My Servant System

Chapter 83 82: Our Last Days (1)

I walked around the city with the Countess, carrying a bundle of various items that the Countess had decided that we would need at our new house in the Capital.

Of course, I also lost myself to her flow, looking around the various stores and stalls and buying whatever felt right.

Currently I had a few empty books, a stack of good quality paper, black and red inks, some quills and pens, a few candles, and some decorative items that would be sent to the estate in a day or so.

The Countess was humming beside me, her sapphire eyes looking around the street as she took in each store and stall.

"Anything you can think of that we didn't get? Hmm... do you need some new clothes?"

Pursing my lips, I thought about it for a few moments, before grinning as I asked the Countess a question.

She returned my grin, eagerly nodding as she led me towards Angels Threads, a bounce in her step.


Anput PoV

I lounged around my room, twirling the ring that Jahi had sent me between my fingers.

Every time the small obsidian piece glimmered beside the amethyst gem, I felt utterly giddy.

She had taken me~

I was hers now~

Letting out a laugh, I twirled around my room, slipping the ring on my finger as I held it up in the golden light streaming through my open windows.

The dry, warm air of the desert added to the heat I was feeling from below, and I had to restrain myself from sliding a hand lower.

Besides Jahi claiming me as her woman, she had sent a personal letter to me, and the contents filled me with anticipation.

'Anput, besides the ring that was sent to you, I have two more gifts waiting for my eager little Jackal, and I believe that they will captivate you. One is something you've asked for before, and I can't wait to see you with it.

As for the other gift... well, that is one you need to work for, but I can definitely say that if you play your hand right, you will have everything you could have ever wanted.

~With love from your wife, Jahi Asmodia~'

Just recalling the letter made me shiver.

The first one was obvious enough to me; I have only ever asked for two material possessions from Jahi, being the sword that now lay on a pedestal in my room, and a collar from before the incident with Kat.contemporary romance

Not only did Jahi intend to show the world I was her woman, but she wanted to make me her pet~!

My fire was slowly being stoked again, and after letting out a soft groan I dropped onto my bed, not caring anymore.

Both hands slid down, and I was thinking, even as my mind turned hazy.

Letting out a few moans, I pondered over her last promised gift, the only thing coming to mind being...

"Kat~ mhm, Kat, right there...~"

Was Jahi going to allow me a night with her?

As long as I played my hand right...

Moaning again, I buried my face into my pillow, my hands moving faster as I imagined the women of my desires.

"Jahi~ P-Please, let me...~"

My mind went blank before I shuddered, euphoria flooding my system.

Just a few more days...

Panting, I felt the scent of my deed permeate my nose, making my body tingle.

It was going to be a long few days...


Leone PoV

Sitting across from me was mother, her lips drawn in a smile as she handed me a letter.

It was sealed with the Asmodia Crest, and my heartbeat quickened as I stared at it.

Opening it, I watched as a ring fell out, my eyes widening as I understood the meaning behind it.

Picking up the gold ring, I bit my lip as I looked over the red-orange garnet twined with the deep purple amethyst.

It was the color of our eyes...

Sliding the ring onto my finger, I looked down at it, tears forming as I shakily removed the letter.

'Dear Leone:

I'm sure you are as surprised as I am; for the longest time I was sure that I would only take one wife, focusing on her and her alone. That woman that I found myself wanting to stand by my side was Anput.

However, the more I was around you, the more you captivated me, just as much as Anput drew my attention.

The way you smiled after every small discovery of you magic, the way you and Kat would lose yourselves as you discussed various formula and theories, creating your own little world.

Your bearing at every event we attended together; how you held yourself with a confidence I rarely saw when you were at home with me. How you looked every part a future Queen.

I found myself thinking of you more and more; how beautiful you looked when we danced over in the Markata County, the way your smile lightened the area over at the Vesca Barony...

