My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty

*continuation from chapter 14 and Alex pov in chapter 11.


"Relax, you are still alive."

Narrowing my eyes, I watched in utter confusion as my mother attended to the she-wolf that had tormented me in the past.

The brunette, with wide eyes nodded at my mother, her teeth clenched together. Her and my mother had never been very fond of each other, and seeing them together right now made me curious.

My mother turned around to face me. "You will never do that again," she warned, her eyes cold. "I didn't raise you to be like that."

I fought the urge to snap back at the older woman, wanting to tell her that she had done everything but raise me. Instead, I ignored the inner turmoil within me.

"Mother," I said through gritted teeth. "What are you doing here?"

My mother pursed her lips. "Dear, I couldn't miss the party your missus was hosting," she responded, shrugging. "Seems as though, I still managed to show up late."

My brows knitted together at her words. "You came for the ceremony," I repeated, sternly, hardly believing my ears. "You don't care for pack ceremonies, Mother."

The woman snarled. "Are you saying that I am lying right now, Alexander?"

Sighing, I rubbed my index finger over my temple in frustration. "No, of course not."

"Very well then, son," she continued, pleased with my answer. "Jessica, darling. I want to say that I am surprised to find you here but since I am not, I will not say that," the older lady told the brunette, her voice filled with authority, as if to prove her rank.

The brunette appeared frozen in shock, her gaze lowered as she sat there on the ground by a tree, her jaw clenched.

"I will leave quietly," the brunette said in a panic. "Please. I don't want any issues."

My mother burst out laughing at the mere wolf's words, an evil laugh that made a rare appearance. I frowned as I awaited for the woman who had birthed me to compose herself, not understanding what the hell was going on.

"Now, dear," she said after composing herself. "After coming all the way here, it would be quite the waste to leave without telling my son, wouldn't it now, Jess?"

The wolf in question turned her gaze on me in shock, her dark eyes told me she was furious. I narrowed my eyes at her, surprised to find her hold my gaze. The girl had no ounce of respect for anyone.

"Don't you want to know, Alexander, my dear boy?"

At my mother's words, I snapped my head in her direction.

"I am not interested in anything related to her," I spat, my voice hard and cold. "Mother, guide her out of my territory for I don't know what will happen if she doesn't disappear out of my sight."

My mother guarded me with icy cold eyes. "You must have forgotten who I am," she warned, her eyes narrowing. "Do not speak to me in that manner, Alexander."

"Mother," I said, warningly.

The woman held her hand up to signal that I remain quiet, making my wolf growl loudly at the disrespect.

She was my mother, but she was also the woman that had left me after my father's passing. She left me with a pack at the age of fifteen, and even though, I respected her because she had birthed me, I couldn't stand how she treated me, with such little respect. She had hardly been around, travelling to avoid her own life.

It angered me that she had the audacity to appear every few months at her convenience.

"Jessica, where is he?" my mother asked, her hand on her waist as she waited a response from the brunette.

The brunette raised herself from the ground, dusting off the twigs that had caught on to the yellow fabric of her dress.

Clearing her throat, she said, "I need to speak with Alexander, alone."

My mother raised a brow at her, a smirk playing on her lips. "Oh. Feeling quite brave now, are we?"

The brunette glanced at me, her jaw squared. I had to hold myself back from attacking her, feeling anger course through me just at the sight of her. My wolf despised her, and so did I.

"If you don't let me speak with him alone," the brunette warned, her brown eyes on me. "I will see it so you never get a chance to see Kai again."

The grin on my mothers' face was quickly morphed in to a frown, before anger flashed in her eyes.

"You little ungrateful bitch," she sneered, approaching the brunette until she was right before her. "I will give you a day. If I haven't got my grandchild in my hands by tomorrow, I will ensure that I have your head instead."

The brunette gasped softly, but her eyes remained on me. My brows twitched as my mothers' words replayed in my head.

"Grandchild?" I repeated, in pure disbelief.

My mother turned her head towards me. Giving me a once over, she scoffed. "I suppose you need some time alone with the father of your child, after all."

With that, my mother strutted away and disappeared in to the woods.

My wolf growled loudly, my canines digging in to my bottom lip, and my paws protruded through my knuckles.

"Alexander," the brunette cried, rushing over to me. "I can explain."

Not knowing what to do, I strutted away from her, needing to give myself space to allow the words to process in my mind.

Grandchild? The father of her child?

I was hoping I had heard wrong, or maybe this was about something else. But, I already knew what my brain refused to process. My wolf was practically screaming the words at me.

When I reached the nearest waterfall, I managed to breathe as the icy, cold water droplets attached themselves on to my skin.

My jaw clenched and the anger I felt inside intensified as the words echoed in my mind.

"I didn't mean to hide our son," the brunette said behind me, confirming the nightmare that I thought I had imagined.

The she-wolf grabbed a hold of my hand, making me turn around to face her. My wolf was urging for me to kill her, but I was stunned, taking her appearance in.

Taking in everything that this woman had done to me. From how she had taken advantage of me, to birth a pup that apparently was mine and to hide him from me, until now. Four years later. Four fucking years.

When the girl reached up and embraced me, I was too stunned to even comprehend what she was doing.

I couldn't believe this was happening, because of her. Back then I didn't even have to worry about anyone else, I had quickly departed from her pack and never turned back again. I hadn't told anyone about what had happened because no one needed to know.

But now, everything was different. Now, I had my mate to worry about. I had my Luna, my precious Lyra. I couldn't even decipher how upset she would be to learn about this.

The thought of me sharing a pup with a mere she-wolf that had forced herself on me whilst I had been unconscious, that angered me to the point that I pulled back and was about to attack the woman in my arms, no longer able to control myself. I was ready to kill her.

That was until I felt Lyra. I thought I was imagining her, but when I pushed the brunette away from my grip and turned to face my Luna, I was in complete shock to find her charging towards us.

Before Lyra could hurt herself, I snapped myself out of the shocked state that I was in and reached my arm forward, hoping she would listen to me.

Baby, stop. I can explain.’

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