Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 28

Waking up on Sunday morning I am in such a good mood.  My slapshot last night was amazing and it won the game.  Fiona traveling with us was fun.  I liked her being there on the plane rides.  We are heading to Denver this week, which is exciting.  I can’t believe we are heading into the semifinals undefeated!  Fiona stirs slightly in her sleep.  I decide it’s time for me to get up and make breakfast.

Fiona comes out looking sleepy, but so cute.  She walks over to me and plants a kiss on my lips. I smile and murmur, “Good morning, sunshine.” She drops down, pulling my boxers with her.  “A prize for that slapshot last night,” she says, before putting my cock in her mouth.  She knows just how I like it.  She swirls that tongue over the tip and alternates taking me deep and just sucking the tip.  I am getting close, grabbing her head, and she looks up at me with those stunning green eyes.  I watch her take it all, swallowing, then licking me clean. “Is breakfast ready?” is all she says before walking to the couch.

Another Sunday full of studying and watching movies with Fiona.  Luke and Stuntz are coming over for dinner, though, so that will be fun.  Fiona picked up beer and stuff to cook earlier this week.  I decide to take a nap after our second movie.  By the time I wake up, Fiona has the house cleaned and smelling amazing.

“You should have woken me up to help, babe,” I tell her. She smiles, working on dinner.  “It was fine.  You were tired and I didn’t mind,” she says. The guys show up about fifteen minutes later and I get them some beers. “So Coach said we are leaving on Thursday.  He sent out an email, something about in case of snowstorms,” Stuntz tells us.

“I took a nap so I haven’t seen my email yet.  I will check it out and follow up with my defense guys to see if they need help with reaching out to professors,” I inform them. “I will do the same for offense,” Luke volunteers. Once all the important shit is handled, we all sit and eat.

“This food is amazing, Fiona, thank you,” Stuntz says. “Yeah, Fi, it’s great,” Luke tells her. She thanks them both, blushing.

We spend a few hours playing board games and drinking beer.  It was fun.  I forget that I used to fill my days drinking at bars with them multiple times a week.  I miss the time with them, but I do not miss the bar scene.  They sing their praises to Fiona again on their way out.  She hugs them both and tells them to get home safe.

“Go shower and get ready for bed, babe.  I can clean up,” I tell her.

I clean up and check my emails.  I send out a text to my guys offering help and informing them of the travel plan changes.  By the time I finish up and head to bed, Fiona is passed out.  All I can think about is how beautiful she is while I get her tucked in.  I go shower and then crawl into bed beside her.  Falling asleep is easy next to her.

I get up with my alarm and Fiona is already awake and in the shower.  I take my time getting ready.  She finishes with her hair and make-up, kisses me goodbye, and heads to work.  I go to my class not long after her.  We get the dates for midterms and by some miracle they are two weeks after the championship.  I would have made it work if it was all at the same time, but that’s a lot for the younger guys on the team who are in the thick of their degrees.

Practice is a bitch today.  We do a bunch of speed and endurance training, which alone would be fine, but dryland a few hours later is speed and mobility practice.  It’s a lot for one day, but at least we don’t have two practices today.  I would die!  I am exhausted when I finally get home.  Fiona, being the angel she is, already has dinner ready.  I scarf down my food before hitting the shower.  I sit down on the couch and next thing I know Fiona is waking me up to go to bed.

Tuesday and Wednesday pass quickly.  I am swamped with two-a-day workouts, dryland, tape reviews and my classes.  I only see Fiona for dinner, then I pass out.  She doesn’t complain, though.  She always has dinner ready and has been checking to see if I set my alarms before I fall asleep.  She makes sure I have my shit together, texting me reminders for things I need to do before we leave Thursday.  I am really lucky to have her.

Thursday morning, we have to be at the plane by 10 A.M.  We don’t have to wear our suits, which is nice.  All of us bundle up in team sweats.  Fiona wears a sweatsuit that’s very similar, except hers is form-fitting and her hoodie has 27 on it.  It’s going to be a long flight and I put my headphones on to sleep.  When I wake up again, I see Fiona teaching some minor editing to random players.  I love how well she gets along with everyone.  Holly never got along with anyone; she thought she was better than everyone else.  Or she was irrationally jealous and couldn’t handle a simple conversation without acting a fool.

