Off to the Races: A Small Town Enemies to Lovers Romance (Gold Rush Ranch Book 1)

Off to the Races: Chapter 28

The gates fly open, and the ten horses explode onto the track.

The loudspeakers crackle to life. “And they’re off!”

I’m standing at the far corner of the track facing the finish line. I’ll see them through the first turn and then, if everything goes to plan, I’ll have a head-on view of DD making his final move.

My heart pounds in my chest as I watch Violet execute our plan to perfection. She’s light and still in the irons and gently holds DD back. He shies away from the pack all on his own, so this is a simple task off the start. They thunder towards me and the ground trembles beneath my feet. The front runners round the first corner, flying past, fighting for that coveted spot along the rail. Burning all their energy—exactly what I want them to do.

DD is galloping steady, not too far back but not crowded either. Just the way he likes. He’s a blur of shiny black and yellow as he passes the end of the oval moving into the clubhouse turn. Rounding out of the second bend, heading into the straight, I see his ears shoot forward. His head drops imperceptibly, and his ears flatten in that signature pissy fashion of his as he looks through the maze of horses ahead of him and realizes he’s not winning.

Atta boy.

A lane opens up, and Violet moves in, easing into the middle of the pack. Exactly where DD doesn’t like to be, and exactly where he’ll want to get out of as quickly as possible. They steadily move down the straight, passing the horses that are tiring.

Hours on the trails and trotting hills have given DD an edge where stamina is concerned. He’s not at top speed yet, and he’s got lots left in the tank. My fingers squeeze the rail of the fence as the pack moves into the far turn. He’s dragging Violet now, leaning down into the bit—he knows what needs to be done. This is where they need to make their big move out of the middle of the pack. This is where they come from behind.

DD flies out of that final bend looking like a small and mighty warhorse. His face is vengeful, his ears are so far back they’re downright aerodynamic. But when Violet’s arms press forward, his ears perk, and they’re off.

In sync, they move up like they’ve just been shot out of a cannon. The other horses look like they’re running in slow motion. All I can hear is blood thundering in my ears as I watch them move past horse after horse.

With only two horses ahead of them, Violet doesn’t bother with moving close to the rail. She sets their sights on the finish line and pushes her hands at him, urging him on. I see her lips moving, talking to him, as dirt sprays up around them.

My hands move up over my mouth as they barrel down towards me. I want to scream, to cheer, but I can’t tear my eyes off them as they eat up the soft ground and sail past the leaders. Right into first place and more. They blaze across the finish line easily six lengths ahead of the next horse.

It’s not even close.

I feel wet heat on the apples of my cheeks as they gallop towards me, relaxing into a slower gait as Vi leans back a bit and murmurs at DD. He snorts and tosses his head, looking awfully pleased with himself.

I can’t help but jump up and shout, “Violet Eaton, you are a rockstar!” as they come into the bend where I’m standing. I swear one of DD’s pointy little ears flicks towards me in recognition, Violet hears me too. I’ll never forget the smile she gives me. So big it looks like it might hurt, like her cheeks are swollen.

I give her a matching one and my heart soars with the reality of what’s just happened. She leans down as DD slows in the bend and wraps her petite arms around his sweat slicked neck, hugging him.

I can’t believe it. We did it.

A no-name jockey, a freshman trainer, and a horse that no one wanted to handle.

We fucking did it.

I hustle to the winner’s circle, not wanting to miss a moment of this. I’m going to soak it in. Revel in it. Kiss my little black horse. Shit, maybe even kiss my boyfriend. That’s how crazy I am feeling.

People swarm the pen where they hand out the plate and take photos, and I push my way through. When I get close, I can see Vaughn’s perfectly coiffed hair, a head above most of the people around him as he moves towards the circle.

“Vaughn!” His head snaps back towards my voice as I walk briskly his way.

