My Wolf and I

Chapter 8 ✔


I woke up feeling amazing, there were no nightmares from the previous night. It felt like something was guarding me, keeping me safe from anything bad. There was the weight of an arm on my waist, heavy I thought happily. My eyes shot open with shock. “Heavy?” I groaned out loud in confusion. I looked down at my body, I was naked, the sheet on the bed was covering everything past my hip bones. I narrowed my eyes at the arm that held my body in place. This arm was bigger than Cato’s, darker too.

“Mmm?” A voice moaned from behind me. ok that is definitely not Cato I thought. I turned around and was face to face with Jayvee Haddox. “Morning gorgeous” His morning voice of incredibly sexy.

“Oh my god. That wasn’t a dream” I gasped as images from the previous night flashed in my head.

On my back with Jayvee leaning over me holding himself up with one hand near my head. His other hand was holding my hip and he with looking at me with such a loving gaze.

I blushed.

Jayvee was beneath me, my hands on his chest. He had both of his hands on my hips guiding me. His eyes hooded as he bit his lip.

I blushed harder. “What a sight to wake up to,” he stated bringing his hand up to rub his thumb over my cheek. “Um, you don’t regret last night, do you?” The look he gave me, he looked so scared, so worried that I was going to reject him.

“I don’t regret what we did, it was amazing. But I do regret when we did it, you know? I don’t think it was fair to Cato, even if he did -” I cut myself off not wanting to think about it.

“Jaybird!! I made breakfast! Come and get it!” A voice came from the other side of the bedroom door, the door handle jiggled after a few knocks. Thankfully the door was locked. “Jay?”

Jay’s eyes widened as he quickly got up from the bed. “Just a sec Dad, I got company,” he yelled pulling some grey sweatpants on.

“Ooh, is it him?” The voice asked, I made a face at Jayvee making him blush.

“You told your parents you have a crush on me?” I teased. His face turned bright red, and he mumbled something under his breath about getting dressed.

I smiled and got out of bed only to fall right back down when pain shot from my ass up my back. I glared at Jay “Couldn’t have been rougher?” I asked, “I should get back to mine. Gotta break up with a certain someone before I can start something new.” I gave Jay a knowing look.

I got out of bed slower than before and managed to get dressed. Jay stood at the door waiting for me, even opened the door for me. I peeked my head out and was met with two people, a small man, and a tall woman, I smiled at them before looking at Jay. “Not quite time to meet the parents officially. But I’ll catch you later yea, Songbird?” I tapped him lightly on the cheek twice.

I waved at his parents as I passed them. I didn’t mean to be rude, but I really didn’t want to start off whatever Jay and I had with sex while still with my ex and then meeting his parents the morning after.

As I made my way down the unrealistic number of stairs, I noticed that there is a crap ton of people in this house. It was so much brighter even with curtains; the people just made the house feel so alive.

“Goo’ Moring” A little kid wobbled over to me. They had extremely curly blond hair and dazzling blue eyes. They held their arms out slightly to balance while walking.

“Good morning!” I smiled at the two-year-old, they smiled back showing off their tiny little baby teeth.

“Bye, Bye.” They waved by opening and closing their tiny fist and ran over to someone calling for them.

I quickly walked out of the building and to my car, hoping for no one to see me freak out.

To – Songbird


Also, I had a really good time last night

Maybe we could do it again sometime

Maybe after a date

I didn’t want to come off as clingy or annoying, but I couldn’t help but send each line in a separate message. It was something I did when I was excited.

From– Songbird

Lol you are absolutely adorable. You must’ve run into one of the strays. I had I good time too, definitely down to do it again. Dates too, now that I’ve had a taste, I don’t think I can back down.

I blushed at the message he replied with while starting my car. On my drive I thought about what I was going to say to Cato; it was only right that I told him what I did.

I pulled into the parking space I had been using since I first moved into the apartment with Cato. I thought about how Cato gave it to me by putting a giant bow on the asphalt. I shook my head to clear my mind of the good memories and reminded myself of the bad ones.

I took a deep breath before getting out of the car and beginning the climb up the stairs. It felt like I had rocks in my shoes. When I held my key up to the door it felt like a force was trying to pull me back and away from this situation altogether.

I did one final shake to get rid of nerves. I unlocked and opened the door to a place that didn’t feel like home anymore.

“Aiden! My god! Where have you been I’ve been worried sick!” Cato said jumping up from the couch. He looked awful, his hair was a mess and he had bags under his eyes. “You said you’d have your answer at the end of classes, but you never came home, and I was so worried something happened to you. A-and you didn’t answer your phone.” Tears were welling up in his eyes as he came towards me.

“I’m sorry I didn’t come back or answer when you texted me. My phone died halfway through class since I didn’t charge it that night. I have my answer but before I give it to you, I need to be honest with you about something.”

“Oh ok, um let’s sit down.” I nodded and we sat on the couch, each of us on one end facing the other.

“So, there is this guy in my Business Management class. At first, he was really annoying and wouldn’t leave me alone. But then we got partnered up for a project and then he wasn’t so annoying. He invited me to his place last night and we had sex.”

“What,” Cato said shocked, “You cheated on me? Aiden, what the hell is wrong with you!”

“What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you? You fucking drugged me, Cato!”

“In high school! I didn’t even do anything to you. You’re blowing it way out of proportion.” He scoffed at me crossing his arms.

“You fucking raped me!” I screamed, “You know what I always have nightmares about. That fucking night, at first I thought it was just my imagination going crazy with scenarios like always but then you confessed to drugging me and I put two and two together.”

“Like I said it was a stupid mistake. And I never did it again!” He tried

“You really think I could trust you ever again after learning about this?” I was baffled

“Look, look, babe-” I shot him a glare, “- We both did something stupid right? Why don’t we just forget about everything and continue like before all of this? We were talking about adopting, getting a house, a dog! Do you really want to throw all that away because of this?”

“You’re right.” I said smiling, “I don’t want to throw all that away, I still want to have a house and kids and a whole fricken zoo.”

He looked so relieved and leaned forward to hug me saying, “Baby, I’m so hap-” I cut him off

“I just don’t want those things with you. I could never trust you again. Ever.” I held my hand out to keep him from touching me. “I have class, I will be here after to get my things. Don’t be here when I get here. But I am not going to talk to you after this. Ever. Bye”

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