Arriving in Denver, it is fucking freezing.  But it is breathtaking!  Fiona is in love instantly.  I guess we will be taking a vacation out here.  The hotel room overlooks a snow-covered mountain and has a soaking tub.  After we go get dinner in town, Fiona comes back and climbs immediately in the tub.  I sit on the floor next to her, talking to her with my head back on the ledge.  She rubs her hand against my scalp.  It feels so good I could fall asleep right there.  When she is done, she wraps up in a fluffy robe before climbing into bed.  We both fall asleep pretty quickly.

Friday we have the day to ourselves, so we go explore in town.  We play in the snow a little.  We get back to the hotel by curfew, which is 8 P.M.  We tried multiple restaurants and did a lot of shopping.  Fiona got everyone a souvenir, it feels like.  I don’t care, I just find it so cute how she took time picking everyone the perfect thing.  The view of the sun setting behind the mountain is beautiful.  Fiona is standing there watching it.

I come up and wrap my arms around her, resting my head on her shoulder. “It’s so beautiful,” she says, staring at the sun setting.

“I agree,” I say while I stare at her.  I grab her tit through her shirt and she starts to moan.  I take her shirt and bra off and ditch my shirt.  I continue to palm her tits in front of the window, watching the sunset. I feel her nipples harden as the blood rushes to my dick and she presses back and grinds her ass into me.  Reaching between us, I push my pants down, letting my dick flop out, hitting her ass.  I slide her pants down.  Lining up, I guide myself inside her, using my leg to help spread her legs open a little more, giving me a better angle to slide into her.

Fucking her against this window with the sun setting over the mountains is a literal dream come true.  The pussy is tight, wet, and attached to the love of my life.  She is bent over slightly, giving me a perfect angle as she leans on the window.  I wrap my hand around her throat.

“Go ahead, baby girl,” I groan into her hair.

We both cum.  She is so tight, squeezing me over and over as she gets over her orgasm.  Pulling out, I go get a washcloth and we both strip down and climb into bed once we are cleaned up.

Saturday morning, wake up calls come way earlier than I want.  We all get up and head to the arena for morning skate.  Fiona does some filming and then heads off to film around the rink.  Once we are done, we head to eat lunch, then back to the hotel.  I lay down to nap while Fi sits and works on getting the morning skate uploaded so she can post it before tonight’s game.  She wakes me up when we need to get ready to leave for the rink.

We exchange Airheads before I head into the locker room.  She is waiting for me against the glass with my number on her cheek.  We do our pregame ritual, then I go warm up.  We haven’t played Colorado before, so this is going to be interesting.  To play a team we have never played in the semifinals has everyone a little bit nervous, but we studied a lot of tape to prepare.

The first period is uneventful, with a lot of body checking going on.  There isn’t anyone getting anywhere near either goal.  I spend two minutes in the box for elbowing, which I wasn’t doing, but whatever.  As soon as the second period starts, Denver scores.  Then with a minute left on the clock in the second period, they score again.  Both were small wrist shots but they were amazingly accurate.

Heading into the third period, you can see the tension in the air.  Something must have lit a fire in Stuntz’ ass, though, because he takes off after winning the face off.  A quick wrist shot, and we finally make it onto the board.  I am doing my best to keep players away from Davis.  I get the puck with five minutes left; I pass to Luke and he scores.  What a perfect play too!  The score is 2-2 and we might go into overtime.  The clock is ticking down and with three minutes left Marshall scores and it’s 3-2.  The next two minutes we all play defense, trying to keep Denver as far away from our goal.

We finish the game 3-2; we won!  We are heading to the championship undefeated.  The locker room is fucking buzzing!  Championships in our home city – this is going to be fire!  Slapshots is going to be partying that whole week!  I can’t wait to see how the next week off goes for training.

