I picked a couple up, looking it over.

Jenn came running to me holding a purse that looked a little on the gaudy side. I think that was reason why she had it. I grinned as she handed it to me.

The ghastly thing looked like it belonged to a girl from Beverly Hills, with brass chains and a few embedded beads in the horrendously green leather. Kinda made you want to puke when you saw it. It’s funny how if this was prior to my first transformation I wouldn’t even take one look at the stupid thing, let alone be holding and critiquing it.

I ended up buying a new backpack, pretty much the same as the one I was wearing now, but this one was falling apart on me. So it was time to get a new one. While I did need it, the old one was special to me.

It was among the first accessories that Rachel had given me and became one of my favorites over time. I had just worn so often and didn’t even realize the little holes and tears that had been forming.

Just goes to show how much I loved it, seeing how I used it so much. Jenn herself found new purse, thankfully not the gaudy one we were laughing at.

When Jenn and I stopped at the yogurt shop, the employees actually let Fenris in. The wolf fascinated the workers and even more kids stepped up to pet him. I smiled as I let them.

He again stood still, both enjoying the attention and would make the occasional glance up to me. He and I were definitely going to have some alone time together tonight. As Jenn and I ate, I’d look out the window, taking note of the darkening skies.

We still had plenty of time before we had to head back, and plenty of stores to visit. But the weather was going to be the determining factor.

My thoughts then dwelt on whether or not we should’ve gone to Lakeline. It was smaller and had fewer shops. But at least it was indoors. But then Jenn might grow curious about wanting to go see where I used to live. I just wasn’t ready for that.

For another thing was that I’d have to go past Concordia. Another place I hadn’t been to since the spring. That…would have to wait. But for now, I was here, enjoying a cup of frozen yogurt with my best friend.

In the back of my mind, I wished Marron was here. I wanted to do this with her when she visited for my birthday. Just spending the day with her, shopping, and maybe even going to a movie. It’d be like old times, before I met Rachel.

But there was still the opportunity of visiting her in Seattle, which I held out hope for. Sadly that would have to wait until the summer. The coming spring was going to be hellishly busy for me. So…more waiting. Great.

We walked around the mall a little while, peeking into a few more shops. Jenn found a new dress to wear to the festival. It was dark and long, with ruffles in the skirt. She also mentioned thinking about wearing it to her junior prom.

“Have you even been to prom?” she asked.

I was sitting in a chair as she gazed at herself in the mirror. Shaking my head, “Never went.”

Jenn looked back at me, “You never went to prom?”

Nodding, “That is correct. Thought the whole idea was stupid.”

She knelt down in front of me, “I will definitely have to change that.” I smirked, knowing she’d personally drag me from the Estate and take me with her.

She smiled, returning to the mirror. I leaned back into the chair, feeling a little tired.

The weather had turned even colder, which meant it was time to head home. Jenn and I walked back towards the parking lot where the car was.

The driver had insisted when we first arrived to drop us off in front of the mall. But I told him that we could use the walk. Hey, I was still uneasy about having gone through the tunnel, so walking back to the parking lot just made me feel more comfortable. It didn’t take us all that long to return to where the car was.

The skies were getting even darker the closer we got to the car. It was only past 3:00 pm and it looked almost night time. I was ready to head home. The driver saw us and quickly exited the car and opened the door for us.

Jenn, Fenris, and I then climbed into the car, now ladened with our purchases. We took our seats and buckled in. My body was exhausted from all of the walking we did, not to mention my ankles were absolutely killing me.

The driver then returned to the front and started the car. We slowly pulled away from the parking lot and turned back onto Bee Caves Road.

I grumbled to myself as we passed through Lakeway yet again. Completely forgot that rush along 620 was a major pain in the ass. But we managed to make it through.

I knew when I was to return to Concordia. I’d also schedule whatever classes I took for the morning and not the afternoon, so traffic wouldn't bad quite as bad. Once we pulled passed Hudson Bend, it was smooth sailing.

We turned back onto the private road, with the tunnel in sight. Passing through the trees, the road became dark for a moment. We exited out, seeing the Estate below us. A weathered smile rose on my face.

We turned down the driveway and a few minutes later we were in front the Manor. Jenn and I exited the car and carried our finds up the stairs. It had really gotten dark and the sky threatened whatever weather that was to come.

The doors then opened as reached the final step. Sebastian smiled, “Welcome back young ladies. I pray your shopping trip was successful.” We nodded to him, still carrying our bags and boxes.

The old lycan motioned to the maids present, “Please take their belongings to their rooms.”

The maids nodded, relieving us of our stuff, and scurried off into the Manor. The butler then turned to us, “Her Ladyship is currently in the parlor and was hoping that you would join her there.”

