My Wolf and I

Chapter 9 ✔


“Not quite time to meet the parents officially. But I’ll catch you later yea, Songbird?” He said tapping me twice on the cheek, smiling. I watched him wave at my parents while walking by. My eyes didn’t leave him until he was out of the door.

“Son. You better tell me that that was your mate before I take you out back and kick your ass.” Mom said with a stern look. Dad gave her a puzzled look but nodded along anyway.

“That was Aiden,” I said while looking away and scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

“He accepted you already? That was fast, but I’m glad that you are together now.” My dad smiled as he spoke but stopped when I gave him a sheepish smile. “What did you do?”

“There is a possibility that I didn’t tell him about me.” my eyes widened as I thought about the night before. “Shit,” I said quietly

“Hey, watch your language,” My mom snapped

My dad recovered quickly from the cruse and came to guide me to the kitchen. He made me sit down while asking, “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“Last night, Aiden and I had... you know.” I implied, “I think I marked him”

“What do you mean you think?! You don’t know?!” Mom scolded

“I mean that I was kinda preoccupied with loving my mate that I can’t remember if I bit him or not,” I said in a snotty tone but quickly changed tone. Holding my head in my hands overthinking everything. “Did you guys see a mark? What if I did and when I tell him he rejects me. Wolves can die from rejection without a bite, but with it. I’m a goner for sure. Wha-” My dad cut me off leaning over the bar to grab my face and squish my cheeks together.

“Jayvee Forest Haddox. You stop it right this instant.” He said in a stern tone that he never used. “You are an amazing person with a great brain. Any person would be lucky to have you as a mate. But you didn’t get just any person, you got Aiden I don’t know his middle or last name. I will not allow you to sit here and worry about something that is not happening right now. Do you understand me?” I nodded slowly with a wobbly lip.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I said, “I don’t want to lose him” as much as I willed them not to, the tears began to fall down my face. “Dad, I love him already.” I cried.

He gave me a worried sad look while walking around the bar to hug me. I laid my head on his chest while hugging him. He ran his fingers through my hair like he used to when I was sick. “I know baby, I know. Everything will work out I promise.”

I pulled away from him to shake my head, “You’re right dad. I need to get to classes but thank you.” I smiled at him before getting up.

I was a mess, I couldn’t focus on any of my classes, my mind was completely taken over by Aiden. I was so worried that he had my bite. It wasn’t that I didn’t want him to be marked, I did, I just wanted to do it after I told Aiden about me and my family.

I got to our shared class before him, so I waited for him outside. I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned on the wall near the door. I was trying so hard to remain calm and not track him down to check his neck.

I can’t believe I did something so stupid. How could I possibly not remember if I marked him? Do you remember, did you take over at any point last night. I thought, waiting for my wolf to respond.

I’m as confused as you are, I was lost in the pleasure that was our mate. God did you see the way he moved his hips when we would-

“Why are you standing out here?” Aiden asked cutting my wolf off from his thoughts. I looked at him from head to toe, he looked alright, but his eyes were red and slightly puffy. He had changed his clothes from this morning. He was wearing a light grey turtleneck with a graphic t-shirt over it so I couldn’t see if he had my mark.

“Waiting for you of course. Are you okay? Have you been crying?” I questioned while gently taking him out of the way of the door.

“Yea, I’m fine just thinking about stuff. I broke up with Cato, you might be pleased to know but now I’m kinda homeless so that’s stressful. Cato had done some messed up things to me in our past, a lot of it just came to light so I’m shaken up. Honestly, I’m kinda scared of going back to get my stuff.” He sighed running his hand down his face. “I’m sorry I don’t mean to unload all of this onto you. I don’t want to start off whatever this is with a shit ton of drama. Do your parents already hate me for how I left?” He looked at me with such hope-filled and pleading eyes.

“They don’t hate you. They aren’t too please with me though. Said that I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you.” I shrugged while giving him a smirk. He made a face before replying

“You didn’t take advantage. But if you want to believe them, you could maybe make it up to me by coming to the apartment with me to get my stuff. I just really don’t want to be alone with Cato. I told him not to be there when I got back but I doubt that he will listen.” He asked biting his lip which made me want to bite it instead.

I stepped closer to him smiling “Of course, I’ll come with you, babe.” I gently placed my hand on his hip, “Maybe I could get a certain something from a certain someone before though?” I asked gently.

He gave me an annoyed look, “I am not fucking you in the bathroom.” He stated sternly causing me to laugh loudly.

“Jesus, I meant a kiss.” he let out a soft ‘oh’ before leaning on the wall next to me smiling.

“I guess that can be arranged.” He grinned while doing the ‘come here’ motion with his finger. I grinned before caging him against the wall.

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