I see Fiona by the bus and when she jumps, I dip her low, making her scream and giggle.

“You did it, babe,” she cheers.  “All of you fucking killed it!” she yells to everyone.

We all load on the bus to head to the airport.  I am talking to the guys while she sits with Marissa.  They are working overtime on our championship-bound posts.  I watch her working hard and then nod at Luke, so he knows I want to talk to him.  The bus ride is short to the airport.  Thank the hockey gods, because we are all exhausted.

On the tarmac Luke walks up while Fiona is distracted.

“Hey, I need to talk to you about something.  Beer on Tuesday while Fiona is with the girls?” I ask him. “Yeah, is everything okay?” he says, concerned. “It’s all good, I just want to talk,” I say, nodding my head to Fiona walking up. “Congrats, brother, I am so proud of you!  You absolutely killed it out there today!” she tells him, pulling him into a big hug, before we all load onto the plane.

I pass out the moment we take off.  I wake up with Fiona leaning on me, asleep with her laptop open.  She is so damn beautiful.  I still can’t believe I landed this absolute angel.  I hope the draft doesn’t ruin things for us.  But honestly, I think no matter what, we will figure it out.  I believe in us. I believe in our love.

As we start to descend, I wake Fiona up.  She packs up her stuff and then cuddles back into me.   We head home and I know we have a super busy week ahead of us.  Once inside, I laugh at the pile of Airheads, next to the note that says Congrats! She must have set that up before we left.

“What if we had lost?” I ask her. “I would have ran ahead and removed the congrats sign.  But I knew you would win.  I believe in you,” she laughs. We head to bed and sleep like the dead between the game and jet lag.

When she gets up, she heads to her parents to get some time with them.  I use the time to clean the apartment before I shower and go back to sleep.  I wake up and start dinner when she texts that she is on her way home.  We only have one Sunday movie this week, but that is ok.  Family time is super important.

Monday we are both up and out the door before seven.  The day drags by between classes, practices, dryland, tape, and a mandatory yoga class we have to take.  Tape sucks, because the last time we played GU, it wasn’t great for Luke or me.  We lost our cool multiple times and I have a feeling Justin is going to fuck with us hard this game to get us ejected.

As I think it, Coach says, “Listen, we all love Fiona and hate her ex, but you all need to ignore him.  Miller and Campbell – he is going to try to get to you guys the most.  But he knows she is close with the team so I won’t be surprised if he tries to rile anyone up he can.  Stay calm.  We will get him back by winning the championship.”

Getting home, I eat and pass out the minute Fiona and I get in bed. Tuesday when I wake up, I let Fiona know I am meeting with Luke at Slapshots while she has a girl’s night. She gives me a kiss, murmuring, “Have a good time, babe.  Love you.”

The day flies by, I think, because I am anxious to talk to Luke. Arriving at Slapshots, I grab a beer from the bartender and have a seat.  Luke comes up moments later with his beer. “Spill it Miller, the past few days waiting has taken months off my life,” he says. I roll my eyes at the dramatics and laugh.

“I am going to marry your sister.  You don’t have to support that, but I wanted to ask you.  I am also going to ask your dad, but your opinion matters to me too.  I can’t promise I won’t hurt her.  But I will try my hardest to keep her happy.  I love her more than I love playing hockey, which as you know, is a lot. The moment she entered my life I knew she was it for me” I say, full of emotion.

He stares at me, and we sit in silence before he says, “Of course I support you.  I have seen how you treat her.  You make sure she eats when we both know she will forget.  You support her career and dreams.  You wear those ridiculous yellow Converse in support of her.  You aren’t afraid to stand up for her, even to me.” Tears fall down my cheeks as I sit silent. “Congrats, bro.  She will say yes, don’t worry,” he says.

Now to head home and decide when to purpose.  The draft is coming up, so I am not sure if I should do it then or wait until the summer.  I want to do it when the moment is perfect.  I already picked the ring after looking at her Pinterest and using what I know about her.  Next is the talk with her dad on Sunday when we are all together for family dinner.

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