He stands still, hands in his pockets, letting the crowd part around him. He’s shaking his head at me, lips pressed together, trying to hold back a smile. When I get close enough to look up into his warm chocolate eyes, I squeal and throw my arms around his neck. He laughs into the curve of my shoulder and lifts me off the ground. He hugs me so hard, with so much pride.

He kisses my cheek and whispers, “You did it.”

I feel like I could burst. I squeeze his biceps through his suit jacket and lean back to look at his handsome face. “No. We did it.”

And then I kiss him. In full view of everyone around us, and I don’t even care if they see. I don’t want to keep us secret. Us feels too good. He grunts in surprise, but his palms cup my jaw, and he kisses me back. Sweetly. Stroking my cheek lovingly with his thumb.

My icy heart melts in his hands. Everything feels so right today.

After mauling DD with kisses, almost knocking Violet over with the violence of my hug and crying a few happy tears in Hank’s comforting embrace, we pose for photos. I’m presented with the trophy for the win, and they drape DD in the championship blanket. I feel Vaughn’s presence beside me the whole time, like a rock, his hand often resting on the small of my back as people step forward to talk to me.

Cole shows up too, and despite my best efforts to ignore him and just enjoy the moment, I don’t miss the way he gawks at Violet. The way he leans in towards her and whispers something. And the way her face drains of all color and excitement as she stares back at him-slack jawed. Violet doesn’t look like a woman who’s just been congratulated, she looks like a woman who’s seen a ghost. Now that is something I’m going to have to come back to later.

I feel like I’m just spinning in circles, thanking people for their congratulations and answering their questions. Questions about DD, questions about my training methods, questions about how we chose Violet to get the ride.

One member of the press stretches her phone towards me, “Can you comment on the rumors that you were in a physical altercation with a well-known jockey here at the track?”

The pads of Vaughn’s fingers press into my hips as I let a small smile touch my lips. “That doesn’t sound very professional,” is all I say before turning away.

Vaughn leans in, his voice rumbling across my neck and sending a shiver down my spine, “Sounds like word’s gotten out about what a naughty girl you are.”

I mutter under my breath, “I’ll show you naughty tonight.”

His hand trails down over my ass and his voice is like silk against my skin. My cheeks heat as I look around. It’s too busy for anyone to notice where my boss’ hand is roaming. “I’m holding you to that,” he says, looking around now. “But I’m going to duck out for a sec and see if I can find Cole. Meet us up in the lounge for a drink when you’re done here?”

“You bet,” I say over my shoulder, already greeting the next person who’s approaching me.

With a squeeze of my elbow, he’s gone and I turn my best smile back on the people hovering around, even though all I want to do is take DD home and fulfil my dirty promises to Vaughn.

Back in the quiet of our row at the barn we dote on DD. He gets a cool bath, ice boots on his legs, and a lot of tender loving care from Violet, Hank, and I. We haven’t used other grooms with him so far, and I’m not sure why we’d start now. Our ornery little champion only likes certain people, and I don’t blame him one bit.

“He felt perfect out there,” Violet says in awe as she towels him off.

“You guys looked perfect,” Hank adds.

I smile. “He’s right. You were both perfect. Beautifully ridden. Beautifully run. There isn’t much more I could ask for.”

Violet points at me. “It was your plan. Your training. Your strategy. I just hopped on at the last moment and executed it the way you wanted.”

“She’s right.” Hank squeezes my shoulder.

“That may be true, but we aren’t going to have it this easy at the Denman Derby. We don’t have much time to prepare. We’ll have to be perfect and lucky to win that one.”

Violet nods solemnly, but Hank just laughs.

“Girl. You are too serious for your own good. You just won! You’re qualified. Get outta here. Go make moon-eyes with Harding Junior.”

I gawk back at him. How the hell did he know?

“Billie, for Christ’s sake. I may be old, but I’m not blind yet. You two have been circling around each other for months.”