Jenn and I looked at each other. “I think we might just go back to my room and chill out,” I replied.

He nodded, “As you wish Young Miss.” I felt a knot forming in my stomach. While I wouldn’t mind seeing Rachel, I knew that Jenn and I were exhausted and just wanted to rest.

She and I then ascended up the stairs and trudged back to my room.

My room felt nice and quiet as we plopped onto my bed. Fenris lied down at the foot, having returned to his normal form. The wolf curled his tails around him, resting his head onto the floor.

The covers felt soft and warm as they surrounded our tired bodies. Sleep called to us and a nice long nap was in order for us. So with heavy eyes, I found it easy to simply close them and sleep.

I woke up sometime later to find Rachel sitting on the side of my bed. Jenn had apparently already gone back to her room. My mother smiled softly to me, leaning over and ran her finger through my hair.

“Hey,” greeting her with a whisper.

“Hello sweetheart. It would seem that both of you had a good time while shopping.”

I nodded, smiling, “It was good. Sorry we didn’t come to the parlor.”

She shook her head, “It’s quite all right my darling. When Sebastian informed me that you both had decided to retire for the afternoon, I understood and respected your reasons.”

She then pulled my head into her lap, stroking my hair more, “Was it hard going beyond the tunnel?”

I stared off into the darkness of my room. Well yeah it was hard. I hadn’t gone through it in months and it was, to me at least, the gateway to my old world, my old life. Either of which held little meaning to me anymore.

I gave a soft nod to her. A gentle kiss was placed upon my cheek. Her hand caressed my arm, feeling it moving up and down.

Rachel turned my body so that I was now looking up at her. Her violet eyes gave off a comforting glow as they reflected the light from the lamp on my nightstand.

She had always, since the moment I met her, been so much larger than life to me. Her presence had become a near constant fact, always there for me, always at the ready for whatever might come my way.

My mother simply is the best. One couldn’t help but become a little child while resting in her lap. I blushed to myself, almost wishing she could transform me into a little child again. Kinda enjoyed it when she did.

She leaned over and kissed my forehead, “Would you like to come down for dinner?” I nodded, softly sitting up on the bed. She smiled, and then turned and slipped off of the bed. I rolled off myself as well.

A low yawn escaped from me, forcing me to rub my eyes. “Perhaps after dinner you should come back to bed.”

I smirked, “Grey skies tend to make me sleepy. I’ll be fine.”

My mother smiled, “If you say so my love.”

I giggled, “Let’s just go.” Rachel nodded, pulling my close to her as we exited my room.

The next couple of days were spent at the Estate.

Jenn and I would split our time between watching movies together, of which I had a plethora of to go through, and finding different things to talk about. I even was able to convince her into watching some anime with me. We talked more about her family and how the rest of the Coven was doing.

Now some might say that it’d be boring to just hang around the house when you have company visiting you. But then I’d have to respond with by saying you don’t always have to be doing something.

Lord knows how often whenever I would visit my grandparents how we would simply spend the day doing nothing. It’s good to enjoy the fact that you are there. And Jenn was set to go home at the end of the week so we figured it be best to just hang around together.

On the last day of her visit, I decided to take her down to the greenhouse, knowing it was the last place she hadn’t visited. My aunt of course was hibernating and wouldn’t see us. But I could at least show Jenn where I would have some of my lessons. The afternoon air was frigid and the wind sliced right through us the moment we left the Manor.

The snow had begun to fall once more, only this time it was really starting to come down on us. We could barely see but a few feet in front of us. Thankfully Fenris was able to part the falling snow, letting us pass through without much of a problem.

We arrived at the greenhouse and quickly slipped into it. The air was warm and humid. A sweat quickly dripped down my cheek, forcing me to take off my coat. Velhemina always kept the greenhouse warm for obvious reasons.

The plants within were still green with some starting to form flower buds. The windows were all fogged with steam. The lights had remained on during the day and night to keep everything from dying.

So it was rather bright as Jenn and I walked around. In the center of the greenhouse stood two large closed flowers. I walked over to the larger of the two, placing my hand onto it. A soft smile rose on my face, stroking it gently. It was warm and felt the pulse of a heart beat within.

“So is this where your aunt is?”

I nodded, “Yep. She’s in there. Just sleeping away the winter.”

Jenn then looked over to the other flower, “I’m guessing this one’s yours right?”

I craned my head over to it, smiling, “Yep.” Small green vines then rose from it and wrapped around my hands, gently pulling me towards the closed flower.

“What’s it doing?” she asked.”

