My Servant System

Chapter 82 81: Practice; Preparations

Sitting on a rock in the training grounds, I focused entirely on the two different kinds of mana inside of me; the cold, sharp bite of the wind, and the warm, gentle flow of water.

I could feel them easily; that wasn't the problem.

What was a problem was trying to manipulate the mana inside me with precision, specifically trying to control both of them at the same time.

It was like juggling; except instead of two identical balls being tossed from one hand to another, one was a water balloon and the other a pingpong ball.

Being able to use both at the same time was annoying, and I let out another growl as I felt my control slip on the wind mana.

Sighing, I took a few deep breaths and started again.

Feeling the sharp tang of the wind mana, I gently guided it around my body.

After a few revolutions, I held my breath as I tried to keep the wind mana moving as I took hold of the flowing water mana.

Sending it streaming through my body alongside the wind mana, I grew giddy as I managed to keep them moving at the same pace.

I could feel them moving side by side, making me shudder slightly at the odd feeling.

However, now came the hard part.

Taking the wind mana, I guided it over the water mana, before twining it around the stream of water mana entirely.

Using the water mana as the 'core', I slowly allowed the wind mana to seep into the water mana, shivering as my body slowly went cold.

As the two mana streams started fusing, I gasped as the water mana flared, pushing the wind mana out.

I clenched my teeth as the wind mana pricked the inside of my body, feeling like I had thousands of small needles desperately trying to escape my veins.

Letting the different mana go, I panted as my body returned to its equilibrium, before trying again.

Sadly, I couldn't control both streams simultaneously again, shuddering as my water mana sped up to avoid the wind mana.

Opening my eyes, I watched Jahi go through her normal routine, her pale blue skin glistening with sweat.

Looking down at my own drenched body, I sighed in annoyance.

This was the fifth day that I had tried this, and each failure was disheartening.

In spite of my continued failures, I was determined to complete the merging. The desire to use ice magic was too strong to just stop here. The idea of being able to freeze people and summon storms of ice and hail was something I had always dreamed about.

Resting my aching head for a few moments, I lost myself as I watched Jahi finish her set, before dropping back down to a low stance as she went through the various moves the Marquess had beaten into her.

Speaking of, I looked warily over towards the tall, sapphire woman, who was leaning against a pillar as she watched her daughter practice.

Feeling my gaze, she turned her ruby eyes towards me, smirking before walking over.

Leaning on the rock beside me, the Marquess asked "Still having troubles?"

I nodded, sighing as I looked down at my hands.

"Well, maybe try this; use both elements at once. Create a sequence using both your wind mana and water mana simultaneously. After you can do that with ease is when you should try fusing the two together. That's how Ria learned, anyways..."

I looked at the Marquess in surprise, making her narrow her eyes as she gave me a chilling grin.

"You're thinking 'Oh wow, the muscle headed Marquess just offered me sound advice! So she does have a brain!' aren't you?"

I shook my head profusely, raising my hands as I stuttered "N-Nope, not at all! I always knew you were sm-smart! Yup!"

Staring at me, she remained quiet before chuckling.

Getting up, she said "Yeah, I don't believe you~ Let's go for a set, hmm?"

Groaning, I got up, grabbing my dagger as I prepared to be 'taught' something by the Marquess.


Jahi allowed me to use her to walk back to our room, utterly exhausted after the spartan training from the Marquess.

Getting inside, we bathed before lounging on the bed, enjoying each others heat as we cuddled.

Looking up at her calm face, I asked "Have the Empress or Sultana responded yet?"

Petting my head, Jahi looked out the window, smirking as she said "Yeah, both accepted. However, they said we wouldn't see Anput or Leone until we went to the Academy. Apparently the Empress has a small place just a ten minute walk from the Academy, and Leone convinced her to let us use it!"

"Small as in... like a mansion, or a cottage?"

Jahi chuckled, kissing my forehead as she said "It is a cottage, on the side of the Volcano the Palace and Academy rest on. Three bedrooms, two baths, and a large common room. Which means..."contemporary romance

Grinning, Jahi trailed her finger over my skin, her eyes gleaming as she said "Officially, we each have our own room, with you sleeping in mine. However, one of the rooms has a bed that's as large as this one, so..."

I smiled up at her, understanding what she was getting at.

Anput and Leone would have their own rooms, with Jahi taking the largest for herself. That meant we could either find ourselves alone, or the girls could sneak into our bed.

Conversely, if Jahi wanted to she could sneak into their rooms, depending on her mood.

Taking my hand in hers, she kissed the ring on my finger, gently looking down at me as she whispered "I love you, Kat..."

What followed was another long night, Jahi showering me with her love.


Sitting across from the Countess, I looked out the window of the carriage, watching the city draw closer.

"Kat, dear, come here."

Looking at the Countess, I tilted my head before sitting beside her, only to yelp when she pulled me closer to her.

Leaning her head on my own, the Countess sighed, her lips pursed as she said "Jahi is to big for me to do this; I'd end up somewhere on her arm..."

Ruffling my ears, I closed my eyes as I felt the familiar feeling from so long ago.

The Countess chuckled, saying "You thought about it too? How it was two years ago when we went to visit Violet at Angels Threads and I did the same thing... Hah, time really passes quickly, doesn't it?"

I nodded, leaning further into her hand as the Countess gently caressed my head.

Only her and my mother had ever really frequently done this, and recently I haven't really had the time to see mother; nor had she had the time to see me.

We had both been swept up in our own lives, however...

Thinking about the fact that I wouldn't see her for a while, my heart clenched.

The Capital was a day and a half away, and while we did have days of rest at the Academy, they were once every three days; apparently they found that to be the most beneficial for the students.

With such a stringent schedule, we couldn't just return home whenever we felt like it, so once we left, it was unlikely we would see the Marquess, Countess, or mother until the semester ends, a whole year later.

Sighing, I looked up at the Countess, who was smiling at me.

"You and Jahi... leaving in just a few weeks... It's going to be odd, not hearing Jahi scurrying around the house, or familiar sound of her and Chordeva training in the yard..."

Looking away, the Countess breathed out, her shoulders slumping slightly as she continued.

"The house will feel... empty, without you two. Don't tell her, but I'll miss that sharp tongue of hers, always vying for the last word in an argument, always quipping at something or another..."

I chuckled at that, and the Countess took a deep breath, before turning to look at me with a smile.

Her long blonde hair shone in the sun, and the intricate earrings on her long ears jingled softly as we moved.

"Well, we'll just have to make the most of it, won't we?"

I nodded, before saying "It's not like we'll be gone forever; you all could always visit. Besides, you yourself said it; time flew by. You'll blink and Jahi and I will be back home!"

The Countess grinned at me, gently laying her hand on my cheek.

"You really are just like Julie..."

Chuckling, she let me go, before saying "Oh, we're here! Come, come! We need to get you clothes, books, ink, utensils, oh~ maybe even some decorations!"

I grinned as she opened the door, stepping outside with a bounce in her step as she looked around with a gentle smile.

Really, the Countess only ever acted like this when she was shopping...

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