“He’s right,” Violet adds as she tosses a blanket back over DD’s damp coat.

“You couldn’t have picked a better one,” Hank says. “Go act your age. Have some fun for once.”

“I don’t— “

“Git,” he cuts me off, waving his hand, dismissing me. “I won’t leave your horse’s side until you get back, don’t worry.”

I give in and walk down the long alleyway, past countless other stalls, towards the grandstand and VIP lounge. I’d really rather share a drink in the barn with our staff who actually played a part in today’s success, but I also know there’s a time and place to schmooze. So here I am, ready to schmooze. For the business, and for Vaughn, because I know he secretly likes this shit.

I round the corner but stop short when I hear Stefan Dalca’s cool authoritative voice. “I’ve been waiting for a response to my offer.”

The voice that replies is icy, and I know it well. “I’ve already informed you that the horse isn’t for sale.”

I step back into the alleyway and peek my head around to see Vaughn’s back to me as he faces off with Stefan. “Everything has a price.”

“So you’ve said. The horse just qualified for the derby, though. He isn’t going anywhere.”

“You’re right. It’s probably worth more than the ten million dollars I offered last week.”

Fuck me. Ten million? Is he serious? It’s not unheard of for a stud who could go on to make a lot of champion babies. But DD is still relatively unproven.

Vaughn’s posture is rigid as he faces off with the other man. He’s not intimidated by Stefan’s dangerous vibe. He’s got a few inches on him, maybe a bit more, as he draws up and says, “I don’t care what your offer is.”

Stefan’s smile is sly as his eyes dance over Vaughn with unbridled amusement. He’s clearly enjoying this encounter, throwing his money around without a care in the world. He isn’t the sunny media darling that Vaughn is. He is the shadows moving in the dark. Back room deals and threats are his currency. He’s wily, like a fox; not to be trusted. I want to jump in and tell him to hit the dusty trail, but this is Vaughn’s battle, not mine.

It probably isn’t appropriate for me to be listening in, but hey, no one ever accused me of being appropriate. Why start now?

“I almost get the feeling that you don’t like me, Mr. Harding.”

“I don’t.” This is the Vaughn I met that first day when I pulled into the parking lot at Gold Rush Ranch. Cold and dismissive.

“Twenty million.”

I cover my mouth to muffle the sound of me choking. That’s an insane number, and the business side of me knows it’s also not an offer to turn down. That amount of money could go a long way, buy a lot of nice horses. But the sentimental side of me? No, DD is too special. He could be worth one dollar, and I’d feel the same. He’s priceless. The thought of him leaving makes my eyes sting.

“It’s not about the number. It’s about the future. The horse isn’t for sale. End of story.”

I am going to worship the hell out of that man tonight.

He turns to leave, but Stefan stops him in his tracks when he says, “The future, hm?” Vaughn angles his broad shoulders back towards the shady businessman. “Twenty million and I go to the press with irrefutable proof that your grandfather wasn’t involved in any illegal gambling schemes. I’ll clear his name.”

Everything goes still. I swear the birds stop chirping. The world feels like someone hits pause, save for the knowing grin spreading across Stefan’s face. It’s a calculated smile, like he saw the open chink in Vaughn’s armor and aimed right for it.

It feels like a spear to my gut just watching it all play out.

“Are you telling me that my grandfather wasn’t involved in your scheme?” Vaughn’s voice is brittle, almost breathless, now. He still looks impenetrable, but his voice is a dead giveaway that Stefan just delivered an absolute knockout punch.

Stefan snorts. “It wasn’t my scheme, Harding. And no, I’m just telling you I can make it look that way. He did what he’s been accused of.”

Vaughn goes white like a sheet, the truth of Stefan’s words hitting him like a wrecking ball. The silence that follows is so heavy I feel it like a vise on my lungs and can’t help the loud gasp that escapes my lips when Vaughn nods his head tersely and says, “Send me the paperwork.”

