My Servant System

Chapter 80 79: Dowry

I woke up in Jahi's arms, my whole body aching, however I felt full and satisfied.

Keeping my head buried in her chest, I scrolled through the notifications from yesterday, starting with the monster.

[Orc Spartoi killed (assist)! 1,748 Xp]

[Quest (Sex): Pleasure Jahi Asmodia - Complete

Reward: 6,750 Xp]

[Breaking the Bed: New Record!

Nine Ejaculations!

Reward: 2,000 Xp

Reward: 2,500 Xp

Reward:3,250 Xp]

I watched as I slowly closed in on Level 22, and it made me feel conflicted; after all, I had been here for almost two years at this point, yet I was only in the twenties. Conversely, I also noted the giant number per level at this point, and knew that since I was living a relatively quiet, peaceful life, that I would only be chipping away at my levels.

After all, there is only so much experience I can get from cleaning, cooking, and writhing under Jahi...

But, that would likely change when we got to the Academy; the Marquess had said that we had a few more months before we would be sent to the Capital, where we would stay for a year.

That meant that if I truly set my mind to it, I could possibly unlock the shop feature before we left.

It was a staple of almost any system; a place to buy almost anything in the world, be it raw materials or pre made weapons. Many people who I read about would use it as quickly as possible, spending their earned money or points instantly for a quick boost. Others used it sparingly, saving up to buy things that could either save their lives or to get enough materials to create their own insane weapon or armor.

I had no idea what I would do with the shop; after all, I have yet to see the items inside it, as well as if I could store these items inside the system. It would be rather hard to explain where I got some super rare metal or herb from, especially as a maid...

So, I wanted to unlock the shop as quickly as possible, as the possibilities of items I could buy excited me.

Hearing Jahi groaning, I looked up to see her wiping the sleep off her eyes, looking down at me lovingly before kissing me.

Smiling up at her, I laid in her arms for a few more moments before getting up, wanting to wash off the evidence from our battle last night.

Jahi's gaze was palpable as she stared at me, and I turned to see her 'awaken' fully, making me smirk.

Rushing into the bath, I closed the door behind me, counting as I waited for her to follow.

It took only a few seconds for the door to slam open, and I turned to the blue demon with an 'afraid' look, stuttering "M-Mistress, i-its to early for thi- ah~"

Jahi indulged in my body again that morning, the sound of my moans and her grunts echoing in the bathroom.


I sat beside Jahi, biting my lip as the Countess gave us a dry look.

"I understand that you love one another, but I would like it if you came when I summoned you, not an hour after the fact."

Nodding, I looked towards the ground, however Jahi just chuckled.

"Yet both you and Mom used to sleep in all the time~"

Glaring at her daughter, the Countess said "Except we are the ones setting the rules, not you. Hah..."

Sighing, she pinched the bridge of her nose as she turned towards her wife, who just shrugged when she said "It's kinda unfair, you judging them like that. After all, you used to be the one-"

The Marquess shut her mouth under the glare of the Countess, who was smiling sweetly at her.

Clearing her throat, the Marquess looked at Jahi and asked "Have you picked one of them to be your wife yet? Or are you going to keep avoiding that question?"

Jahi took a deep breath, her hand squeezing mine as she said "I will marry..."

Both the Marquess and Countess leaned forwards, their eyes narrowed as they looked down at their daughter.

"Both, Anput and Leone."

I smiled slightly, having anticipated this answer.

After all, Anput was almost guaranteed; she and Jahi just worked so well together. They enjoyed one anothers company and showed interest in the other.

As for Leone, I could make an argument for why Jahi didn't really care about the girl, but I knew that Leone had enough qualities that intrigued Jahi to make her want to keep her close.

Turning towards me, the Marquess raised a brow as she said "You're fine with that? Having two others women vying for Jahi's attention?"

I shrugged, saying "She had to marry, and I at least know these women; I respect and admire them as well. As for them trying to grab her attention... I think I'll be fine."contemporary romance

Grinning, I looked at Jahi, enjoying the way she turned away with a purple cheeks.

Chuckling, the Marquess leaned back, glancing at her daughter before smirking at me.

"So you found what makes her tick? Ha, that's good~ Well, did you have any idea what to do for the dowry? Or am I just signing a large check?"

Jahi shook her head, asking "Can mom and I go out to the market? I'll pick something out for them..."

Hearing that her daughter wanted to willingly go shopping, the Countess beamed at the Marquess, nodding profusely.

Shooting me a wry grin, the Marquess just shoo'd the two women out of the room, chuckling as the Countess spoke animatedly to her daughter.

After they left, the Marquess looked at me again, pursing her lips as she asked "Are you sure about this? Like really, really sure? I would rather not hear about how you attempted to murder one of them."

I scoffed, looking at her before shaking my head.

"I can tell you that I won't attempt to kill them. Really... Besides, they are both decent people, at least towards Jahi and I. After having... bonded with Jahi, I know that I will likely be the one who she turns to the most; I doubt Anput or Leone would be willing to do what she wants..."

