My Servant System

Chapter 81 80: Leveling


This chapter will be a bit shorter, mainly filled with Kat and Jahi terrorizing the monsters of Fovos Forest.

I have also started updating 'Rekindling Our Flame' and 'Alexandra the Iron Maiden', but who knows if they'll continue getting my attention.... though playing Cyberpunk made me want to write 'Alexandra' more, so...


We found ourselves back in the cabin outside Fovos Forest, this time alone.

The Marquess said she was busy, the Countess didn't want to join us, so Jahi and I just went by ourselves.

Of course, we weren't truly alone; there was a Banshee standing outside, and it would follow us as we delved into the forest, but it didn't count as a person since it was... well, a suit of armor.

That meant...

"Jahi, come on~ Stop, let's get ready!"

Pushing the needy demoness off of me, I made my way to the shower, washing myself off before feeling Jahi slip behind me again, still needing some 'attention'.

Sadly for her, I finished showering quicker than normal, drying myself off before slipping on the new pair of clothes Jahi had bought me.

It was simple, but that was fine since I only needed it for our excursions into the woods.

Brown leather pants, a belt with a few pouches lining the sides, and a brown shirt, which funnily enough was just a tad too tight.

I gave the grinning demoness a dry look as I dressed myself, attaching the dagger to my belt.

Going into the kitchen, I prepared a quick breakfast, cooking some strips of beef and scrambling some eggs.

Setting them out on a plate, I set about making some tea as well, enjoying the calming smell wafting off the leaves.

Minutes passed, and once I was done I looked towards the bedroom with a sigh, about to open the door when a topless Jahi walked out, toweling off her hair.

I gestured towards the table, watching as she sat down and devoured the food.

Sitting opposite her, I finished my portion quickly as well, before tossing Jahi her shirt.

"Are you finally ready?"

Pouting, Jahi looked down at me, tilting her head as she asked "Couldn't we just... stay inside today? We've been going out everyday for the last three days..."

Looking at my level, I grinned at her when I shook my head, wanting to get the last few thousand experience needed to level up.

Slumping, Jahi sighed before grabbing her sword, strapping it onto her back as she shuffled outside, muttering to herself.

Over the last two months we had traveled here often, and my level had risen to 23 over these blood filled months.

My [Healing] and [Mana Control] skills had both risen to adept, and I had managed to earn the [Stealth] skill, which made my movements more quiet.

As we entered the all to familiar forest, Jahi was still sulking, sending glances towards me occasionally.

Skipping past the initial Goblin Camps, we made our way into the areas of the Hobgoblins and Kobolds.

Deeper in the forest were Bugbears, Trolls, Salamanders, and more large, deadly creatures.

The Marquess told us that we could try our hand at that area, but we likely would struggle if we ran into more than just two or three of those monsters.

So, Jahi and I decided to limit ourselves to the outskirt of that area, where some may wander out just like the Salamander from months ago, or even the Vermillion Bird that came from even deeper.

Drawing my dagger, I moved to the right side of the current camp, taking the agreed upon area that Jahi and I had discussed.

Splitting the camp in half let us both get our fill, which was fine with me as more often than not when we alternated camps Jahi would get the larger ones.

Gliding over the forest floor, I snuck up behind two Hobgoblins, who were currently chittering to one another as they sharpened their flint blades.

Grinning, I coated my other hand in wind mana, before piercing both of them in the back, bursting their hearts quickly.

They gurgled on their own blood, peering over their shoulders with fear.

[Hobgoblin killed! 430 Xp]

[Hobgoblin killed! 422 Xp]

Seeing the large numbers made me giddy, my level slowly crawling to the cap.

Their bodies slumped forwards, shriveling, and I grinned as three others turned to look at me in surprise, chittering loudly.

Letting the rest of the camp know that someone was attacking, they scooped their weapons up and rushed towards me, only to stop when they heard a loud bang.

Quickly looking over, I saw Jahi tossing out two solid discs of light, severing the heads of some Hobs before they exploded, blinding the remaining Hobs.

Chuckling, I rushed forwards, my body quicker due to a wind spell.

Slashing my dagger towards their throats, I shivered at the familiar sensation of my blade gliding over flush.

The metallic tang of iron hit my nose, and I laughed as my blood pumped faster.

Three more notifications hit my system, however I ignored them as I sent a water arrow hurtling towards another, easily piercing its skull.

Reversing the grip on my dagger, I swayed out of the way from a stabbing spear, before cleanly shearing the tip off.

The confused Hob stared at its now useless stick, before shriveling as my dagger sunk into its forehead.

Twisting the blade, I ripped out a large chunk of pink flesh, making me grin.

Setting about clearing up the remainder Hobs, I heard the familiar ping of a notification, and when I saw it I grinned.

[Level 23 (750,621/747,954) -> Level 24 (2,667/1,121,931)]

[You have 4 Stat Points and 10 Skill Points]

Standing in the center of the camp, I took in the metallic tang of blood, the gentle breeze tickling my skin, and...

The familiar warmth of Jahi as she stood behind me, her head resting in the crook of my neck as she asked "What made you so happy, hmm?"

Lifting a hand to her cheek, I gently caressed her face, whispering "Just... nice, to be here, alone with you."

Jahi chuckled, her left hand entwining with my own as she played with the ring on my finger.

"It is nice, isn't it..."

We enjoyed the silence that descended over the forest, the only sounds being the rustling of branches in the wind, the sound of birds chirping, and our breathing.contemporary romance

"Well, I was thinking... after today is over, we can sleep in tomorrow, maybe just... 'rest' all day. I'll make us some good food, and-"

Jahi held me closer, her eyes golden as she looked down at me.

"Oh, you won't need to make anything for tomorrow; I have your food for you~"

I shook my head, however I made no argument.



STR - 32

CON - 32

AGI - 32

DEX - 32

CHA - 38

WIS - 33

INT - 33]


Dagger Proficiency (Adept)

Healing (Adept)

Growth (Apprentice)

Housework (Expert)

Hardworking (Master)

Nymphomania (MAX)

Mana Control (Adept)

Undine's Blessing (Novice)

Boreas' Blessing (Novice)

Stealth (Apprentice)]


^ All stats have been unlocked ^



So, that's where she stands as of current. Kat needs to still figure out the ratio of wind to water to create ice, which is why she hasn't used it yet; again, that is something that needs immense control to create, even if that is what you are 'supposed' to have. It is a combination of two elements.

As for the fact that she needs 1 million some odd experience for Level 25.... again, those 1.5x increases are brutal, which is why I might just make it increase by 100k every level from now on; make it a grind, but not literally impossible to get done.


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