That head of wavy dark hair, the one I love running my fingers through, whips around in my direction. Alarm shines in his eyes as he takes me in, the way I’m peeking out around the end of the building. I know that I’m intruding but, truthfully, I don’t give a fuck. I stare back at him in absolute disbelief. The man I admire for his morals—his judgement—just sold off my hopes and dreams, his farm’s redemption, all to salvage the reputation of a dead man who fucked everyone over.

I shake my head, begging to wake from what feels like a bad dream.

“Ms. Black, how nice of you to drop in.” Stefan’s voice drips with sarcasm. “No need to hide back there. I have a proposition for you as well.” He waves me forward with a smug smirk.

I walk towards them on wooden legs, avoiding meeting Vaughn’s eyes. I can’t look at him right now, I’ll either kick him in the balls or start crying. That’s the tightrope I’m walking right now. I wish I had that whip for both these assholes.

“Congratulations on your big win today.” I make sure I don’t stand too close to Vaughn, who is still staring at me. “I’ve followed this horse since they started trying to make him run. I know what a challenge he’s been. I also know that you’ve forged a special relationship with him. You’re very talented, and you’ve done incredible work.”

Now he looks earnest, genuine, but I just stare at him with no emotion. How could he possibly know all of this? Am I supposed to swoon at his compliment?

Fuck this guy.

“When the horse arrives at my facility, I can assure you he’ll be treated exceptionally well. Nothing but the best. That said, I’d like to offer you a position as his trainer. Head trainer. The compensation would be more than competitive.”

Double fuck this guy.

I still say nothing. I pop a hip and cross my arms as I glare back at him, rage simmering in my gut. The gall. The absolute balls on this asshole to blackmail Vaughn into selling the best horse his farm will ever have and then turn around and solicit his employee right in front of him. It makes me want to rearrange his striking face.

His intelligent eyes skim my face, looking for an answer in my expression. But my face is an unreadable mask. I mastered this look as a teenager when my dad sold his family down the river to save his political career.

“Listen to me, Gangster Gary, and listen to me carefully.” My voice is almost a hiss, it trembles with barely contained rage, “I’m well acquainted with macho sleaze bags like you. Overgrown children who think they’re smarter than everyone around them.”

Vaughn cuts in now, “Billie, be carefu—”

I hold a palm up and swivel my head in his direction. “Don’t you dare interrupt me. I have some choice words to share with you as well, but I can only handle one spoiled asshole at a time, so you just wait your fucking turn.” He presses his lips together. Vaughn’s no pushover, but he’s also smart enough to know which battles are worth picking—and apparently this ain’t it. Smart boy.

My attention whips back to Stefan Dalca. His strong features set in what looks, remarkably, like surprise. “No one ever talks to me like this.”

“Well, maybe it’s about time they start.” He rears back with a small, amused smile on his face. Which honestly just pisses me off even more. “I’ve spent enough years of my life catering to powerful men with no moral compass, whose priorities are all jumbled, whose loyalty lies only with themselves, and I’m not about to jump into that pool again. Do I love that horse? With all my fucking heart.” My voice cracks with the emotion of it. “But I’m also a professional. Horses come and go. It’s all a part of the sport. I’m a big girl, and my life will go on. But I will never sacrifice my integrity for money. And I will never, never, work for a man like you.”

He tilts his head at me, like I’m a puzzle he’s trying to piece together. I don’t like it, not one bit. I turn to leave.

To my back he says, “Among the Romani people we would say that Double Diablo is your Heart Horse. Your equine soulmate. A horse you understand like no one else can.”

Emotion clogs my throat. My chest burns. Leave it to this manipulative prick to deliver a fatal blow like that. I know I can’t look back; I can’t handle seeing the pity written all over Vaughn’s face, or the victory on Stefan’s. So, I just call back over my shoulder, “In that case, good luck at the derby with my Heart Horse.”

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