Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 29

I wake up Wednesday exhausted.  Girls’ night was so fun, though, and I am glad that I went.  I can’t believe what a perfect fit Charlie is in our group.

I don’t have any meetings today.  I decide to sleep in a little, so Zane is gone when I get up.  With the championships next week, we are so busy that I am excited for a little breather today.  I am pushing merchandise and championship tickets like crazy but trying to balance it out with actual team content.  I don’t want the page to get really sales-focused or people will tune it out.  Once I’m at work, I focus on all my editing for a few hours.  Zane comes and gets me to head home once he is done too.

At home, I make dinner for us and he showers.  After dinner is over and we clean up, I decide to be spontaneous since we have both been so tired and busy.  I strip in the kitchen when he goes into the bedroom.  I spray whipped cream on myself and follow him in.  It’s dripping everywhere, so this wasn’t my best idea.

“Z,” I whisper. He turns around and his mouth literally drops open. “Hungry for dessert?” I say. “Always,” he says, stalking to me. He drops to his knees.  Starting with my tits, he begins to lick slowly.  He cleans one tit at a time, being sure to suck until all the whipped cream is gone.  Then he heads down my stomach, licking, making my body shudder from the sensation.

When he gets to my pussy, he says, “Spread these amazing legs so I can get to my real dessert.” I get wet from his words.  I spread my legs, balancing myself by holding onto his shoulders.  He licks slowly and plants kisses on my inner thighs. “Babe,” I whimper. “Shh, baby, I am trying to savor my treat,” he whispers onto my thigh, where he is currently kissing.

I feel his fingers spread my lips and I can feel his breath as he hovers over my clit.  After what feels like forever, he dives in.  He eats my pussy like I am his first meal after being on a deserted island.  I am shaking by the time he adds in his two fingers.  He reaches up, rubbing one of my nipples.  That’s all it takes.  I cum all over his face, not being able to take all the sensations.

He removes his fingers from me, wipes his face on his shirt, then strips down to nothing and picks me up.  He holds me up while he lays back on the bed, keeping me on top of him.  I reach down and guide myself in after planting a kiss on his pouty, perfect lips.  As I slide down on him, I watch his amber eyes flicker with passion.  He moans as I take the last inch of him.  I start to bounce and he grabs my tits, playing with my nipples.  It feels so good.

I lean down moaning, “Z, you feel so good.  My pussy was made to fit your big cock perfectly.”

He moves his hands to my ass, palming them before giving them a slap.  I moan, leaning into his shoulder against his neck.

“Be a good girl and cum with me,” he whispers into my hair.

Keeping one hand on my lower back and one on the back of my head, keeping me against him, he proceeds to thrust into me hard and fast.  Seconds later we both reach the brink of orgasm.  I roll off him and go to get up and head to the bathroom.

“Don’t even think about it, sunshine.  I don’t care how tired I am, I will always clean you up,” he commands, getting up himself.  After we are both cleaned up, we pass out with me sprawled across him.

My alarm comes too early Thursday.  I lay on Zane’s chest, thinking of my schedule for the day before I get up.  My phone dings and I grab it.  It’s an email from the Tampa Thunder.  Wouldn’t they call if I got it?  Maybe it’s a rejection email.  Fuck.

“Zane,” I whisper, shaking him.

“What’s up, Fiona?” he mumbles.

“Sorry to wake you up on your sleep-in day, but I got an email from the Tampa Thunder.  I am scared to open it.  I thought they were going to call, so… I think it’s a rejection,” I tell him with tears in my eyes.

He sits up.

“Babe, they would be stupid to reject you.  Let’s get up and ready, then we will open it.  You will regret not opening it on camera when you see they gave you the job,” he says, kissing my head and getting up.

We get dressed and I put on my bell bottoms and my Tampa Thunder shirt.  Zane sets up my camera for me, then stands next to me while I open my computer.

