My Wolf and I

Chapter 7 ✔


I can’t believe he said yes! My mate is coming over! I thought. I had done some heavy soul-searching the previous night and realized that the bond won’t matter if I can make Aiden fall for me first.

“So do you want me to follow you or ride with you?”

“I mean I would prefer you ride me.” I flirted “That was awful, I regretted it the moment I said it.” I followed which made Aiden laugh.

“I’ll follow behind you. Don’t want to bother you with driving me back.”

“Anytime spent with you could never be a bother,” I said seriously, causing him to blush.

I smiled at him before getting in my car.

“Almost lost you a few times. Why you gotta drive like a madman?” Aiden scolded while getting out of his car. There were two ways to get to the packhouse, the north, which came to the front of the house and had the other houses in view. And the south, which came to the back of the house and hid the other houses, we mostly only used this for human visitors.

“Why you gotta drive like a grandma?”

“It’s called driving the speed limit. Now be quiet and show me the kitchen.”

I nodded and led him up to my apartment trying to keep the pack kitchen from his sight.

“How many people live here? Jesus.” Aiden panted as we made it to the third floor where my apartment was.

“My parents and I, my uncle’s family and Aunts family, and a few strays as well,” I explain with as little detail as possible.

“Alright Mr. Secret, At least tell me if we are baking or watching a movie.” He pouted making my wolf whimper.

“What do you want to do? The kitchen is there, and the living room is right here. You choose where you want to go, and I’ll follow.” I said gesturing to each room. I smiled as he started toward the kitchen.

“What should we bake?” he asked while looking at the oven.

“How about something basic? Chocolate chip cookies?” I asked

“Fuck yes! Vegan if we can? I wanna eat half the dough.” He said excitedly with a glow in his eyes. Damn, he was adorable.

We went about putting the dough together. As I was measuring out the brown sugar, I was hit with a white cloud. “Really?” I asked turning to see Aiden smiling with the flour container in his hands. “Well, two can play that game.” I lunged forward and managed to get a handful of flour which I smashed into his hair.

“So rude!” He shouted grabbing more flour to throw at me. I smiled and went for the pantry.

I’ll have to pay dad back, but it’ll be worth it. I thought as I grabbed the new bag of flour and slammed it to the ground causing the room to go white.

I managed to find Aiden and scooped him up in my arms. “I win,” I said triumphantly in his ear. I set him down but kept my arms around him, by that point the flour had settled. He turned around in my arms and put his hands on my chest. He gave me those eyes that could make me melt. I’m still not sure if I was the one who moved first but our lips connected causing my body to burst with the feeling of flames.

“Hey, are you sure? As much as I love kissing you. You are still technically taken, and I don’t want to mes-”

“Jayvee. Just shut up and take me,” he said pulling my head down to his level.

Who was I to deny him?

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