Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 27

Today is the first day of playoffs.  I wake up extra early to prepare.  Zane and I have been in a great place since our talk last week.  I think the draft was weighing heavier on us than either of us realized.  We are both much more relaxed and the sex has been amazing.  I didn’t even know it was possible to be this sexually satisfied.  I look over at the beard he is growing out for the playoffs.  The way that thing tickles me while he eats my pussy sends me over the edge.  I did get beard burn one day, though.  Anyway, time to focus on getting ready for playoffs.

I draw 27 on my cheeks, put on a cute team beanie, add Zane’s jersey and a pair of bell bottoms, and my Converse.  I am game day ready!  I kiss Zane while he sleeps, then head out.  I get the cameras all set up in the tunnel with the assistant I that is assigned to me this semester.  It’s part of her sports marketing internship.  Her name is Hailey, and she is super sweet.  The guys start arriving and we start taking pics and filming.

“Here comes your man” she says, swooning.  He was her crush before we started dating.

“Sunshine, I got you coffee and a muffin since I am sure you didn’t eat,” he says, his voice booming down the hallway.

I set my stuff down and give him a kiss before he turns to leave.

“Wait!” I yell, and when he turns around, I toss the Airheads I had for him.  He catches most of them, chuckling as he grabs the rest.

“Love you, Fi,” he yells, walking away.

Once arrival pics are done, I get to posting before heading to my seats.

I am seated with Penny and Zane’s parents to one side, and my parents, Lucy, and Celisa on the other.  Luke skates over and we all throw up the I love you sign.  Shortly after, Zane starts to skate over.  My parents know our ritual but it’s slightly embarrassing for them to see in person.  I don’t know why, though.

Skating over, Zane knocks on the boards before throwing my Airheads over.  I don’t catch all of them.  He takes his hand out of his glove, placing it on the glass.  But different than normal when I place my hand on top, he changes his hand to a half heart.  I laugh and follow suit.  He mouths I love you to me and I shoot up the I love you sign.  He smiles the biggest smile and returns the motion before joining the team for warmups.  Both sides of me are a chorus of “Aww, how sweet”, “How cute!”, and “The love is real”.  I love the support we have from our families.

This game is against Tennessee.  We beat them last time, so the guys are going into the game confident.  Zane ends up in the penalty box two times during the first period.  The playoffs are making both teams play more physically than normal.  By the end of the second period, we are 0-0.  Both teams are getting antsy.  I can see Luke starting to get reckless with his charges down the ice.  During the third period everyone is on edge – the fans, the coaches, the players.

Suddenly someone slashes at Zane and I stand up.

“What the fuck ref, you didn’t see that?” I yell.

The same player ends up smashed into the boards in front of us by Zane.  It turns into a fight that has Rodriguez, the left defender, coming to help.  I see Zane’s helmet slipping off as the guy keeps grabbing him and punching. Zane is punching back, being careful to avoid the other player’s head.  I see Zane trying to get his helmet pulled back on between punches.

I smack the boards.  “Ref, what the fuck?  Break this shit up!” I yell.

Finally, the linesman gets it broken up, Z touches the boards in front of us, nodding on his way to the box. With both of our starting defenders in the box, I hope to God we can keep control of the puck.  Davis is doing great defending the goal.  As soon as Rodriguez and Zane hit the ice again, they make a beeline for Davis to help him out.

With two minutes left, Stuntz scores; you could almost feel the bleachers shake with the roars from the crowd.  We hold strong those last two minutes to win the game!

All the players scramble to the ice, jumping onto Stuntz in celebration.  Z skates over to the boards and bangs and gives me the I love you sign, then heads off the ice for media and the locker room.  We all wait outside and cheer the guys on as they come out of the arena.  I hug players and give out fist bumps until I see my guy.  I jump and he catches me with a kiss.

“You did it!” I murmur on his lips.  He kisses me, then puts me down and we walk over to everyone waiting.

We go out to dinner with our families.  Stuntz joins us too, which is always nice.  We discuss traveling to Charlotte for the game next week.  The draft is brought up, but mainly because Penny offers to host everyone for the draft.  So sweet of her.  I want to be with my brother and Zane, but I think my brother will go to my parents, understandably.  Zane’s parents tell us they are staying in the area so they can be at the championships.  Two games left and then they will be there.  I know the team will make it.  They are all playing at the very best I have seen all season.

When we get home we crash pretty quickly, both exhausted from our own long days. Waking up on Sunday, Z is already up making breakfast. “How long do we have?” I ask, walking out of the room. He looks at the stove and says, “Enough for a quickie with you bent over the kitchen table.” I drop my panties and bend over, waiting for him. “Damn Fi, you are so hot,” he says, pulling his cock out and stroking it. “Hurry up before you burn breakfast,” I say, laughing. SMACK! He smacks my ass and then guides himself in.

In this position he is hitting me deep and it feels so good. “You are so tight,” he murmurs as he reaches around, rubbing my clit. “Z, you are so deep.  Fuck, your cock feels so good.  Like it was made for me,” I moan right as I climax.  He follows right behind me, filling me with cum.  As he pulls his pants up, the oven beeps. “Food,” I groan as I walk to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

After breakfast we watch movies while we both work on our laptops.  Zane is studying and I am creating content for the next playoff game.  I am excited to head to Charlotte, though.  My mind is distracted, trying to figure out my plans for the week.  My phone dings with a notification from Instagram.  Opening it, I see Zane tagged me in his story.  It’s a video of him panning from his computer to me on my computer next to him with the caption Easy like Sunday morning.

“Okay, that was cute,” I say, looking up at him.  We spend the rest of the day doing our usual movies and work.