We are pleased to offer you the full time Social Media Manager position with the Tampa Thunder.  You will see an attachment explaining the four weeks you have to respond.  You have done an amazing job with the Tampa Penguins and we hope you will join us.  The contract is also attached.  If you have any questions or anything to discuss, the people to contact are below.  Welcome to the Tampa Thunder!

I am crying when Zane leans over, kissing my temple.

“I told you, babe!  You are way too talented for them to pass up!  I am so incredibly proud of you!” he murmurs into my hair.

He reaches over, shutting off the camera.  Then he picks me up and kisses me passionately.  We have to leave for work soon, but I tell Zane I am going to stop and see Lucy real quick, then head in.

I tell Lucy, and of course she is so excited and gives me the biggest hug.  I can’t stop crying about my dream coming true.  My face must fall a little bit when I think about Zane and me, because she grabs my hand.

“You and Zane will make it work.  He won’t make you choose, and I know you both will make it through any distance if you have to.”

I talk to her for another few minutes before I head to the rink.  I get a text from Marissa telling me to come straight to the press room when I arrive.  Weird, she must know I got the job.

Walking into the press room, it’s dark, but before I reach for the lights, they turn on.

“CONGRATULATIONS!” is screamed at me as I scream.

I am suddenly showered in confetti and Airheads.  Looking around, it’s the media team, all the players, the athletic director, and Coach.

Coach gives me a slight head nod before he tells the team, “Hurry up and congratulate our season MVP.  Then get your asses on the ice.”

Everyone comes and hugs me, giving me their congrats and telling me how proud they are.  Season MVP!  Coach really has a way with words, I giggle to myself.

When Z finally walks up, I tell him, “Thank you, babe!”

“You deserve to be celebrated.  Season MVP, though, that was all Coach.  He is proud of the fan base you helped us to build,” he tells me, before he kisses me and hustles out to get out to practice.

My day flies by with all the excitement.  My parents, Penny, Charlie, Celisa, and even Zane’s parents text me, congratulating me.  I am so loved.  It’s crazy how much my life has changed over the past year.

I head home at a decent time to cook dinner.  When we lay down to go to bed, Zane reminds me that he is so proud of me.

I feel him move under the blanket.

“What are you doing?” I giggle.

“I am just giving you a celebration gift.  Relax for me, baby girl,” he murmurs.

I can feel him moving my shirt up and pulling my panties to the side.  Thankfully I didn’t put on shorts, I guess.  He takes his time getting me to orgasm, using all his favorite moves – blowing my clit, twirling his tongue around it, sucking, licking me top to bottom, and of course, fingering me while he eats me out.  He makes sure I get a mind-blowing orgasm before he grabs a washcloth and cleans me up.

“Time for sleeping, sunshine,” he says, pulling me into him.

Friday morning is nowhere near as exciting.  I do have a full day on the ice with the players individually and in small groups.  We film player profiles to post, as well as some fun dances and trending stuff.  I make the guys wear some of the new merch to help promote it.  We have a fun time.

Once everyone is on the ice in their scrimmage stuff for our team filming, I come up with a fun idea.  When we are done with most of our filming I yell out, “Anyone up for capture the flag?” and I hand two players flags and bolt.

I speed skate between the teams and get some cool footage skating on the ice with them.  After like an hour we call it quits.

“Damn, Fiona, we didn’t know you were such a good skater,” a lot of the guys tell me.

“Well, Luke is my brother.  I didn’t have much of a choice to learn,” I laugh.

At home Zane orders pizza and we have a relaxed night in with food and a movie.  I go to reach for my computer to edit.

“No, sunshine.  You are enjoying your night.  The team pages will survive one night without you,” he says, pulling my feet into his lap.  He gives me a foot massage that feels so good while we watch our movie.  I must fall asleep because I wake up when he is putting me into bed.

On Saturday Zane has a team building thing, so I hang out with Celisa before she has work.  We get lunch and catch up.  She is enjoying single life and bartending right now.  I guess she is making bank with the team doing so well.  I am happy for her.  I am glad to see her enjoying life.  Whenever I tell her she should open her own bar, she always laughs me off.  We say our goodbyes and head our separate ways.  I will see her tomorrow during our family dinner at mom and dad’s.