I grinned, “As an alraune, I’m its heart. So whenever I’m near, it wants me to join with it and become whole.” I placed my hands onto the flower, rubbing it, “Of course if I were to right now, I’d more than likely fall into hibernation like my aunt,” giggling, “not really the best idea for the coming couple months.”

Jenn smiled, looking around, “So can you like, you know…talk to the plants, even as a human?”

I nodded to her, “Yep,” grinning softly, “I think they like you.”

Some of the plants rustled, with a few releasing gentle aromas which filled the air. I stroked my flower, feeling it releasing its vines from me. I smiled, placing a kiss onto it.

Jenn and I then strolled through the greenhouse. I would kneel down and pull the occasional weed from the dirt, tossing it into a pile. I planned to throw it into the compost heap.

Jenn looked to me, “You really love working with your hands don’t you?”

I smiled, “Yep. Be it helping with the gardening or building models. It’s all the same to me.” I yanked out another weed.

After going around each plot, I picked up the pile of weeds and tossed them into the heap which sat in the corner. I then washed my hands in a facet, casting a fire spell which wrapped around my hands, drying them. With the self-imposed chore done, I walked back to the center of the greenhouse and took a seat on a bench.

Jenn sat beside me, gazing out into the brightly lit building. “Really sucks that I have to leave tomorrow. It’s been fun staying here and getting to see you.”

I smiled to her, “I agree. Hope we get to do something like this again soon.”

She looked over to me, “Think you might find a boyfriend while in Japan?”

My eyes narrowed, “Are you serious?”

She grinned, “Of course I am. But if not while there, you do have those two other guys waiting on answers from you.”

I groaned, dropping my head into my lap, “I’m not talking about those two. You know they still send me the odd letter to me from time to time? Who knows how many Tariel is going to be bringing me after they get back from Nerazon.”

She laughed, “Girl, do you realize how many girls would be jealous of you to have a merman and a vampire swoon over you?”

I groaned, “Please stop reminding me about both of them.” This caused her to burst even more into laughter.

The storm outside lessened somewhat, but it was still going to be a bit of a hassle to get back into the Manor. Thankfully Fenris was there to lead us back. During our whole time in the greenhouse, the massive wolf had been lying at its very center, patiently watching us. I would glance up at him from time to time, smiling to him.

His head easily rose above the plants, with his watchful gaze tracking my every movement. I leaned back into the bench, staring up at the glass and iron ceiling, letting a few stray thoughts enter into my mind.

Jenn gave me a nudge on the shoulder, “Think we should head back now before the storm starts up again?” I nodded to her, rising from my seat.

We threw back on our coats and headed for the door. I turned back to look at Velhemina’s flower. Smiling, I walked back over to it, laying my head onto the bud, “I’ll see you later auntie,” stroking it softly.

A vine then rose and caressed my cheek, making me giggle. I stepped away from the flower and turned towards the door, where Jenn and Fenris were both waiting for me.

The three of us then exited into entry room, which separated the outside from the inside of the greenhouse, making sure the door was closed before heading outside. The storm had indeed lessened, if only by a little.

Fenris again made it so that most of the storm blew away from us, but it was still really cold regardless. This was going to a long storm and I hope that it’s not going to affect Jenn when she has to leave tomorrow. We managed to get back to the Manor, quickly stepping onto the veranda.

The backdoor opened with Bianca standing there, further shielding us from the cold with her magic. I smiled to the glacie, “Thank you.” Her pale face turned a bright red as we entered into the house.

Lyra was also there, greeting us with warm blankets, wrapping them around us. I looked up at her, “Thanks Lyra.”

The valkyrie smiled, “Wouldn’t want the Young Miss and her guest freezing on us now, right?”

I giggled, “Right.” I was freezing, but the blanket helped.

She then looked to us, “Fresh tea and coffee have been prepared for the both of you and are waiting in the parlor.”

I smiled, nodding, “Thanks Lyra.”

She smiled once more, “You are welcome Young Miss.” We handed her the blankets and stepped into the parlor, taking off our coats and hanging them on the coat rack.

A fire flickered and crackled in the fireplace. Jenn and I curled on the couch in front of it, each hold a cup of something. Fenris curled up onto the rug in front of us, resting his tails around himself.

It still gets me at how much of a dog he acts like. A father-figure, fearsome guardian, training partner, and just overall lovable oaf, all things I love about him. I leaned back into my seat, gazing at the dancing fire, letting its heat warm my body.

Jenn leaned over, twirling the cup in her hand, “Can’t believe I have to head home tomorrow. It’s been nice being here.”

Her words were all too familiar to me. I used to hate it when I had to leave the Estate. I glanced over at her, smiling softly, “You could always come and visit me again.”

She looked to me, smiling, “Same as you. My parents still would love to have you with us again.”