The week flies by with both of us being super busy with playoff prep.  I have been in and out of meetings about trying to promote special merchandise and to help get tickets sold for next season.  Zane has been having two-a-days, dryland, and tape every day this week.  He also has his classes, so he has just been really busy.

Friday morning, I wake up excited and nervous.  I get my bag packed and then shower and get ready to head to the airport.  I end up putting my hair wet into two Dutch braids, which is easy for travel and it will be curly for tomorrow’s game.  I wear navy joggers and a cute Penguins crewneck sweatshirt.  Zane comes out in his suit, but I know they change on the plane into something more comfortable.  He packed navy joggers and a long sleeve Penguins t-shirt.

At the airport I get some pictures of the team.  Then Davis decides to come take pictures of just me and a few of me and Zane together at the tarmac; it was actually so cute.  On the plane I close my eyes while everyone changes, then settle into my seat, listening to music while I edit.  This time is perfect.  I get so much done.  Some of the guys stop in the aisle to watch me on the laptop.  Loving the process, they ask questions and just admire how everything works.  It was fun getting to include them in the behind-the-scenes part while Z looks over proudly.  Even Coach stops by, watching for a few minutes.

Charlotte is cold, but beautiful.  We are staying in a hotel in the center of the city.  Our hotel is nice, and the room is perfect.  We have one king size bed, but this time it’s exactly what we wanted.

“Remember our first hotel stay?’ I ask.

Zane chuckles.  “Yeah, you came back drunk, we had one bed, and the sexual tension was thick.”

I smile.  “How about we christen this bed the way we wanted to in Cocoa?” I ask.

Without another word, he is kissing me and trying to get his shirt off. I  pull back, giving myself space to get my clothes off.  Once we are both naked, he picks me up, kissing me and walking me to the bed.

“Now baby, I need you to try and be quiet.  My teammates are on the other side of this wall and I don’t need them getting off to sounds of you,” he informs me.

I giggle and kiss him.  He slides into bed and then uses one hand to play with my tit, rubbing my nipple.  Dropping his face, he gives it a little nip before sucking on it.  Right before he switches sides he blows lightly and my whole body shakes from the sensation.  The way he is fucking me right now, you would think he was trying to rearrange my insides, going as deep as he can, hard and fast.  Reaching down to my clit, he has been on the edge and I think he knows that because he suddenly flips me over.

“Ass up, baby,” he growls into my ear.

I spread my legs on my knees, resting on my elbows.  He thrusts in, but pushes my upper back so I am lying flat on my stomach with just my knees bent to give him better access.

“That’s it, baby girl.  You are so tight with this ass up in the air and your pussy spread like this for me,” he moans.

He wraps a hand around, rubbing light circles on my clit.  I am about to explode when he moves his hand to my mouth covering it.

“You are such a good girl,” he whispers.

I cum, yelling his name into his hand against the pillow.  He follows behind, moaning my name lightly into my ear.  Something about it is incredibly sensual and gives me chills.  He gets up, getting a washcloth to clean me up.  Then we both climb in bed to sleep.

Saturday morning is hectic.  We are both up early, heading to the arena.  I film the team’s morning skate and some shots around the arena.  We get lunch, then head back to the hotel.  Zane takes a nap and I make all my content and schedule it to start posting hourly leading up to the game.

Heading to the arena, I feel some stress.  Zane and I exchange our Airheads before the game.  I take my seat right next to the team bench.  When he enters the ice, he comes straight to me for our pregame ritual.  I say a silent prayer that we win this game.  The team is buzzing with energy and I use this energy to film some more content.

The first period Luke scores and so does Carolina.  They at least play a clean game.  They haven’t been slashing or going for the goalie.  I can tell Zane is relaxed, knowing he doesn’t have to worry about such a dirty playing team.  Don’t get me wrong, they have scuffles, but there is nothing penalty worthy or where the whole team has to focus on protecting the goalie.  The second period ends with no goals gained on either side.  It’s still 1-1.  Zane did get penalty time, but it was only two minutes.

Heading into the third period, everyone is holding their breath.  Their defenders are all over our offense; they aren’t getting to get down the ice.  Zane ends up with the puck near the red line and sends a slapshot straight to the goal.  He made it!  Holy shit!  He just made a slapshot from center ice!  He skates by me on one knee, his celly.  I love it.  We end up winning 2-1.

When I see Zane I jump, kissing him. “You killed it!  A fucking slapshot!  Zane, you were amazing, babe!” I tell him. He thanks me and we get on the bus to head to the airport.  The energy on the bus is high!  They are all celebrating heading into the semifinals next week undefeated.  It’s a huge accomplishment.  We are the only team in the playoffs undefeated.  The other teams both have one loss.

Getting onto the plane we all wait for the announcement for who won the Colorado v Alabama game so we know who and where they are playing next.  Georgia beat Iowa so they are moving on to play the winner of Delaware v North Carolina.  After the plane lands, Coach stands, announcing that Georgia is playing NC at home.  We will be playing Colorado in Denver.  I am excited!  I have never been to Denver.

Heading home, we are both exhausted, so we hit the bed immediately.  I stay awake, though, thinking of what the championship is going to look like, knowing Justin will be there.  I am not looking forward to running into him again.  There is a chance nothing will happen, and we can have a peaceful game.  But I have a feeling that he is not going to let things go that easy.  Things got bad on the ice last time they played each other and that was before we were even dating.  If Justin says something, Zane is going to kill him.  The whole team also knows about Justin since Zane demanded to know how Stuntz knew about my anti-athlete clause, and I told all of them at the same time about my shitty, abusive ex.  I am close with the team, and they all hate him now, so I don’t need the entire team in the box because Justin sucks.

I focus on Zane’s breathing, trying to clear my mind, and I finally fall asleep.

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