Leaning forwards, the Marquess smirked at me when she said "Now it has me curious... what exactly are you two doing that you are so confident they won't be able to give her?"

Grinning, I said "Not telling~"

She narrowed her eyes at me, before matching my grin.

Shivering, I realized that I should have at least been a bit... kinder with the refusal to tell, as the Marquess said "Y'know, I don't think we've trained since you matured! Come on, let's go outside for a bit!"


Panting, I looked at the grinning Marquess, who was looming over me.

Her blade was leveled with my throat, and she chuckled as she said "Well, that makes the score 3-26, favoring me! Come on Kat, I know you could do better~"

Taking a few steps back, the Marquess waited for me to rise, chuckling as I grimaced.

My body was covered in bruises, quite a few muscles screaming as I had likely torn them.

Healing myself yet again, I groaned as some of the injuries refused to clear, to severe for a quick healing spell.

Readying my dagger, I activated my Wind Cloak, rushing forwards as the area around me started to blur.

Slashing and stabbing towards the Marquess well over a dozen times, I felt my blade clang against hers each time, my arm shaking as each blow rattled my bones.

Stepping back, I launched myself forwards again, sending a slash towards her chest. Blocking it, she grinned down at me even as I slammed my foot into her knee.

Spinning behind her, I tried to slash out towards her legs, only to receive a kick to the chest.

Tutting in disappointment, the Marquess stood over me again, saying "3-27. I think that's enough for today, no?"

I gulped for air, my ribs aching.

Twirling her blade a few times, the Marquess placed it back on a rack before looking towards the sky.

As she stared upwards, I got to my feet, clutching my ribs before shakily drawing another healing rune.

The aching dissipated as I kept the spell active, my bones mending any cracks and the muscles knitting themselves back together.

Letting out a groan, I glared at the Marquess, who just looked back down at me with a grin.

"They should be back by now. Curious to see what your Mistress got for her two new wives?"

I raised a brow at her, shaking my head at her provocation before making my way inside.

Standing in the main hall, I waited only for a few minutes before watching the large doors swing open, a grinning Countess chuckling as she looked up at her daughter.

Seeing me, the Countess' grin widened, and she scurried over to me, saying "I think you'll like it!"

I furrowed my brows, confused.

Wasn't Jahi going out to get things for Anput and Leone?"

Seeing the slightly purple cheeks of the demoness, I walked forwards to meet her, helping her out of her coat before looking at the three wrapped packages in her hand.

She gently smiled down at me, taking a deep breath before handing me one.

Tilting my head, I looked at the package before hearing "Open it, Kat..."

Nodding, I unwrapped the paper around the small box, my heartbeat quickening as I wondered if it was what I thought it was.

Lifting the lid of the box, I stared in shock at the golden ring set inside the velvet box.

Set in the center were two teardrop stones, one amethyst and one amber, gleaming brightly in the light.

Looking back up at Jahi, I watched as she pulled the ring out of the box, slipping it carefully onto my finger.

The band expanded to fit my left ring finger, and she ran her thumb over the ring lovingly.

"After the weddings with Anput and Leone, I plan on officially announcing you as my wife, Kat. Mom will raise both you and Miss Julie to the status of a Baron, and you will be able to stand by my side, officially, as my third wife. Of course, we both know you will always be first..."

Her voice lowered to a whisper, and she gently cupped my cheek.

Looking up at her warm amethyst eyes, I bit my lip as my vision blurred, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Chucking, Jahi leaned forwards and kissed me, before pulling me into her.

Releasing my lips, she smiled at the Countess, who was grinning back at her.

"Oh, don't worry. You have the day to yourselves now~ Chordeva and I will write the letters to the Empress and Sultana before sending them..."

Letting out a happy noise, the Countess rushed towards her room, her lips pulled into a grin as she muttered to herself.

Stroking my hair as she held me, Jahi whispered "I know it will take a while... likely after we graduate from the Academy, but I want to let everyone know how much you mean to me... I want to drape you in the finest silks, pin the most ornate jewelry on you... I want to show you off, letting others know how proud and lucky I am to have you in my life."

My tears kept flowing as I clung to her, melting in her embrace as her words wrapped gently around my heart.

"Most importantly... I want others to respect you. I know what the Academy will be like; our peers won't even send a glance your way, and if they do it will be one of disdain. The thought of that fills me with rage..."

Growling, her eyes shone gold, and I chuckled as I cried.

"I n-never would have cared about their thoughts..."

Jahi laughed as well, before whispering "But I do."

She held me close to her, before leading me back to our room.

The ring felt warm on my finger, and the weight sent shivers through my body.

It was the first time I had ever felt anything like this...

Something I would likely have never felt in my previous life...


Again, a few more chapters before the Academy, and that will include a chapter dedicated to the Shop Feature. Besides that, I think I have everything done for her early life...


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