I giggled, “Then I’d get to play with your baby brother.”

She nodded, “Yep, and have him terrorize someone other than me.” I giggled once more, and then took another sip of my tea, letting it warm my body.

Jenn scooted over, taking my cup, and placing it onto the table. She then pulled me into her, wrapping her arms around my body. “Thank you so much for being my friend Aria.”

I blushed, “Thanks for being mine too Jenn.”

Thoughts flooded into my mind, scenarios and fantasies ran rapid. I wanted to look up at her, but kept my gaze on the fire. She squeezed me gently to her. I eventually let go my wayward thoughts and melt into the moment.

Hands then rested onto each of our shoulders. We looked up to see Rachel standing over us, “Having a good time together girls?” We nodded to her.

She smiled softly, walking around to the chair to our right. “Jennifer, I can’t begin to tell you how good it’s been having you here with us this past week.”

Jenn smiled, “It’s been great being here my Lady. I’m glad I was able to convince my parents into letting me come.”

My mother nodded, “Now, one of your parents will be waiting for you at the airport correct? If not I could have a car prepared to take you the rest of the way home.”

She smiled, “I’m grateful for the offer, but my dad’s gonna be there.”

Rachel smiled, “Good to hear,” then looking to me, “what would you say to us having dinner in here tonight?”

I smiled, “Sounds good to me.”

She nodded, looking to the door, motioning to it. The door then slowly creaked opened and in walked Abigale with a cart. The maid stepped in front of us, placing covered plates onto the coffee table, setting wrapped napkins and cutlery.

Jenn and I separated and scooted forward, lifting the covers off. Steam bellowed from our meals and began to eat.

The rest of the night was spent resting in the parlor. Simple, but enjoyable. It really had been great having Jenn visit. It made not going to winter festival a little easier, granted the decision was just as easy.

The greatest takeaway from all of this was that the distance between my friends wasn’t really that big. And that I could still be with any of them if I wanted.

We didn’t go to bed until Rachel came in and “forced” us to our rooms. Once on the second floor, we each hugged each other good night. “I’ll see you in the morning Aria.”

I nodded to her, “See you then Jenn,” giggling softly. She shook her head, grinning. We then went to our rooms.

I plopped onto my bed, feeling Fenris lying down beside me. I rolled to my side, facing my bonded. My tiny hands reached out to his face, softly stroking his fur. His ice-blue eyes glittered softly as he stared at me, nuzzling my hand.

“I’m gonna feel a little lonely once she leaves Papa Wolf.”

He leaned into me, nudging my face with his, “You are never alone, little one. For I am here with you. Your mother is here with you.

I smiled to him, kissing his big dark wet nose, “Thank you Fenris.”

The wolf then lightly licked my face, before dragging me into his side. I giggled softly as I curling up into him, clinging to his soft fur. He rolled his head to look at me.

The wind outside grew louder, beating against the balcony door and windows. My eyes grew heavy. The room was dark, having not bothered to turn on the lights. I let out a soft yawn, finally shutting my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

The next morning was somber, which is whenever a visitor leaves. The snow from last night’s storm covered every inch of the Estate. It reminded me of the first Christmas I spent with Rachel. Jenn and I stood in the middle of the driveway and hugged one another. We both didn’t want to part, but she had to head home.

“I had so much fun Aria. And it was great seeing you again.”

I nodded, “Same here Jenn.”

After a few moments we finally pulled away. Jenn looked up my mother, who was smiling softly, “Tell your parents how much I enjoyed having them share you with us.”

She nodded, “I will my Lady,” looking back to me, smirking, “the others are going to be beyond jealous when I tell them I got to spend the week with you.”

I giggled, “Well, I hope they won’t be too hard on you.”

She grinned, “Oh come on, I can handle them. But you have a good spring. I know it’s going to be rough and long, but hey. The summer’s just around the corner and then everyone will be together again.”

I nodded, “Thanks Jenn.”

We pulled each other into another tight embrace. “Love you girl,” she spoke softly.

I smiled, “Love you too Jenn.”

She then pulled back and slipped into the car. I watched as it slowly pulled away, disappearing around the corner. I got the faintest glimpse of it as the car turned towards the left and on towards the airfield.

Rachel pulled me into her, wrapping her arms around me, “You will see her again. You just have to be patient.” I nodded, holding onto her arm. “Why don’t we head inside my love?”

I smiled, “Okay.”

A moment later we turned and headed back into the house. The winds kicked up around us as we walked, blowing fresh snow into our direction. This was shielded by Fenris, who walked close beside me. As lonely as I felt with Jenn leaving, I still have my family with me, and that was all I really needed.

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