When I was hunting that day, the idea of you being courted by another made me uncomfortable, my heart wrapped in worry.

Would I never be able to see your smile from up close again?

So when you asked about discussing our union with the Empress...

Well, I was ecstatic.

So, I will say it over letter, and I will say it when I see you in person again.

Leone Presa-Ash...

No, Leone Asmodia, will you allow me to love you, now and forever?

~With love from your wife, Jahi Asmodia~'

I reread the letter again, tears streaming from my eyes as I tightly gripped the letter.

Back in the Vesca Barony, I had asked if she would allow me to discuss our marriage; back then, her almost half committed answer filled me with worry.

Did she not find me attractive enough?

Or did she prefer women who were more outspoken?

After all, both Anput and Kat were women who knew what they wanted, and had no qualms doing what they wanted to get it.


I was reserved; I knew that. I preferred the company of my books and theories over that of people.

And yet...

I often found my thoughts drawn to Jahi.

Even my dreams...

Her confidence, her strength, her obvious affections...

Over the last few months, I had seen what could have awaited me.

Marriages made only for political benefit, the partners despising one another, yet being forced to wear a mask of love to fool everyone else.

If that was what would have awaited me, I... I...

"Honey, really..."

Mother sighed, sitting beside me as she pulled me into her arms.

"Any other girl I know would have been jumping up and down in happiness, yet you are here overthinking things unrelated to the letter your new wife sent you."

I turned to look up at the smiling face of my pale mother, my mouth open as I was about to ask something, only to be stopped when she put a finger to my lips.

"Of course I know what you're thinking; I was more like you than you could ever imagine."

She chuckled again, before gently lifting my hand, showing me the ring.

"Y'know, it was quite the thoughtful proposal gift. Matching your eye colors together..."

I nodded, and mother continued.

"Stop overthinking it; you are a beautiful young woman, and you caught the eye of the woman you fell for. This time you will spend together at the Academy will be good for you."

Mother started stroking my hair, pulling me into her chest as she whispered "I don't know what was in the letter, but you should take it at face value; the Asmodia Family was never known for trickery. Whatever Jahi has told you, she means completely."

I nodded again, looking up at mother as I asked "D-Do you think they'll... truly accept me? Like mom did with you?"

Mother laughed again, grinning wide.

Her sharp fangs gleamed in the light, and she said "I'm sure they will. Besides, after they get a taste, they'll never want to let you go~"

That made me laugh, and I looked down at the letter in my hand.

I was happy...

Really, really happy.

Besides that...

Deep down, I was giddy.

Now I know that I can keep them close to me.

Always by my side...



Jahi PoV

Lounging on the sofa, I shivered, a bad feeling crawling down my spine.

Frowning, I looked around the room.

Seeing nothing, and sensing nothing, I shrugged.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at mom lounging beside me, I said "Hmm... I don't know? Just got a bad feeling; like someone was thinking about me, I guess?"

"You too!?"

Mom sat up quickly, staring at me before grinning.

"Oh thank the lord! Finally someone will know my pain!"

Narrowing my eyes, I looked at the excited figure of my mom, only to widen my eyes as she elaborated.

"Hehe~ That feeling was something I used to get back in the Academy with Ria~ That day usually ended with her wringing me dry... and recently, it happens whenever her or Julie get excited!"

Hearing her explanation, I gulped at the thought, since it wasn't something that happened before.

My nights with Kat were already fulfilling enough...

There's no way she wants something... more, right?!

Or is it coming from the other two...

That thought made me shiver, wondering if I may have messed up...

After all, Kat already required my full attention every night, and I had decided to add two more women on top of that...

Gulping, I prayed for the first time in my life.


Sorry for not uploading yesterday; I just... had no motivation to write at all, for any of my books.

As for this chapter... well, these chapters will be a sendoff of the characters as they go to the Academy.

I also wanted to explore their minds a bit more, and thought this was a good way to do it.


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