I decide that Zane and I should go out tonight.  We dress up for a celebration dinner at a local steakhouse.  Charlie is working and we ask to sit in her section.  She tells us about her last semester and talks about trying to find a job.  I wish her luck and tell her I know a few people in the business world that I can introduce her to.

Dinner was amazing and so was the service.  At home I get myself snuggled on the couch to watch my vampire show.  Zane is on his computer studying, but he is also texting a lot, so maybe he is talking to the team.

I get up late on Sunday and Zane is already making breakfast.

“Morning, sunshine.  I am going to meet Luke for a workout, then I will be back to shower and get ready for your parents,” he says. After we eat, he gets dressed, kisses me, and heads out.  He is being loving and attentive, but something seems off.  It is so weird.

I text the family group chat.

Fiona: Zane is acting really weird.  Should I bring it up?

Celisa: Maybe, but what do you mean by weird?

Fiona: I just have this weird feeling.  He seems normal but the vibe seems off with him.  I’m not sure.

Lucy: No, leave it alone.  The championships are this week.  He is probably stressed.

Celisa: I agree, that is probably it.

Luke: I am with him now.  It’s the stress of the game.  Don’t worry, Fi.

Fiona:  I don’t want to start a fight or anything, I was just worried.  But I didn’t even think about the stress of the game. Thanks guys. You’re right, it’s probably just the game and I am feeding off of him.

I shower and get dressed in a cute tank top floral jumpsuit with my Converse.  Zane showers and puts on some black shorts and a nice V-neck shirt with his Converse.  I smile because I can’t believe I was concerned about this Converse-wearing man.  Zane took the roof off the Jeep.  The drive to my parents is so nice.  We blast my summer playlist and just let the wind blow in our hair.  Well, my hair and Zane’s playoff beard.  I laugh out loud at that.

“What is so funny in that pretty little mind?” he says. “I was thinking about the wind in my hair and the wind in your playoff beard,” I giggle. He just shakes his head and laughs.

My parents’ house is in Clearwater, so traffic is horrible, but we finally make it.  Zane brought flowers for my mom and gin for my dad.  I don’t know why, they love him either way.  We sit around playing Cards Against Humanity and having a drink.  My mom loves this game, and what better way to wait on dinner to cook than see who is the most fucked up in your family?  We all laugh and have a great time.

Dinner is amazing.  My mom killed this meal!  I need to get the recipe.  Luke and Lucy are on their phones.  I guess it’s too much to ask for some family time.  I roll my eyes at myself, because we all know I suck at staying off my phone.

“Hey, I want to celebrate your new job, Fiona.  Let’s go to the pier and toss in a shell for wishes like we used to do,” Lucy says.

“Aww, yeah, that would be super fun,” I say.

Luke looks over, then says, “Just us kids, though.  Sorry, parents.  Also, Zane, you have to stay too, this is our little tradition.”

I am about to object and tell him how rude that is when Zane says, “No worries, I understand.  I am going to help clean up, then try and beat your dad at chess again.”

I look at him, confused.  “Are you sure?  I don’t know why Luke is being rude.”

“They just want this family moment.  Babe, I am not upset!  Go have fun.  He already texted me and asked if I would be offended and I said no.  So go and have a good time.”

He kisses me.

“Take the Jeep, the roof is off,” he adds.

We have an amazing time at the pier.  It was some much-needed “just us four” time that I didn’t realize I was missing.  When we get back to the house Zane and dad are having a drink while mom sits in the chair next to the chess table by them.  Zane hugs them both goodbye.  I say my goodbyes too and we head out.

It’s weird but the strange energy he had earlier seems to be gone.  But maybe it was the alcohol, I think, as I drive us home.  Not that he is drunk, but we are always careful.  If one of us has more than two drinks, the other drives.

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